Any runners here?

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Any runners here?

Postby Flight » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:51 am

I can't really call myself a runner, but a wannabee one maybe. But a couple of questions for anyone who's been at it for a while...

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Ike » Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:28 pm

I suppose I am a runner. I don't maintain very high mileage, much prefer trail running to road running, and do a couple of ultra marathons a year.

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby StraightForward » Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:51 pm

Sort of. I've only been getting out about once a week lately, but I'm hoping to pick it up a little more this winter. I have a half marathon on Saturday that is going to be a trainwreck due to my lack of training, but at least I get to have a celebration dinner afterwards and pig out. :lol:
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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Xcaliper » Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:59 pm

I finally feel like I can call myself a runner. Ran my first half marathon two weeks ago! :D I was told, if you are out there running, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or slow you are, you are a runner.

I can try to answer any questions you might have...

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Flight » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:06 pm

Yep, you guys are all runners!! Ultra marathons! Holey moley!

I do... 5km...... well I've done two 10km now!

Sooo, I'm only running for fitness, not to do any races. I've started and stopped many times, usually at around 6 months I get fed up of being a bit sore, having a terrible stitch etc.
However, this time round (I've been going about 2 months), I'm trying to be a bit kinder on myself but I don't want to be too soft.

How often do you run? If you were training for say a half marathon or whatever (I could scale the distances back to 'mine') how long are your runs? How much time off after a long run?
How important is it to buy new shoes? Does it really matter?
Do you warm up before you go or stretch? I just start at a walk for a couple of minutes, then slow trot then go to my normal running (shuffle) pace.
I get funny little pains if I try and go faster, like right now I get one in my chest wall (don't worry it's not cardiac!) and if I slow down it goes away.. but I'm not particularly working hard for it to start up. I think these gradually go away as I get fitter?

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby StraightForward » Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:30 pm

Flight wrote:Yep, you guys are all runners!! Ultra marathons! Holey moley!

I do... 5km...... well I've done two 10km now!

Sooo, I'm only running for fitness, not to do any races. I've started and stopped many times, usually at around 6 months I get fed up of being a bit sore, having a terrible stitch etc.
However, this time round (I've been going about 2 months), I'm trying to be a bit kinder on myself but I don't want to be too soft.

How often do you run? If you were training for say a half marathon or whatever (I could scale the distances back to 'mine') how long are your runs? How much time off after a long run?
How important is it to buy new shoes? Does it really matter?
Do you warm up before you go or stretch? I just start at a walk for a couple of minutes, then slow trot then go to my normal running (shuffle) pace.
I get funny little pains if I try and go faster, like right now I get one in my chest wall (don't worry it's not cardiac!) and if I slow down it goes away.. but I'm not particularly working hard for it to start up. I think these gradually go away as I get fitter?

How often? Ideally for me, 3-4 days a week. However like I mentioned, I'm only running 1-2 days and doing a HM soon enough. My longest run a couple weeks ago was 10.4 miles. I'd planned to do a ~12 miler two weeks before the race but my weekend plans were upended by selling my horse. If I was training properly, I'd probably do my long run, working up to 12-14 miles, on Saturday, and then do an "easy" 4 miler on Monday, a 5-mile run on Wednesday, and then maybe intervals or hills on Thursday for anywhere between 3 and 6 miles, so total volume would be typically 20-25 miles.

Shoes - yes, they break down. Replace them, especially if the bottoms start wearing unevenly. I wear minimalist shoes and find they're only good for about 300 miles tops.

I don't stretch first. I'll walk the first 1/4 mile or so and might do some lunges or grapevines or high knees and stretch my arms and shoulders as I walk if I'm feeling stiff. If I stretch at all, it's more stretching out my hamstrings or anything else that feels tight at the end of the run. A foam roller is good to have on hand to work out any more stubborn knots and stiff muscles.

Many things go away as you get fitter, but just pay attention and don't "push through" nagging or worsening pains. My rule of thumb is if the pain or twinge goes away after running for a bit, I don't worry about it, but if it persists or gets worse, I back off on the speed or distance, or cross train to give the body part a break.

The nice thing I've found with running is that I can let my volume ebb and flow and it's not too hard to get back into it, so it's fine to take a week or two off, especially if you're cross training, to allow a minor injury to heal. I find that my knees appreciate the breaks and get cranky if I do 20+ miles week after week.
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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Ganas » Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:08 am

How often do you run?
Five days a week, alternating workouts in intensity and duration. Only one "hard" run a week, that being defined as pushing the envelope.

Example: Tuesday- Medium distance loosening run Wed- Short distance easy run Thurs- hills or intervals Fri- day off Sat- short distance loosening run Sun- loooong run.

(Modified for whatever kind of race I'm targeting, of course)

If you were training for say a half marathon how long are your runs? Depends on how serious about the race I am! If serious my long runs will be over 13.1 miles, if not serious maybe only 10 miles.

