Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:18 pm

my horse is growing his winter coat. does that make you guys feel better? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:25 pm

Aleuronx, that looks like a fun clinic. I should haul my skeleton pony out to the barn and see what the girls think about it!

Exvet, fun to see Brandon wearing tack already, and Junior is looking like quite a hunk.

Flight- Bridleless, fun! When we were teenagers, a friend of mine had an appaloosa mare that just never accepted a bridle, so he rode her everywhere in a tack rein, including weed surveys all over the hills in Oregon, and in drill team. Of course we all just rode by the seat of our pants those days.

SrHorseLady - Can't wait to see pics of your new girl; hope she poops out all that sand and starts building some condition. Sounds like she is a diamond in the rough.

I had a good lesson yesterday. My instructor agreed with me that we needed to start getting Annabelle to stretch over the topline, so we focused on that, and all around suppleness, including doing some SI to renvers in walk and trot, and some LY and counterbending in canter. Suddenly she got nice and light, and we agreed that it's the best she's ever gone. She also helped me fix our LY left, which surprise (not) involved fixing my screwy right arm and not letting my right seatbone float. I tried to replicate everything this morning with pretty good success. I'll get another lesson next week, then she won't be back until October, so instead of showing, I'm thinking of taking lessons with a couple local trainers where I can haul in. That will also be good info in case I need help more frequently than my instructor is able to come to town.

Also put ride #8 on Tesla and got her into a more proper working trot, and ended shortly after getting a nice W/T transition. Hot this week, it will be a good time to graduate to riding in the outdoor arena if it's mellow enough in the evenings.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:47 pm

StraightForward wrote:
Exvet, Junior is looking like quite a hunk.

Once a hunk, always a hunk at least with equines LOL. This was taken exactly 6 years ago today. ... x.jpg.html

and this was taken this morning. Though not exactly the same angle and I've done what I can to manage the Welsh Cob hair (feathers aren't fully grown back yet), I think it's relatively obvious he is a purebred Welsh Cob, aka HUNK - with a post on all four corners. ... y.jpg.html

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Josette » Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:29 pm

I just managed to get a few rides in recently because the extreme heat index was too much for us. We lost power for 2 days during that hurricane Isaias but our small generator kept the well pump and refrigerator running. So many people lost power for DAYS during the extreme heat - horrible situation. We have lots of trees - we literally live in the woods so a few trees came down on my trails but no damage to house or barn. Love the shade the trees provide but scary during storms and tons of clean up afterwards. Widow maker hanging over my ring that DH had to take down. Still doing clean up here.

My sister in PA had a small tornado go through their town with lots of damage to their local hospital, daycare center and homes. Three houses on the block over from her have to be demolished as damage was too great to repair. ...

I feel really out of shape with the lack of daily walks to the park and riding. I'm hoping that improved weather will come soon because my dogs miss those walks. Too hot for them in the heat walking on that black asphalt - so we kept to the trails on our property while I dodged the gnats and deer flies. :lol:

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:18 am

Ryeissa wrote:my horse is growing his winter coat. does that make you guys feel better? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I noticed today that MM is too, which not ideal since we have a heat index in triple digits at all hours of the day.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:44 am

Yep...summer hair has been coming out quite voluminously for about 3 weeks now. I noticed that her coat is starting to look a bit fluffy in spots. Yes...great when it is 103...not.

I did manage a ride today despite the heat. Not very long and not much work in gaits above walk but what she gave me was nice. I watched SF's lesson on Sunday and worked on many of the same things. Early in her lesson she had her doing what I would call a rubber-band exercise. She had her getting her truly round...pushing her forward a bit then letting her stretch. Not a lot of stretch, just to loosen the neck and get her stepping into the contact more honestly from behind. So I tried that with Kyra today on the trotting track. It is often hard to get good consistent work from her over there. She is usually alone without other horses in sight and so many distractions like the birds in the bushes, the owners in their garden, hay trucks coming to the hay shed...lots of things and there is no fence to give her her comfort zone (arena flower that she is :lol: ). She can get quite tense which I certainly don't want to perpetuate. Lately she has been pretty good so the last couple sessions we have had some nice trot...the canter has yet to become relaxed but maybe some day.
Using that rubber band exercise, I was able to keep her attention and when I asked her to stretch, she did it readily instead of turning into a giraffe. After a few repetitions of that around the track a couple times, I actually felt some schwung. She isn't a big horse and more of a ballerina build and she hasn't ever had a ton of just power and so although "I" think she is a nice mover, it isn't (and will never be) the WB type suspension and schwung. So, to say I was happy with what she gave me...happy birthday to me :D . I did thank her for a nice birthday ride when we were done ;) . We also tried some canter. Still not great but better than last time. The first depart was a fling herself into canter and go against the bit and drag me along but I shut that down. It is super uncomfortable to ride and we don't need to practice that. So I discussed that with her (I talk to my horse a LOT :roll: ). Tried another depart and this time gave her more room in front and if she wasn't so tense to bounce me out of the saddle I just went with it (quite forward--yippee) and when I was ready to transition, I did it by voice and stayed out of her mouth which helped not engage even more tension. We at least established that she can canter over there without jumping out of her skin. We retired to the shade on one side of the track and worked on some walk lateral work then called it a day.

