UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
So our equine dentist yesterday confirmed my aged gelding has a broken back tooth (infection observed on X-ray) that needs removal at her surgical clinic. Based on the complexity of extraction it cannot be done in my barn. So my gelding must be trailered about 2 hours away. I have a 2 horse ramp trailer - like a Hawk style (Trailet model).
I have not had him in my trailer for ages although I did trailer him a few times many years ago. Likewise, he was transported long distance when I purchased him.
My problem is I can load him but he will not stay inside. He panics if you attempt to lock the butt guard and backs out multiple times. I'm inside with him while DH tried to put up the bar. I am not doing this alone thank goodness - but do not want anyone getting hurt. So I am trying to feed my horse inside with the door open so there is no panic situation. I've watched multiple Youtube videos which are very helpful that clearly state do not lock horse inside until they are relaxed and accepting. Totally agree 100%. This horse is fearful and I would expect a bad reaction - then far worse resistance to trailer load.
I have a 2 WEEK DEADLINE to get this horse loaded for dental extraction. (Cancelled an open appt. today as I knew this was not going to go well if forced him. Everyone is safe and no injuries.)
Any advice is appreciated as to how you would handle a fearful horse. So far, he is food and treat motivated provided you do not lock him inside. I'm trying to increase the amount of time he stands inside before backing out. I'm inside with him but need to also attempt him standing inside with me outside at his head - side door open too. PATIENCE is needed to not screw up this trailer experience and I have the time to play with him multiple times daily - but I'm also under this deadline. Advice appreciated or pointers to any videos. So far, many videos focus on the loading aspect but not the lockup step - and that is where I need more help to not do it wrong. Thanks!
I have not had him in my trailer for ages although I did trailer him a few times many years ago. Likewise, he was transported long distance when I purchased him.
My problem is I can load him but he will not stay inside. He panics if you attempt to lock the butt guard and backs out multiple times. I'm inside with him while DH tried to put up the bar. I am not doing this alone thank goodness - but do not want anyone getting hurt. So I am trying to feed my horse inside with the door open so there is no panic situation. I've watched multiple Youtube videos which are very helpful that clearly state do not lock horse inside until they are relaxed and accepting. Totally agree 100%. This horse is fearful and I would expect a bad reaction - then far worse resistance to trailer load.
I have a 2 WEEK DEADLINE to get this horse loaded for dental extraction. (Cancelled an open appt. today as I knew this was not going to go well if forced him. Everyone is safe and no injuries.)
Any advice is appreciated as to how you would handle a fearful horse. So far, he is food and treat motivated provided you do not lock him inside. I'm trying to increase the amount of time he stands inside before backing out. I'm inside with him but need to also attempt him standing inside with me outside at his head - side door open too. PATIENCE is needed to not screw up this trailer experience and I have the time to play with him multiple times daily - but I'm also under this deadline. Advice appreciated or pointers to any videos. So far, many videos focus on the loading aspect but not the lockup step - and that is where I need more help to not do it wrong. Thanks!
Last edited by Josette on Wed May 17, 2023 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
I owned bred and raised a mare that was extremely afraid of the trainer. 2 h straight load with a ramp is what I have. I spent every day feeding her in the trailer for a couple of weeks. We spent time moving her back and forth across the ramp so she could hear it. Small turn towards me and step back across. I was also able to control forward and shoulders and hip with stick (horsemanship type stick but dressage whip works too) then I would send her in but before she got all the way in I would ask her to back out. So get 2 feet on the ramp pause back up. 2 feet in the trailer pause back up 2 feet in back on ramp pause and back out. All four in pause back out. Eat a bite back out before they want to. Ad nauseam. Once she would stand and eat then I would move behind her on the ramp. She would back out I would send her back on. Rinse repeat. Than the butt bar. Back out send back on. Just lots and lots of exposure and trying to change their thinking. She would literally shake about getting on the trailer. When she left my farm she walked onto a strange trainer with no problems.
