It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Wed Dec 11, 2019 4:01 pm

Love everyone's pics and following along with the up's and down's. Here's to everyone's downs being minor and follow a more upward track soon!

I'll be honest and I've felt myself feeling a bit petulant about not being able to ride if only for the lack of current facility to do so. I had told myself to multiple the expected date by 1.5 and I was not far off. I don't blame barn management at all and they've done a fantastic job but delays and etc for the best laid plans always seem to happen.

So the good news is the base is level, the footing is in and mixed with the proper amount of sand and we were riding it in Monday. It still needs to settle a bit and drags are on order but it's already worlds better. I'm being cautious as there is deep areas as it settles so just short walk-trot rides at the moment. I'm not a fan of lunging them down and was worried about free range naughty behavior in potential deep spots so just hopped on Monday. A little bit survival riding as Kora did some star jumps but otherwise settled and yesterday was quite nice.

Awful quality photo from a cell phone vid that friend took. But love how she's having to work those hocks!!

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:13 am

I think it's a nice photo Aleuronx. We too have been hampered with weather and unable to ride until this morning. I've been trying to get my footing sorted out. I finally had 'real' arena lights put in almost 2 weeks ago and now just waiting to dry out (ironic living in the desert but true) so that I can fix my footing and start riding/working at night. It wasn't really necessary while Junior was just sorting out training and first level but with work I need to be able to work night if we're ever going to put the big boy pants on; so, that's the goal over the holidays. I finally got to ride today and Junior is definitely getting solid with the simple changes and counter canter. Hope to have a lesson on Saturday to see how we measure up. I sincerely hope all those with equine, family and self health and weather woes get a break. Seems like when it rains it pours and several are due rainbows!

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:12 am

Everyone's pics are great, horses looking like they are going really well. Dresseur, If you hadn't said you've lost riding fitness, I'd never have guessed from looking at those pics. Looking really good.
Blob, nice pics too, your horses look strong and balanced. Aleuronx - looking good too! Would be frustrating waiting for the arena to be right, but sounds like it will be great when it's done.

I've got my old horse back! She's a 16yo friesian x, about 15hh so quite small. I hopped on her today for 5 mins only. She has been out of proper work for 2 years so has no topline muscle. I'm quite looking forward to when she gets her strength back because I started her under saddle many years ago having absolutely no idea what i was doing. Learned dressage with her and made sooo many mistakes. We did get up to flying changes, she had the start of piaffe/passage (me thinking I knew what I was doing :roll: ) so it will be fun to get all that back again.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:55 pm

I did a progress photo of Caliburn the Sword head. I think he is changing shape a bit.
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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:42 pm

Chisamba...great progress. He actually is rounding out all over. I love dressage for stories like this :D .

Congrats Flight on getting one back in the fold. She is "cute". My mare is only 15.2 and a fairly ballerina build so she is always cute.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Dec 12, 2019 7:09 pm

Nice to see everyone doing stuff!

I have a lot going on in my life at the moment so I'm really just trying to maintain the status quo until things settle down a bit... However, I'm about to head out into the snowy frozen wasteland to get a lesson in--booking them forces me to go ride!

Chisamba, he looks so good! You must be very pleased. Flight, she's cute! and Aeluronix, I've got indoor ring envy--we have a nice indoor and it's heated, but it's small. More than two people riding at once can get exciting.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Dec 12, 2019 7:55 pm

Mountaineer, I completely get you on booking lessons to keep the momentum going. Coach is down to Florida and I'm waiting to see what her winter trip schedule is like, she usually makes it up for our Northerners once a month. That tells me when I need to get my shit together by!

I've been at barns with heated indoors before and gosh it's nice. This isn't but is fairly good sized but not a full length dressage court. I get nervous at 4-5 riders, which is partially the reason I decided to give her last winter off as a baby. So this will be my first winter fighting for space amongst the lessons/lunging madness/training rides etc, it can get hectic!! Makes the weekends oh so much sweeter.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:29 am

Caliburn definitely has rounded up through his hind end!

Flight, how fun to get an old horse back! What has she been doing since you last had her? She looks quite elegant!