I told my mother today since it doesn't look like it is going to cool down much any time soon that we would next be complaining of the cold. We had a few days of 100 late July and early August and I was hoping that was it. Nope. Some day I won't be wringing wet by the time I have her tacked up. Riding is actually cooler because at least the air is moving.

Happy riding all and stay safe in the heat.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:53 pm

blob wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:my horse is growing his winter coat. does that make you guys feel better? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I noticed today that MM is too, which not ideal since we have a heat index in triple digits at all hours of the day.

yeah, same. I might clip him.....

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Aug 18, 2020 9:43 pm

The weather here is perfect, mid eighties, moderate humidity, I am loving it. We have had an eagle hanging around in our back yard, its been so nifty watching him. I hope he has nested in the area and I continue to see him.Image

Saiph feels neglected because Cali and Kimba have been featured so I motivated her a bit and Mikhail got me a couple of pics to share, would not want her to feel left out. ;) so here is a pic of Saiph trucking along


and Image

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:40 am

You guys all look amazing!

Odin's mystery lameness is less mysterious. A team of vets came to the yard yesterday. He was nerve-blocked and assessed and nerve-blocked and assessed and nerve-blocked and assessed and then x-rayed and x-rayed and x-rayed (it was a long afternoon, and I have mega-anxiety about the bill, if you can't tell...).

Some small arthritic changes in one hock, and in both front coffin joints. So they were injected, and he's being left to rest for a week before being evaluated again next week. If there is major improvement (which the vet seems very confident about), then he is good to go and it is will be an issue of maintenance.

He's 15 this year, and aside from the minor changes the vet says his joints are actually lovely and clean for his age. I'm just so relieved that it doesn't seem to be a suspensory or other random tendon/ligament issue. So please hold thumbs that he is much better next week.
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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:55 pm

Saiph is looking good! She looks like a very nice mare. Will you have to sell her on? You do such a good job of making big changes in the horses you work with chisamba

I've been getting Joplin going more now with having a ground person here. I got to sit through a pretty big spook she put in yesterday and I did not move, she is way easier to stay with than Rip is. He tends to do a 180 she just went sideways about 6 ft (it was fast and agile, but not jarring) but stopped and then went about her business. I also had a light bulb moment with her and the work in the bridle. She can be very busy in her mouth (Cedar says it is not unusual in the Iberians) and I've tried different bits to see if I could find one she likes. I went back to the KK that I use on Gaila and she was happier but it was when I rotated my wrist especially on the right side so that I engaged the corner of her mouth and a HUGE difference in her mouth and contact feel. So I am very happy with her overall and ecstatic over how easy her trot is to sit:) I find it easier to sit than to post.

I've been working Rip on line and long lines and having fun watching him go. I need to get back on him, it is just very hot and humid having difficulty finding the motivation. Which is why Gaila is just sitting right now.

I have been taking an online training class on R+ training. I've used this over the years with dogs and tried a bit with horses but never really pursued it much. I'm trying to figure out how much you can use this training in the work I want to do. I know it is helpful for things like saddling or mounting and husbandry stuff, just not sure about how to incorporate it into actual work. The course is taught by Mustang Maddy if anyone knows who she is. Very science based.

Anyway always willing to learn and since I have not been able to host clinics this is helping to fill my desire for learning. Jillian Kreinbring is also supposed to be having on line courses. I had suggested it to her last May when she was here but she prefers to teach in person, that is not happening this year like normal years so it has forcer her to explore other ways. I know Karen Rohlf makes a killing doing her on line courses and I do enjoy her video classroom. No reason why Jillian could not do the same.

Stay cool, stay safe and happy riding!

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:57 pm

whew! that sounds like a good outcome Mari- fingers crossed for Spotted Boy from another Spot.

Super Pony is going great, he is really improving his half pass and extensions lately. It's not polished but spending less time on the Struggle Bus.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:38 pm

khall wrote:Anyway always willing to learn and since I have not been able to host clinics this is helping to fill my desire for learning. Jillian Kreinbring is also supposed to be having on line courses. I had suggested it to her last May when she was here but she prefers to teach in person, that is not happening this year like normal years so it has forcer her to explore other ways.

I was scheduled to go to her workshop at the beginning of the month, but it was canceled, so we did the evening intro session on Zoom. There was supposed to be a vote/decision for doing the whole thing online, but I haven't heard any more. I did see that she is teaming with JJ Tate for an online classical riding academy thing. I have my hands full with my Ritter courses at the moment, so I didn't look into it any further.

I decided not to show Labor Day weekend, and instead signed up for two clinic rides at the same farm towards the end of September. Clinician is Carrie Harnden, who tends to come a few times a year. Carrie and my main instructor both work with Lilo, so I'm hoping for compatible instruction methods/philosophy. I also put myself on the waiting list to clinic with Melonie Kessler in October, which would get us out to another farm. Maybe by spring Annabelle will be more socialized and easier to show if I can work her in a range of environments.

