I've decided I want to switch from my curb with short shanks to a standard shank bit. He isn't picky about bits and so I think i like the look of the standard length better, so I'm going to switch.... this of course has led me into bit land, which has way too many options.
Before I buy another HS bit, I happened to come across this and thought it was interesting (and WAY cheaper):
https://www.equestriancollections.com/e ... -bottom-cp
Has anyone ever purchased a metalab bit and if so thoughts on it? Certainly a nice price range relative to the nearly $300 for the HS bit.
Metalab bits?
Re: Metalab bits?
I have, I found they discolored quite a bit over time.
- Chisamba
- Bringing Life to the DDBB
- Posts: 4538
- Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:33 pm
- Location: New Jersey
Re: Metalab bits?
I have. Haven't had a problem
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