Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Sun Jul 16, 2023 12:35 am

Chisamba wrote:Please understand she doesn't just spook. She stops won't go forward rears if I insist. And then when I finally get her moving she shits off slows down stiffens or Twista every single time four the whole ride. If I change angle, ie try to shoulder in, or h alf pass or go across the diagonal it's a If it's a whole new thing.

This is VERY much like what I have been going through with Quilla. It's embarrassing at shows to have her stop and just have to sit there and wait for her to decide to move or she will rear and spin. And she gets all stiff legged and jumps all over the place.

I don't know if this will help at all, but I tried all kinds of things with her, and what has worked best is me basically bribing her nonstop the last few months. If she does something I like, I have a verbal signal/sound, and she gets a treat. (All three horses will piaffe just from a verbal signal for treats.) I did that nonstop on the ground and in the saddle. Then when she started to get tense in the saddle, I make the sound, and she forgets what she was getting all wired about and refocuses on the treat she's going to get eventually. She got wired in the class at the last show (over 100 degrees) and I made the sound and she settled and was better and did not stop. I was running through yet another GP freestyle yesterday and she got all wired and stopped and reared and spun yesterday, but got better when I made the noise. So I need to go back to treats in the pocket all of the time and lots of bribery.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby mari » Mon Jul 17, 2023 8:04 am

You guys are all awesome. I'm loving the pictures and videos and updates.
I've been very quiet, having a bit of 'n meh time life- and riding-wise, just not finding my groove. Odie's physio (who is completely lovely) is convinced he has a lameness issue. I can't feel anything, and my two instructors can't see anything. I'm reluctant to go down expensive diagnostic rabbit holes with my nearly-18-year-old horse. Le sigh...

Determined to enter a show mid-August, so maybe that will provide me with a kick up the bum.
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jul 17, 2023 8:11 pm

Woe is me: average temperature for this coming week is 102.

Very jealous of anyone who lives in a reasonable climate right now.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby blob » Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:08 am

Ugh, Ponichiwa that is brutal.

We are also having very high temps-- high 90s and 50% humidity, so heat index is really awful. On top of that we're having really bad air quality from the fires in Canada again today and it's expected to stay for a couple days. MM had a really tough time last time the air quality was bad, about a month ago, this time I was proactive and went ahead and gave her dex today even though the breathing wasn't too bad yet.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:17 am

It has been unreasonably hot even at the higher elevations here. Today got to 100 degrees so I did a lot of walk work - lateral work, reinback, turn on haunches, full pirouettes, turn on forehand etc. I also did some walk pirouettes to canter pirouettes with Junior. He's the bomb. His stamina held well and we walked the mile back to the house from the arena; so, by the time I got home he was comfortably at baseline numbers. Brandon actually had one of his better mornings though it didn't exactly start out that way. He was reasonably solid walking to the arena (again 1 mile). I worked hard on keeping him marching, balanced and over the back. Then we I got to the dressage arena he started to stress. I FINALLY figured out that his issue is being all alone. The facility was dead quiet except for the manager dragging one of the other arenas. No horses were out. Brandon looked around at the vast vista that surrounded us and almost had a melt down as if he was going to force me to bail. So we did walk work, lots and lots and lots of lateral work at the walk, turn on haunches, turn on forehand, perfecting our corners, shoulder in, haunches in renver, etc. After a solid 45 minutes he was finally relaxing. Again my focus was on his balance and keeping his hind legs stepping through and well underneath him. I then trotted a little bit working on a few figure eights and keeping him balanced between my aids and at a slower tempo. He felt good. I did a couple of canter circles just because, again focused on balance. This is the first time that I worked him alone that he wasn't fully lathered even in this heat. He was sweating but appropriate for the heat index and degree of work. We walked the mile home to see that he and I had been 'gone' for just shy of two hours. I think we'll rinse and repeat this a bunch more times. It is clear that his mouth issues are stress related and balance related. Counting the walk, trot and canter out loud really seems to make a difference (hopefully I can whisper the count at the upcoming schooling show ;)

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:56 am

We are much hotter than we are used to at elevation also. Poor Potters is sweating standing still, and he's covered in hives again. I think he got bitten by some bug which precipitated the whole thing. It's too hot for fly sheets. A trip to the vet tomorrow for me to pick up assorted meds/dex/ antihistamines and try to make him happy before the show this weekend.

I just got my ride times. They are ungodly early. I'm so not a morning person. I will have to get up at 5am to get there in time. At least I will beat the heat.

At least it's a dry heat. Hah.

