Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

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Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:12 pm

This should be an interesting year, but first to slog through the rest of winter! While I have A casually up for sale, I have an eye more towards showing her second level and keeping T at home for another year. I think the experience will benefit me, make A more marketable, and keep me from cutting corners on T''s development in the name of prepping for shows.

Finish DRT2 in January, minimum 3x a week workouts
Detox from the holiday eating, try to lose a couple lbs.
1x per seek rider position-focused ride and 1x per week no stirrups (maybe get brave enough to try this on T?)

Keep working on the simple changes, bounce in the canter.
Remember to school rein-back.
Maintain honest thrust/bend in the SI
Marching walk!

Haul out 1-2x a week to get her more reliable with loading (she sometimes self loads, and other days makes an issue over it)
Keep up the kinesiotaping supported by laser and stretching
Keep working towards back relaxation, stretching FDO into contact earlier in the ride.

Both: if weather allows, haul across town for a couple lessons. Take a couple jumping lessons at home.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:18 pm

Ah, I think I will participate now that I don't have to read pages to catch up. It's been RAINING here!!!!!!!! Whoooo Hoooo! So needed. So, we won't have the "easy" winter of not having to slog through the mud to get the horses and deal with a crowded covered and showing in the rain. SO glad I'm at the "new" barn ( a year and a half, which actually has a good sized covered.) And we still do out trail rides before any arena work except maybe if it's pouring rain.

Well, this is a championship show year, so we're working towards that. And then I may be done with dressage, after 40 years. I am so disheartened with seeing what's going on with it and judging it doesn't seem to make any difference unless you have a ton of money. I saved money and only showed a few times last year and did a lot of scribing and judging to get perspective. I have no ill will towards the judges because it's a hard job and really hard to stay solid and "fair." But I have learned some things.

The scribe makes a huge difference, especially in FEI tests. I do mostly local shows, so scribes are whomever they can get, and sometimes maybe just lower level riders. I know the FEI tests, so can keep up, know how to tell the judge the missed something or ask a question at the right time, and keep a confused older judge on track (yes, there are a few of them.) I know when I scribe I generally help keep the scores a little higher. I rode Sat. and scribed Sunday in the fall. On my I-2 test I was given a 2 for a pretty decent trot half pass movement. I have the video. If you were pissy, it might have been a 6.5. My guess is the judge thought it was the GP test at first and gave a comment and that score, crossed out the comment and made normal comments (I know because I wrote them all Sunday) and forgot to change the score. I was so tired that day and scribed the next day, so didn't check the test or video until a few days later. I don't even know if I could have gotten the score changed if I had noticed. I had that happen once with Koch and asked her, and she said if I had a video she could change it. Sigh. So I got an insane bad score (double coeefficient) on a decent test because of a mistake. (And I really like this judge.) I have also scribed for an older judge who was sometimes OK and sometimes got really lost, esp. in the freestyle, so I really had to help her during the test to remind her what was going on. So it makes sense some of the the bizarre scores I got when I rode for her.

I also notice that in general the scores go up the second day if it's a two day show and up in the class if there are a group of people in it. So, being the first in the class is almost always a disadvantage unless you are a very well known person on an insane horse.

I have spent the year trying to ask judges about what is going on with judging the trot. I like Glamordale, but he has no overtrack on his "extended trot" ever, and usually gets over a 9 on it, as do other horses like that. The judging criteria has not changed, and it clearly says in the FEI rules that the toe of the front foot should point to where it is going and the front and hind legs should move equally forward. ... ion_V2.pdf Most judges wouldn't answer. I like Koch and we always have a good time when I scribe. She said she tried to understand, too, and spent the day looking at horses in Europe and found that the big deal was freedom of the shoulder they were judging. But that is not the movement. Sigh.

The judges who do a lot of international judging/CDI type shows are higher scoring than those who judge locally or nationally. I don't have a lot of opportunity to show under these judges because it's too expensive for me to go to those shows that are multiday or a long drive away with gas. My take from scribing for Osinksi so much (again, he is being set up as the next US O judge) is they focus more on overall look and ignore little blips, and the other judges (even ones I like very much) tend to note every little blip and mark down.

Eh. So, one more spend too much money year and go to the champs at PSG, I-1, I-2, and GP, and then I don't know. Both girls are doing super well and so much steadier, but scores are lower than the were a few years back, and I have seen that with everyone. It seems a shame not to show horses that can do the work in their prime, so I'll figure something out. Maybe show Quinn I-2 and GP (she can do it all) and lease Quilla to someone who wants to show and then it won't be a money drain with showing so much (which is getting SO much more expensive.)

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Quelah » Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:13 pm

Wow Tanga, that's an eye opening post. Thank you for writing it.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:27 pm

Very interesting post Tanga. I've certainly felt the same way about dressage and while I have a goal to get to GP, I think it will be just at home in my own arena. I've pencilled (scribed) a lot also and realised just how subjective it is, plus a judge has to very quickly make a decision on a score at the higher level tests. I feel they don't follow the FEI rules in regards to gaits and frame.
It's a shame it's making you think of quitting, but I get it. Along with the cost.
My goals this year is keep working towards Masters level for working eq. Judging in this sport is also quite subjective! Plus in Australia there isn't many experienced judges and we are all learning. I'm happy to accept that and keep training with the goal to keep my horses feeling and looking happy.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Dec 31, 2022 11:17 pm

My big goal in 2023 is actually to make it down centerline for the first time in 4 years.

