May the horse be with you. And June

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:35 pm

Heddy, what a series of challenges! I hope the rest of the voyage is smooth sailing!

Tanga, great job with the show!

Mari, jingles for Odin's shy wee-wee.

Blob, the Winderen I got is the double-jointed. There was not real reason for that, but T seems to be going in it quite nicely. I am thinking about trying the maximum flexibility mouthpiece though, because the rope bit I've been jumping her in seems to be what she's gone the very best in.

T got dental and vaccines yesterday. The Rhino we did intranasal, and have her on Banamine for a few days, so fingers crossed that she isn't punky for too long and we can get back to work this weekend. The vet is disappointed with the lack of results from the $$$$ sarcoid vaccine we did last fall, so he is going to reach out to the company and see if they'll run another one for us for free.

A few days ago I tried the bareback pad again and even cantered a little both ways. I really liked how I could feel where she was bending (or not) in the lateral work, and it tells on me much more when I give up my upper body position, so I'm going to try to use it once a week. Got my butt back in the gym yesterday and didn't die. I can tell I've gained weight though; boo to that. There is a schooling show/horse trials at the end of the month, so I'm planning to sign up for First-2 and 2-1, and maybe do the show jumping the second day.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:41 pm

I have Kora in the Flexi Mullen loose ring. It's the mid-grade of give, they make a rigid and a super-flexi. She's happiest in a mullen, was in a HS Duo before. Jointed bits either single or 3 piece were too much for her, which I think has to do with her dutch girl mouth conformation.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby khall » Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:32 pm

Al congratulations on the show!!
Exvet jingles for Brandon and your daughter. Hopefully she is out of the hospital and feeling better. Go Junior!!
Mari major jingles for Odin and his sheath.
SF the vaccine did nothing for Joplin’s sarcoid. $3,000 later nada. Two rounds. We ended up topical with old school recently re released meds and the sarcoid disappeared.

The Cedar clinic was a blast and we all are developing new skills. The double lunging is especially helpful and I dabbled in some long reining as well. Plus Joplin wore the double for the first time. She wasn’t so sure about it in the walk but trot and canter were better. Upping the game in her carriage. Joplin is rather naturally conformed flatter in her topline so asking her to step under and release to the bridle activating the sling especially at the walk is not her favorite thing. But had some good stuff. Working on halt RB forward RB trying to get it smooth. She gets so deep behind she can get sticky. Also worked on more sideways stuff in the canter. And counter SI to canter and HI to canter. She’s good at throwing me left and I have to work hard to keep centered once I do it’s there. Working on this to improve changes. R to L still good. L to R depends.

So homework is double lunge/long rein once a week
Lateral exercises at the canter
RB halt RB
Ride in double bridle

Next clinic is in September with Cedar. WE clinic up in the air.

Cedar got her psg I1 horse qualified for regionals. He’s a small Lusitano buckskin stallion and ended up high point psg in one class. She’s excited about him such a cool guy.

Stay cool all who are coming into summer. Hot and muggy now but clinic weather was fabulous. Happy riding all!

First ride in the double. No idea what I’m doing here but man I need to shorten my reins and sit up! WTH

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:41 pm

Oof. Trainer is taking the "needs to ride more boldly" thing to heart. She kicked my butt this morning out there in the heat.

She's right, of course, and once Potters signs on to the new deal, it will make everything so much easier. But at the moment he's a bit "Wait! This wasn't in the "Pleasant Tootling Around" agreement we had!" So I'm having to work hard to keep him up there. When he is, its great, if a little intimidating. Though I have to say that when he's focused on truly forward and really getting our stuff together, there's a lot less spooking going on.

Jingles for Odin and Brandon. And I hope your daughter is doing better, exvet.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:48 pm

And Chisamba, I think some years are work on it years and some are show it off years. If you've got a ton of show miles under your belt already, why go out and show when you are betwixt and between?

Frankly, I had no business being out showing last year except I personally needed the miles and ring craft experience as I really don't have a lot. This year I feel like we have things more together and can show some stuff off without dying. But that remains to be seen!!!

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:19 am

Saiph is a shut down and refuse to go forward when the goi g gets tough type. For example at our first PsG show we started on the diagonal and after 3 of the 5 changes she thought she was done ( as in 4th level) so when I asked for the fourth she stopped, propped. And reared, I did a little 10m circle to just get her going and finished the test, but, having discovered that stopping, propping, and Rearing got her out of the hard stuff, she started doing it more often. Sooner , more often. I Trot, any time she didn't want to go. She would root at the rein . So obviously the new trainer went back to basics. Worked through basics. Couldn't have been more proud of how she was progressing, until she decided the work was too hard, stopped, propped and reared, and did it sooner, and more often and anytime blah blah.

I told him, you don't understand, I've been through this 3 times with the horse. We X rayed the neck, changed the bir, refit the saddle, but I don't believe it is any of those things, it's emotional. She gets stressed, throws a tantrum, and once the tantrum works it becomes her go too behavior. It might be triggered by a sunbeam in the wrong place, a spook, one more flying change she was not expecting, or once on a trail ride, ducking under a branch.