Quick RP updated:
His teeth will be checked on Tuesday, so I can rule out anything in there. The dentist I use is a vet who focuses just on teeth, but she does a physical exam before she does teeth, so I will have her check his ears and poll as well (he's letting me handle both areas comfortably, but no harm in asking her to check as well).

After almost a full week of no riding thanks to the flu, I was able to utilize MC's advice and ride RP with a martingale. It was nice to have some reassurance that he wasn't going to be able to fling his head so far that it would bash me in the face, but there was also an added benefit, that it was easier for me to push him back out in front of my leg when he wanted to get stuck and toss his head. I think when he was able to toss his head SO HIGH and SO dramatically it was also making it harder for me to keep him between other aids and keep him moving. With the martingale helping keeping the tossing to a more manageable degree, it was much easier for me to get him going right away. I hate the a 'tool' made such a big difference. But right now I will take the help where I can get it.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:41 am

Caliburn is looking good Chisamba. Nice comparison pics. Aleuronx, love your girl. Flight, looking forward to seeing your progress with this one too.

We are working hard on the canter and bend in both directions. Ask and expect is the motto. He was so on my aids in my last lesson and I couldn't have been happier. The canter is coming along, there's hope yet. :lol: And I'm being braver about trying things and pushing the envelope but then going back to relaxed and happy to finish off. New ground for me as I don't want to break him. I'm finding out he's more resilient than I think. And me too.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:45 am

Yup Chantal.....been there and still testing the waters. Today we worked on simple changes going around the arena in both directions, changing every 5-6 strides both leads. Junior is really starting to catch on and hopefully we'll be able to reduce the number of strides to 0 in due time. I've realized if I don't just expect it and make a non-issue of the whole thing then the mistake is mine. Of course it's my job to make sure that he's balanced, forward and over the back ......and of course the timing of aids is all mine as well; but, I need to ride him like the horse I want him to be. So far so good; but, I've done this enough times to know we'll hit a wall or two. After I rode in the arena for about 20 minutes, we set out for a 10 mile trail ride. It was a good day.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Sun Dec 15, 2019 11:49 am

That's awesome exvet. I keep reading your posts and seeing what's down the road for us. Go Junior! Yup, don't overthink, just ride. But we still have to think at the same time. :lol:

"Riding like the horse I want him to be" is a mouthful. Yup yup yup. Not reacting to him and setting us up for success. We of course are a work in progress and i still need to figure out where I'm reacting and therefore doing something weird with my body. But the good news is, I see so much progress from last year, even 3 months ago.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:18 am

So many wonderful updates. I do appreciate the photos, people! Chantal, you have gifted us with so many beautiful shots of Mikey. He is super handsome and your work looks great. I always love seeing Mark, too (Hots4S special guy). Flight, I hope the issues on Ding and Norsey have resolved! Your old new horse looks lovely. Blob, I was struck by how much your younger fellow has filled out! He is looking quite capable. StraightsF, I hope everything gets simpler and easier soon. You deserve it. Susan, I am delighted by how much you are enjoying Kyra these days. Truly, I am glad for your both and I do get being grateful for a sound, trained and able 17 year old grey mare :lol:

On that note, I am just grateful that Emi is doing so well. Post-chiro, she feels fantastic. Every treatment makes her feel like a much younger horse. I think our bending issue in half pass was related to her needs on this---I usually have her done every 3 months and this was 6 months :-0 due to my work travels and the chiro availability. She is one of those horses who has challenges with the SI/hips over time---maybe a better rider/trainer could fix it but I think a certain amount is due to conformation, as she has a very typical Iberian back. Today she felt especially lovely doing canter rubber bands + canter "shoulder ins" to canter travers to medium canter and back. As I tell her whenever she does well, "I'm proud of you, dear mare. Good job!"

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:41 pm

piedmontfields-happy to hear your mare is doing well. I know we feel good when we are in alignment and healthy so...

And thank you, i'm very lucky DH likes to take pictures-and video. So educational. What we think we're doing, what our instructor sees us doing... ha!