This goal period, I have a clinic in 3 weeks and I need to get my stuff together for it as I'm supposed to be some kind of third level guinea pig. We've been focusing really hard on rideability and basics so I've barely ridden a flying change recently, let alone a canter half pass (its been hard with very limited ring space, as well.) I foresee some hard work in the next couple of weeks!

After that, its a matter of slogging through the bleaker parts of winter and actually riding.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:58 am

Thanks. Yeah. It's always been BS, but it's just getting out of hand. And I really have done all I can do without a lot of money. Maybe I can make some money off of letting people experience these high level movements on nice horses since I won't have to try to stay AA for champs every two years so I don't have to compete against Olympians (but do against Charlotte Jorst.)

I really don't fault the judges because there is so much pressure to not score some people badly, and it's really hard. The pressure comes from the top and the people with money, and they are making a ton of money with incorrect horses that don't last long being pushed younger and younger. I am trying to even get interest to go to Omaha because the venue is supposed to be fantastic and no way in HELL will I go to a third world state like Texas in '25, but not that excited about it.

Oh yeah. Forgot two things. Besides the trot, dropped backs and heads pulled back into their necks with little to no muscle in front of the wither, 100% proving the horses are not correctly collected. I also have noticed the judges (Oskinski included) really don't give 8's at any level, let alone 9's. Seriously, most horses have an 8 somewhere in most rides, especially in lower levels, and you need to look for it. So, adding the .5 in scoring actually upped the scores, but now the rarity of 8's (and I damn well know my pirouettes are at least 8's) is pushing scores down. It's hard being judged against the Olympians, but they get 9's for trots with no overtrack.

Hell, maybe dressage equitation will really catch on here, and I'll rule the world! Or I will do lower level eventing (no way am I jumping that high) and get REALLY high dressage scores and have fun galloping over little fences. (Barn has little X country fences we always do on the trails to warm up.)

Whew. Made it through the day. It's been raining nonstop and I did not go to the barn because, besides the road to the barn is flooded and has mudslides, a lot of the freeways are flooded, and the road I usually take back near my house because the creek that normally flows about 40 feet below it collapsed the road. I really, really, really want to go check on the horses, but I am stopping myself. They are on a hill, the guy at the barn WILL make sure they are OK, and I added a second blanket last night because I knew of all the rain.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Sun Jan 01, 2023 1:32 am

I used to do low level eventing, but I ended up winning/placing too much because we could do a good dressage test. After a little while people expect you to move up the levels. I tried riding HC, but the eventing world here was like WTF are you talking about!
Come and do working equitation Tanga :P

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sun Jan 01, 2023 2:10 am

I would LOVE to do working equitation. But I'm not sure how to get started, honestly there's not much of a community in this area.

Exercise out of the saddle, even if it is just walking
Cook/eat well
Find time to balance riding/barn time with other obligations

Continue lateral work
Continue to work on lengthening, get more variation/distinction within gaits
Do lots of hills and poles to build booty strength
Figure out my PIVO and try a virtual lesson in Jan

Continue to work on fitness/stamina
Do work at liberty or in hand a few times a month
Plan ahead for spring allergies

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sun Jan 01, 2023 3:39 pm

Ugh! more rain! Not the best way to start off the new year with a 3-day horse show looming overhead. Goals for all 3 are basically the same as last go round. I hope to get qualifying for the regionals behind me with the upcoming show so that I can focus on improving the quality of the gaits and connection on both Brandon and Junior for the remainder of this period. I hope to stay on top of my fitness. As far as Ace goes, well, he's the sweetest pudge (fit fat) that will continue his trail jaunts once the weather improves which isn't going to be for another week at least. The next two months are usually our 'rainy' season and so it goes. At least it looks like we're guaranteed a beautiful late winter/early spring flower season.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:46 pm

I am not making any riding goals since I am at the mercy of the weather. I have to find someone to sit with Mom if I haul out and am gone longer than the normal barn run so that probably isn’t happening. I am not even sure where one can haul-in on this side of the valley. We are having a nice break in the yucky weather so I will work in rides whenever I can. We will do some walk work then add in increasing sets of trot over next month then add in some canter. As always…basics, basics, basics. I want to try and get her to the vet by late January or early February to assess her teeth and check that right hind. I don’t really have any great goals for showing. I truly enjoy the training though and she is getting to the age where I am not sure how much collection I want to push for. Being at the mercy of the weather makes maintaining condition much more difficult.