Exvet, I find that even counting silently helps as it steadies my rhythm, and he feeds off that. I've been doing it with the shoulder in/half circle/incredibly long half pass back to the track in 3.1 and it helps. (Doesn't help with him wanting to lead with his haunches going to the left, which we had a discussion about today, which culminated in him deciding deflection was the best course of action so suddenly the mounting block at the side of the ring right where you land that half pass on the track had grown teeth. We had an "it's far too hot for this nonsense" moment, and all ended well, but really...)

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Tue Jul 18, 2023 1:33 am

It has been ungodly hot here too. Despite being on daily electrolytes, and drinking buckets of water, Maia's been a bit dehydrated the past few days. I'm giving her tubed for a bit to get over this hump. Then spraying water in her face, because the goof happily drinks out of the hose :D

Fortunately, my barn mates are all late risers, so I have the covered arena to myself before 9 AM. That doesn't give me time to fit in a trail run before riding — it's quickly getting too hot after — but I can get in a short run on the treadmill later in the day.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:06 pm

It really is the dog days of summer, isn't it? We had been getting off relatively easily so far, but it climbed up to about 105 on Sunday, and now the temps are pretty much going to be close to triple digits most days. Sunday and Monday I had dressage lessons at 6 am with some moments of really good work. Well, Monday there was a bunch of lightning and we had to push the lesson back until it passed over. Then we ran through first-2 a couple times and I got some pointers that will hopefully help us out when we show in a couple weeks. This morning was a jumping lesson, which went much better than last week's lesson. Still a bit of a struggle to convince T that she needs to canter when I have a shorter stirrup and can't really sit deep and drive her up to the bridle. The new jumping saddle seems to be working well; I'm starting to find the balance point for 2-point, and it's so nice having enough space to shorten my stirrups right up. Tomorrow T gets a well-deserved day off.

Annabelle's left knee is looking great. The right one still has some swelling and a ways to go with filling in. Probably back to the vet for us for another proud flesh treatment on that knee in the next week, but at least she is getting some turnout now, and based on the one-horse stampede she staged on Sunday, she is feeling good.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Tue Jul 18, 2023 5:48 pm

I cannot imagine y'all dealing with triple digits. We have it hot, humid and more rain than you can shake a stick at.

It was a weekend of will they, won't they in terms of the competition. Lots of schooling shows cancelled or moved to reschedule but in the end the rated went forward. I braided and crossed my fingers as we had a relatively early ride time that I would get ride in before the torrential rains started. We were forecast 2 inches for the day.

Pleased to say it was worth the harrowing drive back/forth in the sketch rain to have a completely mistake free and confident ride in 2nd 1. My entire goal for this show season firmly checked off. Sure lots to improve on in terms of quality and she was a bit stiff in the bend SI's before settling into the test, first canter depart was a bit braced but lots to like. Enough so to score 66.571% and win the class. Funny to me as the most consistent scored test that I've ever had, one 6.0 (free walk is correct but I don't give a long, long rein like they want to see as I can't then connect her back, aka work in progress) and the rest 6.5/7.0.

I have won very few classes at rated shows so this feels pretty cool to bring home. Glad I paid for photographer and hope to get some nice memory shots from it.
signal-2023-07-18-124859.jpg (101.2 KiB) Viewed 257111 times

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:52 pm

Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:18 pm

Congratulations Aleuronx! I hate driving my rig in the rain so I can relate to what I assume was a huge relief as well as pride in a job well down after you got home.

I rode both boys this morning. Still in a heat wave but the temps were at least below 100 (97 is the high today). Brandon didn't require any where near as much walk work this morning to get to a place of mostly relaxed and willing. One of the residents finally had their fence up and put their BLM mare out in their pasture by herself. She ran, paced, whinnied though she was probably 1/2 mile away. Not sure if Brandon found it comforting or just chose to ignore it all. Either way we had a pretty decent ride. Junior, again, was the bomb. We worked on collected canter, our canter halt trot entry for fourth 1 and our canter half pass to counter canter to fc - wasn't too shabby even with the humidity. The monsoons have started last night which helped us cool down a little but we didn't get a drop of rain. Thankfully we get a decent breeze across our valley which helps when you're walking tired, sweaty, hot horses home.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby goldhorse » Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:50 am

Congratulations Aleuronx! That is awesome.
I have been struggling with the heat. Friday it hit over 100 and I felt my heart racing during my lesson and I couldn't continue. Getting old sucks and having reached 65, I no longer can tolerate the heat. This weekend was brutal (over 105) so I stayed home and trusted that my horses would remember to drink.
This heatwave made me realize that there was no way in He!! that I was going to be able to do the Morgan Breed Show on Labor Day weekend. My showing will have to be in spring and fall. Piggy is doing great. We are working on holding my position in the canter. If I even fall a touch forward, he slams on the brakes. No room for error with this guy. Piggy has also gotten a new gig of teaching a 7 yo some up down lessons. My goal was to get him some more exercise and this fits the bill exactly. He's happy as a clam since it's an easy job for him and he loves little kids. The old man, Junior, is hanging in there and will have some more little kids riding him soon.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby mari » Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:20 am

Congrats Aleuronx!
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:06 pm

Congratulations aleuronx! Fabulous! I also have to say your video of Kora schooling in the puddles was very impressive. She never missed a beat.

