Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Tsavo » Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:54 am

Ryeissa wrote:
Tsavo wrote:If any apologies for broken line upward are due I suggest they start with the top riders in the world. Then maybe we will move down the line.

? what does this mean?

(no apologies are due)

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Tsavo » Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:59 am

Just to be clear, my point was the most successful riders ride with a broken line upward as a way of life not in a moment. Thus anyone else who is doing that is doing nothing wrong in terms of being effective and successful.

The equitation books need re-writing based on empirical evidence in hand.

I hope that was clear.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Rosie B » Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:17 am

MC clearly stated her opinion, but I don’t see her telling anyone what to do.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Tsavo » Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:33 am

I think I need to add that broken line upward should not be equated with the Légéreté crowd. These things are not related. I am talking elite riders none of whom are Légéreté except Karl.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Chisamba » Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:00 pm

After a look at a bunch of easily Googled photos of Isabell, Charlotte, Carl, Helen and anyone I could think of, I did not see a single photo if broken line upwards from the bridoon. If course we already discussed that 5 people can see the same photo differently.

If course my cross bred rescue is about as far removed from the top superhorses that its immaterial to my daily riding.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Aleuronx » Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:09 pm

And now for something completely different...

We have big plans for September, heading out to our Regional Championships to see the sights and sounds. I'll be able to get lessons in the warmup from my trainer and get her out and about while also cheering on friends and volunteering as well. This will be my own horse show vacation and I'm very much looking forward to it!

In terms of goals: More field hacking and hillwork
Schooling show/s
Successful Regionals trip
Improve the balance in the canter, allow the shoulders to come up
Work to build on transitions between gaits and within a little bit

Headed over yesterday for a lesson and Kora was so much fun. We got lots of good information for our next steps. I'll post some of the canter work and the stretch which I'm super pleased about. This is the best developing stretch we've had so far.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:41 pm

Tsavo wrote:I think I need to add that broken line upward should not be equated with the Légéreté crowd. These things are not related. I am talking elite riders none of whom are Légéreté except Karl.

I haven't seen anyone do this, but please share of photos of what you are seeing then we can evaluate.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:10 pm

Rosie B wrote:MC clearly stated her opinion, but I don’t see her telling anyone what to do.

The fact that Rye’s interpretation was that MC was telling someone to change their style says a lot more about Rye than it does about MC.

Ummmm try again.... Dressur shares the sentiment it was negative. MC has a history of this tone. Don't bring me into this and make it personal.MC was critical of Andrea and Dressur for no reason. Again, if this was NOT intended MC really need to improve her clarity. It's not the first time she has done this sort of thing.

well not everyone on here rides in a headset just some of you (Past post and statement)

Not a good place to have a discussion, so I hope things can improve. This board is already struggling to get going, and people already are not wanting to share photos. This will only discourage participation. Don't loose two of the more experienced people here....

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Tsavo » Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:22 pm

Ryeissa wrote:
Tsavo wrote:I think I need to add that broken line upward should not be equated with the Légéreté crowd. These things are not related. I am talking elite riders none of whom are Légéreté except Karl.

I haven't seen anyone do this, but please share of photos of what you are seeing then we can evaluate.

Print a random sample and draw lines.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Dresseur » Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:34 pm

Can we not derail the training thread? I was excited that my horse and I are hopefully on the road to being fully functional, useful creatures again so I posted pics. We can always start a new thread on hand position. And yes, I felt that the tone was challenging statement, not really a question. I didn't necessarily think anyone was telling me to change, but I felt like I had to defend the photos. Hand high, hand low... ride how you want. This works for me. It works for the people that I learned from. It won't work for everyone on every horse... as I've said before - everything is a case by case basis. I've learned to be flexible and take the horse as an individual.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Tuddy » Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:02 pm

We have had about 4 inches of rain in a week and half. I live in a swamp. I miss riding my own horses. Meh.

Okay, done rant. :)

Goals for the fall, continue lessons, get my daughter back in school for the year, (she starts high school today), hopefully this weather smartens up and we can finish getting the hay crop off. Back on the healthy lifestyle wagon - I over indulged this summer.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:13 pm

Dresseur, very glad that you and Miro are making such positive steps!

We will be working, amongst other things, on strengthening the right hind in our continued search for straightness. I'm going to try the single bell boot on that hind leg every third ride technique for the next 60 days.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Josette » Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:36 pm ... -can-help/

I saw that article too about the single bell boot. I might give it a try too depending how my guy reacts to it on a hind foot.