Fitness goals for me. Continue to work on the hip. It still hurts 6 weeks post PRP. Still painful to walk up stairs or up hill and I still can’t lay on either side for any amount of time which makes for restless sleep (because I invariably roll to my side from time to time :P ). It is better from immediately post injection and I can do most of the PT exercises with minimal pain but I am a little bummed that the pain just won’t seem to go away with activities of daily living. I have my 6 week follow-up with the Dr at 7 1/2 weeks because she is gone this week. I don’t know whether to try another round. The injections were pretty darn painful and I don’t want anything escalated before I go to Iceland…because I am going if I have to drag myself around :lol: . I am 2 1/2 months without vitamin “I” (Ibuprofen) and that alone has been tough. Per the PRP protocol, no NSAIDs for 2 weeks before and 3 months after! I don’t know if I could go 7 months (total) without. No doubt my kidneys are happier ;) .
I have been rowing but need to ramp that up and get more aerobic exercise. I should be able to walk some more now that all the ice has melted depending on how it makes the hip feel.
I am going to dive in and work on my weight again. I am down 11 lbs from January ‘22 but would like to get another 15lbs gone to give my skeleton a break. I have been eating ‘cleaner’ …now to lose the sugar.


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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:55 pm

Thank you for the 2023 starter thread. I have a new rider who is really keen to get her bronze medal and seems to enjoy Kimba. the Grey mare serms to have told me she will appreciate a review of first through third better than she will like trying to do fourth, so that is Kimba.

Saiph is still enjoying some down time and hacking but I plan to end her vacation toward the end of January. I hope that by then I will be back to riding seven or eight horses on a good day.

I have two horses that are firmly back in the training level and gave never been shown so I feel like I am playing snakes and ladders and have slid all the way back to the start. I seem to spend my life progressing horses training level through third . The advantage of that is most horses can do it and basics are always worth focusing on. Lol.

So the newcomer.

Honey. Semi "feral" brood mare. By semi feral I simply mean that she is happy hanging in a bed and has not been handled much on a daily basis. 12. Severe separation anxiety .
Goal: get her started under saddle. And work on regularity and accepting a bit in her mouth.

Lexyl. Evaluate for stringhalt. Consistent work wtc. Install basics.

Saiph. Get fit after her time off and establish refined basics with a view to improved collection

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:16 am

Wow, Tanga, thanks for sharing that interesting insight on showing. I don’t have a great desire to show but if I do, it will be a two day show since we don’t have any one-days close by in my third world state haha. And I will remember the bit about scores being higher on the second day. I only want to show if it’s fun, and I think I would enjoy it more if I went and schooled on day one, and then showed on day 2.

Susan, you have my understanding about needing someone to sit with your mom. Having my mom living with me since Oct 30 has really deepened my appreciation for those of us taking care of out parents. My mom can stay by herself all day but she needs someone here at night. On the other hand, my BBF who is 76 and taking care of her DH who is 87 can’t leave him alone at all. They are ranchers and she takes him in the truck with her to do chores, but if she has to go to town, she needs to get a sitter.

I have some simple goals this time.

1) ride 5 days a week unless extreme weather prohibits.
2)video every ride unless extreme western,
3) haul to trainer 1 X a week, unless extreme weather.
4) work on getting my seat and hands coordinated. After watching today’s video I think I need to quicken my seat into a more relaxed hand. In other words, ride her up to receiving hands…

Trail ride 2 times a week

lose 4 pounds. I’ve lost 15 since DH passed because I don’t have an appetite, but I still need to lose another 10 to get to my best weight. I was losing faster in the first few months but now am losing about 2/month. I feel better at a lighter weight, and my joints also feel better.

Start working out again. 2 times a week during January and 3 times a week in February.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:30 am

Ai, is it that time already? I'm still on holiday at the beach for the next 2 weeks, while my horse is languishing in his paddock, getting even fatter.

My broad goal this year is just to be as established as possible at 3rd level, so all schooling and fitness work will go towards that. And to have as much fun with Odin as possible. He is 17 this year, and my awareness of time running out is a constant pinprick in my mind.
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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:05 pm

Wonder what 2023 will bring.

Horse wise Joplin I’m very curious how the new leather tree saddle will impact our training. If she continues as how I felt her last week I see some big progress in our canter work this year. She felt really good in December Cedar clinic but even better last week in the new saddle. I’ll know more as we get a few more rides under our belt.

Gaila just keep the status quo and look to breed her in February. Cross your fingers!!

I’m hosting Cedar 4 times this year and Jillian once in March. Not sure about WE.

Blob Aiken is really growing WE wise!

I’ve had to add another caregiver for mom. Have one 6 days a week 8 hours. She’s good overnight but during the day just needs more help than I have time for because of the farm duties. I do still have her on Tuesdays by myself and have all doctor etc appointments to make sure she gets there. Her cognition has really deteriorated this year. Thankfully she has the money to hire caregivers. My sister is pushing for her to be put into a facility and I’m resisting at this time. It may come to that at some point but not now. I’m conservator and we share guardianship mostly in name only. Sister does little for mom’s care. Yeah demi and Kyra’s mom I am in your shoes as well. Our caregivers are life savers for me.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:24 pm

Ditto khall-- wonder what 2023 has in store for us.

