Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 10, 2023 6:43 pm

She prolapsed again. So longer stay at the hospital.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:02 pm

Oh no! That’s not good. Major jingles for the youngster!!

Joplin decided yesterday she did not want to be ridden. Went to go tack her up and she had somehow stepped on her LH shoe twisting it and impaling the clip into her foot. Horses!!! But thankfully my farrier was in town was able to come by that evening. Was just at the edge of the wall and not deep. He does not think she will abscess. Put hoof freeze in the spot and nailed the shoe back on. Heading out now to see if she is sound. All this showing got me looking at schooling shows for next month. Poplar place has one 9/16 I’m aiming for try to do 1 st 3 and 2 nd 1. It’s a haul in for the day kind of show and close enough for me to do so the only way I can show at this time.

I’m struggling with motivation mom is having some bad days and if the caregivers are not here I’m down there attending to her. Once was per accident floor soaked clothes etc one was banged her arm up. I have cameras to watch her and get notifications. Usually it’s just fixing her breakfast before the caregivers get here. It’s just sad though to see her deteriorating.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:59 pm

Sorry for those of us dealing with illnesses, whether they be ours, our family's, or our horses'.

I'm lucky that all are hale and hearty, but this heat is oppressive. It's past 6:30 pm and temperatures are still 103+. I'll be glad when this weather breaks... in 2 more months.

To keep myself motivated and/or tortured, I signed up for some online shows this summer. Benefits: ride at any time, quality feedback, keeps me having to actually school instead of take another easy day. Downsides: setting up arenas, filming, keeping Quesos mane and tail show-ready multiple weekends in a row, also it's 1200 degrees outside.

I can't wait for October.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:03 pm

The weather has turned really nice this week. I had to work yesterday but got up this morning to temps in the high 50s, by 7:30 it was in the low 70s with a nice breeze and low humidity. Doesn't get much better than this imo. I rode Junior first and really worked hard on 'bouncing that ball' and keeping him forward. We had some clean changes that were in the air with a couple of skip a changes. It's becoming much clearer what is needed to get him in the perfect position to make the change in the air and even was able to keep him on the bit with no bracing of his under neck. For us that was one of the greatest victories. I still need to work on his canter quality but it's definitely improving. I also think we had better mediums today with little tension. My daughter suggested that I do more galloping with him so the last several rides we galloped home (1/2 mile). I think he's enjoying it. I'm loving it. I feel like a kid again on my 10.1 hand pony Duke (Welsh/shitty cross) galloping him all over hill and dale.

Rode Brandon too and he really is doing a good job listening to my seat and letting me balance him especially on bending lines, lots and lots of bending lines. We worked on the stretchy circle a bit - really focusing on tempo. His canter is also becoming more balanced. For him the natural jump in the canter is already there. Looking forward to our ride tomorrow.

Schooling show in one month then regionals at the end of September, two weeks later :shock: The summer is flying by.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:53 pm

I'm really pleased with how Potters feels after the Osphos shots and a first shot of Adequan. He's lost that stuck behind my leg feeling at the trot. Its so much easiervto ride a horse that has its own motor!

Counting down to leaving for Estes Park on Wednesday. Taking the trailer in for a health check this afternoon.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby texsuze » Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:10 pm

Living vicariously through all the posts here. So sorry, Chis, about the youngster with prolapse. Have only had that happen in one of my older hens; sadly, not a good outcome. But very nifty job with Fly's first show. What a good boy!

Nice to see all the training progressing in bits and pieces and leaps. Keep up the good work, all, I'm envious....

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Aug 13, 2023 12:19 am

I finally finished DRT3, so there's a goal marked off for this go-round. I think I'll freestyle my workouts for the rest of the month, and then regroup next month.

The sarcoid in Tesla's ear has come back and is about the size of the end of my thumb, so I brought her to the vet yesterday. Having exhausted all the spot treatment options, including electrochemotherapy (which gave her a terrible reaction with the sarcoid on her chest), I am going to plop down the money for the immunotherapy/custom vaccine thingy. Hopefully that will get at the root of the problem and will protect against developing any future tumors.