ETA: Annabelle did her first trot half passes to day, and I would say they were halfway passable. :D Ride #10 on Tesla - she was a little piggy and threatened to call the union on me, but I stuck to my guns and we got a pretty good trot both directions on the circle in the big outdoor arena. I'm keeping the rides short since she's lazy and I don't want her getting tired and sour, but she's also so balanced and smart that I won't be surprised if we're cantering in a week or two.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:21 pm

khall wrote:
I have been taking an online training class on R+ training. I've used this over the years with dogs and tried a bit with horses but never really pursued it much. I'm trying to figure out how much you can use this training in the work I want to do. I know it is helpful for things like saddling or mounting and husbandry stuff, just not sure about how to incorporate it into actual work. The course is taught by Mustang Maddy if anyone knows who she is. Very science based.

As you may remember, I've been into +R for awhile and have only relatively recently started trying to combine, or at least use +R and -R together. Combining them can be tricky, and if you're at all tempted to try you may want to read up on "poisoned cues" and "charmed aversives".

I've been aware of poisoned cues practically since I started learning about +R, but only recently became aware of charmed aversives, and when I did become aware it explained a lot of the behaviors I'd been observing, but didn't really understand.

So a big part of what I've learned from my +R efforts has clarified what was going on with behaviors I'd trained with -R, and vice versa.

Anyway always willing to learn and since I have not been able to host clinics this is helping to fill my desire for learning.

Exactly, and because behavior modification is so endlessly complex it's another life long kind of project (like horses, and dressage).

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Aug 22, 2020 3:50 am

Mari, fingers crossed you are getting to the bottom of the problem. Laddie has some fancy shoeing to help with some coffin bone soreness--I'm fortunate that my vet is also pretty highly regarded by the farriery community around here so they happily follow his recommendations.

Saiph does look good--interested in her mouth--she does the same thing as Laddie--teeth together, mouth relaxed but lips rolled back. I've got to the point where I think it's an artifact of concentration rather than anything more problematic. I think you said she's an Oldenberg. I wonder if they are related.

We bailed on our lesson yesterday--too hot, too everything. We had a miserable, spooky, distracted ride the day before, so it didn't seem worth the time and money. So today it was a little cooler (largely thanks to the heavy haze of smoke from the California fires, unfortunately) I went in with a rather different attitude about focus and forward, and ignoring the shitshow that surrounds us on a a daily basis at the moment, and we actually had a rather decent ride.

This too shall pass... give it a few months and we should be in a more satisfactory riding situation. The care is great, but the surroundings can be chaotic, which is stressful for all concerned. Plans are afoot...

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:19 pm

We finally had RAIN Thursday night! and the overnight temps dipped below 80 - hallelujah! I got to ride for the first time in just over a week yesterday morning. Of course, Mr. Junior decided to kick at Mr. Ace Thursday evening during the thunderstorm and nailed his cannon on the rail so that he was swollen; but, he was still sound. We worked basically in all three gaits for 30 minutes and even fitted in flying changes to each direction. Like many his changes from right to left are good. While he changes clean left to right, he has to think about it for several strides and readjust himself before he can do it; but I'm very happy that he's figured out what I want......just not the confidence or balance to always answer immediately to my request. It's going back up in temps today; but, I think we can get in another ride (and no swelling this morning) and work a little bit more on the flying changes. I'm purposefully NOT drilling them which seems to be keeping us headed in the right direction. I also have found that the best exercise at this point is simply reducing the number of walk steps between our simple changes to the point that we have no walk steps. His brain definitely is grasping the concept.

It was nice to finally get to ride Ace again (yesterday). He gives me the opportunity to just work on my position. Honestly since he can only do walk and trot it's like dropping the quarter into the Kmart pony and then I can simply focus on seat, hands, elbow position, etc.

Brandon - well he's finally figured out what walk and trot OUT to the end of the line means and that I really do expect it, demand it and that I will say when we stop LOL. He's doing pretty well getting with the program. He clearly still has some testosterone circulating; but, he's not terribly committed to resisting fortunately.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:02 pm

Great to see everyone's progress and pictures!

I saw someone on instagram riding with a resistance band around their hands recently and did a bit more research: ... ess-go-to/

Well, I have some 9.5-10 inch loops lying around, so I figured I'd give it a try. I tried the lightest band I have, which is only 1-5lbs resistance. And it was VERY interesting. Within just a few minutes my right shoulder/upper arm/chest felt like it was on fire. At first I thought surely it was because i was bracing down with the shoulder against the band. But no, just having to open up my upper body enough to keep the tension in the band was causing the burn. I know I am more left sided on a horse (though I'm right handed), but on videos I don't look at myself riding and think 'look how much i have m right shoulder leaned forward and collapsed', but apparently it's quite a lot compared to the left shoulder and keeping the right side of my body up and straight is something that is apparently super hard for me.

another interesting aspect was that when i was using the band and therefore had a more even upper body, RP also went a lot better--shocking, right? I've been having trouble getting him supple through his left shoulder and I wouldn't have guessed that my own collapsed right shoulder would make the right shoulder stiff, not the left. But sure enough with the band it was much easier to loosen him up through that left shoulder and stand up straighter through the whole left side of the body.

I will probably continue to try to use the band a couple times a week for now to see if i can't get stronger and more open through my chest and stronger through my upper body. Not sure if I'll try to move-up to the middle weight band after I can use the light band without my right side being on fire--but we'll see!

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:43 am

I agree, VERY interesting. DH has some bands so I’ll measure them and see if they’ll work.

The weather is cooling down. Low 90’s during the day and low 70’s at night. I rode today for the first time in three weeks.

