Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Sep 27, 2022 3:07 am

Blob, I hope you can get things sorted with MM. So sorry she is having issues again.

Khall, glad you had another good clinic. Joplin's canter is so buoyant!

After getting almost no work done today telling multiple people that Annabelle is for sale, running to the other side of the valley to look at a retirement place for Obie, then going after work to look at an at least temporarily viable barn for the girls, I ran past my barn on the way home and the news of the day was the owner has decided not to sell. For now. Well I am still going to move Obie. It will be slightly cheaper, he'll have more space and I think there will be less mud in the winter, and if this all happens again in a few months, it will be 33% less stressful. My instructor has a client she thinks needs to buy Annabelle, so some serious events may have been set in motion. I hate the drama and need a drink!

Tesla has had a little effusion on her LF for a few weeks now. The chiro vet who was out 10 days ago watched her on the lunge and checked it out and said to keep an eye on it, and take her in to the equine hospital for the high powered ultrasound if it didn't resolve. Well, it is still there, and she looks sound, but really responds when I use the laser on it, so it seems something is going on. So she is off for a few days but I was lucky to get an appt. with our vet on Wednesday, and she'll get her ear sarcoid burned off for the nth time as well.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:40 am

Blob…do you have a near-by vet hospital that can do a bronchial wash? That might give you some more answers.

Aleuronx…I forgot…huge jingles coming your fathers way.

Khall…Joplin looks great and all grown up.

SF…ugh. Good grief owner…make up your mind. Nothing like being yanked about.

I had an interesting and fun ride today. I rode her in the PeeWee yesterday and ended up with fussiness and tension. When I pulled her bridle, she had a big red pinch mark on the left side on her fat inner cheek. This bit in the past, has not pinched her so I really don’t know what has changed. So today, I put the LTJ roller bit on her. I think this is the 4th time I have had it on her. She just cruised. Everything seemed effortless for her and a whole lot easier and less taxing for me. Granted, we didn’t do anything ‘fancy’ but she was round, forward and engaged, in great self carriage with poll the highest point and very soft in the connection. I am riding her one handed with this bit as one should…it is a more western style bit with longer shanks. She had no pinching from this and never really tried to swallow her tongue or move the bit back to her teeth. Things just flowed and she seemed quite happy. We dabbled with a bit of lateral work and it has a few little kinks in her bend but she was game to try.

So…I just ordered a Weymouth and I am going to try the bitless bridle with the Weymouth on a bit hanger. The bridle has a tab for the bit hanger so it will be held in the correct alignment. The bitless is a side pull and will give me the lateral flexion and the Weymouth the longitudinal flexion. Her mouth just does not seem to be made for a snaffle bit and I am so fatigued with trying to get her soft and knowing that more likely than not, the bit is pinching her and I just can’t do it anymore. I talked to one of the Myler’s long ago and he said that yes, it is a difficult mouth conformation to deal with for a snaffle. We will see. I don’t plan on showing…at least as long as I am Mom’s caretaker and I will figure something out if we both make it to a century ride 6-7 years down the road ;) . I ordered this one ... -FFWB.html
It is simple with some tongue relief. I got the shorter shanks. I have a Fager MM and she tolerates the titanium pretty well. I will report back for sure. I just couldn’t believe the change in her as far as effort and relaxation. It really was night and day and kind of downright fun :D .


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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:11 pm

My last hoorah before my surgery. I'm going to let her rest for six weeks then go back a bit too bring her forward

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:21 am

I don't quite know what's gotten into Maia, but, no, I am not here to hold her big ass head up! She's been heavy in my hands and lethargic the past few rides. No changes — she's out 24/7 and has been since late July, with the same pasture mate.

On a positive note, the lack of impulsion has made canter trot transitions less explosive so we're able to work on consistency and just stepping into the canter v. exploding forward and up like a rocket launch gone awry. I know this won't carry over once she's back to her normal self, but I'm taking every bit of progress as a win ;)

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:39 pm

Aleuronx, whew what a show!! I'm exhausted reading it! Good job getting through all that.

Khall, wow Joplin looks good. Her canter reminds me of Lynx's canter and I to find it harder to ride. But how lovely!

SF, best wishes for all the possible changes coming up. Nothing like emotional whiplash!

Blob, thinking of MM. There is nothing worse when you think you have it all figured out and under control and then it starts to fall apart.

Susan, Sounds like some interesting experimenting with the bits! Sounds like you might be on to something.

Chisamba, Thank you for sharing that wonderful ride. Just think you're doing so good now and you will just be even better after your surgery and rehab!

Friday I had a Dressage lesson. This is the first time we've added in a little bit of leg yield since starting over with Lynx rehab wise. We just did about 3 in each direction. He felt good although I think that's his limit right now. Otherwise we just worked on some extremely large figure eight type figures (no small circles at all) just seeing how he feels with the change of direction. He still feels stiffer going to the right when you first change but then starts to feel better. He definitely has been softer in his top line since getting injected with the prostride/Adequan. If anything he wants to get a little too low and heavy although that's not new. I think that is simply of fitness/strength thing right now.

