May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby exvet » Sun May 30, 2021 7:52 pm

My instructor took our talk and my wishes relatively well. She was very frustrated though while we tried to chip away at the problem. Still it was all-in-all a good lesson. I find (and we discussed) that I do a little better with some things when she leaves me alone and then critiques what I just did as opposed to her calling out directives second by second. For me it's a bit challenging to focus all on me in terms of keeping myself centered in the saddle, legs exactly where thy need to be, and prevent Junior from launching me to one side or the other as he tries to find ways to evade what I'm asking (left hind under and over the back to both reins equally) at the canter. She has an excellent eye and tries to ride through me in terms of put in more left leg, keep you right hand down and to the right......all while I'm trying to do the counter canter on the left lead which is my sticking point. Unfortunately such direction was getting me awesome flying changes which is not what I wanted. We did finally get better cc left lead when she left me alone to work it out....of course the cc on the right lead needs little help. My instructor recovered well when I allowed her to pick me apart through my turn on the haunches LOL........

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Moutaineer » Mon May 31, 2021 4:02 am

Nice, quiet, uncomplicated little lunge and ride on Potters today. He was such a good boy. Could be something to do with the quantity of Dex and hydroxide on board. (But at least the evil hives are almost gone.)

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Mon May 31, 2021 2:18 pm

It’s interesting to read about the trainer relationships. And I’ve picked up some good thoughts in reading about how Exvet and Mountaineer have managed their interactions with their trainers. I know that I need to start taking more responsibility for the direction my lessons are going. My trainer is very good, having earned a gold with GP scores in the 70’s on a horse she trained from the start. Plus having bred, trained, and competed several more to GP since then. She’s a pro, and a good one, but not a mind reader or a psychologist...although, several years prior to starting lessons with her, I had lost all confidence due to a bad accident at an old age (60). Dressage was something I wasn’t sure was even possible for me anymore. But my trainer worked me through that. Her instinct with horse behavior is so strong I could feel it. She rode Rocky for several of our first lessons together and I liked how they worked together. When I started riding her in the lessons, she pushed me just the right amount. At one point when things in the busy arena were causing Rocky to get antsy, I reminded trainer that I did NOT want to come off, she matter of factly said, “I’m not going to let you come off that horse.” And something in her voice gave me the confidence that I could trust her implicitly. I am so lucky to have her practically in my back yard.

So I am adding a goal to this set: Get back to lessons every other week.

I will have to define to myself exactly what I want to work on for each lesson. And then explain to trainer. I haven’t taken many lessons during the covid year, but prior to that, she started asking me what I wanted to work on. She is obviously very open to my input and It was my fault that I didn’t have a clear answer for her. I will change that.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Mon May 31, 2021 2:32 pm

As far as progress, I was hoping to use trotting uphill on trails as a way to keep my downhill built horse naturally uphill with less effort on my part. It was working really nicely until yesterday when we turned to head up the hill. She knew before I even turned her that we were going to trot and she had a better way in mind. She put her head and shoulders into the bit and tried trotting up the hill like a steam engine. I had to stop and start several times, each time saying “the bit is MINE not yours”. She would go nicely for 2-3 strides and then take hold of the bit again. The same as she does when I ask for trot lengthening in the arena...

I don’t think this is a lost cause but it may not turn out to be the easy answer I was hoping for. My instinct was to go right back out to the hills today but after thinking I about it, I’ll give her two days of harder than usual work in the arena before going back out. Maybe she’ll be a little tired and not have so much energy to charge up the hill.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby khall » Mon May 31, 2021 3:15 pm

Demi I understand what you mean about getting confidence from your instructor. Mark was the same. The horses so wanted to be in his presence and he gave them so much calmness and grounding. We called him Mark the magnet.
I also use hills for collecting but find going downhill at the trot better for collecting

Well my first WE clinic is in the books and it was a blast!! Getting to use our dressage for a purpose we all just loved it and plan on doing more.

Joplin owned the course:). Nothing bothered her and her maneuverability shines in this work. Most of the horses took to it well with a few obstacles that concerned some and needs working on. Gaila especially had concerns over the bell corridor the livestock pen and the switch cup. The bridge was a non issue for all. Blob you should come! Two days of great learning. We are trying to get the interest going here in middle Georgia.