I have alternately decided to give up on her, or work out how to work her through it, and since I
Not inclined to give up, and inclined to be a problem/challenge motivated, I have not given up. My new mentor is perplexed. I've had to explain that I have lived through this many times. He was so sure all of her progress in the basics was going to make her confident and rideable and to be honest. I have just been waiting.

Well, I *think we have surmounted her current emotional plateau. Without going onto detail it took an epic session of flat unemotional unagressive persisting till the multiple tantrums got fewer and fewer and Saiph discovered the way "out " was forward into contact. The next ride was almost miraculously free of resistance, and full of cooperation. The problem is, if her anxiety in the ring triggers it, it's not like I can take half an hour to solve it in front of the judge.

So I hope I can't train her so well that she thinks psg is the way stuff and we can go to the show doing the easy stuff.

I used to do that work my jumpers. I'd school at lease 30 cm higher than I was showing so they thought the show was the easy stuff.

So if I can school Saiph at the intermediate and grand prix stuff to get a fluid forward PSG that's what I'll do.


Meanwhile Kimba and Flei are progressing and Paulette, who might be Uletta, or auletta, idk yet, is making appropriate baby steps.

I might try taking Flei out in training level and Kimba in third. I need Flei to be better off the inside leg because he likes to look at things outside the riding area leading to inappropriate counter position, lol

I think it might be similar to Tesla. I see S doing many things, both medically, bit, saddle fit and riding to solve the problem of Tesla suddenly deciding forward isn't the thing. I read of her training progress with interest because it seems akin.

Kimba's seem more similar to Junior, it's just learning to place her legs , jump and stay through.

So I love reading these threads, Flight and Tanga inspire, StraightForward and exvet. Collaborative, and every one else inspire, admire, commiserate, appreciate, . I just like how journey together.

And oh, on a happy note, I'm at my goal weight/ health. Now I just have to maintain. :)

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby khall » Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:39 pm

Chisamba I think your approach of increasing the demand of Saiph’s training so the PSG feels easy is a good plan. I have learned from Cedar to not only have one approach to the difficult training but multiple ways of testing the horse’s balance strength and understanding of the work. She uses double lunging long reining work in hand work in the fields even bridleless riding to test the soundness of the work. Last weekend I definitely saw the benefits of both double lunging and long reining to improve and help solidify Joplin’s training. In dog training it’s called proofing your training. It can also help taking a rider on their back out of the equation and being able to see the issues from the ground.

It seems like there are several horses on this board who react to training similarly just maybe in lesser or greater degrees. Joplin most definitely has an opinion in her work just that she is not full on throw down fit about it. She’s more subtle like just go sideways instead on stepping into the collection. Or she will get bracey and mouthy when she’s protesting. I mentioned it to Cedar last weekend whether could be possible medical reason but she feels it’s just Joplin protesting the work becomes more demanding.

Jingles you’ve solved Saiph’s protests! Rearing is a scary protest for sure

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:51 pm

Chisamba, Molly has had me do much the same with Junior in terms of schooling - always working towards and periodically asking for 5-10 degrees more in bend, complexity, etc building up the time in the harder work so that at the shows he thinks it's all 'easier'. He's so damn smart and sensitive that I am not convinced that it's going to improve my game a ton. His stamina has definitely improved but it's the relaxation part that has yet to really come out of all of this with consistency in the show atmosphere. He still wants to take over when the power kicks up and then loses the supple and relaxation I achieve with all the lateral work. Fortunately for me his protest to the work is straight on ponytude (swallow the broom and power trot or canter) and nothing dangerous or scary.

So as I wait for the winderen bit to get here I tried the hackamore on Branden this morning. He's not what I would call one hundred percent sound but in my pasture he's moving pretty well just the occasional 'that ouched' step. Pretty sure his right fore has a healing sole bruise. This ride was the only time I haven' had him fussy at all no matter what I asked. Fortunately I taught him to neck rein a long time ago. He went well one and two handed. He already stops, backs and takes half halts from my seat alone. I'm not giving up on classical dressage until I try the winderen but I'm thinking I have a pretty fancy western dressage horse. I'm planning on trying him in the bosal tomorrow. At least the hackamore option is going to allow me to keep working him and with relaxation! I'm also grateful that I bought a gem of a barrel saddle 6-7 years ago that will allow me to show him in western dressage if it comes to that.

Junior gave me a very clear message this morning that he knows exactly what I want from him in the flying change. He gave me a couple of mostly correct flying changes (one was croup high) and then made an attempt to do a skip a change and I caught him mid attempt giving him a very timely and clear correction. He made 4 clean changes (both directions) after that. He is such a pony and a clever one at that :)

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Tanga » Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:37 pm

Chisamba--That sounds a lot like what I've gone through with Quilla. We got to GP, did pretty well for about a year, and then she got anxious and started anticipating and doing things like stopping. If I tried to push her, esp. in a show, she would rear and capriolle. It got MUCH worse if I tried to push it or even carry a whip. A long time showing and experimenting at home got me to this was a learned behavior and what to do about it. I think the "solution" is bribery and happy thoughts. I always treat with a whistle sound. So when riding, as I've explained before, to get through Quinn being anxious and tense and Quilla deciding she's going to stop, when it started to come on, I make the happy treat sound and stop doing it. Quilla is SO food motivated she completely forgets all about stopping or rearing and looks for food.