Sunday I skipped my lesson and went on a trail ride in the mountains. Obviously Lynx did not go, I borrowed a sweet mare from my friend who invited us. I went with two other friends that I have not seen in a while and then I invited my sister-in-law up with her horse. It was real mountain trail riding!! Lots of up steep hills and down rocky mountain sides. The view at the top overlooking the valley was gorgeous. One part of so steep that we had to get off and hand walk the horses. It was so fun. It would have been way too much physically for Lynx right now. But maybe one day...

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:41 pm

I'm on the grey mare to the right. Perfect weather!
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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:05 pm

Beautiful Lips. I loved riding in the Colorado mountains. Although I lived in Boulder so it was the flatirons and the continental divide

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:03 pm

LSP, what a gorgeous place to ride! Glad Lynx is doing well enough to do a dressage lesson. Maybe next year you'll be out there on the mountain together!

Chisamba, nice work. I hope all goes smooth with your hip and you are back in the saddle ASAP.

I had a quick jump with A this morning before taking Tesla to the vet. A couple horse trailers arrived and she got a little spicey, but then gave me a really nice bouncy canter whereas sometimes she is half asleep going to the jumps. We did a four-jump grid with two x-rails, and then about a 2'3' vertical and two strides to a little baby oxer. The extra oxer at the end really made her stay more together as she often goes flat and on the forehand after the vertical. We are much more comfortable cantering to the jumps compared to last year. I might take her to a little jumper schooling show in December. There is one in November, but it's the same day as the seminar/demo I signed up for discussing the new dressage tests.

Tesla's tendon got the all clear. Vet said if anything, she was a touch sore on her RF, probably due to rocks and dry ground. She had a sarcoid frozen out of her ear, and about a dozen of these little skin tags that she sprouted over the last few month. Fingers crossed the all stay gone! Poor dear is going to be slathered in SWAT until all these little wounds heal up. So tomorrow she'll go back to work, and I will take a run at getting her over some fences in the next week too. It would be nice if she could stay away from the vet until it's time for spring teeth and shots!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:34 am

Chisamba wrote:Beautiful Lips. I loved riding in the Colorado mountains. Although I lived in Boulder so it was the flatirons and the continental divide

I live near Longmont so pretty close to Boulder. Although this trail was Nederland. Very worth the drive!

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:59 am

I have been mostly trail riding . Once I get my leg over it's not too bad. We have a loop trail over quite a steep hill and the autumnal weather has been delightful. I think hill work and walk work is good for my brain and the horses. I'm also trying to get the winter turn out changes and barn organized. Fans down. Light sheets out. Etc.

My friends in Florida seen to have weathered the storm. Hope everyone is well

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:53 am

Thanks for all the well wishes and jingles. My dad is stable but still in the hospital. He has some test result markers to hit before he can be released home so making progress to those.

LSP that trail ride looks heavenly. What a joy to have such glorious space to explore.

I've done bupkiss this week horse wise. Lunged her in a rope stretch monday as still recovering from post-fall soreness. Then she's had off as we got our Bivalents and Flu vaccines last night so feeling crummy today not likely to make it over. Tomorrow when I'm fully body strong to kick her butt around and then toying with reaching out for weekend lesson. Will see how I feel at the end of today.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Fri Sep 30, 2022 6:01 am

Chisamba, which hip is kaput? Mine was my right and I just started mounting from the right side as I couldn’t lift my right leg over the saddle. Lucikly, way back when, I trained Kyra to accept mounting from either side and she could care less. It really helped until near surgery and it just downright hurt and I quit riding. I did the same after I got back to riding until I got everything re-strengthened. Now I am back to the left side as it is the left hip is wonky but it is not arthritis but a tendon tear. It would be better if it was arthritis. Hip replacements are da’ bomb. Life is so much better when it is fixed.

LSP, beautiful ride.

Yesterday, I had another “cruise” ride using the curb bit…western style. I am kind of amazed at the difference in her. Her canter departs were so nice and totally from behind. Not using her neck and shoulders to pull herself into canter but truly step into it from behind. Today I just had time to get a lunge session in and we worked on raised walk poles with trot and canter after the poles to work in a bunch of transitions. Then set up the canter poles on opposite sides of the circle. One raised about 10 inches and one on the ground. She did very well and adjusted herself to canter in stride over the pole and not just take off afterward like her tail was on fire. A good day.

I have already received the Weymouth bit and put together our bastard bridle which I will take out next time and see it it will work. I still have to dig out my thinner reins for the Weymouth.


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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:06 pm

Susan - sounds like some really lovely responses to the curb. There was a time when the curb was not considered anything other than a bit of finesse but as long as it was in the right hands it could produce great results with less effort and in all honesty left stress on the part of the horse.

LSP - those are the type of rides that I die for and miss doing with my kids.