Cedar clinic in two weeks.

Mountaineer glad you have a successful session with Potters

Happy riding all!

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby exvet » Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:40 am

Yay Joplin! Sounds like fun khall.

Mountaineer I'm too glad you have had a successful session with Potters. I think he still just needs time to adjust.

Demi, I actually use walking up a hill in a marching staying totally through and connected to each rein 'way' to help build strength and encourage collection. I have always understood that trotting and cantering uphill is actually easier for many horses then methodically walking up hill in true balance. The mustang who does have a stifle/hip issue on one side would prefer to go faster up hill as did a wobbler a friend of mine had who would go trail riding with their cases I let them dictate the speed but not those I'm training for a discipline that requires more collection, engagement and strength.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:38 am

Potters was a good egg again today. Even with the neighbors mowing and weedwacking outside the indoor, and the barn manager inexplicably deciding to leaf blow the aisleway whilst I was riding. Feeling a lot more positive!

And I rode Walker, who was a happy guy, so I'm toast this evening,

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Aleuronx » Tue Jun 01, 2021 1:12 pm

Our trail excursion in Vermont was incredible, the most fun I've ever had in 45 degree rain. Kora learned an absolute ton having to deal with life. These were legit trail riders/endurance folks so clearly my friend and I in our dressage gear stuck out, lol. It took her about 10 minutes to stop jigging and bouncing up and down once out on the trail but then she was so capable and smart. Lots of steep uphill/downhill grades, having to manage herself with horses coming up behind her (some at speed!), cars in both directions, sheep and cows.

The 'extra short' route was still 7.5 miles which was a bit longer than we were expecting but still doable as we just walked it, minus Kora's self-inflicted piaffe work. Took us just over 2 hours and while my friend's horse was knackered Kora clearly could have done the next day as well.

Which was good because she had a light school the next day then we were off for a lesson on the following! She was good and we played a little bit roulette to see if we can get some more stability in the contact. So that's our next project, which is funny as I already had a couple of bits coming to trial. We're at the stage where the hind legs are way over-powering everything else so having to do some big forward canter almost in a hunter/up frame to keep from falling apart. So happy to be progressing even if we feel a mess!

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:12 pm

looks like a lot of fun!

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:18 pm

Khall and Aleuronx, sounds like fun outings with your horses!!

Lynx has settled into the training barn extremely well, cool as a cucumber. Unfortunately he is not 100% sound right now :( I saw this a few days before we moved him but when I rechecked him two days before I thought he looked better. I had had a chiropractor out and she thought he looked great. :(

I'm having a vet out asap to get him right. I'm still hoping for an abscess or something like that.

And we most likely will be putting our older dog down this week or beginning of next. I need positive vibes, it's heavy around here. :(

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Jun 01, 2021 5:20 pm

Oh dear! that is like my Feb- dog died and hurt horse. PM me if you want to talk.
Best wishes coming your way

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:40 pm

Ryeissa wrote:Oh dear! that is like my Feb- dog died and hurt horse. PM me if you want to talk.
Best wishes coming your way

Yes so similar, unfortunately. Thanks so much for that offer. I'm doing okay right now just kind of plugging along but I definitely might reach out later on.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:38 pm

I hope Lynx has something easy, and I am so sorry for the difficulty of aging pets. it' is a sad time for pet lovers.

Aleuronx. she looks so sensible, it's really great to get out!

exvet as an instructor I had to work on the skill of adjusting my teaching to what the rider and horse as a pair will succeed rather than what I would do to fix it. it's a slightly different skill.

A ," kid" I taught is coming back to my barn to give a clinic. she is nervous because I put myself in for a ride with her. student becomes teacher. it's tomorrow and I am so looking forward to it.

I shall give an update :)

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:54 am

Nice to hear a good report about your ride on Potters, Mtneer! And Ale..x, good for you and Kora! Love the pics. Khall, glad you had a good time doing WE. Joplin seems made for that! That’s neat about your former student, Chisamba. Looking forward to the update!