Dresseur - wishing your Miro a speedy recovery (you too). I enjoy your photos and very detailed training technique. I always learn something new and agree each horse is unique in their learning and training process. Ride on!
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:37 pm

So many good updates! Flight, that's a lovely photo and we will never know about any others! LOL Congratulations on your PSG work and journey.

So glad to hear Miro is doing well and Dresseur is able to be back in the saddle! Glad you have such wonderful support to help you as you get back to strength. Fingers crossed for SF and Anabelle!

Moutaineer, I should try that trick with the bell boot, too. I'll be curious to hear about your experience.

Aleuronx, it's awesome seeing your lovely horse develop! You have been doing really well with your homework. :D

Between extreme heat, my health and travel, it has been a bit of a laid back summer for us. I'm looking forward to some more focussed work. In general, I'm trying to make the little timing/seat aids I've learned this year more automatic. One sign that we are getting it is that our walk-canters and canter-walks are way way more consistently uphill. I'm trying to make the quicker action of the pelvis in the canter-trot transition more automatic---I have to think about that one still!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Chancellor » Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:45 pm

Ok. This board is doing well with self policing but this one is getting a little heated. As someone who has often been accused of having a "tone" in written word, I will say that none of you know exactly what tone was implied by Musical Comedy.

Also I would like to be made aware if people are having issues with sharing photos. I have not heard that anyone was being too negative. If that is the case, then by all means, report those posts.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Chisamba » Tue Sep 03, 2019 5:36 pm

Sometimes the training thread does get derailed. We , myself included, want to be heard, included, approved of, etc.

Since I cannot change anyone else "I" shall make a point of being more open and respectful on the training thread so that no one regrets participation.

I feel like the training threads are my favorite. I love enjoying others progress, and I really enjoy those who are brave enough to post video and photos. I do get a huge amount from that.

I hope Dresseur was not offended by my posts.

Okay back to the topic at hand, xcally, aka sword head gave his first canter. He got his lead correct but only sustained it for about six strides before falling into a huge fast trot that was pretty impressive but completely out of control. Lol

I'm about to ride the queen so I'll report back later

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Chisamba » Tue Sep 03, 2019 5:41 pm

When I saw the article about the weight above the pastern on the asymmetrical leg my first thought was, yeah another step toward legitimizing saddleseat techniques in dressage.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Sue B » Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:54 pm

Last go round, my goal was to lose 20lbs, only lost 5lbs but gained muscle tone/strength and endurance so...

It has been bloody hot for a week or more now and I have wimped out of riding. Otoh, I have gotten a lot of work done around the exterior of the house so yay! Oh, and I also built and painted some jumps to use with Tio. I make Rudy go over the painted poles on the ground to build his canter too; maybe I'll take him over a little cross bar some time.

Dresseur, I am so excited for you! How wonderful to be back riding Miro. Still sending those healing jingles your way. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.

Aleronx, Kora is developing beautifully. You must be very chuffed (proud) about that.

Moutaineer, let us know how the bell boot thing goes.


Tuddy, send some of your rain our way. 8-)

I decline to engage in any side "issues." :P

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Dresseur » Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:29 pm

We’re all cool :)
Chisamba, no offense taken!
It was a good discussion, just took some weird twists and turns!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:37 am

Chisamba wrote:When I saw the article about the weight above the pastern on the asymmetrical leg my first thought was, yeah another step toward legitimizing saddleseat techniques in dressage.

Did you read the article? It has absolutely nothing to do with weight and everything to do with proprioception. it's a bellboot--about 80 grams.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Tsavo » Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:06 am

My goals are:

1. the mare passes the PPE
2. I go see her
3. I love her
4. I ship her here
5. we live happily ever after.

The goal for my boy is he grows some hoof wall that came off when the abscess defect got low enough on the hoof.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:27 am

Aleuronx, lovely horse, developing beautifully.

Moutaineer, yes I read the article.

Tsavo, really wishing you good things in your horse search.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Flight » Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:08 am

I know the discussion is over, but I do have to say I love Andrea's position, she's sitting so well on that extended trot. I did think that Charlotte Dujardin rode with quite high hands so I did go and google image Charlotte, Carl an Isabell and found only some pics showed a higher hand. Most were in line, I though this was interesting.
It's great Miro is back in work, he's been off for a while.
Aleuronx - nice vids thanks for sharing.
Tsavo, hope the mare does work out.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby mari » Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:35 am

I am embracing the suck of second level and am torturing myself with yet another show on Sunday.

Those of you who posted photos, you are truly damn awesome and inspiring. I will post my own early next week. And then you can all go to town :lol:
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:40 pm

mari wrote:I am embracing the suck of second level and am torturing myself with yet another show on Sunday.