How much time off after a long run? Depends on how long and hard the run was. Usually only a day within a normal training cycle, but a hard long race I sometimes take a lot of time off. Like a week. Or more.

How important is it to buy new shoes? Extremely. I tend to replace them around 300 miles or so. Does it really matter? Very, very much. I use an app to track miles on shoes.

Do you warm up before you go or stretch?

I walk briskly for 100 yards or so, jog the first mile or so, MAYBE do some dynamic stretching at that point, then run. I don't stretch a whole lot afterwards. Mostly my left IT band because it's wonky.

Mostly it sounds like I run much like StraightForward does!

I do find that I'm pretty specific as far as conditioning goes. If I'm training for summit races my legs are strong but slow- if training for faster and flatter I am faster bit not as strong. Right now I'm pretty out of shape as far as running goes, I have a 4.5 mile 1,000 feet of elevation gain race this weekend that's going to be a laugh!

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Flight » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:55 am

Straightforward and Ganas, thankyou!!

From reading your replies I think i"m doing the right thing this time round by not trying to run every day and faster each time! I think i broke myself trying to do this :)

I'm aiming for 3 or 4 times per week, with one longer run and 2 or 3 shorter ones. I do shift work, so sometimes I have to do 2 or 3 days in a row and have the same off.
Ok, shoes.. I'll invest in a new pair soon. Mine are oooold.

Warmup/stretching.. sounds like I'm thinking the same stuff.
That's great if it's not too much of a problem taking a bit of time off now and then. I used to panic if I had 2 days off thinking I'd lose everything I'd gained.

Goodluck with your races this weekend :)

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Ganas » Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:27 am

Thanks! The only thing I would also recommend, and maybe you already know this, is to try to buy shoes that are designed for your foot biomechanics. It can really help prevent injuries. If you have a running store near you they can help- some even have treadmills.

There has been a lot of discussion about minimalist shoes and how they affect running form and prevent injuries. But now the trend has flung the other way and the over cushioned Hokas are all the rage, especially with ultrarunners.

Me, I own a couple pairs of minimalist but do most of my running in either neutral or guidance shoes. I don't like to use just one shoe all the time because I think my feet benefit from having change. I do want to try the Hokas at some point.

Also important- don't forget to break in your new shoes gradually. Some can be fine, but IMO sometimes a new pair will change my biomechanics slightly and I'll end up stressing something if I take a new pair out for a long run.

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby heddylamar » Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:38 am

Don't try to increase your speed with each run. That takes time, conditioning, and training. Your speed will naturally increase as your fitness does, and once you've been running for a while, look into interval training.

Days off don't mean your body will forget everything. At your stage, I was running 3 times a week. I still do occasionally when time, weather, and life conspire to cut into running time.

If something's tight in my legs/hips, I'll stop mid-run and loosen it up. Otherwise, I rarely stretch.

I keep a mile log that includes a mile count for shoes, but I'm running 40+ miles/week. For you, just keep an eye on the soles of your shoes. Overwear is pretty obvious, but padding is harder to see. Padding always announces itself to me in the form of sudden arch or shin pain -- neither are a normal thing for me.

To echo Ganas, get yourself to a running store to be fitted. Once you have a brand/model that work, you can just order new online. I've been wearing the same brand/model for 10+ years. I occasionally try something different, only once have I not regretted that. But the new shoes (more minimalist) are not suitable for long runs for me. My feet are definitely different than Ganas'!

Good luck!

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Ganas » Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:50 am

heddy, which model have you been able to run in for 10 years?

My complaint is that with each year they change the model and sometimes I have to switch models because of it. Mostly I run in Sauconys, but recently bought a pair of Asics because I didn't like how the latest and greatest upgrade of the Hurricane felt.

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby heddylamar » Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:02 pm

Hurricanes. Lol. I'm one of the few who really like the latest Hurricanes. Much better for me than previous pairs. I have to wear inserts with a bit more arch support. The ISO model are more flexible -- which was previously my chief complaint -- too stiff.

I've got a pair of Zealots too right now. They're great for my arches, but they don't offer enough padding under the balls of my feet for anything over 10 miles.

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Ganas » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:02 pm

Lol! Yeah to the arch support in the Hurricanes. I've had to run in them with arch support on my right foot but not my left. Crazy feet. Still better than most- it always seems to be something- not enough arch but the forefoot and heel fit is good, etc. In a lot of shoes the arch seems to be too far back for me and it will press on my PF and irritate the heck out of it.

I've always said I wish I could run in my Crocs, they're a perfect fit. And actually, I have. Only like 2 mIles at a time. Rocks get in the holes. :(

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Flight » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:25 am

Another question!