This is similar to Quinn completely losing her one tempis lately, which have always been good. I got tense, she got tense, she started tightening up, slamming down, missing them, and I pushed it trying to fix it. It got much worse. (You saw the zero ones in the GP at the last show.) When I ignored it and just went on to something else, it got much better. When she feels tense, I make the happy treat sound and she relaxes--her whole issue is tension and anxiety. She is a rooter, too, when it gets too much. If she stops and puts her head to the ground, I know it's her way of saying I can't handle this. I am also needing to change how I school things and change the order, which I think helps. I usually warm up at posting trot, then do canter work, working my way to ones, then trot work. Now I might do a couple of ones, but then go to trot, and then go back to asking for ones in the middle of the trot p/p work.

I think it actually helps, also, that three other people ride them now. There is no routine where either of us can get stuck in it and have to be more flexible and relaxed when doing things.

And yeah for goal weight/health! I wish I could. I've been having some health issues and hoping it's all related and I can get this extra blob off my stomach at least some.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:47 pm

On the subject of tense horses, we took the mustang (Ace) and Junior over to a local trail. It's up in the mountains/pine with loads of wild life. We done this before but it's been a few years. The weather was gorgeous and the trails very strenuous. The two got a work out and I'm convinced Junior would prefer dressage now. They both did great but have you ever dealt with a horse who smelled and heard bear? Talk about a canter pirouette in two strides and blast off. Fortunately I got Junior under control in short order but there was no way he was going back. Ace, of course, just followed Junior's lead without question. It was a bit unnerving running into a killed deer on the way back to the trailer as well. Obviously we were in someone else's territory. Both practically loaded themselves on the trailer and seemed quite relieved when we pulled into our driveway.

I rode Brandon in the bosal today. Talk about a relaxed horse. He's always done well in my western saddle but I never thought he could be completely relaxed without any sort of resistance.................I'll be surprised if the winderen works when it gets here; but, we'll see.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:33 pm

Sounds like an adventure! I'm surprised the Winderen is taking so long to arrive. I ordered on a Sunday night and I think I had it on Thursday.

T ended up with just a localized reaction to her vaccine this time. Poor girl is quite tender in about a 6" area around the injection site. I did a short ride yesterday and she felt great other than that. I had to make sure to ride with wide hands to avoid rubbing the sore area. I did laser and kinesiotape it, and that seemed to bring it down. The first tape was coming lose after our ride, so I did a second one that hopefully held. Heading out this morning to make another go at superglue shoes. Whatever I did when I glued the emergency shoe on before my lesson last week, is what I need to repeat. I had a hell of a time getting that one off yesterday. If I don't get four weeks this time I'll have to break down and go to an acrylic, which is more expensive, and does not look nearly as nice since the glue is thick and opaque.

Busy work week coming up, but hopefully we can get rolling again with our training, and looking forward to another jumping clinic next weekend!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:00 pm

SF I have stopped vaccinating Ace for everything except tetanus and west nile (higher risk of exposure and mortality) due to the severity of his vaccine reactions. Junior and Brandon also have reactions but are much milder. Maybe it's just me but it seems like the chance of reaction is getting higher or more persistent. I suspect it's due to the fact that regardless of the label slapped on them, the manufacturer is down to one or two plants so there's not much difference in regards to vehicle/adjunct ingredients and thus the reactions had.

I'm considering front shoes (probably just keg shoes) for Brandon the next time he's trimmed in order to avoid the loss of riding time. He's still in reasonable shape but he's actually getting bored and demanding human attention with his 'time off'. My last 3 rides on him have been limited to 20 minutes each on our pasture. It appears that his dislike of tongue pressure/bits is pretty much limited to that one area so I guess I should be happy.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:23 pm

Potters ended up with a cough after his vaccines this spring, and then we went straight into pollen season, so its been a bit persistent. Just a couple of throat clears at the start of each ride, but still.

I've just got my ride times for next weekend. 1.58 on Friday which is supposed to be really hot. Ugh. Saturday is a slightly more civilized 11.30ish. Its still going to be hot.

I'm glad you didn't actually meet the bear, exvet!

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Sun Jun 09, 2024 5:54 pm

LOL you and me, both Moutaineer. Junior was determined not to let that happen.

I also got my ride times for next weekend. Looking likely I'll be scratching Brandon but Junior rides 4-1 at 1:00 pm on Saturday and 1:47 pm on Sunday. Good news for me, though, the show is all indoors including stabling.

I tried Brandon in a plain curb (western, not jointed at the suggestion of his breeder) and it was a no go. Tried the double/full bridle as I have my stallion's still, again, a no go. So I rode in the traditional hackamore and had a lovely ride with a relaxed horse that was coming very well over his back. I think the princess has become a queen of the western dressage type.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Josette » Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:51 pm

I don't want to derail this forum topic - except for these mentions of vaccine reactions. I stopped vaccines except for tetanus because each year my pony's side effects were worsening and I feared founder. He would get IV Banamine and paste Bute pre-vaccination then vaccines in pectoral muscle. A few days later all four legs would swell to the knees and hocks. It would take several days to get the swelling down while still giving oral Banamine and Bute. This would trigger colic about 7 - 10 days later. I would spend almost 3 weeks treating all these issues with a miserable pony with gut issues. The reactions just kept getting worse each year and lasting longer to resolve. I won't risk it anymore and will take my chance with prevention: lots of inspect spray repellents, fans and clean property. He is age 24 and we still trail ride and do easy ring work. Goal stay sound and flexible for both us.

