Training goals for my 4yo

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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby heddylamar » Fri May 03, 2019 3:23 am

Maia's 6th birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I may make her a carrot cake :D

That's the only way she'll ever get carrots -- girly bolts her food, and I'm not a huge fan of dealing with those repercussions!

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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby chantal » Fri May 03, 2019 8:10 pm

heddylamar wrote:Maia's 6th birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I may make her a carrot cake :D

That's the only way she'll ever get carrots -- girly bolts her food, and I'm not a huge fan of dealing with those repercussions!

It's worth a try. I gave him a piece without icing, I thought for sure he'd eat it. But no... :lol:

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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby chantal » Sat May 04, 2019 8:43 pm

Actual training pic. We are both progressing but wow, a young horse... now working on keeping his neck out and throatlatch open but not letting him drop down on the forehand. I've got to watch his tempo too, not to fast, and it's not overly fast, just too fast for him to stay up in front. A few months ago we had to work on straightening him on the right shoulder, I was letting him go through it, subtly. My elbows, my knees, not looking down, hands together, not too high, not blocking... Trying to keep it fun and not push too hard, I pick one thing to work on when I ride and when we get it, we're done. Especially since the grass is making them pretty full of themselves. Someone didn't come in for dinner the other night, he preferred to stay out with the cows. Will post that pic too. My friend who works there sent me pics, GAH! He's ridiculous! :lol: :lol: Plus they run around so much outside, he's keeping himself pretty fit. Sigh... May might be tricky. We have another dressage clinic at the end of month and I'm really looking forward to it.

Oh, and I finally found a dressage saddle. It keeps my lower leg in a much better position than my old one does. Only 4 more weeks or so.
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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby scruffy the cat » Mon May 06, 2019 12:56 am

Aww, @chantal. Happy birthday to Mikey. BIP let me ride his half sister today and it was So. Much. Fun. Enjoy!

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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby chantal » Tue May 07, 2019 10:40 am

scruffy the cat wrote:Aww, @chantal. Happy birthday to Mikey. BIP let me ride his half sister today and it was So. Much. Fun. Enjoy!

And here I thought all his bad habits would be gone when he turned 5, no more nipping and such... :lol:

How is BIP's mare doing? So awesome! If you are ever in the area, you are welcome to ride Mikey as well.

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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby heddylamar » Tue May 07, 2019 8:22 pm

Mikey is looking great under saddle!! The stripe slipping off his nose is adorable.

I hear you on the saddle fitting. My dressage saddle works great (adjustable tree and wide panels), but the jumping saddle is a non-starter. Have you heard anything about Harrison Saddle Fit? She's out of Taneytown.

It'll be 2 years in August of Maia being here, and we still have a few growing "baby" bad habits to conquer. We've been working on GTF out of the human's space since day 1, and she has improved ... but after a second stall incident last week, my BO and I have decided to up the intensity. There's too much room for injury there! It's not like she hasn't been handled daily since birth, but Maia has a long-held belief that she's a (rather hefty) lap dog.

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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby chantal » Tue May 07, 2019 11:36 pm

heddylamar wrote:Mikey is looking great under saddle!! The stripe slipping off his nose is adorable.

I hear you on the saddle fitting. My dressage saddle works great (adjustable tree and wide panels), but the jumping saddle is a non-starter. Have you heard anything about Harrison Saddle Fit? She's out of Taneytown.

It'll be 2 years in August of Maia being here, and we still have a few growing "baby" bad habits to conquer. We've been working on GTF out of the human's space since day 1, and she has improved ... but after a second stall incident last week, my BO and I have decided to up the intensity. There's too much room for injury there! It's not like she hasn't been handled daily since birth, but Maia has a long-held belief that she's a (rather hefty) lap dog.

Aw, thank you. He really tries, and he has a great attitude.

GTF, snort! Yup, too much room for injury, I agree. Personal space is important. Mikey gets an elbow if he's rude. But I've been working on rubbing his muzzle if he seems like he's just checking in.

There are 2 people at our place that use Harrison at our place. PM me if you want to discuss.

Mikey scraped his hock somehow and we are resting for a couple of days. Hoping to see improvement tomorrow or I'll be calling the vet. 2 steps forward, 1 step back. At least we're progressing.

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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby heddylamar » Wed May 08, 2019 3:45 am

Ouch! Hopefully it's just the second day doldrums. I swear all injuries get worse before they finally start to heal.

Elbows are my go-to, but Maia is completely impervious :shock: :lol:

I will PM.

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Re: Training goals for my 4yo

Postby chantal » Tue May 28, 2019 2:31 am

A few pics from a clinic yesterday. I remembered to look up after calming down and the photographer (DH) switched to video. Starting SI and working on keeping him off the right shoulder.

Lots to work on but we accomplished my main goal, working on the right lead canter and figuring out how to get me to be able to help him. I get so stuck and wanting to be down on his right shoulder doesn't help. We got it yesterday. Now I just have to do it.
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