Thursday she was quite lazy and behind the leg during our jumping session, though she finally snapped out of it and went through the bounce grid and mostly cantered a little course. This morning was quite the opposite and we got lots of cantering in, and also playing with a little lateral work. There are a couple strides here and there where her shoulders come up and she gets round and pure in the canter, but she just can't hold it. It's quite a tightrope to walk, trying to shape her canter without making her get frustrated and give up.

I had the jump rider back up on Annabelle on Wednesday, and she purposely jumped her from some funky spots just to see if she could detect any mental baggage and said there was none, just that she felt a bit weak. Today we had a pretty good dressage school.

Tomorrow I'll hopefully be able to set up a grid and gymnasticize the pair of them.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Sun Aug 13, 2023 1:10 am

SF I hope the vaccine works better for T than it did Joplin. We did 2 rounds and it did not help. My vet ended up using an injectable medication that completely took care of the sarcoid in Joplin’s ear. I can find out what we used if you want. Joplin does not have any other sarcoid thank goodness. No idea how she and Rip developed sarcoids. We don’t have cows that near us.

I rode Thursday had a nice ride then tested positive for covid Friday my first go around with it. Sigh. Thankfully don’t feel that bad but now after a cool day Friday it’s horridly hot and humid leading to some nasty storms. Worked Joplin in hand and dang was it muggy but the piaffe on the spot is coming both under saddle and in hand. Really starting to see the sit behind and elevation in the front.

Looking at an on line show in addition to schooling show.

Ready for some cooler weather!

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:31 am

khall wrote: My vet ended up using an injectable medication that completely took care of the sarcoid in Joplin’s ear. I can find out what we used if you want.

Yes, I would be interested to know what you used!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:38 am

I’ll text him Monday and ask him. It did not make her ear sore very much. Took 2/3 injections but looks great now. I’ll let you know

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby chantal » Sun Aug 13, 2023 6:36 pm

StraightForward wrote:
khall wrote: My vet ended up using an injectable medication that completely took care of the sarcoid in Joplin’s ear. I can find out what we used if you want.

Yes, I would be interested to know what you used!

Hmmm, Mikey has a spot at the girth that we are going to get checked. Trying to time it as he will need time off. Of course it's at the girth. Watching this for more info.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Sun Aug 13, 2023 9:07 pm

Chantal it’s Immunocidin what my vet used. I messaged SF the info. We tried the vaccine twice and it did not help at all. This injectable drug worked great for Joplin. Cannot even tell there was a sarcoid there.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby chantal » Mon Aug 14, 2023 12:23 am

khall wrote:Chantal it’s Immunocidin what my vet used. I messaged SF the info. We tried the vaccine twice and it did not help at all. This injectable drug worked great for Joplin. Cannot even tell there was a sarcoid there.

Thank you, will keep it in mind.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby mari » Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:09 am

We survived our first show since before Covid. I was having some kind of out-of-body experience for the first part, really wasn't riding at all, and the marks reflect that. The trot work was just very okay. The canter work was lovely, and the first show at which he was very polite and rideable and self-contained in the canter, and not being a complete tank.

Also the first show at which I rode a flying change! Our first change was lovely, I thought the judge was a bit miserly with a 6.5. The second one I was ready for and as I gave the aid he broke into the most horrible runaway pony trot for a well-deserved 2 :oops:

We ended up on 60.5%, which was fair. It was my first effort at Elementary Medium (3rd level in US terms). Unfortunately I don't have video, but at least there are some pretty pictures (which is really the whole point of showing) :D

First halt.

Having a look while I salute.

Trot half-pass right.

Finishing a counter-canter tour, about to change.
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:54 pm

Congratulations mari on surviving the show and doing pretty well for your first time at elementary medium in competition. The score is really pretty good. Unfortunately I can't see the pictures; but, I'm sure you two look like you belong there just based on the score.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:53 pm

I can't see the pics either, but congrats on moving up a level!

My vet advised going with the vaccine - it's a new one called Torigen that they've only had available for eight months or so. We'll get the tumor removed next Monday so the lab can brew up the vaccine. I'm only having to pay for that part, and not the vet work, so it will be "only " $2K.