Chisamba-- feel your pain (relatively speaking) re: the perpetual training-to-third journey. Queso is knocking on the door of 3rd which has me thinking about potentially buying another youngster... and then I think about having to start all over and I need to go take a nap. Best of luck to you and your students, and glad to "see", virtually, you're back in the saddle again!

I do have a bit of a laundry list of goals this time around:

For me:
- Exercise every day (ride/walk/yoga/bike/other)
- Count calories (to re-lose those 5+ lb again)
- Ride 4-5x/week
- Plan 1 horse outing per month (show/clinic/other)

For Queso:
- Show 3rd level USEF & Level 4 WDAA end of January (& qualify for the championships)
- Off-property clinic
- Confirm canter squares w/ 1/4-pirouettes; work towards 1/3 or 1/2 pirouettes by end of Feb
- W & T in harness with a cart by end January

I always start with such rosy ambitions in January and then the reality of wintry weather hits.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:37 pm

Trainer just called and told me not to come to the barn as they are buried in nearly 3ft of new snow. Fortunately we've only had about half that amount here, but I've still got to dig out and the roads are an icy mess.

So, not a promising start to the training year! But it is winter in Utah, and we need the precip desperately.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:55 pm

New year, new goals.

I stepped away from riding one day back in May, don't know why,, don't know when I'll hop back on, but maybe this will get me re-started. This has been the longest I've been away from riding since 1976, even including being horseless in vet school!

All the horses are fine, btw. Tio has not taken a lame step in almost 2 years now, a record for him! Rabbit has a couple little girls dying to ride her so she needs to go back to work soon so she'll be safe for them. Rudy is still my heart horse and gives me lots of head hugs. I'm sure he's wondering what happened.

So my goal is to start riding again!

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:29 pm

I was wondering where you got to Sue B!

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:04 pm

(Sue, I wish you well in your return to riding! I was thinking of you as on January 1st, as I chose to go fly fishing in a new to me stream in the Smokies vs. riding. It was over 60F where I am---a shocking return of good fishing and a great treat after our "deep freeze" which was nothing compared to many.).

*2023 Thoughts, not Resolutions*

I have been trying to transition Emi to 4 days a week with appropriate work instead of 5-6 workouts per week pre-injury or once we were beyond fundamental rehab which requires a lot on the daily. Lately I've been thinking that it's not the days, it's the work type. Just like it took me years to figure out her perfect warm up, it is taking me some time to figure out how much work is good for her body---her mind thrives on hard work but I must use careful judgement for the coming 21 yr old with some history :-) That said, I loved her canter work in the field today. Not 2nd level quality (still recovering strength) but much more even on each lead and more adjustable within the canter. So this is something I want to get a handle on.

This might sound strange, but I am also actively thinking with my DH about the kind of retirement we seek to have (we're around 7 years away...or maybe less). Obviously, with or without horses makes a big difference (money and time). I am also open to leasing a different horse once Emi needs less activity and during retirement. Although we live in a place with plentiful grass and fairly mild weather, I think the future will bring fewer high quality boarding facilities...and unless we buy such a place and lease it out (scary! because of ?!?!?), I'm not sure what to expect in 10 years due to climate changes and economy. Even in my rural area, the pressure on land for other purposes is very evident. One thing my partner and I agree upon is that life needs to become easier in retirement! (including a smaller property for us to manage--now 20 acres)

I wish everyone a year with good learning, experience, and wonderful connection with their equines! Thanks to Chancellor for hosting this old school form of connection.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:05 pm

Hello everyone! Happy new year!

2022 was a bit high energy getting my equine nutrition business going but clients are super happy and it's a great career. I didn't stop riding, but it does take a lot of effort.
Riding is also going well and still trying for third level with Riot. He's 18 going to be 19 but going strong. I cured his fecal water syndrome with a diet change so that is awesome and his weight is better. That really does help the dressage! He is in really good shape now.
Its our 11th anniversary- started riding him 1/4/2012.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:54 am

Happy Riot day, Rye!

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jan 03, 2023 5:35 am

Sue, it's good to hear from you! I've seen you post a few times on ToB, so I knew you were OK. Hope you'll swing by here more, and get your riding mojo back too!

Tesla got her thoracic sling taped yesterday. I lunged her lightly afterwards and it seemed like she was really free in her shoulders, especially trotting left. After, I was walking her and she would sort of charge forward for half a circle and then stop and not want to move, and then charge forward again. Today I hauled her to the big indoor and had a really nice ride, and noticed that she did not do her stomping thing once (and she has been doing it a lot recently). Also tried the Fager titanium mullen on her again and think I'll stick with that for awhile. She went out more honestly to the connection earlier in the ride, more F/D/O instead of ducking behind the bit. She actually got a little strong in the connection, but not heavy. When I first tried it on her maybe six months ago, she just turned into a freight train, but I think she's a little more educated in the contact now. We'll see if the freight train comes back after a few rides. The person who is doing the taping was riding with me and said she was really reaching nicely forward and her trot looked super. Towards the end of the ride I put her a little deeper and got some really nice T/C/T transitions. She is so sensitive and powerful, it's going to be really fun if she stays on this positive trajectory. Oh, and I've been able to go from riding with spurs and two whips to one whip and no spurs. I think I barely touched her with the whip at all in our ride today.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby zevida » Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:25 pm

blob wrote:I would LOVE to do working equitation. But I'm not sure how to get started, honestly there's not much of a community in this area.