I love seeing all the pics too. Hoping everyone is safe this time of year and getting some horse time in, in whatever capacity possible. Sometimes just treats and grooming is all we can do. I'm fighting a cold and we are going south for the holiday so the next 2 weeks should be interesting. Time off isn't bad for a young horse though.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:06 pm

Wanted to share a little about my lesson yesterday because it really was an eye opener for me. Since I began taking lessons with my current instructor/coach (someone I've watched grow up and develop her career over the last 20 years) she has often remarked that Junior has a habit of keeping his left fore too much in the center of his body. Now of course he's young and has filled out over the last 18 months with a definite chest and it's not like he has both forelegs coming out of the same hole; but, he doesn't like to abduct his left fore. This has caused some challenges with the simple changes in particular but all along it's been a constant realization that he likes to fall on to his left shoulder. So yesterday my instructor wanted to see what our progress has been with the simple changes. She had me go in each direction around the full arena just staying straight along the rail and doing W-C, C-W alternating leads. To the left we really didn't have a lot of mistakes. To the right Junior was really reticent to take the left lead. It was because of this left fore 'habit'. She had me ride with the feeling of keeping his shoulders on the rail and haunches very slightly off the track. What this really did was get him straight and force me to really keep my right elbow back and demand the contact be true into the right rein. All of a sudden the left lead was really there............I'm told if I solidify/fix this now, the changes should not be an issue. We'll see. I'm also going to ride her GP horse hopefully next week to get the feel of changes back since I no longer have my own upper level horse to ride while training up the younguns. I'm very grateful to her to allow me to do this and am looking forward to it :) Happy Holidays to everyone!

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Dec 19, 2019 7:23 pm

Thanks for describing that, exvet. Annabelle is definitely one who likes to anchor on her left front as well. If there's one good thing that's come out of the boring rehab work, it's my realization of how I was enabling this by dropping my left shoulder and trying to push her shoulder over with the rein. Now I'm keeping my shoulder up and my upper arm and torso more as a unit, so she is falling in/out to the left much less. The right hind wanting to be out and to the side of the body, pushing forward, instead of under and carrying, is part and parcel with it, at least for her. I'll have to try your trainer's exercise when we are back to cantering.

Annabelle got adjusted again yesterday, and was feeling much better than her previous session, according to the bodyworker. She is getting better under saddle too, so I'm able to get her working more correctly, and even "schooling" a few minutes at trot instead of just going around and around on the rail. The Tranquility supplement is doing wonders for her, so she is actually rideable, and not just an explosive ball of nerves. Waiting for another ultrasound in January, then I think we'll start cantering if all is well. I'm cautiously optimistic that we almost have Humpty Dumpty back together again without having to do the S/I injections, but we'll see what happens as I wean her off the Methocarbamol and decrease the bodywork and PEMF treatment frequency. Luckily we are having a mild winter so far, so riding before work when the barn is quiet has been fairly pleasant.

Flight, that is a cute mare! How fun to have her back. Are you planning to keep all three going long-term? You'll be busy!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Thu Dec 19, 2019 11:30 pm

All of my 3! horses are back in work. Norsey's hole in his hoof has grown over and I have no idea what happened to Ding, but he is ok now.
Norsey seems to have the hang of his left to right changes now, although I'm worried about jinxing myself now I've said it! I was getting them one day doing it a certain way, and then the next day wasn't, but now going counter canter to counter canter has been reliably working.
I don't really know why but it is, but I'll keep doing it that way :) I always do it where I can see in the mirror so I can be sure.

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It's been so smokey here from the fires, I probably shouldn't have ridden this morning but I'm keeping the sessions short and not strenuous. At least we aren't burning here (yet). Not sure if it shows up in the pics, but there's no blue sky to be seen. On top of it is a heatwave, getting up and riding at 630am it's cool enough still then, just the smoke makes it unpleasant.