Had a fun jump day yesterday, and a pretty good ride on T this morning. The canter can get so lateral, but she had a few really nice canter departs. She just can't hold the canter when she's on her hind legs with the back soft, but eventually we'll start stringing the good strides together.

The gal who has been taping her moved to a new barn, so I ordered a few rolls of tape and a kinesiotaping book last night after watching a webinar on fascia. This time of year the tape falls off pretty fast due to sweat, so I'll feel better about that if I'm only paying for tape.

Annabelle's jump rider texted this morning that she is leaving next week to go do backcountry guiding with an outfitter in Montana for a few months, so that puts a wrench in my plans to get her to some shows next month. The person who is doing a lot of the barn management now also does some teaching, and has a student that might use her in lessons 1x a week. Maybe she'll fall in love and decide to buy her.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:35 pm

I can't see the pictures either Mari!

Congratulations on getting out there. We are on the same path :)

I had excellent rides both Saturday and today. The only thing I'm not really happy with at home is the extended canter to collected canter transition. Largely because of the lack of extended canter, which is a problem that lies between my ears.

I was planning on a bit of practice on that this morning, but as landscapers kept popping out of the bushes along the long side of the ring, I decided we would work on other things!

Now, if the beastly tummy bug i have been fighting for nearly a week would take itself off, I'd be all set. Whilst I knew I needed to lose a couple of pounds for the sake of my white breeches, this was not quite the way I had planned.

And on the discussion on the death of dressage shows... not this one, apparently. There are 23 entries at 3.3 on Friday. And I'm the first in the ring. Gulp.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:15 am

Good luck Moutaineer.

That's an ouch on the pocketbook SF but I've had good luck with the predecessor to this vaccine and hear that this one has had better results from a research stand point.

My daughter came up today to go riding. She had a blast riding Brandon, working him the dressage arena. They both looked pretty good. I was happy to see how much more balanced Brandon looked overall. She spotted me on Junior. I told her about our recent focus on hand galloping, insisting on a forward canter and not bracing my back in the change and she gave us a thumbs up one what she saw today. All our attempts at the FC were FLYING changes though a couple were late, most were clean - Woo Hoo! even if a bit ahem dramatic LOL. I'm feeling better about what's going through Junior's very pony brain these days.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:23 am

Wow…everybody is so busy.

I haven’t gotten much riding in but some. Not working on anything in particular but enjoying my horse.

However, I feel very accomplished today. I trimmed my horses feet…well I did a bunch of it. My trimmer has had injury issues this year and decided to retire. Boo-hiss. I can’t blame her…it’s hard work. Due to her injuries, I have had 2 other people trim her and neither was a balanced trim. The last one was damned short. 2 other horses in the barn that were BF have ended up lame from the same guy. Kyra was so short that her boots just kind of flapped around on her feet until last week when they got snug…week 8! Normally her boots get snug about 4 1/2-5 weeks. I spoke to my trimmer and she was willing to come talk me through it. We were supposed to meet Thursday but she wasn’t feeling well. I did one front foot and boom, my back seized up. I gingerly tried to match the left but I only got a bit done. Another farrier was at the barn and I asked if he could do a quick trim. He got out a bunch of retained sole and said they looked fine. Didn’t touch her with the rasp. OMG, I noticed Friday that the heels on her right front were way higher than the left…but they were fine….

So, today my trimmer made it and my back had mostly recovered. Dear Kyra was a saint since it took almost 2 hrs with all the attendant lectures and checking needed to make sure I wasn’t screwing things up. It didn’t help that her feet are like iron and her heels were very high. Anyway, my plan now is to do a little trim every couple weeks and not have to do the major job we had to do today. I just figured that I couldn’t do any worse job than anybody else had done.

I hope to get back to riding now. This week is supposed to be HOT but then cool down next week which I will be happy for. Apparently, the new barn owner has organized a Sunday morning trail ride so I need to get Kyra in a little better shape so we can join in.


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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby mari » Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:47 am

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:30 pm

Susan--Good for you for doing the feet. You can do it! I have a really, really bad back, and the only way I can trim is to sit on a bucket and do their feet that way, usually only two feet a day. But this time of year they grow so fast, I really need to get in and do a little every two weeks or they get too long. If it helps, I gave up and just bought the best tools so I can get through iron feet--GE nippers, Cody James rasp, and I use little sanding discs on an electric drill sometimes, too.