Those of you who posted photos, you are truly damn awesome and inspiring. I will post my own early next week. And then you can all go to town :lol:

Good luck :D

I wish this was a private forum so people can't steal photos....Not saying that specifically about this forum, but it happens.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby KathyK » Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:49 am

This is my first venture into the Goals and Progress threads and I am chuffed! B arrived early June, and we spent almost two weeks getting to know each other before I hooked up with a wonderful trainer, a long-time student of George Williams. From day one, B has been difficult to ride in the snaffle. He has respect for the double and is pretty easy to ride in it. So I do my lessons in the double and, with my trainer's blessing, my goal is to get him rideable in the snaffle.

After the dentist told me last week that B has a very high palate, I chucked the double jointed snaffle and put him in a single jointed one, and we are slowly getting results.

Other than that, my goals are to refrain from tipping forward whenever I get a little anxious, like when I'm preparing for a flying change, and to refrain from stiffening in my body in lateral work. These bugaboos have been part of my riding for a long time and I'm looking forward to kissing them goodbye.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby blob » Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:01 am

About to head out of town for 12 days, so it'll be a bit of down time for my two.

MM has been doing well but I think has gotten a bit bored and dull to the work. My biggest challenge with her is always keep her mentally stimulated--she's terribly smart and gets bored with things easily. I have to find ways to up the challenge to keep her brain going, but not so much that her body doesn't have time to build the strength. The vacation is actually perfect timing, it'll give her a mental break and give me time to think of new ways in.

RP is getting restless without work even though he's been getting turnout. It's solo turnout, but it's better than nothing and he has a shared fence-line. I lunged him today and took some video so I had something to measure against when I get back. He is nearly sound, but not quite. Once I'm back, I'll start the controlled exercise the vet recommended. It will likely be some combination of hand walking, ground driving, and perhaps ponying and hopefully moving up to lunging and walking under saddle.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Chancellor » Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:40 pm

Ryeissa wrote:
mari wrote:I am embracing the suck of second level and am torturing myself with yet another show on Sunday.

Those of you who posted photos, you are truly damn awesome and inspiring. I will post my own early next week. And then you can all go to town :lol:

Good luck :D

I wish this was a private forum so people can't steal photos....Not saying that specifically about this forum, but it happens.

Stealing photos? Have you seen this happen?

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:58 pm

Chancellor wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:
mari wrote:I am embracing the suck of second level and am torturing myself with yet another show on Sunday.

Those of you who posted photos, you are truly damn awesome and inspiring. I will post my own early next week. And then you can all go to town :lol:

Good luck :D

I wish this was a private forum so people can't steal photos....Not saying that specifically about this forum, but it happens.

Stealing photos? Have you seen this happen?

Not here, no but we have to remember anytime we post on a public board anyone has access to take them. For example, on any photo here I can "slide" it to my desktop and download. This is one of the reasons I don't post.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:59 pm

Well, in honor of sharing photos, I still need to get some good canter comparison shots put together.

This is one from 2016...I think we have evolved a bit since then! :lol:

2016 canter.jpg
2016 canter.jpg (97.51 KiB) Viewed 30878 times

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby KathyK » Thu Sep 05, 2019 4:58 pm

Ryeissa wrote:
Chancellor wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:
Good luck :D

I wish this was a private forum so people can't steal photos....Not saying that specifically about this forum, but it happens.

Stealing photos? Have you seen this happen?

Not here, no but we have to remember anytime we post on a public board anyone has access to take them. For example, on any photo here I can "slide" it to my desktop and download. This is one of the reasons I don't post.

I had no idea one could do this. I just tried it and I was able to do it. (I immediately deleted the photo, which was not from this board.)

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:08 pm

KathyK wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:
Chancellor wrote:
Stealing photos? Have you seen this happen?

Not here, no but we have to remember anytime we post on a public board anyone has access to take them. For example, on any photo here I can "slide" it to my desktop and download. This is one of the reasons I don't post.

I had no idea one could do this. I just tried it and I was able to do it. (I immediately deleted the photo, which was not from this board.)

We all have different comfort levels sharing on the internet. I had some bad experiences on other sites.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Abby Kogler » Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:31 pm

Tsavo wrote:I think I need to add that broken line upward should not be equated with the Légéreté crowd. These things are not related. I am talking elite riders none of whom are Légéreté except Karl.

Just wondering how you would know many 'elite riders' do you actually personally know and ride with? did you do a study?!