This link was passed to me for tracking equine disease per state. Hope it is accurate.... (BACK TO TRAINING TOPIC)

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Tanga » Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:42 pm

Josette, that is the way I would go. You have to do what you need to do for your horse.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:34 pm

I stopped vaccinating Lucky when he was about 20. His reactions started to get worse every year. We weren't in a boarding situation, so no blowback from anyone else. He lived to be 35.

Its indoor warm up and outdoor show rings for us next weekend. Not my favorite as you go from a dark indoor to a bright and glaring outdoor. I didn't book a stall as its 10 minutes back to the barn. I'll just take him straight back then come back to the show. Its a couple of long days for the barn. We have some of the first and last rides between us.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby mari » Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:30 am

Chisamba wrote: And oh, on a happy note, I'm at my goal weight/ health. Now I just have to maintain. :)

You snuck this one in there very stealthily. Congrats!!!
The aim of argument or of discussion should not be victory, but progress. ~ Joseph Joubert

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby mari » Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:35 am

Exvet, glad you survived the wildlife :lol: There are some plots near us with emus, and some others with alpacas. The horses are just like HELL NO. Odin is not normally a nervous horse, but emus... :lol: :lol: :lol: No predators near us, thankfully, unless you count jakkals (South African version of a fox) and off-leash dogs.

The other day my friend was walking home and a peacock started to display right in front of her very high-strung TB mare. That was an interesting morning.
The aim of argument or of discussion should not be victory, but progress. ~ Joseph Joubert

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:28 am

I must be getting old :) They've just re-issued the ride times for the upcoming show and I'm now at 11.36 Friday and 10.24 Saturday as they've decided to start an hour earlier due to the heat, and I'm delighted I now have to get up early!

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby heddylamar » Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:04 am

mari wrote:The other day my friend was walking home and a peacock started to display right in front of her very high-strung TB mare. That was an interesting morning.

Peacocks elicit some interesting reactions! Mom's very placid gelding turned into a snorting, prancing monster when he encountered a flock at a dressage show :lol: Those were the most energetic movement marks he ever got!

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:18 am

heddylamar wrote:
mari wrote:The other day my friend was walking home and a peacock started to display right in front of her very high-strung TB mare. That was an interesting morning.

Peacocks elicit some interesting reactions! Mom's very placid gelding turned into a snorting, prancing monster when he encountered a flock at a dressage show :lol: Those were the most energetic movement marks he ever got!

LOL heddy, you remind me of a time when my friend and I took our horses to a recognized show and we brought along her mini donk as company for her horse. Cyrus started braying in my first level test when I was supposed to be doing a lengthening across the diagonal. My mare did a splendid medium due to Cyrus and I won the class. We joked that Cyrus would be our permanent mascot accompanying us to all our shows. My daughter had a swedish warmblood who reacted similarly at a schooling show due to having elpacas come up to the fence to spectate. We'll take inspiration wherever we can get it ;)

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby blob » Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:47 pm

Interesting to hear about the biting/bridle journey with Brandon, Exvet. A friend recently went through a very long process with her gelding who has the fleshiest cheeks i've seen and as a result would bite the inside of his own cheek with nearly any bit in his mouth. Unfortunately for him he also hated pressure on the nose, so the hackmore didn't work either. She did eventually find something, but it's really a difficult thing to explore and it's very expensive to keep trying bits.

Heddy, I hope the rest of the travels have been excitement free!

After almost no riding in May, I'm trying to get back on track in June. I had some other people riding MM here and there to keep her moving and a uphold a baseline of fitness. With her asthma STAYING in shape has become critical. She breathes better when she's fit and it's much harder to get her back to fitness safely when she gets out of shape. Thankfully she's safe and a fun ride, so it's easy to find someone to ride her when i'm not around. She's also trained enough that even if a beginner rode her several rides in a row, it is easy for me to tune her aids back up in a single ride.

RP on the other hand has had a very easy May and a slow ramp up back to harder work so far this month. I'm perhaps foolishly looking to do a show next weekend, but i'm running out of options and would love to get 2-3 more under my belt before regionals. Still just first level as I'm still trying to get back to where we were after last year's soundness problems. But I will admit i'm starting to feel like we'll just be stuck at first level forever and ever and ever.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:27 pm

Saiph is back on track. Yay.

