I thought it might be helpful to have a thread on the challenges we're facing, and things we've found useful to help correct the issue, such as an exercise or visualization.
My whole upper body is problematic. I think Annabelle and I have developed a crookedness codependency, which is reinforced by me spending too much time in front of a computer. My body twists to the left, but not to the right. I find it really challenging to just rotate my torso to the right while keeping my inside leg on and my outside leg back. Coincidentally, right is A's stiff side, and her LH wanders. I do this weird thing where I suck my right elbow into my body and create a false connection by bringing my right hand to the withers. Then I am contracting my right shoulder so it's higher, while my left side collapses. I've made some headway on evening out my shoulders, but it tends to go out the window when I'm focused on riding a volte or lateral movement.
So I'm trying to very consciously keep the right rein short enough and keep my right arm a little bit away from my ribs. I think it's better, but then I watched video from my ride yesterday, and I'm somehow leading with my left shoulder into a right turn and canter depart.

However, in correcting myself, I thought of the feeling of doing a fist bump (at hip level obviously) and that seemed helpful as a correction that maintained a forward feeling hand (and got me closing my hands on the reins, which is another topic). On my next ride, I am going to try this same idea for my left hand when circling right to see if it helps me turn my torso properly.
Any other ideas for me?
I'd love to hear what others are working on, or how you slayed any of your past position dragons!
Here is a pic from my most recent lesson. We had just done a C/T transition and I was trying to get it back together to ride a corner. I notice my inside leg is also turned out and bracing a bit; I think that is a clue. The shoulders were looking better in the previous canter work. I'm thinking of I sit a little more on my left seatbone and use some right upper leg, I could stop trying to support her by bracing my right side and twisting up. Now I want to go ride and test my theory.