Flight your video is similar to NH approach to a spooky corner. Work in other areas of the arena rest in the spooky spot.

Did not work all that well with Rip. He was not necessarily spooky in a particular spot but just in general could be spooky. Not every ride and he was much better the more you rode him ( ie 4 days of riding twice a day made him a better horse) I could also tell the moment I sat in the saddle what kind of a ride I would have. Joplin complete opposite. Very very rare for her to be spooky and I can count on less than one hand how many difficult tense rides I’ve had on her.

Hot at home and here in SC on the coast. Nice beach vacay near Charleston with the dogs and DS. Who was able to come over for a few days. Good seafood and afternoon naps. Early morning walks and dog park trips. Late night strolls. Pretty crowded but a mixed crowd with lots of families and some younger crowds too. DH and DS like Folly Beach better than St George Island in FL. I prefer St George. Quieter setting but much nicer beach.

Charleston though is one of our favorite cities.

Happy riding and stay cool all!

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:47 pm

It's been another day of soaked saddle pads for sure. Brandon did so much better today. He didn't even bat an eye at the largest skunk I've ever seen that jumped out and scurried down the path in front of him on our way to the arenas before diving into what I presumed was his/her den. Now this is the horse I thought I moved here. Junior was a bit sluggish due to the humidity but still put in some good work. Still praying for rain. Hoping to possibly get a lesson on Sunday but waiting to see if it gets cancelled due to the heat.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:20 pm

The stopping and looking at the scary corner is ask very well at home. Not as much in the show ring.

Well done Aleuronix.

I sympathize Moutaineer.

Yay Annabell.

Good work for the pigmeister

Exvet. I have had a wet saddle blanket week too. Zero tolerance hoping to get her shows ready.

Flight how do I set up a small eq type course to play with at home. Links would be helpful. I found the rules, so I think I'm good for a few examples of obstacles. I though it would be fun to introduce a few for lessons.
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:43 pm

Not flight chisamba but here is a sample course

https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/3722507254 ... #imgViewer
Google WE obstacles and should give you list of them. I made my own but they are not all regulation. One instructor I worked with liked to first work each individual obstacle them put a course together to go over. That’s my preferred method. The other wanted to focus on particular obstacles especially double slalom and the drums.

Flight how do you ride the double slalom? As tear drop shape or straight line between the poles? I’ve had two different instructions on them from different trainers.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jul 20, 2023 4:20 pm

I tried the Fager Gustav eggbutt snaffle on Tesla this morning. The bit is designed to provide tongue relief when put on the regular way, and bar relief when put on "upside down." I tried the latter, and think it might be what Tesla needs. She seemed to stay a little softer in the jaw without excessive chewing or fussiness. Hopefully with time the steadier contact will come. We had some quite lovely W/C transitions, and she let go in her back and got her left lead canter sorted out to where it felt really round and three-beat. I actually downshifted because she was starting to let go so well that I was concerned it might turn into bucking and I wanted to quit while we were ahead. We've started some canter HP right, and once she's a little more reorganized with her hind legs on the left lead, we'll start playing with that direction too.

Next weekend we're entered in first 1 and first 2 at a schooling show. I'm really hoping they schedule me and anyone else riding long court tests early in the morning and not last thing in the afternoon when it's 100!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:13 pm

Yeah, im not complaining about my 8.44am ride time tomorrow!

We are as ready as we are going to be...

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Flight » Fri Jul 21, 2023 6:04 am

khall wrote:Flight your video is similar to NH approach to a spooky corner. Work in other areas of the arena rest in the spooky spot.

No, this didn't work for me either!! Working him in the other areas just trapped him. He then didn't want to go in the 'worked 'areas but was too scared to go into the scary areas. I felt mean.
What I did do was just let him look at whatever he was scared at. And sat there and waited until I got an ear flick or something that indicated he was no longer staring at the scary spot. Asked him to walk on but stopped him or let him stop the moment he felt uncomfy again.
A day or two after this vid, he took me to the opposite end of the arena himself and stood over the fence to snoop at my neighbours backyard. He would have never have done this before hand :)
The more you can wait for a horse to be relaxed, the better it is in the long run, IMHO. But it can be boring the waiting. But it's been worth it with mine.