I’ve seen a few working eq videos that really intrigued me but it also isn’t clear how to get started. It seemed like an interesting alternate if I don’t want to try going further in dressage but am too chicken to jump but also don’t want to only do hacks/trails.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Jan 04, 2023 4:38 am

After my ride tonight, I need to amend my goals for Tesla to add that we will be living in shoulder-fore. Also, another ride with zero stomping!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:25 pm

StraightForward wrote:After my ride tonight, I need to amend my goals for Tesla to add that we will be living in shoulder-fore. Also, another ride with zero stomping!

It's winter. Less light. My photic response horse doesn't stomp or flip hus head til spring.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:38 pm

Weather has been erratic after our extreme cold snap (extreme for GA at least), we spiked up to high 60s/low 70s and now will have 36 hours or so of very heavy rain. With my two I worry about the unusual heat and all this rain (and mud) more than I did the very cold. But certainly all the changes aren't great for any of the horses.

MM's fitness effort continues. I think after a year of really not any real work she is quite out of shape and right now I am having trouble telling what is breathing hard because she's out of shape and what is breathing hard because of asthma. it's a tricky balance. Last year her allergies started in February, so I am prepared for them to start relatively soon. Though who knows how the spring allergies will be in this new location. On Monday, I gave one of the girls who works at the barn a lesson on MM. It was nice to see someone else ride her and see what a good partner MM is for teaching someone about lateral work and connection. I would like to do this more often--let others learn on and from her.

I'm also breaking in a new pair of boots, they're one of those very stiff pairs (which I generally like even if the break in process is awful). So, right now I can't really feel my leg against the horse, so I have been doing hills and hacks with RP since my leg is not very effective at the moment. I also have some lovely raw spots on the back of my knees.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:54 pm

Chisamba wrote:
StraightForward wrote:After my ride tonight, I need to amend my goals for Tesla to add that we will be living in shoulder-fore. Also, another ride with zero stomping!

It's winter. Less light. My photic response horse doesn't stomp or flip hus head til spring.

No, this clearly stopped after the thoracic sling taping. She doesn't flip her head at all, and was stomping regardless of light. It was most frequent the last few weeks. Especially after taping her left shoulder it was like she was trying to free up her right shoulder to match.
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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Jan 04, 2023 3:02 pm

blob wrote:I'm also breaking in a new pair of boots.... I also have some lovely raw spots on the back of my knees.

LOL, this made me realize that the scars on my ankles from breaking in my navy parent boots are finally gone, so that means my new pair should be arriving any day to start the cycle all over again. I ordered some Cavallos one cm taller, so I'm sure I'll have the behind the knee carnage soon enough!
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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Wed Jan 04, 2023 3:07 pm

SF does T only use one leg to stomp? Or is she ambidextrous?

My last ride was eh on Joplin and the new saddle. She was uncharacteristically spooky and just did not feel right. Was concerned something was going on so took her back later that evening and she was back to her normal self. My boarder reported that Chex was spooky when she rode in the arena right after I rode saying something eventually was crashing in the woods that butt up to the arena so I’m figuring we had wildlife of some sort out there. Took her back last night to wih and she was great.

Heavy rain yesterday evening and this morning going to take a bit to dry out now. Had to turn fans on it’s so warm and muggy. Smh

What a weird winter. Frozen Christmas and got so hot new years that my phone overheated sitting in the sun and now t storms and heavy rain

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:45 pm

SF, Tio came into his own his 10th year so will T it looks like. While Tio also lived in shoulder-fore, I did notice (after attending the Gary Rockwell clinic) that sometimes it was more neck bend than shoulder-fore. When I paid closer attention to that detail, he really started to lift and engage quite nicely. Before I quit, his lenthenings were 7's (video'd our rides), si were evenly bent throughout the body etc, etc. Really made upward transitions high quality, particularly the strike-off into canter.

I forgot to add in my earlier post that I am still working very hard at learning how to play the french horn. Turns out counting in the correct rhythm is hard, lol. I wonder if it will translate well into training, like maybe my medium and extended trots will come up a notch.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:01 pm

Sue B wrote:I forgot to add in my earlier post that I am still working very hard at learning how to play the french horn. Turns out counting in the correct rhythm is hard, lol. I wonder if it will translate well into training, like maybe my medium and extended trots will come up a notch.

Former band kid here-- 5A all state in a large state, 1st chair in a large college band-- and I can still routinely get poor medium and extended trot scores. Wishing you better luck!

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:20 am

Nice to see you again, Sue B!

Interesting (in a good way!) ride today. Deck guy almost finished so we had almost the whole arena to work with.

After weeks of riding in circles, we tackled straight lines again. "Wait, what? You want me to canter all the way around the arena? With my neck between my shoulderblades? Both long sides and both short sides? That's animal abuse, I tell you!!!"

