StraightForward wrote:This morning I was relieved to be scheduled at 8 am, and we worked more on getting collection in the canter. Here, we are doing an exercise on a circle of 180 degree TOH, then canter out the opposite direction, spiral in in a bit of travers, then LY out, think of cantering on the spot to do the C/W transition. Once I quit being so confused, we got some really nice moments, then finished with a little bit of trot HP. Still working on my shoulder; I tried to correct it periodically within the ride, but with so many other things to focus on, it kept reverting to left shoulder lower, but the first step is admitting the problem, right?
I've had a couple chances now to incorporate this into our rides. She pointed out that spiraling in in HI on the circle is essentially a HP. I think this is demystifying HP for me so I can apply the aids more seamlessly and be less awkward. So yesterday I was SO excited because I used this one time, then did some SI and LY in canter, then went right into a really nice canter HP. We still have some work to get this to the left, but now I know how to get there.
The arena at Susan's barn is about 40 meters wide, which can be a detriment because it's easy to get lackadaisical about geometry and end up riding 30 meter circles and other huge figures. But I've started using it to my advantage to ride clover leaves of squares. I used it a couple weeks ago to get to a lightbulb moment of getting her lined up and straightened onto the outside rein, and more listening to my HH. The other benefit of it, in trot, is that I can decide to change directions as we approach the wall, so Kyra has to stay more on the aids and not just assume which direction we're going and start falling over that shoulder.
Yesterday I used the squares to warm up in canter, but added in a couple strides of LY out just before the corner (turning early when we're near the wall to allow space), and she really came together and through much more quickly, started blowing and released where she often holds at the base of the neck.
So, what are some of your favorite patterns and exercises, and what do you see as the benefits?