Exvet, thanks for the info on walking uphill. Tomorrow when I ride out I’ll think carefully about what you said :

“ Demi, I actually use walking up a hill in a marching staying totally through and connected to each rein 'way' to help build strength and encourage collection. I have always understood that trotting and cantering uphill is actually easier for many horses then methodically walking up hill in true balance. ”

DH’s personal trainer (who is 76 and totally ripped!)often tells him to think about the muscles while he is working them. I tend to get lax when I’m on trails, especially when walking. I need to be mindful of all that exvet said. I’m now thinking that methodically walking up hills with Rocky’s particular temperament and conformation is going to be much more productive than trying to trot.

SF, today i did the Ritter exercises that you posted. I have a small arena and I think your exercises were set in a small arena. Doing the voltes in the corners, to a shallow loop, both ways a couple times each, followed by the shallow canter loops was interesting. I got some decent shallow canter loops in both directions which I was surprised with. I’m guessing the trot circles and shallow loops set her up for the canter shallow loops. I can see why accuracy is so important. I didnt have cones, but may get some in the future. It looked like your voltes were 10M?

I liked the Ritter exercises a lot, but if he preyed on young girls, that’s creepy. It can be hard to know who’s telling the truth and who isn’t these days. I wouldn’t take his course now that I know the suspicions, but I’ll still take advantage of the exercises.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby StraightForward » Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:55 am

demi wrote:I have a small arena and I think your exercises were set in a small arena. Doing the voltes in the corners, to a shallow loop, both ways a couple times each, followed by the shallow canter loops was interesting. I got some decent shallow canter loops in both directions which I was surprised with. I’m guessing the trot circles and shallow loops set her up for the canter shallow loops. I can see why accuracy is so important. I didnt have cones, but may get some in the future. It looked like your voltes were 10M?

I actually fixed my arena a couple days later and discovered that I'd been riding in about 19m x 38m, so everything was extra small. But yes, it would normally be 10m voltes. I really like the plastic discs that are made for running sports drills instead of cones. They are low to the ground so they don't blow over or fall over, easy to carry a bunch around to set up a pattern, and much cheaper to buy a bunch. I'm hoping to set up a full 60m court this weekend and see if we can do CC loops to X, and maybe 4-loop trot serpentines.

My extra small arena had to come down for arena grooming, so last weekend I set up this diamond that Carrie Harnden often uses in her clinics. I embellished it a little by adding cones 5m out from each side, which makes them circle points for a 20m circle. The corners of the diamond happen to be circle points for a 15m circle, and inside the diamond is a 10m volte. Lots of possibilities for riding squares, voltes, half voltes, etc. Having the "rail" to the inside can be helpful for shoulders or haunches that tend to want to fall in. A wasn't really on her game this day, but it gives an idea of the exercises that can be ridden in this fairly small space. Not shown: riding renvers and counter shoulder in around the outside of the square, and then SI and travers inside (at a walk)

The last couple days I've been working on keeping a springy feel in my right leg. A and I both get stiff and bracey on our right legs, so it's on me to be the one to soften. Using different densities of SureFoot pads for both of us in this process. Hauled her out to another arena and had a really fabulous bit of canter work despite her spooking at the bird that was flapping and squawking because it couldn't get out of the arena. Slowly picking away at the layers of the onion...

Poor Tesla is a mess from the sarcoid treatment. Her chest blew up over the weekend and the weekend vet said it was totally fine and no problem. Her regular vet disagreed when I sent him pics and video this morning, so she is now on banamine and SMZs, and I'll be taking her in tomorrow. She is acting perky, but just kind of hobbling around when I handwalk her and not wanting to move much on her own.

LS, sorry to hear about your dog, and I hope Lynx comes right very soon!

Aleuronx, what great cross training for the dressage horses, looks like so much fun!

Moutaineer - glad Potters is being a good boy for you. :)
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Kyra's Mom » Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:50 am

Everyone is so busy.

LS...jingles for you and your critters.

Kyra has been a good egg. The outdoor arena hasn't been in great shape. It had rained again and it "sets up" almost like concrete and get very crusty and if there has been much traffic it is very cuppy. I prefer not to ask for much in those conditions. The arenas finally got worked yesterday so we should be off. I have done a "rail" ride as the rail has more traffic and is softer. We have done a long reining session and last ride, we went to the track and did a lateral work trail ride :lol: . After a good warm up with SI and HI, we did our half-pass zig zags (at walk). They were fair. She wasn't quite as supple as the last time but the footing over there wasn't a lot better than the outdoor and suppose that had something to do with it. Her change of bend and direction were pretty good and flowing though.
She has been working well and keeping a good attitude. By Thursday it is supposed to be 101F! A little toasty for early June so tomorrow (supposed to be 97 or 98), we may just do a my pretty pony session and a tail and mane wash and blowout tomorrow.