However, we did it, in both directions :) Tomorrow we have to add in some HP and flying changes to the mix.

And deck guy will have finally packed up his crap and GONE. However, I suspect heater guy will be there instead.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:11 am

StraightForward wrote:
Chisamba wrote:
StraightForward wrote:After my ride tonight, I need to amend my goals for Tesla to add that we will be living in shoulder-fore. Also, another ride with zero stomping!

It's winter. Less light. My photic response horse doesn't stomp or flip hus head til spring.

No, this clearly stopped after the thoracic sling taping. She doesn't flip her head at all, and was stomping regardless of light. It was most frequent the last few weeks. Especially after taping her left shoulder it was like she was trying to free up her right shoulder to match.

That's great. I'm curious as to what you think the taping helped? I have not seen a thoracic sling taped, I should Google it.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:22 am

Here is a pic. I'd noticed a few days before that she was really sensitive in her right pec, so perhaps it loosened something in that area. Overall I think it works on her well to free up the fascia and muscles. She has naturally high muscle tone. The first taping was back and belly, and she was stretching better and softer in the back after that.
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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:24 am

Here is a short clip of Tesla stomping, though the last couple weeks it was much more "stompy." This was towards the end of a lesson where she was very sticky and we pretty much just tried to get her into this stretch. Lesson the next morning she was awesome. Three rides since the sling taping and no stomping. She is going to get taped again tomorrow with a different brand of tape that will hopefully stay on longer.

Hauled A out to ride this morning. It was great to get her in some better footing and a bigger space. She is getting much more adjustable in her canter with better self-carriage. Also really getting the hang of the simple changes on the circle. We still need more jump in the canter to manage canter HP. Overall she is just adorable though. The 2023 show schedule came out, so I'm planning towards a first show in Pocatello end of June. There is another show closer the same weekend, but they tend to fill up quickly and it's all warmbloods with the odd Iberian, so I'm sure A wouldn't stand a chance with the gait-dependent scores there. I need to study the 2nd level tests a bit more and think about what we should focus on over the next few months.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:20 pm

This could be a really stupid question but does she stomp bare back? My Dutch guy stomps when his girth is uncomfortable. With the sling tape helping my brain went to girth pressure contributing to the negative.?? Of course the Australian bone lady would say it's her "new" desease

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:23 pm

SF- Junior has recently developed a habit of stomping when he gets upset knowing that we're going to really amp up the ante. It seems though that with some persistence and 'fairness' in terms of releases and breaks his episodes have disappeared almost as quickly as they started (last few months). I suspect however these episodes will return once we decide to move up further.

Yesterday was another 'lesson day' for Junior. It's funny because he's really bonded with Molly. He perks his ears and nickers to her when she comes into the arena despite being required to work harder than he ever has. Unfortunately, we had a setback in the flying changes which was all on me; but, prior to that we were working hard on developing the appropriate engagement and contact in the half passes and mediums with more power. Molly announced half-way through the lesson that her goal is for us to earn 9s on our half-passes. With a better understanding of where I needed to ride him to in the contact, we ended up with some really lovely and expressive half-passes at both trot and canter. The biggest 'message' to me or imagery was to 'point his chin towards the point of his shoulder' and release when he softens but not loosen or lengthen the rein on the inside, okay to give a wee bit on the outside as long as I was still using it and the rest of my outside aids in the half pass. Of course, we did A LOT of half pass, leg yield off the inside, half pass, leg yield off the inside which really got him supple, bending and expressive. It was going so well that Molly wanted me to ride a couple of FCs on the diagonal and before I felt and caught it, he sucked backed/braced and threw in his skip a change.............and we were doing so well. The reality is that he's likely going to do this at the show, but I know how to play the game. I know I will still have a chance to earn a qualifying score if I can get reasonable scores on the rest of my work in the test. I got a good feel for where Junior's back needs to be under my seat when he's truly pushing off and up/off his hind end and plan to reproduce that with more consistency (chiseled abs here we come). So we'll work on this 'new' quality and the suppleness and take whatever the request of FC brings us at the show. I likely won't work on the FC at all until the actual show. My true goal is to not just qualify for regionals but to do so in order to avoid the shows until the FC problem is resolved which I know it can and will be. If I am successful, I won't have to show Junior again until the end of September. I just need enough time where there is no excuse or point where I EVER have to accept the 'wrong' answer. This is really just a problem in one direction so there's always hope that we'll get a clean true flying change in the test going right to left ;) We'll know in one week. :roll:

On a totally unrelated note, my old man JRT turned 17 yesterday. It was 17 years ago that I delivered by c-section for his owners and was paid via puppy. Linus has been slowing down significantly in the last 6 months. He has congestive heart failure which actually has been well managed for several years. Now it's really been more his senility. I always said I would wait until he passed before getting another JRT (a requirement for my ranch LOL); but, as things go the right puppy and opportunity presented itself and Darla was added to our family this week; so, I've been a bit busier than usual. Linus and both of our spanish water dogs seem to be accepting the addition rather to schedule all the appointments needed to have my mother re-evaluated. She's had some major gaffs in her memory and decision-making ability just within the last 2 weeks. Never a dull or boring moment around here.
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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:38 pm

