Nexgard spectra
Nexgard spectra
I recently adopted two new dogs. Never had to do the rescue route before as so many were just dumped at my farm. Anyway, this rescue uses nexgard spectra , does flea/tick/heartworm and other worms. I did order some, isn't available in the states but I worry about everything. Anyone use this or know much about it? I have three months left over of interceptor plus from my old dog, I will use on one of the dogs, he wasn't in the rescue long. The other was there since she was a tiny puppy and is six months old now.
Re: Nexgard spectra
Interesting, must be a new product. I use nextguard for my dog but not the Spectra version....this new version seems to be a combination of parasite, flea and tick meds all in one. I would probably call the vet - but I would start Nextguard 30 days out from when you want it to be "active" such as Feb or March for coverage by April. (ie- now). I have seen ticks already
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