I have to be able to load myself so I take the time to teach them to self load. You can do similar with walking them on it’s just much more dangerous to the handler
I have to be able to load myself so I take the time to teach them to self load. You can do similar with walking them on it’s just much more dangerous to the handler
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
My gelding was very fearful to load, I think from a previous bad experience (before I got him). Sorry to say it took months and months of slow patient work to get him semi-OK with loading up. One thing that helped teach him to stay in the trailer was to work on 'parking' outside the trailer. As in, lead him to an open space somewhere (no grass!), say 'halt', drop leadrope and walk away from him. If he moved, quietly go back and put him in the same place, repeat a zillion times! Then, do the 'park' on the ramp of the trailer, and give clear command 'back' to ask him to back off. If he moved before asked, just quietly but firmly put him back on the ramp, eventually he would wait for my command. Then, load up, say 'halt', walk off, and expect him to wait until asked to back off. Obviously at first I did not wait long to give him the command, and we built up time to where I could walk away out of sight and he'd wait! Once he was quite solid with that, I started to move the butt-bar behind him. At first he'd panic at the feel of it, and back off, in which case I wouldn't interfere at first, just let him reverse off, then put him straight back on, and repeat. Slowly I got more insistent at him staying 'inside', so would tell him halt, and hold the butt bar against him, only releasing when he took pressure off it. When we finally got to the stage of actually closing him in, we put a buddy in the other bay, loaded up, then as quickly and quietly as possible, did the butt-bar up solidly and lifted the ramp, closing him fully in. Huge relief when he didn't panic, just a little lurch forward!
I did also feed him in there a bit, but not sure it made a huge difference to his confidence. What really seemed to get through to him was the 'park' until asked to move. Good luck and commiserations, it is tricky having a fearful loader.
I did also feed him in there a bit, but not sure it made a huge difference to his confidence. What really seemed to get through to him was the 'park' until asked to move. Good luck and commiserations, it is tricky having a fearful loader.
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Agree with the feeding in the trailer. Like Khall said I would also make noise with the butt bar(use the other side so you and don't get hurt). I would also make sure he's comfortable with you touching his hind quarters.
So for progression: first few days he just eats in there and that's it. When that is going well, work up to touching his hind quarters while he eats. Then after he's good with that for a few days progress to standing in the other side, petting his hind end and moving the other butt bar so he hears the noise
So for progression: first few days he just eats in there and that's it. When that is going well, work up to touching his hind quarters while he eats. Then after he's good with that for a few days progress to standing in the other side, petting his hind end and moving the other butt bar so he hears the noise
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Thank you ! Yes - the issue is not loading but staying inside and the food incentive is working really well. The Trailer is parked outside the barn in the driveway and the property is enclosed - gated so there is no fear of him getting loose outside. I fed him last night inside the trailer and he was motivated but exits immediately when done. Repeat this morning except I dropped his feed inside while I exited. He literally trotted (loose) up the ramp to get to his feed. He exited 3 times but immediately loaded again when I called that there was food left behind. So 3 times he self loaded to get to his food then exited to return to his stall for his AM hay - all while he was loose. He certainly is a creature of habit - Sheldon like personality so this routine is his security behavior that I'm working with.
Next - my greatest challenge will be going behind to pet his hind end and eventually lock the butt bar. My plan is to get some alfalfa type hay which he will really encourage him to stay inside. He tolerated DH standing next to the ramp but immediately exited hearing DH rattle the butt bar.
Any suggestions for steps when to lock that butt bar? I want to avoid him rushing out backwards - so more ground work first. I guess when will I know the time is right to try it?
Now I see that I need to influence him backing out calmly and upon MY request. So his backing out is critical to this training situation - so far, I allow it so he accepts not feeling trapped / panic but I need to include the backing out on my terms. Wait - Wait - okay now back out.
So this is sounding more like keeping a nervous insecure horse who needs to remain calm and tolerant of the trailer as a positive experience. He has traveled before without loading issues but it was many years ago. Dummy me did not think about doing a refresher course to trailer load him.
I really appreciate all your input and experience with my problem. I feel under great pressure because I must do this trip for a medical procedure and not a pleasure outing. So far, he is eating and tolerates his dental problem but the dentist said it must be removed the sooner the better.
Thank you again!
Next - my greatest challenge will be going behind to pet his hind end and eventually lock the butt bar. My plan is to get some alfalfa type hay which he will really encourage him to stay inside. He tolerated DH standing next to the ramp but immediately exited hearing DH rattle the butt bar.
Any suggestions for steps when to lock that butt bar? I want to avoid him rushing out backwards - so more ground work first. I guess when will I know the time is right to try it?
Now I see that I need to influence him backing out calmly and upon MY request. So his backing out is critical to this training situation - so far, I allow it so he accepts not feeling trapped / panic but I need to include the backing out on my terms. Wait - Wait - okay now back out.
So this is sounding more like keeping a nervous insecure horse who needs to remain calm and tolerant of the trailer as a positive experience. He has traveled before without loading issues but it was many years ago. Dummy me did not think about doing a refresher course to trailer load him.
