Chisamba--100% do what you feel is right and who cares what anyone says. I ended up doing that with Quilla. For some reason I thought she was older than she was a few years back and started GP at 11. She actually did OK and got better scores than we did now, but was stressed about the ones. When I figured out she was 11, not 12, I brought her back down to give her more time to get stronger. Of course, since then there seems be a big shift in lowering scores, so we're doing worse score wise, even though she is much better. Do whatever YOU think is right. No really cares. Mountaineer is 100% right.
I have not done anything with promoting the business. Just still thinking it through. I need to talk to the BO, but I think she'll be fine. It really will be mostly like having another leasor or two. I just need to make sure I'm set on insurance and what I am comfortable with, so ALL of this time is good for me to feel comfortable. I'm sort of down to thinking it really will be only one or two people at a time, but you never know. The person I used to compete GP against all of the time sold her horse because she has a new young one, and I saw her at a Janet Foy clinic. The woman who bought her couldn't even comfortably post the trot. I guess the trainer talked her into it. I can't imagine putting that much money into a horse you can't ride (don't know how much she sold for, but guessing over $100 k? She gave Sabine Schutt Kerry one of her the mare's eggs, so . . . ) but I guess there are a lot of people out there who have the ability to pay for that. I might have to up what I think are insane price expectations. This is down the street from us--basically a low level school horse. Quilla can do all of that jumping, too! ... arn-lease/It has gone from way cooler than normal here (not seeing the sun until noon most days) to pretty hot for a few days, and then back to cool on Monday. So of course I have a show Sunday. Eh. We'll be fine as long as I drink my electrolyte powder. I'm not worried about the horses. The ride times are early enough it shouldn't be too bad, I'm pretty much riding a test and then a freestyle almost back to back both times, so it makes it easy on us, and I'm back to my happy place of riding freestyles, and who cares. I spent a lot of time retweeking both freestyles, the GP esp. to maximize what they both do best and points, so hopefully there is a difference. And I have been bribing both of them with treats nonstop, asking them to work and giving a little verbal cue which they know means a treat, so hopefully if either get tense, I can cue them to refocus on a treat, and Quilla won't get all in her head and decide to stop in the p/p. Now with all three, mom included, I can just stand there in the halter and cue them to piaffe, and they all will, knowing there is a treat at the end. Ah. bribery!
SF, I'm glad Anabelle is doing better. She'll be OK!