Now I need to bring Kimba and pauletta up to snuff. Lol

I need a bit more riding fitness to get all the horses ridden after my client horses are trained.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:17 pm

It appears that the bitting/bridle saga has come to a conclusion. The winderen was NOT met with a glorious reception. I have to say I prefer to ride a relaxed and willing partner. The horse who uses his mouth for everything, picks up everything, even things you wouldn't expect a horse to be attracted to hates having a bit of any type in his mouth. So the traditional hackamore it is. I'm currently borrowing a friend's that's the perfect fit/feel for him so off to the second hand tack shop after my class is done on Saturday to look for one similar. If they don't have one then I'll be shopping at the tack booths at the show. Thankfully Brandon's breeder understands and has offered to help sell him. I think he will definitely take some one far in western dressage and shine at the Morgan Nationals if his new rider has such inspirations. At my age and having to support my mother I just don't think I can split myself between two disciplines (though so similar) and two paths. I can manage to drag two horses to the same shows but to campaign one classical and hit at least a few shows in that direction and then travel to the western dressage shows and Morgan shows..................that sort of thing is long in my past. It's a shame because I really do like this horse and it's neat to have one sooooooo in tune to one's seat; but, I know he can actually go far with a person devoted to the same. At just turning seven today, he's the right age, right training and right size to make someone very happy (and not to shabby on the chrome either).

As to having a relaxed and willing partner, after work today, Junior and I head down the mountain to the recognized dressage show for his debut at fourth level in recognized competition. He's definitely a typically willing guy and lately he's been pretty relaxed. We'll see if I can pull it together and hold it together from warm up to final halt. It's been a tough week personally (running around trying to get my mother from independent living to assisted living after her neuro exam confirming her decline in memory and cognitive skills) and professionally (yesterday lost a patient under anesthesia despite 3 DVMs trying to resuscitate - thankfully after 36 years of practice and number of surgeries/anesthetic events performed I can still count those losses on one hand) I hope I can keep my 'bags packed and in the closet' and ride with determination and focus (without becoming to hardcore so that my pony doesn't feed on it the wrong way). I'm really counting on some pony power.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:58 pm

Exvet, definitely better for a happy horse, even if it's not with you. Idk enough about western dressage , can you go all the way bitless?

I hope your mother can be happy in her assisted living. It seems declining mental acuity is very stressful.

Good luck in the show. Fourth is such a springboard to PSG. I hope it is a Dare to Dream fulfillment

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:44 pm

Trailered over to the show facility this morning for a practice ride. Things went pretty well. I'm feeling like I know what I need to do tomorrow. Now I just need to do it. Perfect Potters was perfect, of course.

The footing is much improved. A little deep but not dangerously so. If they water it well it should be OK.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:08 am

Thank you chisamba. I really appreciate it. As far as I know yes, you can go all the way through the levels bitless in WD. One of my coaches is a rated judge for WD and I plan to confirm with her tomorrow but I'm pretty sure that's still true. As for my mother, she's more or less just waiting to die. She is suffering from depression & anxiety along with her cardiac disease and dementia. In some ways her memory loss [of things she used to do and/or loved] is more of a blessing but her failure to remember to take her medications isn't. Stuff we're all dealing with I know. Makes me even more adamant & hoping I go out with my boots on and a horse nearby (who's already covered in a trust ;)

Moutaineer good luck at your show. Decent footing is always a godsend.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby khall » Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:46 pm

Good luck Exvet and mountaineer! Exvet good for you willing to put Brandon’s needs first. He will make someone a fun WD with the work you’ve put on him.

Right now in the family department I’m dealing with mom starting end stage dementia. Horrid to watch. Bad when you wish she would go to sleep and not wake up. Then dealing with the money thankfully she has for care that is so expensive. Trying to decide what level of care. Keep her home or full nursing home. Neither are cheap. She will have some me better days but more and more bad days.
In better family news DS finished his first year masters work at Ga Tech. One more year to go. He’s interning at an engineering company in Atlanta his 3 rd summer there hoping to get a job offer for next year after completing his masters. So very proud of DS!

Just sweating here. Bleh hot humid Georgia summers. I did work changes the other day and they felt good. I find the changes help improve Joplin’s canter making it easier to ride. Renvere in CC also makes her easier to package up. That was my approach to changes this time renvere CC in true bend straight and change. Hacking in the cut hay field today.

Stay cool all who are dealing with hot summer and happy riding!

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Tanga » Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:10 pm

exvet wrote: She is suffering from depression & anxiety along with her cardiac disease and dementia. In some ways her memory loss [of things she used to do and/or loved] is more of a blessing but her failure to remember to take her medications isn't. Stuff we're all dealing with I know. Makes me even more adamant & hoping I go out with my boots on and a horse nearby (who's already covered in a trust ;)

I'm so sorry, exvet. In dealing with my mom, the dementia is a blessing so she does doesn't understand the abuse we can't save her from. I am 100% with you on one way or another I am not going that way. Hugs.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby heddylamar » Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:46 pm

Memory loss is such a roller coaster. We've been through it with all the grands, and at 78(!) my dad's well into it himself. The early onset is probably a side effect of all of his other medical problems. We'd know more if we could get him to see a neurologist, but that's a whole huge ordeal that involves ambulance transport, and it's all just awful for him. Fortunately, he's in a safe place with the skilled nursing home.

I hope all of you have support going through this too. It just sucks.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby chantal » Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:03 pm

It's been an interesting year, not terrible, but just challenges after challenges. In life and with Mikey. I feel like I'm finally feeling better about a bout with Covid in Feb. The illness wasn't bad, but I've had exhaustion since then and am hopefully coming out of that. This spring was a struggle, kids, work, life in general. Mikey had a 6 week vacation in Feb and March, good timing with the covid as we had a spot on his girth removed and he of course blew the stitches. It's all better now. My instructor was gone from Dec thru April and I did take lessons with 2 other instructors but fell into some old habits which we are working to correct.