Mari--I just LOVE your spotty horse. Such cool pictures. Yes, we can see them this way.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:34 pm

Yes, I can see the pics now too. You both look great!

Susan, did you get your grinder yet? Kristin and I both agree it is a gamechanger. I even got the big pansy Obie to stand for it on Sunday. I'm going to try to get my girls on a 1-week touchup cycle, then I don't think I'll use my other tools much at all.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:04 pm

Lovely pictures, Mari! Very elegant!

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:38 am

Yes, SF, I got my grinder but I am going to have to do more desensitization. She is not a fan. It is quite high pitched and she was very twitchy about it touching her feet. I will keep working at it because I know it would be time saving and be back saving. I need to come out and watch you use yours so when I do get to where I can use it I don’t cut something off. I did read one thing about making sure the tail is out of the way when doing the hinds. I can picture that being a major fubar, especially with Kyra’s uber thick tail.

Yes, Tanga. I got a Cody James rasp and bought a new knife today. Mine was very old and just doesn’t sharpen very well anymore. If I can get her used to the grinder, I don’t think I will need nippers as I don’t intend to let them get away from me like they did this time but I was not expecting my trimmer to retire :(.

Mari, those are great pictures. I hope you got a good score on that halt. Very nice!


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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:17 am

Kyras_Mom wrote:Yes, SF, I got my grinder but I am going to have to do more desensitization. She is not a fan. It is quite high pitched and she was very twitchy about it touching her feet. I will keep working at it because I know it would be time saving and be back saving.

Yeah, with Obie I had to stand next to him and grind on a little block of wood until he got used to the noise. After that he was OK with it touching his feet. I use the "flap wheel" discs that come with it. It does seem like it would be easy to cut something that shouldn't be cut with those other discs. :shock:
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby mari » Wed Aug 16, 2023 6:06 am

Kyras_Mom wrote:Mari, those are great pictures. I hope you got a good score on that halt. Very nice!

Nope, a 6 :roll: He went up the CL very slowly and wobbly, proper drunken tourist. And the photo managed to get him in the split second where he pretended submission instead of swinging his head up and down and to the side to have a proper look at all the things more interesting than me :lol:
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:46 am

mari wrote:Nope, a 6 :roll: He went up the CL very slowly and wobbly, proper drunken tourist. And the photo managed to get him in the split second where he pretended submission instead of swinging his head up and down and to the side to have a proper look at all the things more interesting than me :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maia does this too. Her dashing admirers enter the arena with us, and all of a sudden I'm sitting on two drunks in a horse suit :roll:

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:18 pm

That is funny Mari. I forget there is more to the score than the halt but boy that halt was nice.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Flight » Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:23 pm

2 more days and then I'm off to Montana! I've had a busy lead up with work and I'm on leave now and it's SUCH a good feeling. Ahhhhhh.
Still cool here but spring is in the air, but I believe it's going to be hot over there!
Norsey was very lame the other day. I got him to trot a circle and he hobbled, looked at me and waved his hoof around and couldn't put it down. Great timing! The farrier came and couldn't find anything either, although he was very sensitive when his heels were tested. Farrier said he could have bruised himself or it's something more sinister. He was lame on the monday, saw farrier and tues and on wed back to pretty much normal. I'm not sure what it was, but hoping he'll be right for when I'm away.
I've stopped rugging them even though it's still frosty in the morning, as the person feeding them will only be coming once a day and I've skinnied both of them off this winter to help with they big spring growth that will happen with these paddocks. Wish I could skinny myself off over winter!!


My partner doesn't ride but he said he might have a go at the ranch. So he's had a couple of rides on Ding and I made him trot and canter. Ding is such a good horse nowadays, it's great being able to put anyone on him. He will kill me for sharing vid, but I just have to! He pushes down really heavily into the stirrups, I think protecting his 'undercarriage'?? I think the ranch will know how to teach beginners better than I do, but he did listen to me in the canter and sit more on his bum.


