So much going on.
Ponichiwa...Queso sounds like such a cool dude.
Everyone seems to be making such good progress.
Kyra has been getting a little work and the new saddle is feeling better all the time. She works very well in it as far as I can tell. Although, today, right lead canter was a hot mess...I feel you Demi
. I have not cantered her under saddle in about 3 weeks as my back wasn't liking that motion much. I think that was part of the problem today. She just got really tense and just wanted to lean on the bit and go and more of a pogo stick fashion. Not to the "deer on crack" canter that my former instructor used to call her canter back in the early days, but definitely tense. In watching her shadow, it didn't look bad but it felt
and that really didn't humor my back. I finally got her to the drier end of the arena and put her on about a 12 m circle and found if I literally stood up a bit and moved my butt over to the right, she relaxed a bit. My back/SI is being tight on the left side and I suspect it is pulling me off to the left which is not nice to her balance. I also was riding the rail...the middle of the arena was too wet and gummy so I suspect she also had a little exuberance going on too. Other than that, it was a very nice ride. Trot work was lovely and soft and we worked on SI and HI. Left lead canter was nice because it was straight.
I usually do her Spanish walk work after our ride and today, I was talking to another boarder and wasn't paying attention to my positioning and yep...she nailed me on the thigh. Absolutely not her fault and I treated her as such. I didn't reward her for that lift but certainly didn't punish her for it. After a few seconds to say OWWW and that is going to leave a mark, I regrouped and got 4 consecutive steps with alternating legs. I think by Spring, if I can get some help, I think I can start asking under saddle. I do have a lovely goose egg on my thigh but as my father used to tell me all the will feel better when it quits hurting
I have been trying to get her on her Surefoot pads a couple times a week. I feel like they have really made a difference in her feet. She has dinky feet that are narrow and with a skinny frog that we have trouble in the winter keeping the central sulcus open in the wetter and muddy conditions. She never has had thrush but I would prefer she not get it either and no air gets in there when it is just a little itty bitty crack. Since I started using the pads, it has opened the sulcus by a good 1/4inch and this weird curl in her heel laterally on the fronts (she toes out a bit) has disappeared. They really provide a really different consistency than the ground. She will only stand on them for a couple minutes but they seem to do big things.
I have been varying her work as much as I can. Winter is usually quite a bit of down time for us despite having an indoor arena. Our indoor is just not great. Usually very dusty. If you water it when it is cold it freezes as the building isn't insulated. I have tried for years to get the B.O. to treat it with MgCl including paying for a good portion of the material but to no avail. It isn't super deep but deeper than Kyra likes. She seems to struggle with under saddle work in there so I don't ride her a lot in there. I am sure outside will become unrideable with the next good rain or snow storm so my goal will be to give her some sort of exercise over the winter (liberty, free lunging, lunging, in-hand, etc). I have recently done a couple liberty sessions in the indoor and she has been pretty good and actually listened to me so we goof around with some of that and give her brain a break from dressage work. Then, when the weather breaks in the spring, she will be ready to do some fitness work and maybe we can actually do something next summer?
I really enjoy reading of everyone's trials, tribulations and progress. Happy riding all.