Yesterday Molly was back from the regionals after having won her championship as did her student (at PSG AA). Though understandably she was thoroughly brain dead and exhausted from just getting back she had exercises ready for Junior and me. We did a lot of ribbon candy work at all three gaits, and she was remarking on how Junior must have the fingers working on the right rein all the time in order to keep him soft. She also stated that when I do release the reins/reward for softness or in going from something like a free walk to connection, canter release moves to connection etc that I must always take up the right rein first in order to prevent him from first blocking himself/evading there. What was good about this despite it being my longtime nemesis, is that I had to explain to Molly that it was only 2 years ago that if I ever had the audacity to really take up the right rein or half halt with it Junior would come to a complete we have made some progress. I did get some really honest connection and bending even at the canter during this exercise so now I have my homework and likely my set up for the flying changes once he's ready.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:36 pm

I think I'm going to Devon tomorrow. But it's going to rain.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Oct 01, 2022 9:01 pm

Lynx felt pretty good today. I tried just a regular fleece girth and I think he went better than my old total saddle fit girth.
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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:11 am

Well, I cobbled together my bastardized full double. It took some work. The bit hanger that came with the bitless was miles too long and the cob one I had was too short. So, I just put the Weymouth on my Bobbies bridle sans cavesson and put it over the bit less which has no brow band. I have a rolled noseband on the bitless so it was a bit awkward with the other bridle over the top but it worked. I have a flat noseband for the bitless so I will replace the rolled one. I can punch more holes in the longer bit hanger but will need to cut some of the tail off otherwise it will hang down and slap her in the face.

Anyway…my trial went OK. The Weymouth has much shorter shanks than the western bit but no matter, she was so much happier without the snaffle. Nice quiet mouth most of the time. My rein management sucks but I haven’t ridden with 2 sets of reins in oh 40 years :shock: . That will take practice. Her shorter trot (I won’t call it collected because it is not) had much more suspension. Canter departs were nice. Not as nice as with the western bit but better (more from behind and more through) than any snaffle. I got a nice half pass from left to right. Right to left wasn’t as good but not unusual. Using the bitless for the lateral flexion worked fine. She was much straighter than with the western. She did get tense and a bit squirrelly toward the end but she was lonely. I don’t think it had to do with our bridle set up. The other horse in the other arena returned to the barn and another pair went up the hill and she wondered while she was out there working all by herself. Poor Kyra :lol: .

Seems encouraging with the new set up. I just am tired of torturing her with a snaffle bit. There is something in her conformation and her tolerance to tongue pressure that just makes it not very kind to keep trying. It has been a difficulty from the time I put a snaffle bitted bridle on her way back when.


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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:40 am

Susan it interesting how strong each of horse can feel about different bits! Very interesting to read about your experimenting.

Sharing a video of lynx from today. I think I see some improvement. I think this is a slow process and I have no plans to rush it. But now to strengthen him slowly.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:45 pm

Susan. Kimba is much happier in my hanging cheek tongue relief bit. It's kind of a mongrel between a snaffle and cured but one rein only. She also does not like snaffle.

Lips he is definitely improved. My Lynx look alike mare has had stifle management issues as long as I have had her and is what I would call serviceable sound at the age of twenty something and can manage all the moves of third level so long as I am careful with the duration of more collected work and I do a long warm up and I alternate dressage work with hack days or trot poles
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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:55 pm

I popped over to devon in heartless weather to watch Saturdays riding. Why does Grand Prix look so approachable when watching others do it well. Lol. This was my favorite ride. Sorry the quality sucks it was raining and windy. I also loved Michael Bragdells fun freestyle. My impression of Alice's winning ride was that it was talented, proficient and joyless and wrung every exhausted ounce out of her beautiful horse. Jmho

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:51 pm

Chisamba, thank you for the encouragement. It does help to hear that this isn't necessarily "game over." If anything I'm going to learn a lot about conditioning. Learning is never bad even when the path changes a little. My biggest hope at this point would be in a few years Lynx could teach my daughter a few things. He adores her right now so I think when they are both less green they will have a good time.

Lovely freestyle that you shared. The horse looked very happy in that one. Now to find Alice's to compare ...

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:00 pm

Alice's ride was very demanding. She really is a fabulous rider and deserved the win. I guess I just wanted to see her happy with her horses effort. I a bit of a fan of hers and I just wanted to see joy. I ride with an expression of doom myself some times. She probably was happy with her horse and demanding of herself

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:34 pm

Alice's mare is incredible. I think I know what you mean, Chisamba. I got that same feeling watching Isabell Werth at WC when she won on a 90%. It was technically excellent, but I felt no joy from the performance.

Making the really hard look easy is what it's all about. I hope the pair you like did well.

Tesla went back to work on Thursday and had a few opinions about it, but on Friday she was super. About a half hour into the ride I felt her back come up, so I thought she needed to poop and gave her a walk break. No poo so we went back to work and her back came up even more. I thought maybe I'd keyed in the launch code and she was about to put me into orbit, but no, she was soft and happy, and I suddenly was sitting on a second level horse. Of course she couldn't maintain it, but it was amazing. I'm hoping to recreate it today and the rest of the week as we have lessons next weekend.