Although I haven't had a lesson in oh...years. I am a let me figure it out person. Educated eyes on the ground sure helps you figure it out. The person I was riding with before all my health woes took me off the grid was very good at looking at the presentation figuring out our deficiencies and figuring out exercises to address said deficiencies and sent me home with homework. I usually lessoned every other week and that gave me several rides to apply said exercises and do my homework. I don't think I could handle lessons more often (save the occasional clinic...that is different). I suppose if I wanted to make faster progress, I would have to figure something out but all that is kind of a moot point now. I just putter around with various exercises and see what floats :lol: . Kyra doesn't seem to mind. I have to get much fitter before I venture into lesson territory again and above instructor moved to I am not sure that the butt will tolerate full on sitting trot. I have to get the horse and myself fitter before I really try that. If she remains healthy and sound, I would probably give her to someone to put her changes on. That is something that I just don't feel real confident that I can do correctly. I think she would be pretty easy. We had started 'playing' with them when I was lessoning and Heather said we were way ahead of the game as she didn't ever bolt, buck or otherwise get exuberant in our tries.Does anybody even try and put changes on a 20 y.o.? horse, my hands...I want control ;) .

SF, I hope Tesla gets straightened out soon. I had a mare that fell and slid on pavement about 12 feet and ended up with a 6 inch line of fancy stitches in her chest after all the gravel and sand was removed :shock: . She was on stall rest until the stitches came out and yes...despite my suture care as instructed, it got infected but it finally healed and was pretty invisible.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby blob » Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:37 am

LS, so sorry to hear about your dog and that your boy is not quite right.
Aleuronx, looks and sounds amazing! What a great experience.
Khall, sounds amazing and yes, would love to join you all some time! let us know how the clinic goes, hopefully the weather stays somewhat tolerable.
Chisamba, how fun to have your student come back in a new role like that. Looking forward to the updates.

Great to see everyone else's updates as well!

I'm out of town for the rest of the week so the horses get a mini-vacation. When I'm back, it'll be straight to work for RP as we have a show the following weekend. We'll be riding our training 3 test again and also debuting first level with 1-2. I hemmed and hawed about which first level test to do. I decided to wait on 1-3--he can do the canter loops well but the overall canter tour is challenging. 1-1 was the test I wanted to do, but there are parts of that test that are just not well set up for RP. Mostly, i think doing the strechy trot at C, right in front of the judge will be more challenging for him. in that test you also go right out of stretchy trot and into the trot lengthening. But I need more than one corner to get him prepared for a good lengthening. So, i went with 1-2, which is a very nicely flowing test actually. Let's see how it goes. I'm very unsure about how his trot lengthenings will score and I'm very unsure how brave I wwill feel about his canter lengthenigs, haha. I just want to make sure we don't blast off out of the arena!

MM is doing well, it feels like w'ere making a big breakthrough with her extended trot work. It still has a long ways to go, but for the first time I'm able to consistently get her to bring her shoulders up and out. I'm not doing a lot of it, but I am working on making sure I have that button more readily on demand. Right now I can get it any ride I want to do, but it takes about a long side of getting her geared up for it. I'd love to be able to feel that shoulder lift with less prep and then I think i'll have us in a much better place. Our canter work on the other hand is a bit meh these days. But I think the jumping work will help. I just want to feel more power behind than I have. With the canter as well, I think I need to really improve the adjustability and once I can do that, I think I will have an easier time with the changes.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Sue B » Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:31 pm

I finally got to ride, a little bit on Saturday and a lot on Monday. Matter of fact I managed to get all 3 ridden on Monday! Rabbit still struggles with stepping over a single pole in the trot so no cavelletti for her yet, but I am doing both boys. I love this time of year, even though we are suddenly going from 50/60's to high 90's these next couple days, hehe. Anyway, nothing to report but really posted so I could attach a picture after my rides on Monday.

