I like seeing and following everyones goals, trials, successes and hard things. Thanks to everyone posting.
The universe seems like it is finally giving me a bit of a breather. After my third left foot tendon reconstruction Nov 3 and several infections I had another surgery June 7 which revealed a staph abcess surrounding a little nest of fibrewire. So after 10 months of antibiotics, crutches, non weight bearing, casts, boots, and splints, I am finally pretty ambulatory. What a long year it has been. 6 weeks ago I broke badly my big toe on my *other* foot, so was back in a splint/boot on *that* foot. At least I was bilaterally lame. It still hurts and is swollen but getting better. My tendon foot will never be normal but sleeping in a boot/splint and wearing splints during the day should keep me functional for a while. I cant wear clogs any more. I feel naked without my clogs!
My left leg was at least a third smaller than my right and felt awkward and useless. My already dominant right hip and leg are even more so now. I was able to ride a few times in between infections (usually bareback as I couldnt use the stirrup anyway with my big boot) and every time I rode my horses would shoot left. They must have wondered why Mom only wanted to go left. Feldenkrais and PT have helped and I work alternating without one stirrup and do all the work I learned at the Centered Riding certification. I am actually finally able to get my boots on and be in a stirrup and I am able to post. My stamina is way down and at first man I felt lie crap, it was so discouraging. I feel better every week though.
The horses are fine and Im sure were surprised when I brought a saddle out >;-> 'Huh? We thought we were retired?! Whats this riding thing?" So we are all very out of shape but getting better. I lost a whole year of property work (we moved and then I had the surgery) so I am planting, organizing the barn, etc etc. It feels great to be back to somewhat normal.
I am auditioning for acceptance in to the Legerete USA Trainers course in October. Bertrand has seen me auditing for the last year and a half and has seen me for the last almost year on crutches and in a boot so he said he does not expect me to be 100%. I asked if I had to actually ride or could I just talk about it >;-> ha! But I should be a little stronger by then. I am excited.
Current horses are:
Lafit M, Danish imported, 18, second level
Weltmann, 19, US Hann 4th level
Max, TB, mid twenties? ex everything, field hunter, jumper, who knows.
Riwaldo, 20, Hann 2nd level
Lover, 25 KWPN 3rd.
Everyone is sound and happy in what little work we are doing. I mainly walk but do much much 'school' work just walking. Also free lunging which kept them at least a little fit, though it was sporadic since it was hard to do anything on crutches
I sold Bella, the pretty KWPN mare I had with Jeremy Steinberg, to a client of his in Illinois.
I put Lars down, his physical issues (neck and others) could not be addressed after 16 months and he was dangerous to handle and work around. I could do it with comfort but when I had to have my surgery I couldn't risk having him hurt the people helping me. That was pretty rough.
Husband not in good health but stable and we live the new normal that cancer means in ones life.
And so my Sept/Oct goal is to get accepted in to Legerete, be able to post more than five minutes, get my left leg stronger, and finish landscaping the barn and new house! I ordered the Soloshot when it was first offered so maybe that will FINALLY come. I cant wait for that.
Good luck all and thanks for sharing your stories.