Annabelle did quite well too. Our go-to exercise right now in both trot and canter is SI up the long side, stretchy circle in lengthen, then a volte in the corner and HI up the other side, rinse and repeat at the other end of the arena. It keeps her motor going and we are finding more energy in the lateral work. We got a quite nice HP afterwards, and I'm thinking it will build her medium to where it needs to be as well.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sun Oct 02, 2022 10:19 pm

StraightForward wrote:Tesla went back to work on Thursday and had a few opinions about it, but on Friday she was super. About a half hour into the ride I felt her back come up, so I thought she needed to poop and gave her a walk break. No poo so we went back to work and her back came up even more. I thought maybe I'd keyed in the launch code and she was about to put me into orbit, but no, she was soft and happy, and I suddenly was sitting on a second level horse. Of course she couldn't maintain it, but it was amazing. I'm hoping to recreate it today and the rest of the week as we have lessons next weekend.

Annabelle did quite well too. Our go-to exercise right now in both trot and canter is SI up the long side, stretchy circle in lengthen, then a volte in the corner and HI up the other side, rinse and repeat at the other end of the arena. It keeps her motor going and we are finding more energy in the lateral work. We got a quite nice HP afterwards, and I'm thinking it will build her medium to where it needs to be as well.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: . I’m can’t even imagine the degree of lift that Tesla can give you. Very cool.

We had day two of our bastardized double bridle trial. I took the bit hanger home and punched some more holes and cut off the so very long tail and was able to use that as opposed to 2 bridles at once :roll: . Chisamba, I have used mullen mouth bits on her for several years but even her tolerance to those seems to have run out. Specifically, what bit is yours?

Anyway, back to today. I am experimenting with which method of holding the reins seems the easiest. Today I tried the snaffle over the index finger and curb under the pinky. Once I get the right length of reins, that felt good but it is still taking me a lot of looking and concentration to get them there. She was very pleasant today with very little fussing. With a snaffle, I have always felt there is like a bit of an anchor in her neck and chest. She just seldom truly comes through and with some amount of brace in the jaw and neck and it makes it hard to elevate her forehand. With the curb, her stride has more amplitude. Not from lack of forward. Today if I felt that was lacking, she responded promptly to just a bit more leg. Her trot is actually easier to sit. We were more in sync today and downward transitions were more graceful. Yesterday, I was afraid to half halt to prepare so I vocally asked her for downwards :lol:. I wanted her to just be comfortable in the bit without a lot of pressure. Today, there were times I felt like she was responding nicely to just the bitless vs her normal shtick of leaning on it. I think it is worth keeping on with this set-up. I have ridden all summer with the two steps forward, two steps back thing. It is frustrating to see her so aggravated not to mention the trauma to her cheeks and I just felt I had to try something else. I will need to get some video to see what it really looks like. Her way of going certainly feels better to me.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:47 am

Kyras_Mom wrote: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . I’m can’t even imagine the degree of lift that Tesla can give you. Very cool.

Yeah, I can't say I've felt that before :o but I could get used to it just like I could probably get used to driving a muscle car. We didn't quite find it today, but she was very good. I was going to ride A first, but I pulled out the laser and SureFoot pads and she got so into it that we spend about 45 minutes and she was so relaxed at the end I didn't have the heart to make her work right away. I decided to ride her after Tesla though, and I'm glad I did, because I think we found our medium trot. I got after her for the moments where she sort of spaces out and loses impulsion until we were nice and forward, then did a collected canter to within a few strides of 6 poles raised on alternating sides. She took my half halts and powered through. After a couple I asked her to keep the medium after the poles, and then we did the same exercise, but kept just to the outside of the poles, so she had the idea in her head and gave me the same trot. Didn't get it on video to verify, but it really felt better than anything we've gotten before. I'll be happy if we can make a 6 and over the moon if we can produce a 6.5 next year.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:57 am

Sitting here in a nice Cafe on Richmond Hill enjoying a late breakfast in the mild English sunshine. Thought I'd check in for a horse fix!

SF, I've become much more accustomed to the forward and power now I drive a truly forward car! Unfortunately the Highway Patrol don't seem to think "practicing for dressage" is a valid excuse.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:19 pm

LSP I think Lynx looks great! Not just his overall soundness but I wish Brandon was that kind of steady eddie.

We went out for a 6-mile trail ride with Ace and Junior yesterday. It was mostly trotting and canter. I do see Junior's stamina improving but he's still such a BIG stinker pony. He was so behind my leg until I decided he would learn about the ole cowboy 'slap'em around to get'em to go routine'. In other words, I had no spurs, no whip or crop so the byte of the reins it was. He was quite surprised and learned quicky that if I touched him with my calf he had better GO and GO NOW! LOL. I'd been riding A LOT without my spurs or dressage whip (a strong suggestion from Molly) and Junior being still a P-O-N-Y, decided to take advantage of it............I think he knows the reins will most likely always be there ;) Despite the passing ponytude, we had a great ride.

Got back from the trail ride and climbed on Brandon after starting my Pivo. His canter has 'blossomed' since the change in saddles. He doesn't have the mass and strength of Tesla but I do have a very up, open and more forward canter now (the lift off is fun).......still with balance. He also is quieter in the mouth so I was hoping to show the improvement but my phone/camera overheated and 'POOF' there went the video. Just working him in hand has helped but it's also highlighted just how different Brandon and Junior are. Brandon is much more reactive and a drama-lama when I'm unphased with his bullying approach and 'win the battle' yet he's such a steady eddie for his age when it comes to big scary things going on around us. Junior on the other hand is such a total laid back dude until his world is changed by his buddy leaving...................he can leave his buddy and go solo like a champ but the other way around? LOL it's like a bundle of dynamite. The good news is that I've been able to tap into some of that dynamite for the second trot.