Right before the 3 wk break, the right lead canter on the shorter rein was tight in the back and stiff in the jaw. But that was at least an improvement from not wanting to take the rt lead on a short rein at all. Anyway, I thought a lot about it during the break. I would watch my most recent video and “feel” as I was watching. I would also “feel” in my head the right lead being as nice as the left. Well, today she felt very relaxed and so I asked for the right canter on an impulse. It felt great. Just as good as the left.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:03 am

Interesting Blob! I just went and ordered some 12" bands and will give it a shot. I've been working on taming my right arm, so maybe this will help. In my last lesson, my instructor had me using a feeling of pushing out a bit with my wrist and elbow, so the band might reinforce that.

Glad I decided against showing. I hauled A out to the same arena we've been to three other times in the past couple months, and she was pretty good. However, when the ride was almost done, someone came and tied a horse up in the concrete wash rack near the entrance to the indoor, and it started pawing loudly. I can excuse a spook, but A continued to lose her crap for about 20 minutes, capped off by a vertical launch when I got off and started to walk her towards said freaky noise. I pulled her tack and let her go for a roll, and after two bolts and a leap, she was fine. It seems she just builds up adrenaline and it just doesn't dissipate unless she's allowed to take flight. On the up side, she is working quite nicely over the back, getting some uphill canter departs, and LY is looking good in both directions.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:46 pm

The bands I can see the point of feeling an elastic contact consistency and building towards that. What gets me is I've always been taught that the goal is hands together or hands a bit width apart (~5 inches) as your neutral position. But I can see it teaching purpose for the rider.

Kora has been working just super lately. We are riding the shoulders right in both directions and making huge gains in her straightness and reliability of the contact. Shoulder in right has been great to get her right hind reaching underneath rather than pogo sticking. I've done a little lengthening work in the trot, just testing it out and holy moley is that fun. Just point her on the diagonal and give the hands a touch forward and those shoulders come up and out and the hind legs coil up pow, pow, pow. I could not stop giggling the first time I really let her fly.

We had a very well deserved off property trail ride with a friend on Sunday. Another confidence building but low-key fun environment and we both had a blast. Great private trails to work the horses with lots of up and down 'man from snowy river' moments to get those pony buns a-burning. For sure a repeat trip in the future!
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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:31 pm

Aleuronx wrote:The bands I can see the point of feeling an elastic contact consistency and building towards that. What gets me is I've always been taught that the goal is hands together or hands a bit width apart (~5 inches) as your neutral position. But I can see it teaching purpose for the rider.

This is why they recommend a 10 inch band. With a 10 inch loop around your wrists keeping tension only puts you about 4" apart. 12 inch would still keep you in the 5-6 range. I ride with a closer hand on MM, but on RP, I don't really--the hand gets closer in the more advanced work and RP is still in early stages. But it's also not meant to be an all the time thing. So I don't think it would get me riding even slightly wider than normally/ideal.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:40 pm

Fun trail ride! thanks for sharing

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Kelo » Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:54 pm

Well I went to another recognized show with the Cowpony, doing the Grand Prix again.

He's been doing so well in practice, improving a ton, so I was excited for the show.

And I was thrilled at what a good boy he was, he tried, but we finished 1.2% away from our qualifying score. So. Dang. Close.

We made mistakes, of course, several errors in the maneuvers, and several maneuvers (of course the coefficient ones) that he did more poorly than he's capable of. The comments were, again, encouraging. So I think earning our scores is within the realm of possibility, especially since he's still improving.

So I know I should be thrilled, and to an extent I am thrilled, but I'm also struggling with some disappointment. It's so hard....we've worked so dang much time, effort, work, money, travel.....and it's such a bummer to still fall short and fail in my goal. It just stings, you know?

I'm not sure that we'll get to another show this year, and I just don't know how long he'll last. But we have improved from the previous show, we are improving in the training, he looks like a million bucks right now, he seems happy in the work, so I guess we'll just keep chipping at it and see if it is meant to be, and just enjoy the journey in the meantime.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:49 am

Zero useful riding the past several weeks (work has been a MESS). But, today. Our first ride in ~2 weeks. Maia was brilliant, fellow boarder's dogs were on point .. and we ended up in the back 40 with donkeys, alpacas, dogs (they multiplied!) and OMG Alpacas!!

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:52 am

Kelo wrote:Well I went to another recognized show with the Cowpony, doing the Grand Prix again.

He's been doing so well in practice, improving a ton, so I was excited for the show.

And I was thrilled at what a good boy he was, he tried, but we finished 1.2% away from our qualifying score. So. Dang. Close.

We made mistakes, of course, several errors in the maneuvers, and several maneuvers (of course the coefficient ones) that he did more poorly than he's capable of. The comments were, again, encouraging. So I think earning our scores is within the realm of possibility, especially since he's still improving.

So I know I should be thrilled, and to an extent I am thrilled, but I'm also struggling with some disappointment. It's so hard....we've worked so dang much time, effort, work, money, travel.....and it's such a bummer to still fall short and fail in my goal. It just stings, you know?

I'm not sure that we'll get to another show this year, and I just don't know how long he'll last. But we have improved from the previous show, we are improving in the training, he looks like a million bucks right now, he seems happy in the work, so I guess we'll just keep chipping at it and see if it is meant to be, and just enjoy the journey in the meantime.