I really appreciate all your input and experience with my problem. I feel under great pressure because I must do this trip for a medical procedure and not a pleasure outing. So far, he is eating and tolerates his dental problem but the dentist said it must be removed the sooner the better.
Thank you again!
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Are you able to remove the partition? Are you able to turn him around in the trailer with it removed?
I've had horses that panicked/rush out while backing to act much more 'secure' and mindful when able to turn around and walk out forward. To do this may not be doable in the time-frame given; but, the same horses once allowed to do so were quite good backing out under control when it was needed later on.
I've had horses that panicked/rush out while backing to act much more 'secure' and mindful when able to turn around and walk out forward. To do this may not be doable in the time-frame given; but, the same horses once allowed to do so were quite good backing out under control when it was needed later on.
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Better living through chemistry? Just sedate him for the trip? I realize training is better, but sometimes you just need to get the horse where he's going.I've hauled many many sedated horses over the years, I prefer dormosedan/detomidine. Check with your vet.
It's great that he's food motivated. Sometimes reverse psychology works. Put the super yummy high value thing in the trailer, do this when he's hungry. Don't let him get in the trailer, let him get part way in, but not allll the way in. Wants it soooo bad. The idea is to get him kind of rude about trying to get in the trailer, make it his idea. If it's his idea to get in, it may change his mindset about the trailer.
It's great that he's food motivated. Sometimes reverse psychology works. Put the super yummy high value thing in the trailer, do this when he's hungry. Don't let him get in the trailer, let him get part way in, but not allll the way in. Wants it soooo bad. The idea is to get him kind of rude about trying to get in the trailer, make it his idea. If it's his idea to get in, it may change his mindset about the trailer.
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Josette wrote:
Any suggestions for steps when to lock that butt bar? I want to avoid him rushing out backwards - so more ground work first. I guess when will I know the time is right to try it?
When MM developed her trailer loading issues, they were the same--she would get on just fine, but didnt' want to stay on and even once she stayed on, if she thought you were closing the butt bar-- BYE she would back out at light speed.
At first I tried sneak attack slipping the butt bar on, but that was a recipe for someone getting hurt. So, I really made sure she was comfortable with me touching the hind end and swinging the butt bar before I even tried it. Ultimately when she was fine with both, she was also consenting to me closing her in.
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
We had another load lesson this afternoon and he marched on and stood with me. This lesson was me saying load now- then wait - now back off SLOWLY. I decide when to load, stand for a time and then get off slowly. He was fine after 3 repeats so we were done. His confidence level has greatly improved so my goal is to shut him in briefly maybe this weekend - feeding favorite hay and then unload. Rinse, Repeat. IMO he is not the type to go crazy kicking or throwing himself around as he never was upset when I trailered him years ago. This is my fault for not thinking about a major refresher lesson.
Blob - my guy sounds very much as you described because yesterday I knew we were not going to get that butt bar locked. I hear you about being sneaky but they are faster LOL. He was not mentally ready and I did not want to escalate it. We will try hind end petting at tonight feeding. I think we might be there almost.... I'm pushing him a bit to test him.
He is an experienced traveler from the past - but sadly he was transported long distances each time he was resold. Maybe a trailer ride to him means going to yet another new strange home. Maybe part of his insecurity issues so I do not want to ruin his trust in me now.
exvet - I understand what you are describing as many of the videos showed that method. I think my situation has calmed down a bit.
Quelah - I do not feel experienced enough to attempt TQ for travel. Plus - he is so easy to traq for his dental work and gets so unsteady on his feet. Frankly, I would be terrified of him falling in the trailer. He is obsessed with food so that is a HUGE motivator tool I can use. He did trot into the trailer this morning almost pulling me along with him. I do lots of ground work as we did months of rehab once with lots of hand walking backing stop stand wait, etc. I am insisting on that polite behavior now.
Blob - my guy sounds very much as you described because yesterday I knew we were not going to get that butt bar locked. I hear you about being sneaky but they are faster LOL. He was not mentally ready and I did not want to escalate it. We will try hind end petting at tonight feeding. I think we might be there almost.... I'm pushing him a bit to test him.
He is an experienced traveler from the past - but sadly he was transported long distances each time he was resold. Maybe a trailer ride to him means going to yet another new strange home. Maybe part of his insecurity issues so I do not want to ruin his trust in me now.
exvet - I understand what you are describing as many of the videos showed that method. I think my situation has calmed down a bit.
Quelah - I do not feel experienced enough to attempt TQ for travel. Plus - he is so easy to traq for his dental work and gets so unsteady on his feet. Frankly, I would be terrified of him falling in the trailer. He is obsessed with food so that is a HUGE motivator tool I can use. He did trot into the trailer this morning almost pulling me along with him. I do lots of ground work as we did months of rehab once with lots of hand walking backing stop stand wait, etc. I am insisting on that polite behavior now.