My old horse is doing well. She's so on the forehand and likes to curl up but I'm hoping that will ease as she gains more muscle. I think she's developed some already in the last week. I've just been doing in hand work and very short rides.
I was going to try and lease her out asap, as my property is too small for 3 horses. But I really want to see how well I can get her going :D I probably will try and find her a lease home later on, but the severe drought we are experiencing, may make that difficult. People are having to euthanise stock because there is no water in places.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:11 pm

exvet wrote:Wanted to share a little about my lesson yesterday because it really was an eye opener for me. ... he doesn't like to abduct his left fore. This has caused some challenges with the simple changes in particular but all along it's been a constant realization that he likes to fall on to his left shoulder..

Exvet, I really appreciate you writing out this description and lesson experience, as I have "that horse." I'm aware of it and somewhat effective, but something in what you said really clicked and in our walk warm up yesterday, after our long rein walking, we went to very deliberate 10 m circles and shoulder ins---at almost a zen like pace--in order to pay absolute attention to this challenge. After 5 minutes of this, Emi was truly ready to float and flow in trot----while standing up all the way around. Usually I end up fussing with this in a slowly dialed up trot and it is a bit of a mini battle to get her sorted out enough to flow. It seemed easier to slow everything down to a walk to make it super clear what she was and was not to do. It was an easy ride, but I was really smiling inside about how much I love dressage and what it does and miss mare was super snorty and happy, too.

Flight, the smoke is terrible and the fires are terrifying. Glad N and D are doing well and old/new horse is, too. Keep us posted.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:50 pm

piedmontfields wrote:
exvet wrote:Wanted to share a little about my lesson yesterday because it really was an eye opener for me. ... he doesn't like to abduct his left fore. This has caused some challenges with the simple changes in particular but all along it's been a constant realization that he likes to fall on to his left shoulder..

Exvet, I really appreciate you writing out this description and lesson experience, as I have "that horse." I'm aware of it and somewhat effective, but something in what you said really clicked and in our walk warm up yesterday, after our long rein walking, we went to very deliberate 10 m circles and shoulder ins---at almost a zen like pace--in order to pay absolute attention to this challenge. After 5 minutes of this, Emi was truly ready to float and flow in trot----while standing up all the way around. Usually I end up fussing with this in a slowly dialed up trot and it is a bit of a mini battle to get her sorted out enough to flow. It seemed easier to slow everything down to a walk to make it super clear what she was and was not to do. It was an easy ride, but I was really smiling inside about how much I love dressage and what it does and miss mare was super snorty and happy, too.

Flight, the smoke is terrible and the fires are terrifying. Glad N and D are doing well and old/new horse is, too. Keep us posted.

I'm glad it resonated with someone. Actually I remember Lindin pointing out I needed to keep my right elbow back especially in the corners and canter departs after watching my last show/video. Much of the same issue; so, we're Keeping fingers crossed and heading out this morning to work on exactly that and more ;)

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Dec 23, 2019 2:51 am

Great to have a lightbulb lesson like that, exvet--thanks for sharing.

Flight, Norsey and your gal look lovely. But the smoke and draught sound awful. Hope things ease up over there.

RP had his teeth checked on Tuesday. He had some erosion on the left side, which the dentist fixed. I adore my dentist who is a vet who specializes just in teeth now always does a physical exam before doing teeth. And she noticed that RP was sore on his left shoulder. His injury was on the right shoulder, so we both suspect he's sore from compensating. He's still been doing his head tossing even with his teeth fixed, but I suspect he's in a situation now where one shoulder is weak and the other is sore. So, I'm torn between whether he needs careful work or time off. I've reached out to my bodyworker to see if she can find time for him in the next couple weeks.

MM is doing well. I've taken a step back from changes to focus on that lower back engagement in the trot and on my own position. I'll need to get video again soon to see how my position/quiet riding work is coming along. The lower back engagement in the trot is still tricky. Any exercise that seems to help one day, the next day no longer seems to work as well--as if she's figured out how to do it in an easier way. So, I need to think a bit smarter about how to really exercise her whole body.