Double slalom. In our rules, you can do the tear drop up to a certain level, and then in the higher levels it's expected you go straight. I do straight at my levels. The Portuguese actually do it straight but not in the middle of the poles, closer to one side. I'll have to find my diagram of it.

Chisamba, easy obstacles that don't need much equipment include:
-The 2 and 3 barrels (you could use buckets/cones). This is all about even circles, bend and rhythm.
-sidepass pole (jump pole).
-An easy gate to make can be a rope gate with 2 jump wings. Just tie a thickish rope to one end and make a loop in the other to drop over the other wing.
-Bell corridor - you can just make a corridor with poles on the ground, or use the corner of your arena and poles on the inside to make an L. You dont need an actual bell to practice this. It's all about the obedience and smoothness of the transitions really.
-Garrocha line. Barrel with pole in it. My pole is an aluminium pool scoop pole. You can get a ring on a post rather than make a bull. I bought some 3D printed plastic rings online. Horses often are scared of picking up/putting down the pole, so that tends to need practice, rather than the actual spearing of the ring (thats a person practice).
-Bridges take a bit of building

This is our rule book in Australia: Just find the obstacle you want in the contents and info is there on how to build and ride it. But welcome to ask any more questions.

https://anwe.org.au/wp-content/uploads/ ... 2.2022.pdf

Link for course examples:
For courses, just think of smooth lines like a showjumping course, from one obstacle to another.

The training tips on this site is useful as well.

If you make a little course, include start and finish and to salute before they go through the start, and after they go through the finish. Many people get eliminated in comps because they forget this!! I make people do it on club training days because it can eliminate people before they even get a chance to do the course.

We had a chilly -6 morning, I had to go to work so didn't take any pics of the pretty frost to show you all while it's so hot over there!

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby blob » Fri Jul 21, 2023 4:46 pm

Congrats, Ale! Sounds like a great outting.

Good to hear everyone else's progress, despite weather (hot or cold!)

SF that bit sounds interesting and I wonder if it might work for a horse I've been doing some catch rides on who tends to get rubs in his mouth from nearly every bit.

Heat and work have been brutal, so MM has been having a lot of days off. I've been prioritizing RP when I only have time for one so I can focus on his rehab and he also does so well in the heat so it also seems like the kinder choice.

RP's rehab protocol right now involves walking and trotting up hills--making sure he is in contact/over the back but can be on a long rein; being lunged 2x a week; rides that focus on keeping his right side up and doing lots of transitions. Canter is better some days than other and i'm keeping the canter under saddle fairly short and sweet. If i get half way around the arena or a 20 meter circle that feels fluid, correct, no swapping we come down to trot. when I lunge him, I keep him cantering for longer stretches (but still relatively short bits) because on the lunge I want to be able to work through it. I do feel like maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel to getting him back to a TL horse. Though I'm not sure yet if he will be able to go further than that. Though looking at his body, he has really lost a lot of topline muscle, esp over his lumbar which is definitely not helping hte situation

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:05 pm

Thanks all! I'm still smiling about it, even if it lightly rained a bit we got off easy in our test. Not to rest on our laurels though, as I'm doing back to back lessons this weekend. I'm sure the smile will turn to grit in a couple of hours from now. :lol:

Good luck this morning Mountaineer!!

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:59 pm

Thank you flight. I was thinking of just setting up a few obstacles for fun training. But to try follow the rules. Some of the times seem silly. Ie which hand you have to use. Lol. But picking up and putting things down are great practical everybody anyway. Picking up a pole and putting it in another barrel might
be an easy start. Going through and backing out of an L shape. And perhaps simply using a strip on ASTRO turf as a fake bridge lol. We cross brushes so often in our trail. But I know the horses will be super thoughtful about one " out of place"

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:04 pm

On show news I did my show. Saiph was much more forward and rideable. But she did their an a random extra flying change for which we got a 3. I thought that was a bit harsh because of you break gait they don't usually hammer you that much.

I got three comments about how willing and sweet the horse was and needed more help from the rider. Yeah about that you judgemental git, how is that helpful. And 3 horses went ballistic because they were using an air gun adjacent the arena. One retired, one left the ring. And I managed to keep Saiph in the ring and doing the test. The riders who had no effing control over their horses got sympathy. I who was able to keep my horse relatively rideable got of and a ... willing horse but you suck as a rider. I hate people

I guess I should give up riding since I'm so pathetic at it

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:21 pm

Chisamba, it just goes to show that judges can't always see everything that is simmering under the surface. When I was a teenager I was riding my gelding in a schooling show, pleasure or equitation. He was about to blow a gasket but I kept him together and go through the class. The judge came up and basically said the same thing to me - your horse is great, you need to ride better. A couple classes later horse calmed down and I won the eq. lol.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:00 pm

Congratulation’s chisamba that the show went well enough that you were able to showcase Saiph so well. Geeze the judge’s comments though. Pfft

I used a stall mat for a fake bridge. Worked very well

In other news Joplin came in without her fly mask and now has a nasty right eye. Ugh. Waiting for vet. Trailer is in the shop so I can’t haul her out. Jingles it’s just the bugs which the gnats are horrendous

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 23, 2023 5:08 pm

Khall, one of my lesson ponies had a swollen weepy eye and it cleared up very quickly, was fly related. Hope the same is true for Joplin.