- Chisamba
- Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Get him comfortable with a butt bat touching him nowhere near the trailer. Teach him to step forward when a butt bar ( looped to a rope ) touches him nowhere near the trailer. Then do it near the trailer. Then do it on the trailer but looped to him not the trailer so if he backs out the contact goes with him til he stops. You have to do this gradually and safely . Obviously get him very comfortable with it before loading him.
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Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
I load Maia using a breakaway butt rope set up exactly like Chisamba details. It works fabulous with her. She needs loading — or anything — to be all her own idea.
Re: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Tonight feeding he allowed me to stand behind petting his butt - playing with his tail. Then more on/off load and back several times after eating. I am committed to feeding him inside the trailer - then loading at odd times so not always around an expected meal time.
Chisamba - I see myself getting into trouble as I'm not experienced to try that device myself. (BTW that is a really good drawing.) It does remind me of foal training to lead and using a butt strap. He can be fearful of dragging hose on the ground or the black power cord for the clippers. The same when lunging I am careful the line doesn't drag on the ground or him stepping on it. Fearful reaction. I'm careful - use awareness to take my time and he is cooperative.
So we are making positive progress. Presently, I have the center divider opened to the side but I am considering locking it in place soon. Then he will have the reality of loading into the straight stall. Plus the butt bar is already handy there. I think that maybe the action of moving the divider while he is standing there is not helping the situation. Less moving parts - keep it simpler. The 2 butt bars hang from the divider so there is risk swinging too. Another test for us....
Chisamba - I see myself getting into trouble as I'm not experienced to try that device myself. (BTW that is a really good drawing.) It does remind me of foal training to lead and using a butt strap. He can be fearful of dragging hose on the ground or the black power cord for the clippers. The same when lunging I am careful the line doesn't drag on the ground or him stepping on it. Fearful reaction. I'm careful - use awareness to take my time and he is cooperative.
So we are making positive progress. Presently, I have the center divider opened to the side but I am considering locking it in place soon. Then he will have the reality of loading into the straight stall. Plus the butt bar is already handy there. I think that maybe the action of moving the divider while he is standing there is not helping the situation. Less moving parts - keep it simpler. The 2 butt bars hang from the divider so there is risk swinging too. Another test for us....
Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
UPDATE - Excellent trailer experience because my patience and routine paid off. Fed daily inside however I never locked him in but played with butt bar to make noise behind him. He was very content to be left inside eating (loose) while I walked away or made noise outside the trailer. I went back to leading him on and backing him off - no free load although he willingly did it for food. I wanted to enforce my leadership / trust role and load in/out per my commands.
I confess I was more stressed about the 1.5 hr drive because of the interstate high speed highways and heavy traffic. I did the initial drive to vet surgery but asked DH to drive return trip because he is very familiar with that commuter traffic. My nerves may not have held up then.
So far, pony is doing well in his recovery as my equine dentist removed a huge split back molar that was partially infected in the root. Upon removal it came out in 4 pieces and had a small hook at one end. Tooth packing in place to be removed in 2 weeks and dentist will come here.
My added stress upset occurred last week when someone hit (car) my feral farm cat. He was missing for 2 days but was faithful as clock work for his AM/PM meals - sleeping during the day in the sun. I was the only person who could get near him and he allowed me to pet at feeding times. I discovered he had dragged himself into our barn (certainly looked like a broken back to me) - but we could not get near him. I shut all doors to prevent escape and called the local Humane Society. I love them. Two animal control rescuers came out within 15 minutes of my call and caught this severely injured cat with a zipper net. They placed him in my cat carrier as I offered to take the cat to our 24 hr Vet ER service. We euthanized him and buried here - RIP my little feral cat.
I've had enough excitement to last me while and will hit some 'Dark Horse' wine this weekend. I can highly recommend that brand.
I confess I was more stressed about the 1.5 hr drive because of the interstate high speed highways and heavy traffic. I did the initial drive to vet surgery but asked DH to drive return trip because he is very familiar with that commuter traffic. My nerves may not have held up then.
So far, pony is doing well in his recovery as my equine dentist removed a huge split back molar that was partially infected in the root. Upon removal it came out in 4 pieces and had a small hook at one end. Tooth packing in place to be removed in 2 weeks and dentist will come here.