And do you actually know anyone in 'the Legerete Crowd"? lolol

Anyway! After a really mild nice summer we are paying with some humidity and mid 90s weather, bleah. July was filled with company and (sigh) another broken toe but now everyone is gone, my toe is settling, and I will ride tonight.

Slick is stiff and leans as befits a horse who was in a lesson program for several years. But he is quiet and good natured and is coming around. Since my unintentional dismount the other day he has been his usual quiet self. I think he stepped into one of the cavaletti that was against the fence at maybe the same time one of the cats was crunching through the honeysuckle and maybe thought he was being grabbed about the fetlock or something. Very uncharacteristic.

The next Bertrand Ravoux clinic is mid October. My first with Slick, my first in over a year. I feel like the SPED member of the group, always lame and behind the others. He still will throw a buck in to his canters and he kicked the fence at a horsefly the other day and was pretty stung so time for some rads and exams to see what might be going on in there.

Love reading everyones updates. Thank you for sharing the posts and photos.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:54 pm

I try to not know them Abby....some get ummm very Klasdical Artistic. Its weird.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:59 pm

My riding is going super. I have a few weeks to prep for a schooling show where I want to try a harder test....there will be no public evidence of said show. Ha....
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Abby Kogler » Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:24 pm

Ryeissa wrote:I try to not know them Abby....some get ummm very Klasdical Artistic. Its weird.

Yes, so Ive heard >;->

We have one here who is useless. But I like the school, I like the method, and I love Betrand.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Chancellor » Fri Sep 06, 2019 12:30 pm

I had no idea one could do this. I just tried it and I was able to do it. (I immediately deleted the photo, which was not from this board.)

Yes, actually, you can just take a screen shot too. There is no good way to prevent that. There are ways around right clicking and downloading but nothing that I know of prevents the screen shot.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby heddylamar » Fri Sep 06, 2019 12:51 pm

I had no idea one could do this. I just tried it and I was able to do it. (I immediately deleted the photo, which was not from this board.)

Yes, actually, you can just take a screen shot too. There is no good way to prevent that. There are ways around right clicking and downloading but nothing that I know of prevents the screen shot.

Expanding on Chancellor's response: Screen shots aren't a browser feature, it's a system OS feature. There's no way to block that.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby musical comedy » Fri Sep 06, 2019 12:55 pm

heddylamar wrote:Expanding on Chancellor's response: Screen shots aren't a browser feature, it's a system OS feature. There's no way to block that.
Even if you could, someone could snap a photo on their cell phone. So what is the reason someone steals a photo. Better yet, why does someone care? I mean...if you put up a photo, then why do you care who sees it?

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Dresseur » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:14 pm

True life story as to why people steal photos...
After Paul and Andrea's break up, people obviously chose sides, because that's what people do.
One particular person took one of Andrea's photos and put it into a rather large classical FB group without Andrea's knowledge or permission with a note that invited people to critique the pic. She was clearly expecting people to rip the photo apart - unfortunately for her, everyone was by and large complimentary of the photo and a few people that knew of the Paul/Andrea situation and this woman's relationship with them spoke out against the obvious motive.

In any case, I see it most when people have vendettas against individuals or training methods, or, if you're just an awful person like the a certain person with the initials NP. (read CoTH if you don't know who this is). He stole an ammy's pics and ripped them apart and ripped her apart and posted them to "hate" FB groups.

You can also steal stuff to use as your own, like how Susan Wachovich took the video I shot and produced for Paul on lateral work, reskinned it and posted it as her own work. I can't get her to take it down.

So, you can use pictures to tear people and their training down, use stuff for your own monetary gain, or, you can hide your training methods and lack of ability by only putting out certain pics. For instance, a certain person who's book was published by someone who is a huge advocate for the horse and would absolutely die if she saw how this person actually rides and "trains".
Last edited by Dresseur on Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:20 pm

musical comedy wrote:
heddylamar wrote:Expanding on Chancellor's response: Screen shots aren't a browser feature, it's a system OS feature. There's no way to block that.
Even if you could, someone could snap a photo on their cell phone. So what is the reason someone steals a photo. Better yet, why does someone care? I mean...if you put up a photo, then why do you care who sees it?

if it's not a big deal than why don't you post photos? you said on OT that you hate horses now, so this lends me to think this attitude might relate to that. I put a lot of myself in my riding and sacrifice a lot for it, so I have a lot more at stake behind every photo. I protect that from being taken away from my control. No one else needs to see my work unless I share it and do it in a way that feels safe. The internet is Effed up.