All 3 at rail (2).jpg
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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:40 pm

they match! great pic

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:41 pm

focusing on aerobic conditioning this month! trot trot trot!

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby khall » Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:06 pm

Well I inadvertently found out Joplin can canter on the spot! We are to the point now of asking for canter from collected trot she got a bit carried away with the collection. Lol! I’m having to push her on to keep her from getting stuck. Whoops! I need to modify my aids after riding not so sensitive WBs! It’s like going to a Maserati after driving a VW bus.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Flight » Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:05 am

Sue B, nice pic and it looks nice and warm. We've just started winter and for some reason I'm really feeling the cold this year. My metabolism must have stopped or something...

I haven't been up to much, but still reading everyone's updates.

My soloshot broke and I have a pivo that sometimes tracks, sometimes doesn't. I've got some vid from the other day that I thought I'd share. The main things with Norsey has been slowly increasing the amount of piaffe he will do, it used to be just a couple of steps before he'd compress in his chest and bail out. It's still very modest but I can keep him in the movement a bit longer now and hopefully he will keep improving.
The other thing has been canter piris. Again, it's been very slow progress, his reaction when he finds things difficult is to lunge and run away out of the movement and being such a big horse, I can't stop him. So, bit by bit asking him to collect and sit and turn.
It is hard for me too, because really I don't know what I'm doing! And things happen fast, like suddenly he's stepping wide or dropping his shoulder or swapping leads etc. Or I've asked for way too much and he struggles and falls out of canter. I'm learning too and grateful that he is trying so hard and is quite tolerant.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Jun 03, 2021 11:47 am

Finished my ride playing with bit selection and some big forward canter to try and get her front end up out of way and come out of the tack room, look at her and well, nards. That explains a lot.

Kora is 6 years old today. No. More. Young. Horses.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby exvet » Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:44 pm

Aleuronx wrote:Finished my ride playing with bit selection and some big forward canter to try and get her front end up out of way and come out of the tack room, look at her and well, nards. That explains a lot.

Kora is 6 years old today. No. More. Young. Horses.


Happy Birthday Kora.

LOL Aleuronx, every time I've said the same thing and end up eating my words. I *think* Brandon will be my last young one......but who knows. I've learned not to make any hard and fast predictions.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jun 03, 2021 3:42 pm

Aleuronx wrote:Kora is 6 years old today. No. More. Young. Horses.


Oh dear. Tesla is 5 and hit 17H recently. It is probably foolish to hope she's mostly done growing. :roll:

We put T on SMZs Tuesday and she was looking better Wednesday morning, but I took her to the vet in the afternoon anyway. Did an ultrasound and thankfully there was no abscess brewing. He said extreme reaction to the chemo, which I guess is not surprising given her reactivity to vaccines. Chest has drained a lot and she is back to moving around more comfortably, so we'll go back to lunging this weekend and maybe venture into some W/T riding next week. Hopefully the hole will close up before the flies come out in force.

Annabelle and I had a little jump session this morning with a 3-jump grid. I am getting better about cantering to the jumps and letting her find her spot, but then need a stronger position through the grid to keep her from going flat. Need to schedule a lesson for next week when our little early heatwave should be over (hitting 100 today).
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:02 pm

Just for curiosity, here is Rocky at 8 yrs. (she”picked me” when she was 2 and I went back and bought her when she was 3)

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This pic was taken Oct 2015 and one month later I gambled on buying Emma, hoping that she’d be my “dressage” horse and Rocky would be my trail horse...I rode Emma full time for over a year and during that year I only rode Rocky 1 or 2 times a week on trail. When Em turned out to be more problematic than little downhill Rocky, I switched back to trying dressage on Rocky. In retrospect, I wish I had just continued with Rocky and not lost the year’s training.

I will get a current conformation shot of Rocky as I noticed the other day how much her hind quarter muscling has changed. Lots of smaller muscles are popping out and much more definition in general. I think her dressage walk and trot are really quite attractive and her canter feels promising (at last). It helps that she has a good temperament and a lot of naturally forward. She isn’t a pushover, she’s probably an alpha mare like her dam, but we have a strong bond and she works for me.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:44 pm

exvet wrote:LOL Aleuronx, every time I've said the same thing and end up eating my words. I *think* Brandon will be my last young one......but who knows. I've learned not to make any hard and fast predictions.