We also got notified that we're (Junior and I) highpoint champions for one of our area GMO's year end award for third - :) I guess I'll keep the BIG stinker pony, not that it was in any doubt ;)

Here is what I did get from yesterday :roll: Winter coat coming in full force ! Image

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:04 pm

The new 2023 tests are out!

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:29 pm

Screenshot_20221003-064600_Chrome_240x514.jpg (43.85 KiB) Viewed 18742 times
Sue it's like this with a slightly milder port.

Exvet . I have done the same. No whip no spur. Yes I've even done the same with the byte.

Rye. Thanks l go look.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:45 pm

Thanks Chisamba. I think I have that one and she still got some pinching with it. Might not be the Baucher though, might just be the loose ring. However, If I ever want to show, I will have to find the least annoying legal bit on her and I can try it again. I can often get 2-3 decent rides before the mouth issues resurface badly. I have a whole 5 gallon bucket full of bits for this horse :roll: .


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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:45 pm

Good news Dad is out of the hospital and mostly behaving at home. Getting appointments and oxygen has been a cluster but man our healthcare system doesn't seem to run smooth on the best of days.

Took Kora over to trainer's on Sunday for a 'put us back together' lesson. It was a battle and to be honest ugly at times but she cannot hold a gun to my head about touching the right rein. So that's where we are. Had our first frost, it's already time for bum rugs and dragons.

Thanks for the info Ryeissa. Briefly looked a few tests but I can tell from having ridden 1st 3 all year that they made significant order changes which would have made our rides a lot easier but hey ho. Curious to read some articles that give some summaries or explanations to the changes as it doesn't appear to be the only test overhauled this cycle.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:57 pm

I’m aiming for a schooling show with Joplin 10-22 so I’ve been running through the first level tests first at the venue last month first 1 & 2 then today just at home first 3. Had to deal with a bit of spookiness in one corner due to cooler temps and a bit of breeze rattling the trees at first but with the second run through she was fine. Very happy how it felt and how she felt especially the second run through. The cc loop went just fine. So next week I’m going to run through second 1 see how it feels. It’s been so long since I’ve shownmuch of anything I think it’s good practice just to run through tests as you all know!

Also had just the softest and fun ride bare back on Gaila yesterday just playing with her some. Still trying to get her uterus clean to breed again. It may be next year before I can get her bred. Sigh. Her culture came back still dirty. Bummed. I sent off the frozen contract for Saphiro though so I’ve got one more shot at this.

We are having a stellar fall so far but so dry it’s hard to keep my arena watered well.

Happy riding all! Hope you are enjoying some cooler temps!

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Thu Oct 06, 2022 8:12 pm

We are DEFINITELY enjoying the cooler temps! I had a great lesson on Brandon this morning. We did the 'snowman' exercise with him at walk - trot, where you trot a 20-meter circle in one direction and then walk a ten-meter circle in the opposite direction focusing on bending and the use of mosty the inside rein. We then did the same with cantering the larger circle and trotting the smaller circle. What was huge for him was that I finally had control of his shoulders so that I could go down the long side and move his shoulders, nothing else, to the inside in the right lead canter and voila he was straight and not rope 'walking' at the canter in the front end. Hallelujah! I came back home and rode Junior (so relieved to not have to get up at 4 am on Thursdays in order to ride a horse and then haul out to my lesson before getting too hot). The ribbon candy exercise (European serpentine) is definitely the ticket to getting him softer and more supple in the canter and doing it so that I do the canter transitions through the trot when I cross the centerline has really allowed me to teach him the proper set up for the flying changes. Best of all, I was shown an exercise from a body worker which is supposed to help both boys abduct their right fore and therefore be straighter in their body and allow appropriate bend on their stiff (right) side. I've entered the recognized show in November; so, I'm hoping that all of these efforts will show a difference then. As always, we shall see.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:57 pm

We've had a lot of rain here so comps are being cancelled. I've entered my first Inter 1 in a couple of weeks. I gave up trying to lose weight to fit into my tails, so I just bought some second hand in a bigger size. They are actually really nice! I figure I may never lose weight but I shouldn't let it stop me getting to where I want to be riding wise.
I am realising I'm out of practice riding tests in that I don't really know how to do some of the things - like how you straighten up to do the changes in the canter zig zag and where you do the change between the piris at B, so I'm watching a lot of other people's tests that I can find online!

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Oct 08, 2022 2:40 am

Good luck Flight! We'll be pulling for you two!

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Oct 08, 2022 3:01 pm

Good for you, Flight. Great attitude.
Exvet, the snowman is one of my favorite exercises!