Though I never got Monty above PSG and then was forced to sell him and I never got my stallion to FEI because I had to part with him and I never got the stinker pony beyond PSG (though he still pudges out on hay and ration balancer and rules the roost here) all those near misses.............. all those disappointments, yet I know that these guys gave me all that they had at the time. I learned so much. I am advancing faster on Junior than I ever had in the past due to the most wonderful teachers anyone could have been blessed to have. The journey may end but the learnings and lessons, their legacy lasts for a life time. I may not succeed in obtaining the gold with Junior but I have succeeded in learning and not forsaking the lessons of the past. That in and of itself is progress. I also wouldn't change any of it at this point. I have been blessed to have had the opportunity that so many never get to enjoy.

You are an inspiration as is the cow pony. Nothing can take that away. If it's meant to be it will happen. If it's not meant to be you will take your learnings and translate it to success elsewhere as long as you believe.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby PhoenixRising » Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:18 pm

I really love reading everyone’s updates!

Unfortunately our clinic that should have been this last weekend was cancelled due to someone having COVID, but they’re trying to reschedule for the end of September.
I’m really hoping if they have it then that I’ll still feel up to riding... so far so good except all my breeches are tight lol.

I got hubby to come to the barn last night with me and snap a few pictures during my lesson. It’s interesting seeing myself riding and realizing I’m starting to really lean forward more :roll: . Going to have to work on that.

Overall it was a great lesson, but she came in from the pasture wound up and ready to go. We lunged first but still spent the whole lesson getting her relaxed and less stiff, she was bracing against me at everything until towards the end of the ride. Really surprised me, considering it was HOT and HUMID. Usually she’s hard to motivate at those times lol. You never know what you’ll get with her from day to day lol. Some days we're working on new things and really progressing, some days we have rides like last night LOL

We still managed to get a few good photos though and I thought I’d share them since it’s been awhile.
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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:18 pm


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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:10 pm

Kelo wrote:...Well I went to another recognized show with the Cowpony, doing the Grand Prix again.

He's been doing so well in practice, improving a ton, so I was excited for the show.

And I was thrilled at what a good boy he was, he tried, but we finished 1.2% away from our qualifying score. So. Dang. Close.

Well, shoot, Kelo. 1.2%. What a bummer. I can only imagine how disappointed you must be, but I’m glad you were thrilled with what a good boy he was. You and that fine quarter horse are a great team and regardless of the numbers, you’ve both more than qualified.!

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:30 am

We've done absolutely nothing of note lately. It was HOT, then tons of rain, and my work went off the rails ... so between the conditions and my time/lack of focus we've been super lazy. But, we have finally mastered gates! Open, shut, and latched (fussy chains that aren't attached to the gates) from the saddle 8-)

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:13 am

Still loving all the pictures and the updates. Heddylamar, gates are a big deal here; so, I'm impressed. Now, I have nothing grand, but Brandon has mastered w-t-c both directions on the lunge and wearing full tack. He is so sweet.

It's funny. We were in the barn this evening assessing my prospects (pets) and it's definitely a power vs. beauty contrast. Junior is built like a brick sh!t house, a fire plug as we used to say back home. He exudes power and fortunately has brains. I'm lucky he thinks of me as his human and is very bonded. It makes riding fun and he tries so hard. He'll never get great scores on walk or movements that see increased scores with flare and grace; but, as long as he's healthy...he...will...deliver. Brandon, on the other hand, is my first horse in many years (really since Pro A Autumn) that is simply elegance, grace and beauty defined. He is still in a wee bit of the ugly duckling stage (you know growthy, gawky teenager); but, his gaits and presence......and that long nicely placed neck shows a great contrast to Junior. Of course he's a Morgan and still hasn't "bulked out" as they often do. While I'm sure the top of the top would never worry about those stabled in my barn, I consider myself pretty darn lucky as I have two obviously 'sport bred' representatives of each breed :) And the true ray of hope - it's supposed to be below 100 on Sunday - yahoo!

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:40 am

is anyone in the path of the hurry canes. keep safe and take care

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:24 am

Happy news! Odin was cleared for riding yesterday after his reassessment :D
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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Dresseur » Fri Aug 28, 2020 2:15 pm

That's awesome Mari!!!

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:42 pm

mari wrote:Happy news! Odin was cleared for riding yesterday after his reassessment :D

baie goed!

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:06 am

my fitness has improved to where I was able to ride seven horses today. my youth rider went off to college so I have to woman up!

I practiced third level test one with Kimba, it went quite well.

I am working on leg yields and walk canter transitions with Caliburn. He is quite willing to try , it's just reminding him to remain t
reaching for the bit, he has that long awkward neck.

I took Saiph out for some hill work. she is a little spooky, so I am trying to get her confident in me, and me confident in her.

the rest were clients horses and they are all due for lessons tomorrow so it was just a bit of tuning up on each of them

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:06 am

working out of the sandbox enjoying summer
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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Aug 29, 2020 3:35 am

Phoenix, nice photos - I especially like the stretchy trot you have going there.

Mari - Yay for Odin getting cleared for work. I hope he continues sound and worry-free.

Chisamba, I think I would die if I tried to ride seven in one day. Love that photo of Saiph, very harmonious and energetic looking.