I say that but it's what I can afford, lol. I should start saving now for a replacement if I was smart to be able to just buy into a 8 yr old PSG model instead of the 3 yr old starter kit.

Straightforward- I hope Tesla feels better with the drain and drugs. Kora has a sarcoid on the inside 'thigh' area of a hind leg and I've had multiple vets look at it and say I'm better off leaving it alone so I have. I know they can be so tricky and painful to treat.

Demi- Would love to see current pics! I'm hoping the late-summer/fall growth spurt evens her up like it did last year. I was hoping she was about done growing at 6 but I guess not, she was even before I have pics, lol. I know the dressage work will help either way but will be cool to see Rocky's comparison.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:51 am

A few photos from the clinic I had fun putting on polo wraps, cute pads and my show boots. the funny thing is on the fat mare I look fat and on the fit mare I look fit. !!! what the heck! lol.

I really enjoyed working with and visiting with Jen Griger. It's been ten years now since she moved on to Florida and she has a good eye and a nice mix of focus on improving the rider and the team. When invited she got on and rode too. a clinician who will get on and feel.
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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby exvet » Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:39 pm

Nice pics Chisamba. Sounds like a very productive clinic.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:25 pm

Three nice pics, Chisamba! Saiph looks very expressive.thanks for sharing!

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:38 pm

I’m behind...I meant to comment on Flight’s vid of Norsey. I always like your videos. You seem so calm and methodical with both your horses. I can imagine Norsey could be quite a handful if you weren’t such an understanding trainer. Thanks for sharing your progress!

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:28 pm

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Top pic Oct. 2015 and bottom yesterday. The lighting doesn’t show the change in hindquarter muscling that I can see in real life, but I was surprised at how much her front end has changed. Since she’s definitely working more off her hindquarters I didnt expect to see the front build up so much.

(Notice Emma trying to get in the picture :lol: )

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:36 pm

This shows the hindquarters muscling better.
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Dont know why it’s sideways. I’ve tried three times and it keeps coming out sideways....

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:37 pm

Wow Demi, the muscling over her topline in general is incredible! I love seeing comparisons like this, proper work really does improve any horse.

Kora and I were off to another field trip adventure, plan is to get out to new places every week. Teaching her to be able to settle and manage herself while also looking to me for direction and trust. That and well, I can’t do much with her wonky growth situation other than maintain. This place had a nice inviting cross country course, with lots of baby sized stuff which was perfect for us. Took her a bit to figure out the water was well, water but once she did she was game.

A couple of videos when I felt I could one handed trust her to film and steer, lol. Through the water and up/down banks.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:18 am

what a good girl Aleuronx

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:33 am

Hey all! Roasting hot weekend drawing to a close here. I've been on Potters every day except Friday for a week. Finally felt today like I could actually dig in there and really ride him, and work out what we need to work on. Which is basically anything involving right bend...

We spent some considerable time today working on a 20 meter circle to the right. He said he'd really rather not, and got himself fixated on the mounting block in one of the corners of the circle as "today's object that is going to eat me." (Earlier in the week it was the geriatric barn cat sleeping on a chair. I guess he will run out of excuses, eventually.)

So yes, it would appear that my FEI horse can't currently trot a properly bent, round circle to the right with the rider posting. Sitting is much better. I'm assuming he's not been asked to perform this simple exercise for some time, as people have been too busy playing with his tricks. Sorry buddy. This is the back to basics school of dressage riding around here.

We ended the session better than we started, at any rate :) and it was a solid confidence builder ride for both of us. Trainer tomorrow, so we will see what she has to say.

We finished our ride by going out for a solo walk around the property and he was a total gentleman.

I'm liking this horse. Hes going to be a fun project.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:41 am

I am happy to read of you and Potter progressing. yay.

I also have something cheerful to report. I took Saiph to her first show, yes just a schooling show, but all the show things. Trailering, warm up, strange places, unknown horses, rider with show yips. She is a tense and nervous horse so I was completely thrilled with her trust level and effort. Yes we had a.few spooky moments, and I probably warmed up too much in 90 degree weather.