I'm pushing on now with training. People I met at the shows are in general friendly and supportive so that aspect of showing had been very pleasant.

So I didn't ride today, I had an unexpected meeting i couldnt avoid, but I loaned my horse to a friend who had all her 2nd level scores but her horse died, and she is trying to get her bronze. She is a nice rider. She has ridden Saiph quite a few times and was confident about the test. But I feel better because there were no comments that smacked of the " sweet horse needs a better rider" ilk. So I need to learn to take that as a compliment that I made a less than easy horse look easy. Right what happened to rewarding riders that make it look like the horse is doing all the work. Bwahahaha,
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby blob » Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:05 pm

Chisamba, I got the comment not too long ago with RP "talented and willing pony, just needs an accurate and capable rider"

It was a shitty comment to get. If the issue was that I needed to be more accurate, just say that. If needed me to do more or less of something, be specific.

All that to say, comments are sometimes garbage and with a horse like Siaph and with RP, they are not easy to ride or to keep relaxed and so if the comments aren't all about meltdowns and tension, then we are doing our job

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:23 pm

Eh, Chisamba, I had a weekend of bizarre judging, too. 2 newly-minted S judges on a power trip. (As another competitor said to me at one point, "she sure likes the sound of that bell!") Scores were miserable throughout, except for the spectacularly fancy young warmbloods at training and first level.

Friday's ride wasn't great but had some really good moments. He warmed up like a champ in the indoor, went outside to show, and decided that every single letter pylon was out to get him, so I'm afraid it was all rather tense and sucked back. (I do wonder about the change in lighting from warming up indoors to going out into the blinding sunlight.) And I forgot to salute at X at the start of the test (for which she gave me an error of course and made me go back round and do it again, which seemed unusual to me) but we made it through, our changes were lovely, our rein back was nice (all 7.5s) Apparently my shoulders in and half passes didn't show enough angle and bend. Which makes a change from showing too much angle and bend at the last show. But I'm really over that interminably long trot half pass in 3.1--I don't see how you can show enough angle and bend in those, to be honest. My videographer pressed the wrong button so I don't have video of the test to compare to the score sheet, unfortunately.

Saturday, I did a much better warm up, went out with much intention and rode a far better test. He was less tense, but yes, there was still tension. We did have one spook--the lighting was weird at C and some shadow caught him by surprise, I think. Unfortunately, it was on a double coefficient which hadn't been that great to start with (that bloody awful half pass) and she absolutely walloped us on the score for it. My first 2 ever.

I've been sitting here watching the score sheet with the video, which was taken from A, so exactly the opposite view from the judge, and I just can't see some of the things she had a beef about. The 10 meter canter circle to the left was marked as "haunches in, 5.5." Well, it just wasn't. It was actually quite nice. I can feel a haunches-in canter circle and correct it (thank you Laddie...) and I can sure as hell see it on video. And our last center line was supposedly haunches in left at the start. It also wasn't. And it's not like I can say "oh well, she'd been judging all day and couldn't remember one test from another at that point," as I was the third rider of the day in her ring.

Overall, our mediums and extensions weren't good, I know, but I could feel that as I was riding them. Frankly, on Friday I wasn't sure it was safe to push them, and Saturday, I know I didn't do enough, I was out of gas by that last trot extension and we died out before the end. We are going to have to work on them. Hard to do as they are so hard on the horse.

Trainer was very happy with the ride when we came out and shocked at the score, and other competitors and spectators were too (I was kind of surprised by how many people had bothered to watch us, and then congratulate us on a nice test on the way out--they were probably expecting a more exciting floor show after the previous day's spookfest.)

But there you go. It was a nice weekend out with a good bunch of fun and supportive like-minded people, and the rest of the ladies from my barn (who were all showing training level on spectacularly fancy young warmbloods) won every class they entered.

Actually, so did I. The other poor victims scored even worse than I did...