Love the pics Mari, I can see them through the links. He's a cool spotty guy!
I'm behind again commenting. Tanga, not sure if I said that I liked your freestyle music and as always love watching your vids. Same with your pics and vid Chantal, thanks for sharing.
Chisamba really well done with Flei! That must have made you happy :)
I know I've missed commenting on people but I am reading it all.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby mari » Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:33 am

Flight - Ding is being such a good kind horse in that video, so cool
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 17, 2023 10:23 pm

Well Flei was roped into his second outing. We were loading to take our camping trip and my friends horse was lame. Bruised sole/ abscess. ( like Norsey I suspect) so I offered her Flei, or Saiph. She smartly took Flei and I took Saiph. He traveled and tied well. Behaved like an angel on the ground, but was strong and forward on the trails.
Thec water was so cold
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Rain was predicted so we draped a tarp
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Almost all of us on the trail
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 17, 2023 10:28 pm

We did take a gallop only Flei did the road trot, Becky said she was a bit nervous about pushing him to really go.

Saiph tried to kill us but only once. There tree fallen across the trail, the kind you have to duck to get under. Taller horses than her made it but Half way through she decided she had to rear and back up. When I felt my back hit the log I decided it was time to do an emergency dismount. Discretion being the better part of valor, I led her under. More pics
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:13 am

Chisamba it looks like you guys had a grand time.....so jealous.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:28 am

Moutaineer, I didn't say dressage show were dying, I said there used to be multiplies of horses and classes in the lower levels and fewer in the upper levels, now the bigger classes are 3rd and above.

So your big class stands in line with my experience. That is a huge class though. Have a great ride.

Mari, nice pictures. How did it feel to get out again?

I've only used xterra on Sarcoids. It's messy but it works.

I'm going to have to put rear shoes on Saiph to really get my flying changes I think. Her rear soles seem.tender and her feet are worn down.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:22 pm

exvet wrote:Chisamba it looks like you guys had a grand time.....so jealous.

We enjoyed it enough I'm looking for other venues that include horses.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby mari » Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:49 pm

Chisamba I love your pictures, that looks like such amazing fun.

Chisamba wrote: Mari, nice pictures. How did it feel to get out again?

I was in my own head too much, and the scores show that. But overall a very positive experience and I am very keen to go out and try and improve specific points.
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Aug 18, 2023 1:52 pm

Wonderful camping trips, looks like it was a blast, other than Saiph trying to smash you into a log :shock:

Chisamba wrote:I've only used xterra on Sarcoids. It's messy but it works.

I've used it twice on the one on her chest; now she has a funny looking wart there, but the vet agreed that it doesn't look like sarcoid tissue at this point. The instructions warn that it can make a hole if it's used on ears, and the spot is already thinned down from having the sarcoids cut out a few times.

Flight, I hope you have a great time in Montana. Annabelle's jump rider is headed there in a few days to work for an outfitter in the Bob Marshall Wilderness for the next couple months. I'll wave from next door here in Idaho!

Moutaineer, good luck at the show!

T and I have lessons Sunday and Monday. It's been hitting 100 all week, so I've just been doing shorter rides in the morning. We're supposed to get some thunderstorms and a cooldown this weekend. Hopefully we are passed the 95+ temps for the year. I need to get back into jumping lessons, but it's been hard to commit between the heat and work craziness.

ETA: I just saw that Ride iQ is offering a six week free trial for their second anniversary. Thought some would be interested. It's usually $29.99 a month, so it's a pretty good freebie!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:53 pm

Ride IQ?Google. Never mind. I googled.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Fri Aug 18, 2023 6:42 pm

Very fun, Chisamba. A group at my barn are into horse camping now that they don't show. They went to Yosemite about a month ago with horses, a mini she drives, and her goat she always drives with. Middle of the night a big uproar and the goat was gone. Bear tracks. They never found the goat. I think they were lucky they didn't lose the mini.