We scored 64. 5 and 65.5 in Third one and third two. I was very appreciative of helpful judge remarks, and we even scored one 8 which I am going to show you. :)

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:44 am

Gratuitous Potters pix, bad indoor arena lighting.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby exvet » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:17 am

Wow, everyone's pictures and videos are definitely demonstrating some distinct progress. I'm very impressed. Congratulations to each and every one of you. I must say that the pictures and video really give the impression that classical training isn't dead nor is it as elusive as some would say - the muscling and way of going don't lie.

Junior and I had a lesson today. We worked more on our counter canter, really getting him into the right rein when on the counter canter on the left lead. We also worked on flying changes. I'm happy to report that we're improving. Still lots of room for MORE improvement but for a really hot morning, Junior met the mark. I have to say that I really appreciate my friend/instructor. She is so damn on it and nagging when it comes to keeping a horse truly straight and true. It can get very, um, irritating but it's so much what I need. She will stand there on the quarter line watching every stride and harping every stride if need be. We also worked on getting Junior to really stretch over his top line and getting him to work through that part of his neck where he gets blocked. We/he seemed to be benefiting from all the cavaletti work and baby jumps. It was really funny and a telltale sign that my instructor and I have a long history together. During the warm up while trying to get Junior to release all of his 'internal blocks' and to really stretch down and into the bridle and lift his back, my instructor kept saying, do the Karla. Well that's in reference to the German clinician (judge) that we've worked with in the past. She is awesome at really helping you get your horse to come through and over the back in the warm up. She's demanding, exacting and relentless and not afraid to ride your horse. Any way we were having a good laugh because her 'call out directives' in terms of 'do the Karla' really did/do force me to achieve the goal even if any would be spectator would walk away thinking we're each holding a one-way ticket to the loony bin.

I've decided it's time to order some standards. I have no plans to really get back into what I consider true jumping but I think small baby gymnastic type exercises really will be the ticket that gets us not only into and through third level but beyond. I'm leaving this Wednesday to drive to MN for 10 days. We've sold the condo up there and need to clean it out. Junior, Brandon and Ace will have a 10 day reprieve from the grind. It will be interesting to see where we pick up when I get back.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby heddylamar » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:19 am

Send good thoughts my way tomorrow AM? I'll be climbing on Maia for the first time since she used me as a trampoline.

I intended to do this a few weeks ago, but my grandmother died, and I was mighty distracted. So now we're 3 months + 5 days post-incident ... and I'll likely be discharged from PT later this week. Too much pressure :shock:

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:19 am

Heddy, good thoughts a-coming. I've been wondering how you were doing! I hope you have a partner in crime to help you through the first few rides. I've been very appreciative of my supportive barnmates and my trainer over the past couple of weeks.

Exvet, sometimes I think they appreciate a good solid holiday as much as we do.

Got to go back and look at Chisamba's 8 :)

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:21 am

Yeehaw, Chisamba!

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:29 am

heddy, just stay on top of the horse this time and it will be fine. :mrgreen: Seriously, hope it goes well!

Chisamba, great job with Saiph - quite the sleeper, coming out at 3rd level!

Moutaineer, good to see you up on Potters! It is humbling trying to ride a basic line really, really well!

Aleuronx, looks like lots of fun. It's great that Kora is getting out and becoming so well-rounded!

Exvet and Aleuronx - re: toplines - I've severely judged a couple local trainers based on their horse's toplines, right or wrong!

Annabelle continues to be a gem. Today she was really carrying herself through the trot cavaletti and then picking up a canter and cantering a volte like NBD. Yesterday we rode 3-loop serpentines and incorporated 13m canter voltes, which seem to be a really good diameter for her at this point. Exercises today were 2 very shallow loops at the trot on each long side, and shallow CC loops. I need to start incorporating the double loops into our warmup because it really got her responsive and moving her shoulders, and not losing the haunches out to the left, while still being gentle enough for a warmup exercise. Looking forward to lessons next weekend!

Poor Tesla had a tough week with reacting from the chemo with her sarcoid surgery. She has been on a course of SMZs and quite sore, not to mention the hole in her chest. Tonight she was moving 95% correctly on the lunge, so my plan is to start back to more formal double lunging/long lining this week, and then get back in the saddle by next weekend, barring any setbacks.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby blob » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:33 pm

great to see so many wonderful updates!