We have done 3 shows, 2 schooling and 1 recognized (plus the one last fall) at Second and we are doing respectablyish but have our work cut out for us. We need to get rid of the tension (uh me), correct my position, and I need to get him more consistently straight. He can be so wiggly. We slow down in the collection and then can't get it back together in the show ring. Time for camp at my instructor's place next week hopefully. I wasn't thrilled with the pics from the last show so I didn't buy any. There is one or 2 I am thinking about. But we did get pics from a lesson last week from a video. I am happy overall, he's grown so much. And he's 10 now so there's that. Yikes!

So much going on, I need to reread it all so I can catch up with everyone.

I'll start with wow exvet, 4th, congrats!!

And Mari, you are a beautiful rider. I love the poles and jumping videos.
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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Chisamba » Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:17 am

Great to hear from you Chantal. Mikey looks as fancy as ever.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:11 pm

A very satisfactory 2 days of showing here. Good Lord it was hot! I did the 3.1 both days. Friday with Axel Steiner we had a really solid forward happy first 3/4 of the ride and then blew it across the second FC diagonal when someone stepped out of the shadows at H, which startled me, let alone him, making that a very expensive 4 on a double coefficient and causing some tension and breaking in the last extended trot diagonal. But we ended up with a 62.3, which i was thrilled with. A bunch of 7s and 6.5s, a few 5.5s on dumb things like the TOH, which i used to be so good at and seem to have lost, and he jigged in the free walk because I got overambitious. We handily won the class with that score.

Today, with Beverly Rogers, I didn't have quite so much gas in my tank, so I felt I started a bit slow, but we picked it up and I actually got a 7 for my extended canter, something I thought I'd never see! A fair sprinkling of 7s but mostly 6's. She's obviously not one for half marks. Except that damned 5.5 for one of the TOH... A 62.5 for another first place in a decent-sized class.

All the AA scores across the board were in the 65 or lower range with a lot of mid 50s. It is the first show of the season here which can often be a bit of a trainwreck.

Justin, our wonderful working student/assistant trainer took his 4YO out for his first show and got an 82% at training 2 from Axel!!!

My scores today mean I've finally managed to get that elusive bronze medal. Theres a steak and a nice bottle of wine in my not so distant future!

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby zevida » Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:00 am

Congrats Mountaineer!!

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:58 am

Congratulations Moutaineer!

ExVet, hard decision, but I'm sure Brandon will make someone very happy, but it's a tough decision when it's just that one puzzle piece not fitting.

Chantel, I always love seeing T's doppelganger. I especially love that second photo showing that developing power!

I've had a couple good rides now that T is past her vaccine reactions. Earlier this week we managed a fairly "real" ride with the bareback pad, complete with cantering and trotting on the bit. I have to grab leather and ride one handed in the canter, but I think it's helpful for both of us. Today we got canter HP both directions. Video showed I need to get her a little more together and jumping with shorter strides, but I am so happy that she's sorted out how to move her legs to make it happen. The trot HP has some really nice moments. Overall I can see I just need to up the ante and expect her to be stepping under my seat and carrying more.

Tomorrow we have a jumping clinic, which should be fun!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:53 am

Congratulations Moutaineer! I used to ride with Bev Rogers several years ago. She's not an easy judge.

My day of showing, just the one test, 4-1, wasn't as grand. Junior did very well in the warm up both yesterday and today. I'm starting think this is ALL ON ME, well, of course it is since I'm the pilot. Junior hasn't opened his mouth once since starting him in the double that I got from SF....well that is until the first half of our test. My current coach stated that I needed to keep Junior's nose closer to the vertical because that's what is costing me in scores - above the bit. Now keep in mind that's mostly in the canter/medium canter work. He does get a bit flat and comes a bit above but I really don't want to close him up too much. Well I tried to walk that fine line - I didn't pull back which you can see in the video (not ready to share just yet) but just giving him that 'wall' I guess flipped his switch. What really shocks me was that he didn't really feel terribly tense, nor did I know that he was opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue until I saw the video. I actually think he got his panties in a twist the very first medium trot when I tried to make sure he wasn't swallowing that damn broom and got his tongue over the bit. The second half of the test which is all canter work (harder for him) his mouth was closed......go figure. My score was a dismal 57 and change; but, always trying to look on the bright side of things, the judge was a good one. He gave me 7s for my extended trot, Junior's gait and my entry and last halt. Of course I got plenty of low scores too. The best thing is that there wasn't one skip a change. Junior got a little reticent with the first request for a FC and trotted but his next change was clean and I got a 6. My 3 changes across the diagonal got a 4 because the judge made a specific point to tell me that Junior was late in all 3 changes (hind end) but they were flying!!!! I can fix late with some more work, skip a changes just would have made me want to throw in the towel or keep Brandon and totally convert to western dressage with both horses. Junior is usually worse on his second day, cranky pony syndrome but he's been an absolute gem in behavior as far as the rest of the show stuff goes - not freaking out, not spooking or reacting to anything, staying a very chill pony with the exception of the test. I have the same judge tomorrow but in a completely different arena so who knows. My coach and I reviewed the videos (3 people taped for me from different angles) and the test. I can say that I got what I deserved but I still love my pony and my coach says she has a plan. I just wish I could do better by both my horses. They are both such good souls.