I'm done showing. Trying to be motivated. I was super happy with both girls last show and rather bummed I didn't get the GP scores I needed. Quilla did better piaffe/passage on Sunday, but was swapping out or not changing behind too much. Sigh. I've got it at home, but I just can't fix it at a show. But, other than that, our scores were pretty good and at the same level as the scores at the lowest level, so I can't complain--64 to 68%. I'll just do one more champs. in Sept. and then see. SO expensive here now as you have to get a vet health certificate for each show now because of vesticular stomatitis (sp?)

Good thing is I am finally getting their teeth done. I have had a vet with dental specialization do them for years, but she did something to her arm and can't do them, and I have been very reluctant to get the local vets to do them as none are specialists and no one has anyone they like. I've been following Heather Bo, who is a dentist who brings a vet with her, for years and was used by a very picky friend of mine, so she's coming out. Since the girl's mom is 25 and last year the dental vet literally pulled a loose tooth out with her hand, I want to make sure I get someone who is very specialized.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sat Aug 19, 2023 9:40 pm

Another couple of great lessons. I need to find a way to follow my horses but not follow my horses...................I've worked very hard to not roll my shoulders forward and to sit up straighter; but, with my focus on softening my back (not tensing) and really rolling my hips to take larger ground covering strides (either up as in collected, bouncing that ball or simply longer encouraging the horse to lift his front end stay up in the withers but roll over the back) I've started rounding/rolling my shoulders again following my horses' heads and offer to lower/go down with their heads in a softening way. I can fix it as soon as I'm reminded to do so; but, that nagging habit is creeping in again. Junior had more FLYING changes than skip a changes which is definitely moving us in the correct direction. Canter quality for both my guys is the homework this week.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Aug 19, 2023 11:49 pm

Lessons got postponed for me because we're getting monsoonal storms all weekend. The first one rolled in, and the cool-off is certainly welcome!

I think this might be a good thing because T seems to be just on the edge of an epiphany about going forward into the bit. This morning I tried "going there" with her a little on purpose so that she started balking and backing up, but then she'd snap out of it and jump forward. It seems like she's learning to get out of her own way and lift her shoulders up into the canter, but hasn't quite learned how to carry it consistently yet. I'll keep picking at this very tactfully this week, and then see where we are with lessons next weekend.

Jumped Annabelle this morning and she was good as usual. She is actually nicer to jump now, as she used to land a bit heavy and tend to haul me out of the tack. Our last jump today was sort of a single oxer on the downhill direction and she just cantered through and landed so nice and lovely and felt ready for whatever might come next. I will probably suck it up and at least take her in some 2'3" classes in a couple upcoming schooling shows. Her knees are healing nicely, but still have a ways to go before I feel like I can put her back on the market.

I got my kinesio tape and am playing with that. Yesterday I did T's shoulders and back. She sweated most of it off with this morning's ride, so I did her hamstrings tonight.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:20 pm

I complained about the weather last week, so naturally this week temperatures are 3-5° warmer. As I type it's currently 107 and heading to 109 (43°C). So I should probably take that as a cue not to complain lest things worsen yet more, but. Guys. It's too damn hot.

Despite that, Queso is the best boy. Got scores back from one of the online shows-- 61 - 63% at 3rd level. Not going to get us an invite to the pan am team but I'm pretty proud of this little 14.3h yellow pony.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Mon Aug 21, 2023 2:09 pm

Ponichiwa wrote:I complained about the weather last week, so naturally this week temperatures are 3-5° warmer. As I type it's currently 107 and heading to 109 (43°C). So I should probably take that as a cue not to complain lest things worsen yet more, but. Guys. It's too damn hot.

Despite that, Queso is the best boy. Got scores back from one of the online shows-- 61 - 63% at 3rd level. Not going to get us an invite to the pan am team but I'm pretty proud of this little 14.3h yellow pony.

You know what I always say, "Ride what you love and love what you ride!" I would be proud of him too :) Congratulations, it really is all about enjoying the journey.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:41 pm

Just catching back after busy few weeks of work travel, girls weekend travel and Kora away at trainers while I was gone. This time of year I get the itch to stay out of the arena and more in the fields but we are still chipping away at that dressage thing. It's been good to get some solid hill work in before the Keuring next week anyway. I want to present the best muscled looking Kora that I can.