I know it gets harder to score well as you go up the levels, and I'm not normally one to complain about judging, but Holy Cow, that was harsh.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:31 pm

20230723_142232.jpg (108.03 KiB) Viewed 256815 times

Gratuitous Potters picture to prove we did it.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:45 pm

Moutaineer I admire you for riding in the double. I'm still avoiding that

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:42 pm

Never mind
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:28 pm

I think I’ll stick to schooling shows! So freaking expensive to show recognized. I just don’t feel the need at this time of my life. And don’t have deep pockets for big moving WBs and frankly don’t really care to.

For me it’s about the training every day and having fun with my homebred home trained horse. Joplin is such a blast.

Well vet came out and unfortunately it is an ulcer on the cornea so meds 4 xs a day plus atropine plus tear duct flushing plus banamine. Bless Joplin she’s a good egg for it all. So fly mask off ulcer and blocked gooey tear duct don’t know what came first but dealing with it all now. Thankfully she looks better already. Was a pretty good sized ulcer almost like an abrasion of the eye which makes sense.

Will give her a couple of days off then try to ride her later in the week. Dang it was so cool today! Hate I missed the opportunity. Still muggy and buggy but low 80’s all day. Downright pleasant

Little fancy man chex went to his new home last week. He’s acclimating well. Vet check showed improvement of the stifle after year on adequan and good work. He’s settling well so hopefully he will be a good fit for his new owner. Miss the pretty pony though! He really was such an adorable little guy and a fun ride.

Stay cool all the heat is heading this way this week. Not looking forward to it!

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:58 pm

Chisamba, I'm finding him much easier to ride in the double, which is probably a failing on our part, but there's that thing about old dogs and new tricks, and I'm at the point where anything legal that makes life easier is a good thing!

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jul 24, 2023 12:20 am

I don't need this
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:20 am

Moutaineer thanks for the detailed show report. You are out there getting it done! Sounds like difficult judging, but the experience is still beneficial.

Chi, I am going to sell Annabelle's titanium bits if you're interested. I think the lower weight as well as lower bulk is a good thing for lots of horses

I got on A for the first time post accident today. Just a light ride, but she felt sound and wanted to stretch a lot. I'm going to try to ride her every other day this week and maybe some crossrails next week if vet Ok's it. If she doesn't have baggage about jumping we'll get back at it with the jump trainer and work towards the second and last HJ show at the end of September.

T has pretty much been better every ride lately. Today we practiced the first level tests with RideiQ and mostly handled our business. I just put my entry in the mail for August 5th showing under Debbie Rodriguez. That will be my five year anniversary with T, so it feels significant, but we'll see.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:38 am

Mountaineer and Chisamba--sorry about the judges. This is what I have been seeing, which has just confused me so much. Rides that feel the same get ranged from 54 to 66%. It's almost like the new judges are trying to prove themselves. And Chisamba, I watched your test. I thought it was well ridden and I would have commented as a judge that you made the most of the ride. I thought both tests were easily over 60% and definitely saw 7's and 8's. As for your mediums, I try to do the same thing in keeping the poll p, but I agree if you keep it a little shorter, it LOOKS better. I think what you rode is just fine, but maybe if you emphasized a more really connected, up canter before and after, you make them see it.

What I am seeing is some judges using the scale lower to make a point, which is fie by me as long as they ALSO use the scale up. So if you're giving 3's, you'd damn well be looking for 8's. Hey, I got a 4 for "bolting" after a very nice flying change at A into very nice tempi changes--WTF?

SF--Good luck under Rodriguez. I think she is a solid judge. She's not super high, but solid and judges in Florida all of the time, so sees a lot of "nice" horses. I got all over 60's with her in the GP when it wasn't that great.

Two weeks and I'm going to do one more show for two days (just trailer in each day) to maximize not having to pay for vet certs. for each show and get feedback from Osinksi, who I know well enough to pretty much trust his judgment and know what the comments mean by now, and know he's judging all over the world. I've completely reworked the GP freestyle several times, going back to the lighter music and maximizing choreography. I think I'm going to start in one direction one day, and then just flip it backwards the next day to keep Quilla from anticipating and to see which way works better. Hopefully I'll get the two GP scores for CDS, or at least one for USDF, and then that's it and then champs. And I think I figured out Quinn's tightness. I've been getting knocked in the collected walk because she looks off. In the last year she came out of the pasture dragging a front leg, and I think a PIA horse rammed into the herd and she got her foot stepped on and yanked her leg, causing inflammation in the nerve (vet diagnoses.) So i have gone from massage her bracheopchephalus to really getting in under the scapula and massaging that way, getting my hand in up to the knuckles. She loves it and it's made big difference. That and I make her think we're getting ready to piaffe in the collected walk seems to have sorted that out.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:32 pm

I've repeatedly had the comment that Junior needs to be rounder (lower poll) to score higher in his mediums because otherwise it looks like he's swallowed the proverbial broom. I agree with them (judges) that he is tense but elastic so my goal isn't going to be to get his poll lower but if he feels malleable to me, as if I could turn the medium into a half pass at any moment or leg yield then he's fulfilled my requirement.