I didn't have a great ride yesterday. Had one of those rides where I know I can do better but just didn't. Frustrating. It was 45 degrees and our first really chilly morning. We rode in the indoor for warmth but Lynx is more tense in there. There are pigeons that he never truly is convinced that they may not get him. On top of that, he was behind my leg but felt almost explosive. The trainer gave him a taste of canter the other day, so he really wanted to canter. But she said he bucked a bit and thought she should do it again before I do.

I needed to get him to respect my leg but I was timid with how electric he felt. Frustrating. We did get some nice trot, leg yields and few steps of shoulder in at the walk. I also figured out something for my upward transitions.

Hopefully the rest of the weekend goes better.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:30 pm

Flight, can't wait to hear about your first I-1, you'll do great!

I had a rather disjointed lesson on Annabelle this morning (had to warmup in the watered but not worked indoor, then went outside only to have the guys start pulling pens apart next to the arena and running the skidsteer to spread sand), but the feedback was that her trot has improved a ton in the past month, and we just need to get that level of improvement in the canter. We did tons of corner volte SI/HI, volte at E or B, then SI/HI and volte. Tomorrow we'll put up the cavaletti and see where the medium trot is.

Due to the machinery we decided to move T's lesson to later this afternoon. I'm excited as she was fantastic last night and we started to touch on W/C and C/W transitions and some baby trot HP. I put some SoleGuard on her feet and I think it made her a little more comfy. I've never had good luck with keeping it in for more than 5-7 days, but am experimenting with a layer of Hoof Armor first, to see if it stays on longer. If not, I'll have to figure out some hoof boots for her I suppose.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:17 pm

More good lessons yesterday. With Tesla it was about keeping her more on my seat and slower in the trot steps. Keeping the bend in the T/C/T transitions, and then some SI to renvers and a touch of HP centerline to longside. Here is the video I put in the canter thread last night: She is really getting it and trying to work with me so much more these days.

For A, thinking half steps and then forward trot and back. Similar stuff in canter, thinking medium in SF/SI, forward and back. We finished up with some medium trot over the cavaletti and got confirmation that she is starting to reach more in the shoulders and understand how to stay on her hind legs and bound over. Homework is to do some canter cavaletti.

We'll have a gap in our lesson schedule now until after Thanksgiving, so I'm going to contact a local biomechanics expert/physical therapist and see if I can schedule a lesson/consultation with her. I feel like I've addressed quite a few of my issues, but there is always more to do, and it's at a point where a trained eye will be helpful, plus Tesla is now rideable enough that I can use her for the lesson

This week jumping lessons for both girls. I clearly need some ground help to figure out Tesla's canter stride, but I think popping through some grids each week will be great for her.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:04 pm

Back in internet land. My modem died Saturday night so today, I went and got a replacement and viola…nobody activated it. At least I didn’t have to wait the 24-48hrs that was stated :shock: .

I am just totally kicking myself for not trying out the bastard double bridle before now. I had thought about it for about a year but after the summer of two steps forward and two steps back over and over, it kicked me into trying it. I have a horse with a quiet mouth and awesome adjustability and power steering. Things seem to get better every ride and she seems ‘happy’.

My rein management is still kind of slow, especially when I pick her up after a walk break but I feel it is getting better. The first couple of rides she had little hiccups where during warm-up she just wanted to stop…not a hard stop but we have refined that and and she isn’t doing that anymore. Yesterday we just cruised through a couple reps of our CC exercise and it was lovely. The last rep, after we finished the CC exercise we went down the long side in a lovely lengthened canter…no speed up at all just fluid longer strides. What fun :mrgreen: . Even though she is using herself better, it seems less work because that horrid brace/weight in the rein is gone. It wasn’t a huge one…most people might not even see it but you can really feel it. I still haven’t gotten any video…it might look horrible but I really don’t think so. I finished with some lateral work ending with a half pass each way that were pretty darn nice for her stage.

SF…Tesla looks marvy.


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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Tue Oct 11, 2022 5:49 pm

RP and I went to regionals this past weekend. The year had gotten away from me and we hadn't shown since November, so i definitely felt rusty going in. We rode two practice runs of 1-3 in the open show before our championship class on Sunday. In the two practice runs we got a 68.6 and a 66. But our championship class only pulled a 63. I'm happy with RP, who was responsive and unbothered by a very busy show. I"m a bit annoyed with myself for some accuracy bobbles (esp in the 66% test). and I must admit to being a bit disappointed in our championship score. But such is the nature of horse shows! So, on we go. I had hoped and planned to start focusing on 2nd level for next year and i will continue to school the work, but I do think I need to spend a few more shows at first level to make sure I am showing the tempo and balance the judges are looking for.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Oct 11, 2022 11:17 pm

It's been ridiculously difficult and depressing at Chisamba Farm and the short version is a laminitis flare up with Saiph, then we suffered the loss of a fabulous promising young horse during his second colic surgery in as many days. I helped Lynne find him and started him for her and it was really the first talented horse she could afford. It's just sad.

And all kinds of " stuff" at work.

I am almost looking forward to the enforced rest that surgery will afford me.

I have enjoyed the good news I read. Tesla looking " Marvy" and RP doing his regionals. The success of the bastardized double. Yay.

Flight going for Inter 1 . Yay. And I agree don't wait to lose weight get the shadbelly.