Our 'work in progress' flying changes. Left to right is harder in that she finds it harder to lift the shoulders and just changes behind then late in front or not at all. We still aren't drilling them but just touching on them maybe 1-2 rides a week, might get a little more serious nearing time trainer heads down for FL season. Mind you these are the good ones, the blooper reel will be epic.


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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:09 am

Back from the Estes Park Show... it was quite a weekend!

7 of us headed out on Wednesday morning. I'd been feeling pretty crummy for the week beforehand and still wasn't feeling that great. I convoyed with one of my barn mates. It's a solid 9-hour drive with a trailer. The last hour or so is a horror show up a steep, narrow winding canyon road with a huge drop-off on one side, in the dark and pouring rain--that's when we both discovered that our running lights were out on our trailers. She put her loading lights on and drove closely behind me, so we made it in one piece, but it was quite the white-knuckle ride.

The horses were fine, glad to get off and settle in for the night.

Thursday was warmup day. I went down to my trailer first thing to get something and discovered I had a flat tire. Thank goodness it hadn't shown up in the canyon the night before! I called US Rider and they had someone over to change my wheel and take my tire in to fix it within half an hour. I also solved the problem with my running lights and slept a lot as well as having a very satisfactory warm up ride.

We showed 3.3 on Friday. Frankly it wasn't a great ride, errors and inaccuracies on my part and lack of impulsion on his, which I simply didn't have the oomph to deal with as I was still feeling rather seedy. Still, at least I didn't come last in that huge class!

I was signed up for 2 classes on Saturday, 3.3 and 3.1. I scratched the morning 3.3 class because after Friday's ride I was feeling a bit despondent and not entirely sure I was ready for it. This proved to be an error of judgement on my part. By early afternoon, the heavens opened, the thunder rolled, and the lightning strikes were landing scary close, so everyone had to go hide out in the barns for an hour and a half. then we all trooped back outside to resume our classes with new times. Then it happened all over again. The rings were like soup by this point and my ride time had been pushed back to around 7pm. The warmup rings were pretty chaotic as they'd basically given up on times and were just doing "first come, first served." I watched some poor woman get bucked off into the muck, and I scratched--no point in risking a tendon or my neck.

Sunday morning was still a bit sloppy, but doable. I was finally feeling human again. We had a fairly cautious warmup, but I was happy with how he felt, so we set sail into the ring to ride the 3.1 again. We were just starting our first half pass when the judge rang the bell. Apparently, they didn't have the right test sheet for me! While we were hanging around waiting for them to sort that out, Potters somehow got his tongue over the bits and had quite the panic attack in the middle of the ring. It's the first time he's ever done that and hopefully the last!

Once we'd got that sorted out, we were allowed to start again from where we'd left off. Of course, by this point we were both a bit flustered and I think he was feeling pretty sore in his mouth, so he had a couple of expensive spooky moments, muffed up one of our normally entirely reliable flying changes, and was sucked back and avoiding the contact, quite understandably. However, we held it together enough to end up with a 59.9% (Agh!) and a third place in a decent sized class. Frustrating because I think we could have laid down a solid enough score to win without all that nonsense at the start.

But, as my friend Alison, (who's horse got a nasty bug bite right on his girth line on Friday night, which swelled up hot and painful and put paid to her weekend,) says "That's horse showing for you..."

Apart from the tongue over the bit thing, from which he doesn't seem to have any physical ill effects today, Potters was a total gem for the whole weekend and took everything in his stride. Trailered like a champ, ate well, drank well, slept well, hand-walked through chaos, dealt with the vicious black flies, and was just a joy to have around.

The rest of our group had a fine time--4 young horses doing training and first levels, lots of 70's. High points for both AA and Open with 77% scores in classes with 20 or so entries.

Once you got out of first level, there really weren't many (if any) scores out of the 60's. Lots of nice horses and good riders, just yet again some quite tough judging, which I think is the new normal.

I drove home after my class yesterday morning. The drive down that canyon is every bit as nasty as the drive up, but at least it was in daylight!