Chisamba wrote:This could be a really stupid question but does she stomp bare back? My Dutch guy stomps when his girth is uncomfortable. With the sling tape helping my brain went to girth pressure contributing to the negative.?? Of course the Australian bone lady would say it's her "new" desease

I haven't ridden her bareback; we're not quite there yet :shock: I've been using the same Mikmar girth on her for several months, and tried several other girths without noticing a real difference. Pretty sure she has stomped when I've ridden in the jump saddle with a plain long girth. Like Junior, T seems to stomp when she's being challenged or thinking about something. Often if we have a good bout of T/C work, then take a walk break, she'll stomp a few times. She used to stomp when I was walking her towards the mounting block. She stomps when she is being led out to pasture slower than she would like. This morning we had a good ride and she stomped a couple times once she really let go and got more free and forward in her movement. It's also the first time we've done trot cavaletti in a couple weeks, so that may have instigated some more shoulder stretch (she went over them beautifully). She is getting taped again this afternoon, so it will be interesting to see if the stomping abates again.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:15 am

I've been away for a bit- I kept getting message that the site wasn't secure. But I'm happy to read everyone's latest news and progress. Even if we are just through to the new year, which is how I certainly have been feeling.

Lynx has been chilling since October. I've tried to do some in hand work here and there but not consistently because of the holidays, weather (freezing temperatures and then lots of snow) and illness in the family. I've stressed a bit about and gotten some flack about it at the barn. Everyone is very concerned about him being out of work because of his stifles but I really couldn't do more than I could do.

I hope that some time off didn't hurt him. He gets turned out for 8 hours in a small herd (which he is now the boss of, bittersweet for a 5 year old) and then lives in an outdoor pen with a 32 ft run. He's gotten lots of body work as usual. So we will see what I have this weekend.

I signed up for Jec Ballou's stifle conditioning/rehab program so I have more guidance. I also got an equicore band for Christmas that my vet is highly recommending for him. Fingers crossed. Everyone thinks I'm way over paranoid but my vet confirmed that his other stifle was bothering him so good to be cautious. She said it's probably just confirmation and age and not to freak out too much.
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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:51 am

I was able to ride five horses including the green bean brood mare rehab, Honey. I have to get up to 8 to be able to work my own more consistently. However im.optimistic because I am getting there. Basically. Mine has an 8 week lay up so I am.simply starting basic fitness and basic basics lol.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:16 pm

Giving myself a bit of winter grace this period. Mom had PET scan yesterday and we are managing a zillion appointments and offices. Thanks for the blessings from the other post.

So my goal this period is simply to ride. Whatever that looks like, and however frequently that ends up.

Exvet, how dare you mention a new puppy and not provide pics. I cannot wait to see some sweet lil Darla

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:13 pm

LSP, good to hear from you. I'm sure Lynx won't be the worse for wear getting some downtime. He is looking more uphill in that photo - has he grown a bit? T had a big adjustment in her way of going when she was coming 6 and she came up in front and the whole balance changed. I think it's been an improvement with how she can use her backend.

Chisamba, great to hear you are back up to riding several horses. I'm not sure I could handle 5 in a day, let alone 8!

Aleuronx, jingles for your mom. Your horse will be there when you are ready.

ExVet, thanks for another great, detailed post on your journey with Junior!

Tesla and I went across town for a gridwork day today. Of course we just did ground poles and the tiniest of crossrails. T was a little excited and we had a couple spooks. I felt that she was starting to suck back again, just a little, and unfortunately with about 15 other horses in the ring it wasn't really possible to just put her in a canter and push through it. But it was a great experience for her, having to stand along the wall and wait her turn. As soon as they put the first jump in the grid up to a crossrail she started to fuss and I just waved the white flag and called it a day as there was nothing to be gained from pushing her through it. She seems to have about a two hour clock when we're away from home and then starts getting wound up again after that. But this is the year for working on basics and taking her to low pressure type things like this. Hopefully we can try it again next month and squeeze some jumping in at home in the meantime. She hadn't seen anything more than a cavaletti in two months, and this was her first time jumping away from home so overall I thought she did pretty well and as a bonus didn't squish any ponies.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:02 pm

Chisamba, you are a super woman! I too can't imagine so many while rehabbing. You and Exvet are both inspirational in your passion and determination always.

Straightforward, he definitely has grown and filled out a lot. Hopefully that change in balance will help us out like it did for T. Now we just need to get him fit and keep him fit. Hopefully smooth sailing from there.

I liked the video of Tesla's stomping with the front long. She's so expressive and definitely has a personality, too funny. Sounds like you are having good experiences with Tesla doing all kinds of things. I really hope to get Lynx off property once he's a little fit/it's not snowy around here.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:31 am

We have a break in the weather…at least temperature wise. Possibly a lot of rain coming so we will see how much ride time is in the cards.

