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Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:32 pm
by Srhorselady
One of the problems with having senior horses is that in the natural course of events you lose them. I lost my Minature stallion Sparky last Sunday night. He was 25 and came into my life when a friend brought him to board with me about 15 years ago. Three years later I lost his owner to an inoperable brain tumor and Sparky became mine. He was a handsome perky guy, a silver dapple with a slate gray body and platinum long mane and tail. He had some chronic health issues, Cushings and Heaves, but his health had been stable for many years. It was a major shock to go out and find him breathing heavily with a fever over 105 F. I called the vet and started sponging with ice water. We got his fever down to 103, but his gums weren't good and his heart rate was at 200. The vet said the prognosis wasn't good, but he had started to act a Little livelier so I decided to haul to the hospital for blood tests and ultrasound. I wanted to give him a chance if at all possible. He wasn't good when we arrived and was euthanized shortly after. It's hard to lose them. Although he had no colic symptoms the surgeon on call is 80% sure there was either an obstruction or a twist.

Re: Loss

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:47 pm
by Tsavo
Huge loss. He sounds so wonderful. I am so sorry.

Re: Loss

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:51 pm
by Flight
He sounds like he was lovely, so sorry for your loss :(

Re: Loss

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:03 am
by Moutaineer
Ah, I'm sorry, that would leave a huge hole. I love my little guy--he's just such a huge character.

Re: Loss

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:15 am
by Chisamba
My sympathy is so sad to say goodbye to the old ones.
I used to have a herd of aged horses and it turns out they passed one after the other. For a while I felt like a grim reaper.

Re: Loss

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:36 am
by amygdala
so sorry you've lost Sparky-- i've lost a horse and a cat this year-- big holes!

Re: Loss

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 10:57 pm
by Backyarder3
so sad, it's so hard...hugs

Re: Loss

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:09 am
by Josette
I'm so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a sweet little guy. Sparky was the name of my little dog I lost this summer. He was my heart dog. :(

Re: Loss

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:17 am
by demi
So sorry

Re: Loss

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:00 am
by Abby Kogler
Sorry to read this sad post. Sometimes little ones have big personalities and sounds like Sparky was one of them. Take comfort knowing that you tried, and eased his suffering and sent him off, loved. Every animal should be so lucky.

Re: Loss

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:29 pm
by Srhorselady
Thank you all for your kind words. I really appreciate them. This has been a hard week and I've tried to keep busy. Since Sparky was one of my more "stable" seniors health wise, I'm now a little paranoid. I hauled the senior dog into the vet for blood tests since she has been drinking to excess and panting. After $300 plus in tests all is normal. I've also been checking the other four senior horses and the senior cat extra closely. I cleaned 6 bridles this weekend. And my brother (who lost a senior dog last month) and I scheduled a long discussed trip to visit an out of state elderly uncle. Losing one makes you realize how important all your seniors are. Thank you all.

Re: Loss

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:03 pm
by PaulaO
I'm sorry for your loss of Sparky. Do you have a picture you could post of him? He sounds lovely.

Re: Loss

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:07 pm
by khall
I'm sorry for your loss. It is hard to lose them unexpectedly. Gopspeed Sparky.

Re: Loss

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:28 pm
by DJR
I'm so sorry for your loss. I was just today thinking about the inevitable day (hopefully not for many, many years still) when I will lose one of mine, especially Jet who I've had almost 10 yrs now. It made me catch my breath just thinking about it, the enormity of the emotion I hold for each of them. So when I see posts about someonoe else losing their cherished horse, I so definitely "get it" as we all do.

May his spirit live within your heart forever.

Re: Loss

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:37 pm
by Srhorselady
Thank you for your sympathy. There have been so many losses to people on this board recently. Every time it reminds me of all of mine. We wouldn't be on this board if we didn't treat our animals like family.

Re: Loss

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:42 am
by Hayburner
So sorry for loss. You gave him a good life and good care up to his final time with you. Take comfort knowing you were there for him.

As the owner of a 30 year old, I know each day I have him is a blessing.

Re: Loss: srhoselady

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:04 am
by KathyP
I have been there, experienced the death of my beloved equines in the past. I am 67 now, and had my first horse 60 years ago--he died within 6 months of my buying him but I loved him "forever "and so so much before that. .He was a "rental" horse. I didn't get over that, his death. The barn I bought him from had said he was "SIX years old, but, he was 26!!"...Geez. I was a young girl: my father bought him for me--we knew nothing. Maybe it would not have mattered as to how I loved this horse. Don't make me cry here. The recent horse I had to put down was 28 years old. I owned him for over 20 years. My second horse is now 14 and suffered a huge tendon/ligament injury close to the time I had to put my 28 year old horse down. I cannot find any words to soothe you in your loss because there are not any. NO. I just want to say that I hope to provide you with knowledge that you are not alone in your suffering and also to hold you in big hug for what you are suffering. It is HUGE. I know this. Please accept my most kindest regards. I am so sorry.

Re: Loss

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:34 am
by Srhorselady
Thank you KathyP. Although you never forget them time does help. I have lost others over the years and it always hurts. The stress of dealing with your other horses's health issues doesn't help while you are dealing with grief either. Good luck with a successful rehab.

Re: Loss

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:35 pm
by amygdala
my horse Gristle died a year ago this week. yes, time passing does help. most of the time

Re: Loss

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:25 pm
by 4Horse
I'm sorry for your loss. It's always difficult, just take it one day at a time.

I lost a horse just over a year ago a week before we were moving, very unexpected, was equally hard on the other horses as they not only lost a herd member but were uprooted from their farm where they had spent many years. My remaining 4 horses are ages 19-32. As horse or animal lovers we have all experienced loss, I cope by reminding myself that we are their guardians to see them thru their lives; give them love, a safe home and hope for them to have long happy lives.

Re: Loss

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:23 pm
by Srhorselady
Thank you 4horse and welcome to the board. I lost Sparky about 18 months ago and still remember the horrible shock of it. It is so traumatic when it is unexpected. This has been a bad 18 months for me. I lost my 31 year old Thoughbred last May and had to PTS my beautiful red mare in December. She has had several chronic health issues for several years that we were fighting and then her coffin bone totally rotated. Although the X-rays showed there was no hope since she wasn’t acting any differently I waited. Then one day I looked into her eyes and saw that the pain was no longer being controlled by her meds and called my vet. I think this one was one of the hardest, but that may just be because it’s the most recent. You have my sympathy for your loss. We love them and it’s hard to lose them. I also understand the difficulties and trauma of moving. I added a new 20 year old pony mare last fall who immediately buddied up with one of her new stablemates. My trainer suggested I split them up so there wouldn’t be problems. However, I thought she’d been through enough change and elected not to split them up. She’s a little noisy when he goes out, but it’s okay. She’s cute and loves to go out herself.

Anyway welcome to you and your ponys.