Brandon's breeder came to help another Morgan breeder at the show and she watched. Not sure if she's scratching her head or not (It would appear I have 2 horses with mouth issues but truthfully they are very different); but, between she and two other friends who love Brandon it sounds like he will likely get a very good home. I guess the one good sign is that she wants to keep me in the Morgan world and has offered to look for my next project ;) I don't mind but I did tell her that I'm going to be stopping by a Welsh Breeder's place in Durango next month on my way up to Denver...........who knows what lies ahead - likely welsh, morgan or arabian or some derivation of any of those 3. In the end I just want Brandon to shine because he really is an awesome horse. He just needs to be with someone who not only can bring that out but has the passion to go for it in the arena of his choosing.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Tanga » Sun Jun 16, 2024 6:54 pm

Good job, Mountaineer. Axel is not a high scoring judge. And I always like to ride under Rogers.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:34 am

Isn't it interesting how we each perceive individual judges? Axel was a relative pussycat this weekend compared to Bev.

Neither of them were Santa Claus, however, looking at the overall scoring.
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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:34 am

I asked for help getting lead changes over a jump and ended up getting kicked off my horse briefly :lol: T was a little perturbed at first as this was her first time having anyone else sit on her, but got over it and he helped her get the idea. She is currently barefoot behind since she threw one within 24 hours of the last reset and seems to be OK with just fronts. I'm feeling like we might be nearing the edge of the woods with the canter issues.

I also got to briefly ride one of their horses, a burned out upper level dressage horse who is a compact 16.1 or so WB. He was quite the pocket rocket. They laughed when I said T felt like a land barge by comparison.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:16 pm

Chantal!! So good to hear from you and seeing Mikey doing well. I love a concentrated lesson camp, you really get time to dig into things more. Let us know how you get on!

Well done Exvet and Moutaineer on your shows. Show perseverance is a funny thing, riding everything at home and then packing said horse up and riding it in a random sandbox in front of someone can be a chasm of difference. Sorry to hear about Brandon, but what are we but not horsemen to do the best for the horse. I know you have and will.

We were blessed with lovely weather this weekend for one of our favorite shows up in VT. Packed in and out both Sat/Sun so Kora could be back home and be outside and she travels well enough to do that. We had trainer to warm us up which was a rarity as we always tend to conflict with someone higher riding the GP etc. Saturday was a bit more learning, Kora tends to get behind the leg in the test or well I let her get behind the leg so we had a stop and some tantrum kick-out in the ext walk to med walk to canter. Changes came through if the left to right a bit green for a 64.3% at 3rd3.

Rode like fire the next day and it showed. 66.8% at 3rd3 for the win, two judges 67.1% from R. Scott Peterson and 66.5% from Catherine Waterman. They were just about spot on each other with scoring. I am quite pleased with the test as the directive was to get her walking and jig if you must but she HAS TO WALK. And we did. 1st change not great but she was getting tired, same for TOH. Happy with the HP's and her overall connection and relaxation. Trainer video'd but missed entrance/halt but it must have been decent enough as scored an 8.0 from both judges.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby blob » Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:35 pm

Mikey looks fantastic, Chantal!

Congrats, Mountaineer, sounds like a good show. I've ridden for Beverly a few times and also found her very tough/conservative across the board.

Congrats to you as well, Aleu, sounds like a great show with some great scores.

Exvet--your show also sounds like it was productive and an improvement in some areas, even if there are were some bobbles. I'm excited to hear about your trip to the welsh breeders and to see what you end up with as another partner!

We have a show this coming weekend and of course I'm traveling for work half this week. I've ridden so little this spring, I'm not sure signing up for a show was the wisest use of my funds. But i've been starting to feel like I'm running out of show options and so, I guess we'll make it work.

It's been crazy hot this past week (heat index around 108) and while it'll get a bit cooler this week, it'll still be pretty darn hot and humid, so hoping for early ride times. It's always the first couple really hot weeks that are the hardest on the horses. MM has been pretty unhappy with the heat wave, esp since it's been paired with bad air quality alerts. So she's not doing a ton right now. Light hacks on better days and just hosing off and stall time with the fan on the worse ones.

RP's canter has felt more powerful lately, which is exciting. The only bad thing is that it feels like i don't have a lot of gear options. it's just canter lengthening all the time. I'm trying to get him to sit more behind at least if he's going to bound around. But he doesn't really have the strength to sit the new power back. But it does make me optimistic about his canter, which was such a problem spot last year. Let's see how it feels at the show in different footing.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:06 pm

Lovely test Aleuronx!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:22 pm

Congratulations on a really nice test Aleuronx. SF it looks like Tesla was taking things in stride and concentrating on what she was being asked, good mare. Glad to read that RP's canter is improving. I think his gears will develop with more strength.