Tesla had about a week off because it was irrigation, and then we got a rainstorm on top of it, so no turnout. We're not quite at the point where I want to find out how silly she might get under saddle after being cooped up. Anyhow, they were able to go out today, and I did ride #12 tonight and she was quite good. We just need a few more rides to solidify the steering in trot, and then we should be able to start cantering. Felt like I could have asked for it today, but we were in the small indoor and I didn't have a spotter to peel me off the ground, so it seemed better to wait.

Annabelle is continuing to progress nicely, and we are starting simple changes. I have lessons scheduled Saturday and Sunday, and then it will be time to recap this summer of seclusion.
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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:25 am

Good to hear, Mari.

I've been horribly sick for a week. Had a Covid test as I was running a fever along with severe gastric distress. Results were negative, but still feeling decidedly wobbly--I suspect food poisoning. So, no riding, or indeed life at all, for me.

One way to shift the excess poundage, I guess. Ugh.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:54 pm

Wonderful photo Chisamba. I'm so jealous you have the ability to capture so many great shots.

Big sigh of relief, Mari!

Sorry to hear about the others' set backs; but, I'm feeling a change in the air soon (well they say we're going to be getting a break in the weather within the week).

Nothing new to report just plugging along. In fact, heading out now to get started working with the threesome before our 50th day of 110+ degree heat in a row gets blazing.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:25 pm

great news, Mari!

Phoenix Rising and Chisamba, your horses look great and sounds like lots of good progress in the works.

Kelo, that is frustrating. But also, wow--what an accomplishment in general!

I've had a bunch of useless rides lately--trying to break in new boots and it's not going very well. They are very, very slippery! and i don't remember past boots feeling so slipper but alas, they are. August is nearly at a close, so here's my closeout:

Work on raising the standard. I need to not settle with the 'ok enough' version of things and ride for the show quality version all the time
Shorter reins, shorter reins, shorter reins
Clean up the left to right change
Continue working on extended trot in hills and with poles
At least one more field trip to continue trailer practice

we worked on all of this! But it's all still a work in progress--especially keeping up the high standard and keeping my reins short. I did less hill/pole work than I would have liked but it was in the mix and her extended trot up the hill is really feeling powerful. Too bad I can't recreate even a fraction of it in the ring.

Sort out what's going on with him. Currently on ucler treatment, next will be chiro, then xrays of neck/back if nothing changes
When/if we sort things out get him off property too for exposure and experience
Work on transitions: w-t-w and t-c-t
Work on straight centerlines
Continue canter lengthening back and forth work--coming back to working canter without breaking

well, knock on wood, but it seems like RP is sorted in terms of body stuff. He got off property for a very successful show outing and in general has been going very steadily--rather than the pattern of 2 rides forward, 3 back, 1 forward, etc. Canter lengthening and t-c-t didn't get as much attention as I would like, but they have definitely been in the mix.

Find time for at least 1 day a week of non-riding exercise at home
Work on my riding confidence

umm......let's roll over the non-riding exercise to next period :oops:
Confidence stuff is still very much a work in progress. I took MM to a schooling show and while I'm glad I went, my nerves and imposter syndrome feels were there in full force despite the 'lower stakes'. I think i just need to keep working on getting the quality of our work better and better.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Dresseur » Sun Aug 30, 2020 12:30 am

Miro and I have been plugging away. Sorry, this is long, sort of steam of consciousness, sort of notes.

The good news, I ALMOST feel like myself again. One of Andrea's students is a yoga instructor who focuses on mobility issues in seniors, so she very kindly set up a series of stretches for my leg to address the flexibility and mobility issues that were still causing pain while riding and were causing (in my mind) some major positional flaws because I couldn't open the hip flexors up. If anyone is interested, the ones that helped me the most were goddess pose, runners lunge, low lunge, lizard pose and clams. She also had me go back to foam rolling as opposed to using the hypervolt massage gun. It's been two weeks and I'm pain free while riding, (it still flares up after 4 or 5 horses but is quiet by morning) have my leg down and underneath me and am starting to be able to put my thigh on and turn in at the hip, while accessing my low core muscles. Which means, that I feel like me in the saddle again!!!

Miro and I are progressing as a team. Andrea at this point is putting 2 rides a month on him, just to keep track of the feel and quality, I'm doing a bulk of the work, and we're back to doing weekly lessons now that I can push things. We've struggled with the normal things for me - canter quality and straightness, that is compounded by the micromanaging needed on a horse that is green to changes yet, and we've struggled with things that I would have thought he'd excel with - namely half steps.

He comes under spectacularly behind - always has... but what this translates to is either getting stuck and levading, or doing terre a terre ad nauseam. He can't just "trot small". So, we went a round about way and taught him passage first. This is definitely a bit unorthodox, but, we had to figure out a way to teach him gears and teach him to quicken up behind. The good news is, he figured out the passage fairly quickly. I have gears in it and I can feel when it's going to work and when it's not. It will work when he coils his loins and starts quickening or at least keeping the tempo behind, when he slows, stalls or I feel nothing (no reciprocating action in his back) it will be an out behind, grand passage that you can do nothing with. With that understanding, we started to shorten the passage - which he was just not getting under saddle. Again, terre a terre, or levade. He just wouldn't keep the diagonal rhythm because it was way to easy for him to just crouch way down behind. (Note for reference, his reinback wants to not be pure under saddle (it is in hand), so we've been working on rein back, quick trot off to help this tendency. And Chisamba, I tried a little half steps from the rein back, and he was able to manage some diagonal pairs before he locked into the terre a terre, as long as i kept the RB very quick, short and lively.... definitely not the easiest, but it has helped!