Tanga, I always found Rodriguez to be a gift judge; so, I'm surprised by your comment. It is, though, quite possible that she's changed since the half points were introduced and/or got feedback about what riders and trainers thought. When I was struggling to get my silver I was always told by show management to try to pursue General Burton, Rodriguez and a couple of other judges who were supposedly more forgiving.

Chisamba and Blob, I too have received scores & comments where the judges were sympathetic to the horse because clearly I was holding them back from their true potential. 'That' comment came from Melonie Kessler and since then I've ridden under her with very different results. I still carry the test with me as fuel for my fire. I so would like to share that test with her now and thank her though I would also make it clear that she really could have accomplished the same with more constructive criticism. I've shared it before but I was riding my Bey Shah son (purebred Arabian) at first level and the score was low 50s, comment, "Capable horse, incapable rider".

I think it would help to share who 'those' judges were because they do judge all over the U.S. and some of us might appreciate avoiding said judge(s). As for Ms. Kessler, I take every opportunity to ride under her because she has never scored me below 60 since then and I've ridden at least up through third level under her over the years on multiple horses. It's kind of a sadistic quest for me; but, then I think riding the extreme tension monsters as it appears more than just I do is somewhat of a 'quest' in and of itself.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby blob » Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:32 pm

I've ridden with Rodriguez twice (once with MM and once with RP). Both times she gave me points comparable but a touch lower than the other judge that weekend. So, based on that I would consider her just about in the middle. Having said that, both were low level rides and she might skew more one way or the other in the higher level tests.

I only have one judge on my 'avoid' list and that's Marilyn Heath. I think most people like riding with her, though she tends to be conservative. But she really slammed both my horses on their gait scores--MM got a 4.5 and RP got a 5.5. Those kind of gait scores tell me that the judge doesn't think my horse belongs in a dressage arena, so really what's the point? MM's gait scores are usually 6.5-7 range and RP's usually in the 7-8 range. I think if i were showing a more traditional dressage mount, I would be happy to show under her.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:40 pm

blob wrote:MM got a 4.5 and RP got a 5.5.

Ouch. I am just showing in Opportunity classes, so I'm not too concerned about scores, but the insights are interesting! Melonie Kessler is the judge for the second day of the show, and she was pretty kind towards Annabelle when we showed a couple years ago. I think we got 7's for gaits on all our tests.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:02 pm

exvet Interesting. I don't think Rodriguez is a high scorerer, but you can get scores with her. I agree with blob she's more in the middle. I wonder when you rode with Kessler. I had that experience once where I came to the show and had never seen so many scores under 60% (and 50%)before, and then I got beaned. Yeah, it was early in the year and there were a lot of squirrely horses, but it was out of control, and then I got beaned. I found out her husband had just died. Not an excuse, but sort of understandable. Since then I would say what I've seen is she's on the level with Rodriguez.

Interesting blob, about Heath. She never judges here, but I spent the day sitting and scoring with her at a freestyle judge's symposium. Nice lady, and I put a blanket over her because it was cold and feed her treats. She was the one we had the discussion about what we would give one horse for an "extended trot," a 4 or 5, since there was no extension. I got her to ask Janet Foy what it would be. Janet said "7" because it was up and balanced. Ugh. Yeah. no one judges that way. Sorry about the gait score. I don't think I have ever seen a judge give below a 6, and neither have I, because no one does that.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:10 pm

I seem to remember getting nailed by Marilyn Heath when I was showing Walker. I guess she's not a fan of non -traditional horses in dressage.

And yes Tanga. Watching the Kristi Wysocki new test symposium for the last go round of tests, I remember sitting there thinking "no judge IRL uses the top end of the scoring range like that."

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:49 pm

Chisamba, I just watched your test. Saiph looked like she was a willing little soldier through the most of it, and you looked like you were supporting her just fine. A 3 for that bobble seems harsh. Maybe the directive has been put out that horses that behave like horses instead of machines are to be penalized... in which case, I'm hosed :)

If I can remember how to use the youtubes I'll put my test up. Yours was much nicer than mine!

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby zevida » Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:51 pm

@chisamba - I watched your ride and felt a kindred spirit. Our horses are very different and have different challenges but both fit the mold of not the fancy mover and just worked on doing "good" work (not 8 good but colloquial good). Your test to me showed good basics and had good moments and also had less good moments. That's pretty much where I am at 3rd and 4th. At 3-3 while I've gotten a "high" of 66, I am usually more like 62-63, and it seems like no matter how I feel after a test, even when better than the last, the score doesn't go up.