Rode in front of Schmutz again on Sunday. I really like him. He nails you where you deserve it and rewards you as well. We score another 57 and change BUT it was a much better test. This time Junior did NOT get his tongue over the bit and our trot work received many 7s. I get the idea after both tests that Schmutz doesn't believe in half points because I never got a single half point on anything (or does that say something else?). He even gave me a 7 on my collected walk and my extended trot. Unfortunately Junior was really tired which seems to always be the case the second day plus our ride wasn't until 1:35 pm. That meant there wasn't much canter and not much of a flying change. My first FC was in the air though late. The second time I was supposed to have a FC, Junior trotted. On the pass across the diagonal where you're supposed to demonstrate 3 flying changes. Junior just simply refused and changed through the trot at the end with a few bucks included. Total ponytude he was giving me after a really nice first half of the test. Of course these mistakes took my score down appropriately so but we had a great finish and received an 8 on our final halt. While the judge stated that Junior wasn't ready for fourth level the fact is if Junior hadn't gotten his tongue over the bit in Saturday's test I would have scored in the 60s and if he hadn't simply pooped out (he had clean changes in the warm up) we would again have scored in the 60s on Sunday. That and the fact that across the whole show - Friday through Sunday Junior didn't throw in a single skip a change actually gives me the incentive to trudge on. I know the pieces are all there and I have a plan in how to connect them in a more fluid fashion ;) Hopefully we'll see if that materializes at the July schooling show.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 17, 2024 6:21 pm

I've ridden for him in the past, exvet, and thought he was very fair. We probably get many of the same judges because of our proximity!

Onwards and upwards! Day off for us today, and we'll have a very quiet session tomorrow, day of on Wednesday and then back to work as we have a clinic with Charlotte Bredahl on Monday/Tuesday next week.

Watching the videos of my tests, I need some help with my position. I can't quite work out what I'm doing but I just don't look right at the trot, to me. Canter is OK, walk is OK. I suspect I'm gripping and tightening somewhere. Maybe I'll get brave and post one of them and you can help me.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:47 pm

This is the Friday Axel ride. I like it a bit better than the Saturday one until things go to hell :)

And this is the Saturday ride. Definitely less gas in the tank, but no shenanigans

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby khall » Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:35 pm

Super ride aleuronx! Kora looks fantastic!!

Mountaineer love Potters canter work! Such smooth changes:). Fun!!

Exvet sounds like you’ve got a plan to get where you want with Junior. 4-1 is definitely stepping out there!

Blob glad RPmis feeling better in the canter. Good luck at the show! It’s definitely been miserably hot here in Georgia. Showing is just not on my radar. I am hosting a WE clinic 6/29-30. Hopefully it will cool off just a bit.

SF T looks great cantering over the fences!

Me I’ve just played around a bit. Some in hand some out in the field. Doing more piaffe rotations. Joplin says they are hard!!

Mom is really struggling. She is having sensitivity to antibiotics. Making her either very sleepy and weak (bactrim) or hyper and impulsive (doxy). Ugh

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby exvet » Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:25 pm

I agree with khall. Nice canter work with Potters.

I did ride Junior today because he's going to get a couple days off while I'm at work. I decided since I've spent all this money on all these bits I'd try the winderen on Junior (loose ring snaffle). He loved it. I got some of my best collected canter work out of him today. He was soft, supple and really showing more air time than ever before; so, I think I'll go back to working in the snaffle instead of the double for a while. The extra air time is making the flying changes easier (captain obvious at your service ;) so the overall plan is to fix the late changes by continuing to improve the quality of the canter and to also incentivize the pony with some positive reinforcement during breaks in the ride (sugar or peppermints). I will be extra careful not to create a monster especially one that thinks after every movement he is supposed to stop and get a treat; but, I need to make some things very clear to him and fun at the same time. Another thing I will be fixing is my position as well - clearer with my legs at the girth to go forward and my legs behind the girth to collect. Since Junior doesn't have a lot of real estate this has been more than a bit of a challenge but I think I've got it worked out as to the how/where and now just have to be consistent and diligent. I also plan to incentivize the pony with lessons that include my instructor staying behind us with the lunge whip during the flying change and aspects of the collected canter - I know this will help with developing a quicker hind leg.

I rode Brandon in the hackamore again and started working on basic and level 1 movements for western dressage. There is absolutely no question that he's a happier horse. He was so good too because we had to ride past a couple of crews trimming and cutting down trees that line our streets as well as a construction crew putting the roofing tiles up on a new construction across from us. He didn't bat an eye or put a hoof wrong. I'm going to take a lesson on Brandon this coming Sunday - western dressage. I'm lucky that my riding instructor has her R for judging classical dressage and is also rated with USEF for western dressage. I'm hoping to get some tips for how to ride and present him at our next schooling show.

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby khall » Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:58 pm

Which mouthpiece is everyone using on the winderen? Most know Joplin can be a bit bit reactive too. The better she’s engaged though the better her acceptance but hey maybe there is a better fit for her. Right now she’s in myler wide barrel eggbutt
I had not heard of these bits untilmSF mentioned them

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Re: May the horse be with you. And June

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:09 am

As an aside, that is the Ariat Artico coat, and it was wonderful in the heat. Would it look better if I lost 10lbs? Sure. But it was cool and comfortable and looked a darned sight better than no coat, or heatstroke! Riding Warehouse has them on sale.

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