In any case, all this meant that we had to go another unorthodox way - teach half steps as more of a passage on the spot - basically, keep it more forward, and take the crouch/sit out of it. We have about 3 weeks of in hand work doing this under our belt - and I've felt the changes in the ridden work come on gradually - more gears, he is really firming up his back in a good way and the hind legs are driving up in a more purposeful way and there are gears. The passage is really turning into something spectacular - no balancé, good behind - I think it will be great eventually, and today, for the first time, we tried under saddle again with me riding and Andrea as the ground person to tap that into half steps, and he got it! And, there was a bit of sit without him stalling - this really is starting to feel like the way forward to a great piaffe eventually.

In any case, as I mentioned, the in hand work and quickening of the hinds has lead to some massive improvements in the walk piris, and regular piris, as well as the overall canter work. So, while I've been struggling with a late left to right change (he's not late for Andrea), today, I think we took to first steps towards me cracking that code - I have to hold the left bend because his lovely talent for shoving the right shoulder out, while faking left bend was haunting us immensely. (I do ALL lateral work on quarterline for this reason, and ride a lot of quarterlines in general to check straightness that I can feel it AND see it. So, with that in mind, hold the left bend so that he can't shove the shoulder out, and do much more set up than I was doing, we nailed our changes - including a line of 3's, as well as the I1 piri, change, piri pattern and we started some canter zig zag work - all clean, all in front of me and all on my hip! (We also have been schooling the GP trot half pass pattern, he's so damn handy in the half passes, but I need to continue to up my level of precision.) In the left lead canter, he really wants to drop the base of his neck a bit, so I have to REALLY work to set him up, without him taking over, or stealing the change or stalling on me because I've over collected. The balancing act on a horse learning these movements is pretty insane. But today, I felt competent, and felt like an FEI rider AND trainer lol - what a novel feeling!!!

That's my story for today... I'm sure tomorrow I'll be crying because I suck lol.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sun Aug 30, 2020 1:52 am

I had to go back and re-read what I had put back in the beginning of July to see if we managed to hit any of my goals...........

So for Junior I just want to continue to work on improving his quality of gaits, perfect the transitions and get the flying changes more consistent. I've also been working more consistently on piaffe in hand. It's coming. My goal with our 'hot season' is to have him understanding what I want really well so that this fall we can start to play with it under saddle.

I think despite the disgusting heat, Junior and I were able to maintain and put some polish on where we are right now. Today I worked on forwards and back within the gaits and collection of the trot and canter through riding squares. Junior seemed to come to the table and offer some good answers. The piaffe in hand is starting to look like a piaffe and then some. My riding instructor has been out of town and won't be back until after Labor Day. I hoped to have her assess where we are at that time.

Ace - My plans are to ride him at least 4 times a week just so I can keep him in shape. He's such a pleasure to ride.

Well we almost got there. I had to bail on one full week of riding due to the heat; but, otherwise we hit our goal. Once my SO was back in town (last week) we went on a short trail ride and Ace was his usual polite self and didn't seem to be winded or out of shape.

Oh and I'm going to look at a horse next weekend if it hasn't sold before then......more to come

Well I did got see 'that' horse and a few others; but, obviously you now know that Brandon the 3 year old recently gelded Morgan came home to stay. He's is progressing very well. Today we were introduced to side reins and he just continues to take it all in stride.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:21 am

Someone, I think Khall, mentioned how she is always willing to learn. this Bimester has been a good one in personal leaning curve for me. I have really been focusing on what my crew need to understand what we are trying to achieve. i would say i have been doing a lot more explaining and a little polite insisting, and my horses are just super. well none of them are spectacular but they are every one of them superb. when I was at the shows this year i saw the top riders develop these electric elastic gaits. gone are the days of relaxed elegance. its the age of every stride being " kapow" . I shall happily just exist in the realm of relaxed effort and try for elegance and be thrilled with the best expression of average that we can manage.

I am very pleased with my horses.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:00 pm

Chisamba wrote:.... when I was at the shows this year i saw the top riders develop these electric elastic gaits. gone are the days of relaxed elegance. its the age of every stride being " kapow" . I shall happily just exist in the realm of relaxed effort and try for elegance and be thrilled with the best expression of average that we can manage.

I am very pleased with my horses.

Well said, Chisamba. I find those electric elastic gaits very unpleasant. Like overstretched rubber bands that snap. Or like a short in an electrical current that sparks and crackles and even causes fire. Instinctively, I can’t imagine that the horses really enjoy it either. When they move electrically on their own, from a spook or other excitement, it rarely only last for a fraction of a second, not for the the length of a dressage test.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:14 pm

demi wrote:
My goals for this time are to

1.) keep videoing my rides several times a week

2.) start going through the USDF tests in order.

3.) get TL 3 on youtube so my trainer can judge it.