Exvet as always progressing. Piggy looking good. It's all very cheering in a dim moment.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:55 am

Chisamba I’m so sorry about Saiph and your boarder’s horse:(. Colic sucks. Jingles Saiph has a quick recovery

Blob congratulations on some good scores so sorry that the championship did not quite work out the way you hoped. I was wondering if you were at them this past weekend.

SF T is carrying her big body nicely! I’m so happy for you that she is developing a work ethic and is much more fun for you. Rip was never solid in his work ethic.

Poor Henry is going through HW treatment. He has 30 more days of being quiet. He got his back to back injections yesterday and today. He’s hurting.

Hope all are enjoying some lovely weather. We actually have some 30’s in our forecast!

Happy riding all!

I had a great ride on Joplin yesterday where I finally was able to plug my seat in during the right canter. Left I have no problem but we both struggle R. She stayed on my seat and I was able to give forward both reins and she stayed up and balanced very nicely. Light taps with the whip helped keep her jumping through. Cedar has tea wanted me to get her responding better to my seat in the canter. It’s a bit of a struggle with her huge bounding canter. Not something I’m used to! I’ve also bee been playing more with passage in hand. I’ve gotten some nice steps a couple of times plus just some lovely active trot work and piaffe. Need to get some video. She’s a blast to play with in hand! I’ve been watching the video from the clinic taking pictures off of it showing Joplin’s elevation in the canter. Her first stride is rather remarkable.

Treating Gaila for uterine infection again. Cross your fingers I can get her cleaned up!! She’s working lightly

Hosting a one day WE clinic Sunday. New clinician from Aiken. Hoping to get some interest going in WE here in middle Georgia.

Little Chex is coming along. His owner struggles a bit with him he’s broke and safe but not trained and he’s a sensitive sort with a bit of pony to him. I find him pretty straight forward but I’ve ridden way more horses and trained a good bit from the first ride on. He’s cute as a bug with nice gaits and really tries hard. She actually cantered him no trouble last week other than don’t say good he can halt from the canter! Lol. They look good together if she will not get so wrapped up when they have an off day. He’s very good for her weaknesses in her riding. Her big mare was not. He will make her a more sophisticated and feeling rider.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:37 pm

Blob, well done on regionals - did you feel that the judging was just tougher for the championship class? It's great that you and RP can go show at a big venue like that and he has the confidence to perform.

Chisamba, so sorry to hear about losing the young horse. I hope Saiph is doing better and things are under control.

Susan, glad the "double" solution is working for Kyra. You've certainly tried so many things!

Khall, sounds like good work with figuring out how to ride Joplin's canter without tamping it down. Chex sounds sweet, I laughed at the halting for praise. It must be a relief to have your friend on a smaller, safer mount.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:58 pm

SF, such improvement with Tesla. How exciting for you guys after a trying period with her.

Khall, It's always fun to read about your progress with Joplin! I love to hear about people really enjoying their horses as you do (and many here do.)

Chisamba, I'm sorry to hear about all the troubles of the farm. Positive vibes your way!

Blob, That sounds like a pretty successful show overall. Good for you for getting out there and doing it!!

We had a lesson on Sunday and it was much better ride overall. Partly because it was sunny and we were outside lol. But I had a quicker discussion about what the leg means and for sure that helps everything. We ended with trotting over a single pole but thinking walk, since Lynx is getting excited with poles lately. I just feels like he wants to do a lot more. Afterwards I took him on a little walk with another gal around the barn.

I was supposed to have a dressage lesson today but I've been fighting a virus of some sort and have finally succumbed to the idea that I am in fact getting sick. So we canceled my lesson so that I could have at least one day to rest and hopefully not get too sick.

I did just sign up for RideIQ, and I'm really looking forward to trying it out this weekend at some point. I've listened to some of the lessons and I think it will be just enough to help keep me on track in my rides alone and give me ideas of things to work on outside of lessons. I try and do a different things but I struggle with knowing how much to do or how long to do. Obviously some things are dependent on Lynx but I think this app will be a good guide.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:48 pm

LSP, I am thinking about trying RideIQ as well. Some people in the Flying Change Hell thread on ToB said it's really good. Lessons might be sporadic to non-existent over the winter, so this might be a good alternative.

Yesterday marked another goal off the list - did a jumping lesson with Tesla. It's kind of unnerving launching all that mass into the air on purpose, but she didn't over jump too badly, and she was definitely getting the idea towards the end. I certainly was glad to have a ground person because her distances were hard to figure out and she kept plowing through the jumps so there was lots of resetting to do, lol.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:28 pm

SF what is T’s bloodlines? Funny story I took a half sibling to Rip for GOV inspections. Rip Gaila and this filly are by Paparazzo a Hanoverian approved stallion by Pablo who was a GP jumper and GP dressage horse. So jumping lines in there. There was a woman that had a Sandro Hit mare with a huge Starman filly at her side. We were having the mares inspected as well as the foals with the triangle set up and the foals loose to run around. Triangle was dressage arena height. My paparazzo filly was treating it as an in and out having great fun jumping over the small fence. The Starman filly went fancy trotting up to the short fence stopped then carefully went around it:). We were all just giggling away at the difference in the foals and how their bloodlines were born out. Both foals were found to be premium just funny at the differences in their approach. So at least T is not stopping even if she is plowing through the fences! Solid fences like logs can cure that training issue.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:45 pm