My added stress upset occurred last week when someone hit (car) my feral farm cat. He was missing for 2 days but was faithful as clock work for his AM/PM meals - sleeping during the day in the sun. I was the only person who could get near him and he allowed me to pet at feeding times. I discovered he had dragged himself into our barn (certainly looked like a broken back to me) - but we could not get near him. I shut all doors to prevent escape and called the local Humane Society. I love them. Two animal control rescuers came out within 15 minutes of my call and caught this severely injured cat with a zipper net. They placed him in my cat carrier as I offered to take the cat to our 24 hr Vet ER service. We euthanized him and buried here - RIP my little feral cat.
I've had enough excitement to last me while and will hit some 'Dark Horse' wine this weekend. I can highly recommend that brand.
Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Congratulations on a successful trailer training process and a good dental visit.
But I am so sorry to hear about your cat. You've earned the wine.
But I am so sorry to hear about your cat. You've earned the wine.
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Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
I’m so glad your pony trailered well and is now healing from his dental surgery.
My sympathy for the loss and suffering of your feral barn cat. Good thinking of the Humane Society and kudos to them for their response. You gave him a safe haven that he obviously appreciated since he returned to it when hurt.
My sympathy for the loss and suffering of your feral barn cat. Good thinking of the Humane Society and kudos to them for their response. You gave him a safe haven that he obviously appreciated since he returned to it when hurt.
- Chisamba
- Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
So sorry about your cat.
Well done with your loading, planning, training and care
Well done with your loading, planning, training and care
Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
That's great news about your gelding! Congrats on all the progress and kudos to your diligence with the trailering concerns. So sorry to read about your barn kitty. That just stinks. I must say that I'm proud of the humane society staff who (often) do what's best for an animal in peril. That is how it should be and I'm sure the staff involved feels the same.
- Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
I'm so sorry about your kitty. Glad you were there to get him help so quickly. Poor little guy. That's my worst fear with feral critters, and why I always have a few big towels and a garbage bag in my truck to pick up injured guys.
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Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Congrats on staying the course and the successful vet trip! Jingles for his good recovery. How sad about your kitty; fortunate that he managed to get back home and receive the 'help' needed. Life tends to throw the whole lot at us sometimes....
Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Thank you all for your kind words. Pony does require daily Bute for a few days as I expect he is quite sore. However, he would not allow me near his mouth to administer the paste. So I purchased those soft horse Stud Muffins treats then add a hole to insert the soft Bute paste. I hope he continues to fall for my sneaky method to medicate.
Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
I'm so sorry about your kitty Josette. What a heartbreak.
Congratulations on successful trailering experience and jingles for quick healing for the pony!
Congratulations on successful trailering experience and jingles for quick healing for the pony!
Re: UPDATE Below: 2 week deadline to trailer load - advice please
Congrats on your successful trailering and wishes for good healing!
I'm very sorry about your barn cat. I'm totally not a cat person but I had this large very feral long haired black barn cat that showed up here over a decade ago. It lived in the hay barn, I had not mice. I fed it most nights, but it remained feral. A few months ago I found it dead on the driveway, with only a tiny bit of blood on the neck. No other sign of trauma. I had to know, but a necropsy would have been about a thousand dollars. So I phoned my cattle ranching former vet tech neighbor. She came over, brought clippers. It was immediately clear that there were two deep punctures over the cats C spine. Soooooo to the cameras we went. It was a huge bobcat. I'm glad it was relatively instant. I don't know why it killed her and didn't eat her. I will confess I bought a coyote trap and kept it baited. I was pretty pissed. Never caught the bobcat, but I caught the same opposum half a dozen times. I finally came to my senses and stopped trying to trap the bobcat, but I miss that big black cat. Found out after death it was a female, it was the only time I ever got that close to her.
I'm very sorry about your barn cat. I'm totally not a cat person but I had this large very feral long haired black barn cat that showed up here over a decade ago. It lived in the hay barn, I had not mice. I fed it most nights, but it remained feral. A few months ago I found it dead on the driveway, with only a tiny bit of blood on the neck. No other sign of trauma. I had to know, but a necropsy would have been about a thousand dollars. So I phoned my cattle ranching former vet tech neighbor. She came over, brought clippers. It was immediately clear that there were two deep punctures over the cats C spine. Soooooo to the cameras we went. It was a huge bobcat. I'm glad it was relatively instant. I don't know why it killed her and didn't eat her. I will confess I bought a coyote trap and kept it baited. I was pretty pissed. Never caught the bobcat, but I caught the same opposum half a dozen times. I finally came to my senses and stopped trying to trap the bobcat, but I miss that big black cat. Found out after death it was a female, it was the only time I ever got that close to her.
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