I haven't got a lot done today :)

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby mari » Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:56 am

That sounds like an intense weekend Moutaineer! I've never taken my horse to an away show, we're lucky to be surrounded by show venues that are less than an hour away for the most part. Our yard does quite a few away ones per year, but the hassle and stress (and enormous expense) of it has never appealed. I like going along as a cheerleader though!
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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:55 pm

mari, I have a friend who 100% agrees with you. She always apologizes for not being more competitive though is very matter of fact about it. I tell her she has no reason to apologize. At home schooling shows are just as legitimate of a measure of her progress and training as away shows especially when our at home shows usually hire rated judges. She says she feels guilty because she knows her horse needs to get off property more. I repeatedly tell her that I can make that happen and it doesn't have to be a show. In fact we hauled out (not even 2 miles) to a another friend's property to take lessons. Her horse did great. Now this probably seems very ho-hum but my friend is 78 and her horse is a BLM mustang she purchased through local auction as a yearling and she backed him/started him. He's 7 now. She weighs 90 pounds dripping wet and her horse is one of the ferals with draft blood so he's a stout 16 hands. She looks like a fly on his back (though a very competent rider) but he is very well bonded to her. Her background? Hauling her (now mid 40s) kid up and down the East Coast doing eventing during her kid's childhood and up through college. She rode while her kid trained because she was getting bored watching all the dressage LOL. She says she rode as a kid but nothing 'real serious'. Now this woman gives ME inspiration.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:47 pm

Wow, Moutaineer, that sounds like a hairy show. One of those "well, we survived" type situations. :lol:

I'm also lucky that we have a few rated shows close by. I'd have to be really motivated to travel farther. Maybe someday if I'm in a situation where someone else can do the hauling. Longer hauls really stress me out. And then add in the extra travel costs, and the appeal disappears quickly.

Yesterday the vet collected the tumor out of Tesla's ear and froze that and the wart on her chest. Now to wait for her custom vaccine to be whirled up in the lab.

I'm having fun with the kinesiotape. Last night I did a basketweave on Annabelle's knee that is still a bit swollen, and she started breathing really rhythmically and then sighed and licked and chewed. Same result when I put the poll anchor tape on to hold Tesla's neck taping. Grade school arts and crafts class if finally paying off! :D I ordered some of the higher grade Equi-Tape, so I'm hoping that will stay on T better when she works up a sweat.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:37 pm

There is one barn that has two recognized shows a year within an hour and a half of us. Their footing sucks, the place is filthy and the atmosphere is weird.

There's another place, two hours away, in the middle of nowhere out in the broiling desert, with no place to stay within half an hour and various other limitations, that has two shows a year.

That's why we travel. It's not often this much drama! And we have such a nice group that it's fun to spend a few days away with them and our horses away from daily obligations.

You are very fortunate if you live in an area where you are surrounded by shows and decent facilities.

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Re: Of fly spray and soaked saddle pads: July and August goals and progress

Postby khall » Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:26 pm

Gosh mountaineer that sound harrowing! I know I would not haul 9 hours to show. I don’t want to show that badly!

I’m 4 hours or so from Ocala and the big horse park. 2 hours from Conyers where 1996 Olympics were held and 1 1/2 hours from Poplar place where I go to the schooling shows and to just school. It’s a nice place.

Chisamba that looks like fun! I have friends that horse camp a good bit but they have LQs horse trailers.

That’s awesome ponichiwa! What a good yellow pony!! I did not realize he was only 14.3. He looks bigger in the pictures you share.

I just can’t get away overnight at this point in my life very easily because of mom. Would have to hire a caregiver overnight which DH and I do for vacations but not for me to be gone for horse shows. So it’s just the schooling show when I can. Right now with the heat and humidity that’s not even an option!

I’m reading all but not getting much done other than a bit of wih. Did sign up for the free Ritter FC 5 day course. Will be interesting.

My last ride on Joplin was a week ago. I got too hot and almost passed out. Covid May not be too bad for me but definitely not good to get overheated! So I’m on the ground for a bit until I feel 100%. And it cools off some. We had to pick up hay Sunday and it rung DH and the 2 young men helping flat out. No fun.

I’m reading all. Exvet your friend does sound very inspirational! I love a nice mustang.

I have a Cedar clinic end of next month hoping it’s much cooler.

Stay hydrated all!

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