We set up a jump chute the other day for fun. MM had a blast with it. She's done it before and right away remembered the drill and happily took herself through it--she didn't even need any encouragement. I didn't want to have RP do anything high, because of his shoulder situation, but i thought it would be useful for him to go through the chute with just the canter poles so that he would have to think about using his body/finding his striding on his own. He definitely struggled to coordinate himself at first, but luckily stayed calm and attentive through the whole thing. It'll be a good thing to do again with him once his body is stronger/more even/sorted out.

Some pics of MM through the chute:
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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Wed Dec 25, 2019 2:14 am

Blob- What fun that jump chute looks like! I would not write off the teeth fix yet for the head tossing. I find sometimes a mouth/tooth fix takes a bit of time for them to settle into that ‘good feeling’.

We’ve had a bit of everything lately. The indoor footing has settled enough to begin some canter work and gets better the more it gets worked and dragged. Thankful goodness as we’ve needed to really get moving. Kora’s been good and well not so good. Tossed me off about losing her balance in the canter, flipping leads in front and unbalanced tantrum just pinged me. I’m fine and unthankfully I can say with 1st hand experience the footing is soft. :lol:

I’m torn on thinking well maybe she needs to step up to another days work? It will be a point of discussion when my trainer comes up in a couple weeks for winter clinic tune ups. To be fair beyond the flight mishap :roll: we’ve done some really good work. I’ve played a bit with some gentle sideways leg yield steps in walk and trot and some forward and back. And some spooking at all the Christmas gifts in the viewing room window, ah 4 year olds.

Today a little Christmas gift to me was doing a full set in sitting trot and a real push to lengthen trot on a diagonal and woo boy is she a fun little dream. Forgiven. For today :lol:

Happy Christmas to all!!

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Srhorselady » Wed Dec 25, 2019 3:12 am

Blob it sounds like you may be on the right path with RP, but one other possibility just in case. If you have a vet/acupuncturist you might have him checked for TMJ. I had a horse who acted like he might have some arthritis in this joint and she was able to give him some relief.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Dec 25, 2019 3:53 am

Oh, ouch, Aleuronix. Glad you are OK.

Silliness is not limited to 4 year olds. 17 year olds can display their fair share. Big eyes and snorties today about an innocuous corner of the ring we ride in every darned day, from the very second we stepped through the door. Dork.

Happy Holidays to you all, stay safe and warm or cool depending on your hemisphere, and enjoy your horses!

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Wed Dec 25, 2019 4:03 am

Srhorselady wrote:Blob it sounds like you may be on the right path with RP, but one other possibility just in case. If you have a vet/acupuncturist you might have him checked for TMJ. I had a horse who acted like he might have some arthritis in this joint and she was able to give him some relief.

The dentist (who is a vet) did check for TMJ and all was clear there! But it's a good suggestion/reminder.

I do honestly feel like RP's head tossing is related to his hind end and not the front, but I wanted to make sure everything was fine in the mouth. When he does it, he falls behind the leg and feels like he is stuck and can't/won't bring that right hind through.

Of course, Aleuronx is right--might take a week or so and everything will click in because of his dental work.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:53 am

Chugging along here through the cold and snow. Not riding as much as I would like but keeping our heads above water...

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Kelo » Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:35 pm

My lessons with the Cowpony are going very well.

We are working on making his passage bigger - she is having me do a LOT of passage-medium trot transitions, and then picturing the MT power push while cueing the passage, and that is helping. It's kind of cool, actually.

My one tempis are still a work in progress - namely, the Cowpony is good with them now, but I'm making newbie timing errors. My most recent lesson I got a lecture telling me in so many words that it's time to settle down and treat it like every other maneuver. That means that if we need to school it 5 times, well, do it. I've got a huge fear of it and basically if he does one good set or, like, two almost-perfect sets, I quit for the week. She was basically like, he knows it, and unfortunately since you're an amateur and have no schoolmaster to ride, he's gonna have to let you practice it more until you understand the cueing. So I'm trying to tackle that.

Since my old horse passed away last month, my baby horse has had to step up for my newbie boyfriend to ride. He's a very, very green rider, but he really wants to spend time with me, and since I'm busy riding the Cowpony, that leaves the filly. She is green too, but very much wants to be a good amateur horse. Since he only rides once a week or so, and I'm riding her all the other days, it's been OK.