I'm having to come to terms with that. I like the experience of showing - it's like going on vacation with my horse and I get to have an immersive weekend and hang out with my horse friends - so I will probably just keep showing, and I just have to work on my expectations for scores and be ok with them never being what I hope/expect.

I also get frustrated by the comments or lack of - like why was it only a 7 and not a 7.5 and an 8? And if the comment on my reinback was "textbook" then why was it an 8 and not a 10? (My trainer said probably quality of the gait before and after since that is part of the movement - but then say that in the comments please.) But yeah, just have to take a deep breath and let it go and focus more on all the enjoyable things other than the score - and if those don't exist for someone else then stepping back from shows makes sense.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jul 24, 2023 9:17 pm

Here you go. Be kind to old ladies.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jul 24, 2023 9:23 pm

Zevida, I think that's the vast majority of us.

Trainer wants me to do 3.3 next time out. We think it will suit Potters better and will certainly suit me better (trot medium and extension up front before I run out of oomph--I was dying at the end of this one, which is patently obvious on the video! Only one canter extension, and everything else is really in short bursts rather than dragging it out... and we don't have to encounter the demons at C during the bulk of the canter work :))

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Jul 24, 2023 9:51 pm

I feel like recognized competition or really competition in generally requires a tough skin and a grain of salt. I've had my fair share of weird comments and head scratcher scores.

I have one judge, Yois Yukins, that I tend to avoid when possible. She had two strikes and she's out events from me. One where there was no gate steward and the rider that was supposed to be after me went in before. I had no idea what to do other than wait and go in after as judge accepted her to go. Went up to the judge booth and got reemed for being late and that she could simply eliminate me then and there. I tried to explain but was yelled at that it was my responsibility to show up to my test on time. Um, okay. I rode the test, poorly as was so off guard but I will never forget the kind woman on the rail as I rode to enter that said "Head up, it's not your fault." After that I tended to avoid but that's tough in New England as she's prolific here and that was sealed after riding a 2nd level test on my previous mare that in no way shape or form deserved the 45% score she gave us. It's the only test I've picked up and not looked at any of the comments/scores. I simply ripped it to shreds, tossed it in the bin and said never again.

Show photographer posted pics and I went a bit wild to purchase 5. I figure for a win it's worth it. That and our Vermont venue had to cancel as the poor place got washed out again in flooding.

Had my first flying changes lesson this weekend as show season is toast. It was exciting and brain hurting.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:00 pm

I think the reason why we are unhappy with these type comments are two fold.

It's so patronizing and offensive. As someone up above in the thread said, be specific. Be more accurate. Be more consistent in contact. Prepare better, even work on a more independent seat.

Judges are decimating dressage. If I take a young rider or a middle aged rider to a show and they get a comment like that they say. If rather jump where a rail is for points and a refusal than have someone be flat out patronizing and underfoot at $700 a pop.

They're used to be dozens of riders in training and first level and it would diminish to. To fewer in 2nd, 3rd and fourth.

My student went in first level and she was the only one in the amateur class. The rest were all pros. My class had a lot of riders. Between snotty judges and huge expenses everyone is doing schooling shows until they wsnt to get scores for medals, regional. Or such.

Or maybe the people with unlimited budgets and fancy horses. I know they exist.

Oh well. I'm a dinosaur. About to become extinct. You young uns will have to save the sport

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Flight » Mon Jul 24, 2023 11:16 pm

Love watching vids! Chisamba nice tests :) That comment by the judge makes no sense. I dont understand what they are trying to tell you, which makes it at best useless and worst of all, it's the main comment that you end up focusing on. Saiph is a lovely looking horse and you rode her well.
Mountaineer, epic spook!! Well sat 8-) Nice test too, well done. It didn't look like it should score low?
I can't see myself competing in straight dressage again soon. Especially with my very average type horses, it's too hard! Not enough fun.
Aleuronx, I love photos so I tend to buy heaps. Look forward to seeing yours.
Khall, I hope Joplin's eye heals up well and quickly. Urghh I hate dealing with eye stuff. Good that she's coping with the treatment.

I had a good lesson yesterday on Ding with my instructor via pivo (she's overseas), it was on alignment and just trying to get rid of this bit of crookedness he has. She recorded the lesson, I hope I can see it soon because it's a lot of detail and riding/listening/feeling/doing.. my little brain isn't great at computing it all!

Here's a morning frosty pic to remind you all of winter.
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:29 am

Moutaineer wrote:Here you go. Be kind to old ladies.

That really was a dramatic spook. I was quite impressed that you got your canter at C work that spook under the belt.

Do you feel you could have fine for more in the mediums ? That's the main suggestion I'd have. His change was so polite and he is uphill. You make a nice pair

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