She is by a DeNiro son out of a Weltmeyer mare. I'm not sure about the dam lines on either side, but pretty much straight dressage lines as far as I know. I took her to a jump chute clinic when she was three and she literally broke a pole in half plowing through a cross rail. She showed she CAN jump quite well when she decides to, but I wish I'd gotten video of that $hitshow, it was pretty hilarious. By the end she was just passaging all over the arena flagging her tail and having fun not letting anyone catch her. I've lunged her over jumps and sometimes she'll go and other times she's thrown an unholy tantrum when presented with a crossrail the size of cavaletti she trots over all the time. This is why I have waited so long to jump her under saddle. She has stopped a couple times but so far it has not turned into one of her growing roots and fully refusing episodes. I'm sure jumping instinct can be bred in just as much as cowyness.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Thu Oct 13, 2022 6:37 pm

I got a new exercise today in my lesson with Junior. It's supposed to help establish the diagonal aids (inside leg to outside hand) and get them to lift their wither and basically work straighter while staying supple. IT WAS HARD WORK for JUNIOR. OMG you'd think I was killing the poor pony. He did go through it and do it correctly but after about 20 minutes of trot and then canter both directions he was DONE with all 4 feet planted. Of course, I wasn't done so we moved on to something else which also worked on much of the same concept but gave him more incentive to move forward. The initial work/exercise was first trotting a 20-meter circle right and at one specific spot (A) I was to halt, turn on the forehand 360 degrees emphasizing the inside leg (right leg) to outside hand (left hand) concept and continue in the same direction immediately picking up the trot again rinse and repeat the 20-meter circle. As I repeated the exercise, I was to start half-halting at one or two different spots on the circle with my outside hand and seat keeping the bend to see if I could get him to respond by compressing lengthwise (engaging) and lift up through the withers. We first did this in both directions at the trot. Then we went to the canter and at 'A' I was to walk one stride, turn on the forehand 360, then walk one stride, and then strike off at the canter immediately and repeat the half-halting to get engagement and lifting in the wither. It worked but Junior definitely found it fatiguing using muscles I haven't been effective in really getting him to use before. Once it was clear that he had had enough I then went the full arena working on leg yielding (at trot then canter) to work into the same diagonal aids and get power and more forward but also getting him to lift up through his shoulder girdle. It was definitely working so much so that he was giving me his best canter yet. So, there is hope that we'll eventually have an '8" canter. More homework for the next week!

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Sat Oct 15, 2022 2:13 am

Ran through 2 nd 1 today. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a second level test. Was very happy with Joplin and her willingness to do as I ask. So refreshing after Rip for so many years. Found that 2nd is in her wheelhouse:). Want to ride through 2 and 3 as well. Does not look like they’ve changed too much.

Rode Chex because his owner is out of town for a bit. He thought I was committing horse abuse to make him work a bit harder ie more canter. He would rather stop and meander. Lol! I did have to set some parameters for the former kid pony no you can’t just throw your head around when I ask you to keep cantering. Got some lovely work when I set the boundaries even got some SI at the trot. He’s going to be a fun little ride once he gets convinced that he can play in the sand box. He’s not terrible just annoying. He’s easy to move around for a pony that has no real dressage training.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Oct 15, 2022 2:40 am

khall I love second level. In all honesty it's where I think the more baroque types shine. I'm not surprised that Joplin was able to carry it off - enjoy, I'm sure you two will knock their socks off.

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Re: Transition to fall: September-October Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sat Oct 15, 2022 3:08 am

I made it to the barn today despite feeling tired and achy post COVID booster. It was all good though. A couple acetaminophen and some equine therapy on a gorgeous fall day and I’m all better.

Kyra was trimmed Wednesday and had yesterday off but seemed fine today. She has had issues with retained sole at this barn, I suppose from the decrease in movement and the fact that the trimmer won’t touch toe callus. I don’t think she is sore but she doesn’t like standing on the concrete barn aisle for a few days post trim. I use my sure foot pads during the trim and that helps some. She has absolutely no issue on other surfaces including the gravel driveway. :? She is weird. After warm-up, we tried exvet’s exercise. She did quite well although I can see where it can be a stopper. She anticipates so after a couple reps, she was ready to die at the point of the circle that you transition and do the TOF. I remedied that. She wasn’t as likely to want to die at canter. I didn’t spend as much time on it as Exvet. I would do a couple reps and go down the long side to freshen the gait then back to the exercise. She was spot on with her transitions and developed better rhythm and response in the TOF. I really should use spurs but naughty lazy me didn’t even put my boots on today :oops: .

If you want to change direction in this exercise, simply do a 180 degree TOF only turn OUT of the circle to have them on the new outside rein and inside leg. If tracking right, transition to walk and TOF 180 off the left leg then immediately back to trot or canter. A former instructor gave me that exercise.


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