*Flight, I had a chance to watch your video with Norsey and I continue to be so impressed with the progress you've made with him. The piaffe work is really coming along nicely and there are some steps where you can really see him sit.
*Aleuronx, so lovely to see those happy ears!
*Demi, thanks for sharing the before and after pictures. So cool to see Rocky's progress.
*Mountaineer glad you are getting some partnership building rides with Potters! It's funny how often simple basics prove to be the hardest thing
*Exvet, sounds like a great lesson. I'll be interested to hear waht kind of gymnastics/jumping work you do with Jr
*Chisamba, Siaph looks really lovely. The two of you look like a very well suited pair. Sounds like a very successful first show for her with some great scores.
*SF poor Tesla, do keep us posted on her healing progress

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby demi » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:19 pm

Heddy, may the “horce” be with you!

Nice pics and vids, all! It’s so encouraging to see everyone working away at this challenging stuff. We all seem to fall (not necessarily literally!) many times, for many different reasons, and still we get back up and try again. I am glad I can still try.

SF, feel free to criticize Rocky’s topline. It might make for interesting discussion. At this point in my life I probably won’t be able to make a lot of change in my riding, but others may benefit from a discussion.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby heddylamar » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:46 pm

Maia was perfect! You wouldn't have known she's had 3 months + 4 days off ;) I asked a friend to meet me out there rather than ride alone, and she did in-hand work with her mare while I rode. Her dogs tried to provide spooking distraction, running laps of the field and leaping in and out of the arena over the steep drop off side, but Maia's immune to them :lol: We're meeting again tomorrow a.m.

My leg is still odd, which I knew from riding Anz. The big chunk of scar tissue has mostly broken up, but I'm still dealing with nerve damage. Fortunately, it doesn't impede my ability to ride — all the muscles work, twitch, and respond correctly, I just have no surface/deep tissue feeling.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:53 pm

I have seen too many horses ridden in the same program by the same rider with completely different topline muscling to be overly impressed or critical of topline development.

re: bringing a horse out at third, when I rode mostly Arabian horses, I came out at 3rd for two reasons. well maybe 3. Firstly horses with agile minds and a tendency to spook show better the more on the aids they are and the more they have to focus. I like Arabians so don't be insulted :D

Saiph has an agile mind and can spook so I waited til I felt she could trust the aids as safe rather than adversarial.

my other 2 reasons were, none of my Arabians had great fancy gaits so they rarely scored well in lower levels,

and finally the horses that I saw sound great in training level and first level often didn't make it to third, so it seemed that just plugging away in the horses own time was sufficient to prepare well for collection.

if they ever initiate qualifications, of course I'll have to start at. the beginning
Last edited by Chisamba on Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:54 pm

yay Heddy!!

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:39 pm

I"m lovely the updates and photos. Thanks all.

Our humble achievement is 20 rides in May. Lots of hacking, but also a bit more trot work. Occasional accidental canter, but we're still building strength for that! FIngers crossed for our next 30 days of rehab work.

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Re: May-June: Don't be afraid to set some goals and make it better

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:29 pm

Oh, super-good, Heddy! (Some of that nerve damage will heal, but not all of it, in my experience. I still have a dead patch just below my scar. It will feel very weird while it does, but as with most of these things, one becomes used to it.)

Chisamba, good thoughts on bringing out at third--the devil makes work for idle hooves, so giving the spookier ones a task that they really have to focus on seems like a really good idea!

Piedmont, glad progress is being made. It's a long road.

Aleuronx, good job making Kora a solid citizen of the world.

I need to go take a look at the Norsey video. I always enjoy watching them.

I know I've missed a lot recently! I hope Tesla starts to show significant progress soon.

If you could see me now, ladies, you'd die laughing. I'm breaking in a new pair of dressage boots (Ariat Caprioles in mahogany, rather yummy. My old Mountain horse boots have deteriorated to the point where the soles are soft as house slippers and I've worn holes in the calves, so I kinda had to.) Not going to break them in on a new horse, though, as I already have too much to think about without added distraction.) So I'm sitting here at my desk in shorts, with over the knee socks and said boots on. Thanks goodness I work from home...

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