I am SO proud of her. This is the only beginner to ride her -- she's only had 3 other people ever on her back (and one only two quick rides), and all of us have been knowledgeable trainers. I know he's all over the place, and his cues are unreliable from what she's used to, but she's been game in toting him around, not scared or angry. He's trying very hard to learn, and we've mostly been sticking with walk-trot stuff so they stay safe. This week I started trying to teach him about lateral work to give him something to do at safe speeds, here's them doing some leg yield.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas, and happy new year!
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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:43 pm

Fun to see all the updates and pictures!

I've been hit and miss here a good bit. Between moving my parents right before Thanksgiving and now cleaning out their other house getting ready to sell it (for those of you contemplating moving I feel for you!) we have had so much stuff to go through and throw out a dumpster load. To rainy weather (we are having a wet winter again this year) mostly warm though one weekend it was just miserable for almost 48 hours, 40's and heavy rain, and just dealing with the holidays themselves my riding time has been limited. But when I do get to work the ponies I have been very happy!

I've had an epiphany with Rip and the collected canter work. Of course it is all about the seat! My elbows especially have to be on my hips and then use my core and there the collected canter is! He's been a good egg about it all and I am enjoying riding the big beast. His SW is really coming US now which is fun. So just picking away at some stuff.

Joplin is sound and back in work, just need a ground person here for me to get on. Gaila is having a bit of time off until things settle down. Just a bit more from the old house then we can sit back and let the realtor sell it for us.

Mom and Dad seem happy here on the farm, it is way easier to pop in and keep an eye on things. Mom is back helping at the barn like she has for years, can still clean several stalls at 83! It helps me tremendously to have them so close. I went and cooked my Dad some salmon which he loves and will put them on a roast today.

Happy New Year to you all! and happy riding:)

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:58 am

StraightForward wrote:Simple goals this time:

Embrace Bei g out in the dark and cold every night.

Finish Annabelle's rehab so we can re-enter the land of the living.

Get Tesla self loading and take her off property. Start some in hand work with her and continue the long lining.

Get back to my twice a week gym routine now that I'm over the cold that took me out for the whole month of October.

Wrap-up time.

1. I embraced being out in the cold every morning instead. I've been going out before work every single morning. The weather has been pretty mild so far though I'm bracing for some colder temps in the next month.

2. Annabelle's rehab has been going along in a 2 steps forward, 1/2 a step back fashion. We are getting there. In the past couple weeks I've been focusing more on in-hand work and improving her posture and making sure she doesn't leave her RH out in the back 40 with every halt. She is fussy for at least the first trot of each ride, but works out of it. Still trying to get her back to correct biomechanic movement without resorting to the SI injection.

3. Other than a trip to the Vet, Miss T hasn't gone anywhere. We did a loading session the other day and she was pretty good. Her long-lining was going pretty well, though I've abandoned it for the moment to work on suppling her neck, which she tends to hold to the left. In its place, we're at the very beginning stages of in-hand work. She has some baby-tude, but is getting more accepting.

4. Gym - eh, getting there, but not as consistent as I'd like. I bought a smartwatch on Black Friday and see that I'm rocking 11+ minute miles. Want to get back to running a 45-minute 5 miler with a smile on my face. My ankle seems to be good with the distance now, so no excuses for not running.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:08 am

Gosh the 2 months went fast. I have been riding and chipping away at what I learned at the clinic in November but Australia is still full of bushfires and I can't ride at the moment due to the dangerous smoke levels.

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Re: It’s the Holiday Season! November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:18 pm

No kidding! Where did the time go? As soon as our new/brighter lights were installed the desert got drowned. This is the first two consecutive days in weeks that it hasn't rained. So for that reason, my riding has been greatly curtailed. We have, though limited in actual ride time, continued to work on the basics which is always my over all goal. Our lessons continue to peel that onion and Junior keeps stepping up to the plate. My greatest accomplishment I feel hasn't been in the saddle but it was finally buying a horse vacuum - hallelujah! Wrapping up 2019 has been damp but productive.

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