Do you ever have days where running feels sooooo hard. But for no specific reason?

Today all I managed was 3.4 km, then I stopped. I wasn't short of breath, no stitches, no pains but my body just wouldn't GO!
I had to push myself to get that. The first km is usually a bit of a struggle then I warm up and cruise along until I'm tired/SOB.

These runs pop up now and then, and I never know if it's going to be good or bad until I start. So strange because there's no obvious reason.
Is this a 'usual' thing, or do I need to just harden up :roll:

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Ganas » Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:06 pm

Sometimes yes. I'm one of those people who never really gets sick, mostly I get some sort of very mild malaise that shows up when I try to exert myself. So that's some of it.

Otherwise I also feel I get those days when I'm consistently pushing too much. It will show up most on the day after a day or two off of running but be better the next day. Instead of feeling fresh and rested i feel dull and thick. So now I tend to use that as a measure of overtraining.

And thirdly, if I've eaten too much. It doesn't take much to do it, and I'm talking overall volume for the day, not just time between a big meal and a run.

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby StraightForward » Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:32 pm

Flight wrote:Another question!

Do you ever have days where running feels sooooo hard. But for no specific reason?

Today all I managed was 3.4 km, then I stopped. I wasn't short of breath, no stitches, no pains but my body just wouldn't GO!
I had to push myself to get that. The first km is usually a bit of a struggle then I warm up and cruise along until I'm tired/SOB.

These runs pop up now and then, and I never know if it's going to be good or bad until I start. So strange because there's no obvious reason.
Is this a 'usual' thing, or do I need to just harden up :roll:

Yes, I have those days where I feel like my legs are full of cement. Rather than cutting it short, I'll walk more and finish the planned distance so it's not a "get of out jail free" card.
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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Flight » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:38 pm

Thanks girls! That's given me some things to think about.
I don't think I'm over training, but I'd had a long day at work the day before, getting home at 10pm, up early the next day and a big morning with the horse, didn't eat until midday and ate heaps of fritters! Then fell asleep on the couch for an hour, then woke up and decided to run.
I think I have my answer for that day.

And good idea to walk out the rest of the distance, so I don't just throw in the towel.

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Xcaliper » Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:41 am

I run 3x a week. Training for my half, I did 2 short runs (5k, leading up to 6.5 and 8K "short" runs) and one longer run. I never added more than 1 mile (1.6k) to my long run each week. There are many training plans out there for running 5k, 10k, halfs, etc. It helps having a plan. I used the Hal Higdon plan for the half.

Interval training is a great way to build endurance and cardiovascular. That can be walk/run intervals - run 5, 7, 10 minutes and walk 1 min (no more) - or it can be fartleks - vary your speed randomly through your run (it should be fun and playful!). Its a slow process, but if you run regularly, you will see progress.

Yes, I have good and bad days. Sometimes when I feel like I've really struggled, I come home and find out (from my run app Runtastic) that I actually ran a faster pace than normal. Sometimes, I just am tired or haven't fueled properly, am dehydrated. Its okay, every once in a while to cut a run short if you're feeling crappy. You'll get to know when you should push through and when to throw in the towel. There are many times I just don't feel like running but I get out and do it anyway. I almost always feel great after and glad I ran.

Sneakers: rotating through a couple of pairs reduces your risk of injury, according to studies. I have three pairs of Champion, cheapies from Payless and they are the BEST sneakers I have ever run in. And they were $35/pair! They are minimalist types but work for me. I trained for and ran my half in them. You need to find what works for you.

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Flight » Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:55 am

Thanks Xcaliper :)

I tried again the next day and was much better. I think I might have to get new shoes, my feet get sore now.

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby angelanavejas » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:28 pm

I finally last feel like I can call myself a runner. Ran my first half marathon two weeks prior

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Flight » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:40 am

Congrats angel! How was it?

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby Flight » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:28 pm

Hey, I've been sticking to my little runs. Getting better, no bad stitch, no real pains, getting faster.

EXCEPT, did another 10km, didn't have to walk or even slow down.. ok perhaps in the last few 100m I was probably running sideways. Today my feet hurt! Like footsore I suppose.
Does this just go away, like your feet get stronger as you do more longer runs? Or is it a definitely need new shoes thing?

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Re: Any runners here?

Postby StraightForward » Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:30 pm

Yes, your feet will get stronger, but don't run in worn-out shoes. ;)

What are you running in? When I went from a neutral shoe to a minimalist shoe I spent ~3 months building up mileage in the minimalist shoe (meaning, I did my longer runs in the neutral for quite a while). A stability shoe will do more of the work for your foot, so you probably won't build up the same foot strength over time, but in the short term probably won't notice the same effect of longer distances. And well done on running 10k straight. IME, once you can do that, you're golden for training for a half or whatever you want to do.
Keep calm and canter on.

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