I didn’t expect to be affected by the heat as much as I was this year. I only rode a few times in August. We had a short break in the weather last week but it only lasted a few days and now we’re back up to daily heat indices of 114+.

I did video a lot thru July, and got TL3 on vid and YouTube so my trainer could review it. I really liked how that process worked. The heat prevented me from going on to the first level tests.

Looking forward to September October!!

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:50 pm

exvet wrote:Wonderful photo Chisamba. I'm so jealous you have the ability to capture so many great shots. .

my son works at the barn and did photography and video technology as his shop for Tech. it's fantastic to have both video and photos by the thousand to help me with my training.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:50 pm

I'm confident in wrapping up this section as we are just hacking out tomorrow for the last day of the month. Kora worked well this weekend through the remnants of hurricane Laura. We had torrential rain Saturday and the first time in the indoor arena since March? Then it was gale force wind today and she kept her try which was all I could ask for.

Connection in the trot Improvement for sure. We are about 87% there while riding the shoulders right all the time.

Introduce shoulder-in Success! We are living in baby shoulder in right and I have also done some left when she's in a good spot. Surprising easy introduction.

Field hacks/rides, have fun while the sun shines Huge win on this one. Still glad I put it in as it kept me honest with getting out. Extra bonus for trail riding off property which I hope to repeat.

Get out to at least 2 lessons with trainer Check on this as well. I had a hankering for next steps lesson this weekend but didn't want to trailer in the pouring rain so that'll get scooted to next weekend.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:14 am

I'm really happy with Annabelle's progress over the last two months. We finished up this two months with lessons yesterday and today. Unfortunately my SoloShot decided not to work today. She is getting pretty close to having a simple change, and we finally got LY both ways sorted out. Connection and energy are way better, etc. We did not make it to a show, and probably won't this year. Oh well.

Tesla has 14 rides on her as of today. All is going well; tried for a canter today, but got about half a stride and a kick. At least she tried.

Me: managed to keep running most weeks, so my endurance is there, and I'm hoping to pick up some speed as the weather cools off.

StraightForward wrote:Here we are continuing to socially distance and focus on our training.

July is looking pretty exciting by my standards. My instructor will be here two days at a time the next two weeks, so I'm hoping to get four lessons, which is totally unheard of for me. Annabelle won't know what hit her. :lol:

Last night I started back at the very beginning of the Ritter's What, Why How course, so I'm going to try to start working through their exercises 2-3 days a week. Today I'm starting with counting strides on the 20 meter circle, and probably riding squares, and some half squares/half circles.

There's also a schooling show happening July 25th, so I'm thinking I'll sign up for a couple training level classes just to get us back out in the world.

I'm hoping that I'm at a point where I can truly leave my old job and thus have the time and headspace to actually get Tesla going (also the weather should be settled now; we've had weekly storms that aren't exactly conducive to the situation). She is ready, now we're just waiting on me.

My fitness: at this point it's just DO something structured more than 1x per week. We have had to go backwards on Covid reopening in my county, so it will probably be many months at best until I see the inside of my gym again.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:12 pm

Well this go round didn't start out the best nor was the summer much fun at all (though I already noted the goals that we met); but, August is certainly ending with a much more positive spin. The temps over night dipped below 70 degrees. All animals were much happier. We went on a 2 hour trail ride this morning that was so peaceful, with a cool breeze. I saw only one snake, a beautiful king snake. Put Brandon on the lunge line with a western saddle on for the first time and he was a champ. Hoping that today is more of a sign of what September will bring than what August could have been had mother nature maintained a ho-hum of normalcy.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby Dresseur » Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:33 pm

And on this last day of August, a sad decision has been reached. My good friend has made the decision to let her mare go. I've known Copper since she was 4 years old, she's 13 now... and while she looks to be the picture of health, a bout of antibiotic resistant cellulitis left her left hind a ticking time bomb. She had many years of soundness after that, but a year and a half ago, she was in her field and came in with a blown hind suspensory in that leg. My friend carefully rehabbed and was just about to start walking under tack, when the leg blew again. Due to the compensation, she got the news that the right hind now has a hole in the suspensory as well. So, my friend has made the gut wrenching decision to let her go peacefully this coming Wednesday. I'm incredibly sad, she's a lovely mare, an absolute saint. But she's having trouble getting to her feet, and is starting to go downhill. Horses really do suck sometimes.

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Re: Summer of Seclusion: July and August Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:21 pm

Dresseur wrote:And on this last day of August, a sad decision has been reached. My good friend has made the decision to let her mare go. I've known Copper since she was 4 years old, she's 13 now... and while she looks to be the picture of health, a bout of antibiotic resistant cellulitis left her left hind a ticking time bomb. She had many years of soundness after that, but a year and a half ago, she was in her field and came in with a blown hind suspensory in that leg. My friend carefully rehabbed and was just about to start walking under tack, when the leg blew again. Due to the compensation, she got the news that the right hind now has a hole in the suspensory as well. So, my friend has made the gut wrenching decision to let her go peacefully this coming Wednesday. I'm incredibly sad, she's a lovely mare, an absolute saint. But she's having trouble getting to her feet, and is starting to go downhill. Horses really do suck sometimes.

I'm very sorry that any one has to go through such a decision; but, those who do and force themselves to let go to spare any further suffering for the sake of the horse has my utmost respect.

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