I have had 3 rides in the last week :D . We only have our smaller arena available (approx 25-30m and square-ish) so we can’t do a whole lot of fancy but after mostly standing around for 2 months, no fancy needed. We are working mainly walk including all the lateral work and with a few sets of trot work. The footing hasn’t been worked since it froze and I don’t know when it will be due to BO’s back surgery but it has a good base and she hasn’t been having any problem in it since it thawed. We even went up the hill on the property yesterday so can get a little hill work in. I had plenty of forward today in the wind. Despite that, she felt fairly relaxed, just quite forward. She has been quite pleasant thus far. I am keeping a close eye on her since mid-December, they quit using the slow feed hay nets. Liz was just in too much pain to load them all so I am watching for signs of ulcers again. I do give her Outlast before I ride and like I said, thus far, she is working well and able to stay relaxed.

Yesterday we had a bit of a butt clench moment but we weathered it and lived to ride on. Another boarder who is older than me and kind of frail was hand walking her boy. She asked me if that would bother us as she said no guarantee he won’t explode. I figured he probably would but told her no, no bother. As I was riding out to the arena I think I should have qualified to no bother IF you can keep a hold of him. Sure enough he leaped into the air, flung his head and ripped the lead out of her hand. I just thought oh sh**! He trotted straight for Kyra. We stopped and he got the lead loosely wrapped around his front legs and stopped about 10 feet away. His owner went to the entrance to the arena (no gate :shock: ) to block it and called him and he turned and trotted right to her. She complemented Kyra on being so good. I was complementary on his recall. Whew.


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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:52 pm

Kyras_Mom wrote:I think I should have qualified to no bother IF you can keep a hold of him. Sure enough he leaped into the air, flung his head and ripped the lead out of her hand.

Oh crap! About a minute after I got on T at the grid day, someone who was lunging in the arena lost hold of her horse and it took a few people to catch it. Needless to say I vaulted off pretty quickly, but T really didn't care at all.

The arena was drained, if not lumpy, so I got to ride both girls outside yesterday afternoon. I wanted to make sure T didn't have that sucking back mentality fermenting in her brain. She was a little sticky to the canter at first, but got going and we had a nice ride with probably the best contact I've gotten from her in the titanium bit. Also a nice forward ride and popping over a crossrail a few times for A, which she needed to blow the cobwebs out.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:35 pm

Aleuronx - I hope your mother is hanging in there and coping with things well. I know how challenging it all is. I was hoping to get a picture of Darla this weekend because like puppies do, she's grown a bit but still comes in at only 4 lbs. These are pictures that the breeder took. The second one had me convinced that she's the right Jack for us.



Chisamba, as the others have stated, you are a wonder. I don't think I can keep up the pace with that number of horses anymore; but I also understand the 'need' to do so. My kids are constantly telling me to 'cut back' but I'm honestly afraid that if I do everything will stop...............

LSP - Molly's horse sat for a year, same age, after a serious pasture accident with only hand work for rehab. Within 6 months after he was given the green light she was showing at Lamplight. Only 9 months later she won the regional championships with him. Sometimes their bodies just need the time to heal, and they come out stronger and more mentally mature, ready for what's to come.

Susan, those are the come to jezuz moments I definitely dread and then am so grateful I've worked on the bond/relationship aspect with my horses daily. Sounds like both horses knew or realized their human partners were of greater importance than herd instinct.

SF - I rode both boys yesterday, again just focusing on gait quality and connection. Then . the . other . dreaded . deed . which even with my daughter's help took 5 hours to complete. I had so much hair in my teeth, bra and elsewhere after body clipping two horses. Brandon did extremely well for his first-time being body clipped. He was leaning into the clippers enjoying 'the scratching'. Then ran around like a screaming banshee after he was blanketed. He was convinced the leg straps were lions. I plan to ride today but I'm expecting that Brandon is going to be exhausted after his christening into the 'real' show world. Junior resigned himself to the routine a few years ago and actually seeks to have his blanket put on when the temps starting dipping after sunset.

I've heard differing predictions on the weather this week. The one without rain is the one I hope is right ;)

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:31 pm

Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:07 pm

Aww, Exvet this gave me such a smile! What a lovely lil doll she looks to be, thank you for sharing.

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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Mon Jan 09, 2023 12:02 am

OMG Exvet….SQUEEE :geek: .

StraightForward wrote:Oh crap! About a minute after I got on T at the grid day, someone who was lunging in the arena lost hold of her horse and it took a few people to catch it. Needless to say I vaulted off pretty quickly, but T really didn't care at all.

Thats cool but this old body has no vaulting left in it. If I tried, I would just end up in a crumpled ball on the ground or get my leg stuck and fall off on my head. Luckily, Kyra has a few years on T and has finally learned to listen to me and stay cool.

The footing finally allowed me to turn Kyra out up the hill and she took advantage of it and stretched her legs and got some good rolling in. She also managed to fall down in her verve but she immediately jumped up and kept going. I took her out later and lunged her for a few minutes and everything looked intact. She just kind of slid down and didn’t go ass over tea kettle thankfully.


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Re: Getting Dressage-y in 2023: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:11 am

The new — as of today — boarder at my barn decided to free lunge her horse in the round pen, whilst I was riding a few feet away in the arena. I was not very appreciative.
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