I care as I don't like not knowing who has my stuff, how they are using it, and they can use it to say negative things. With people like Nick Peronance and Susan Warowhich around hell no I'm not playing. That is just one example of crazies I want to avoid in all aspects. These boards have no security to prevent anyone from seeing them.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:21 pm

ha posting at the same time, NP came up twice. He scares me, as in legitimately

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Dresseur » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:23 pm

Oh yes... what he did was just unbelievable.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby musical comedy » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:47 pm

Ryeissa wrote: if it's not a big deal than why don't you post photos? you said on OT that you hate horses now, so this lends me to think this attitude might relate to that. I put a lot of myself in my riding and sacrifice a lot for it, so I have a lot more at stake behind every photo. I protect that from being taken away from my control. No one else needs to see my work unless I share it and do it in a way that feels safe. The internet is Effed up.
Look...I'm getting sick of your comments to me, so knock it off. Both your usernames were banned on coth for your relentless harrassing of Manni and now it seems you have directed your attention on me. Why don't I post photos here? Because I am not interested in what you or anyone else thinks of them? Besides, I have posted photos many times on udbb and I think even here. Look if you are that interested.

Anyway, Dressuer, I don't think any of that is worth worrying about except for taking credit for someone else's work. To take someone's photo to laugh at their riding is like a 'so what' to me. And really, everyone that knows me knows that I don't do stuff behind people's backs. Yeah, I should refrain from my negative comments and usually I do. Sometimes I don't and that's just me.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby demi » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:48 pm

I posted a photo of my horse's amateur breeder also a friend of mine, on another thread here, a topic that I started about good connection. I didn't expect everyone to agree or even understand what I saw in the pic, I just posted it as a different view on the subject of connection. Some people "got it" and appreciated the photo. One person, however, was totally appalled that I thought connection could be anything other than that defined by dressage rules, and dug up an unflattering video of my friend and posted it to the thread. I thought that was a low blow but I just bowed out of the conversation and deleted the original photo. I should have publicly defended my friend because he is an older ammy who gets VERY nervous at shows and the video that was unfairly posted showed him at a big show. Yes he posted it on his own facebook page which is where the muckraker found it, but still, he didn't put it up to be torn apart on a dressage BB. I learned from that mistake.

Posting pics on the internet gives anyone the ability to do whatever they want with your picture.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:49 pm

Dresseur wrote:Oh yes... what he did was just unbelievable.

Yeah. And dressage hub steals YouTube videos and either rebrabds them as her own or posts them in her page as food for fodder. Gross.
There are people who lack understanding of classical dressage and call anyone whose horse goes a wee bit deep Rollkur riders. The lack of understanding and intense belief they are saving horses is rabid and scary.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby StraightForward » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:49 pm

I'm not important enough for anyone to take an interest in ruining my reputation, so the risk for me is anonymous internet people potentially being mean. Maybe I'm naive because I haven't experienced it, but the internet is so flooded with content that I think the risk of someone latching onto my photos of videos for anything beyond garden variety ridicule is pretty slim. It's not like we're posting nude photos or anything that could be damaging to our careers or personal lives, so I don't worry about it.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Dresseur » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:56 pm

musical comedy wrote:Anyway, Dressuer, I don't think any of that is worth worrying about except for taking credit for someone else's work. To take someone's photo to laugh at their riding is like a 'so what' to me.

MC, I'm not sure how much you know of NP, but he did more than laugh... he created a whole page about Fat, Ugly riders and posted this poor woman's stuff all over it. Someone on CoTH found it and then put it up which meant that a lot of people saw it. And yes, people defended the woman, but it was awful, and it was mean. It's worst case scenario obviously.

In any case, in my experience, that's why people take pics - to be awful. I mean, personally, I'd love to post Rose's pics all over the place. But haven't yet, because I'm mostly a decent person.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Sep 06, 2019 2:14 pm

If you cannot tolerate the risk of your posted photos being re-used or shared in ways out of your control, don't post them online.
If you cannot engage in exchanges of different points of view without insult or defensiveness, stay off internet boards.

I am glad for the folks on this board who are skilled at sharing their experience and knowledge---across a variety of horses, levels, and kinds of training experience. I also appreciate the photos people share, both as inspiration and for connection to their stories. Of course, if I've never seen someone ride (in person or video/photos), I might take any pontifications they offer with a big grain of salt :D I recall a GP jumper trainer I briefly took lessons with years ago who said when I scheduled a lesson, "There is no point in talking about riding on the phone. I just need to see you on a horse!"

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Sep 06, 2019 2:21 pm

Last edited by Ryeissa on Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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