CHISAMBA!!!!! Congrats on hitting your goal, what a huge accomplishment! I hope you feel wonderful and proud of such good work.
Exvet, Mountaineer, Aleuronx - All y'all showing look so wonderful! I really struggled showing to Axel, but loved Rogers. Ha.
I showed recently too....but just to spice things up, it was a ranch horse class at a World Show.
Now I am rusty as heck, I really haven't shown since I retired the Cowpony after competing at Grand Prix during the height of COVID, but it was close to me and I couldn't resist.
My yellow fella, I was so proud of him -- he tried very hard. He has no idea what we're doing but he was game to do it.The pattern started really well, but then we flubbed 2 of the maneuvers partway through, but then recovered. Of course with the flubs we scored poorly, but I was very proud of him.
My Cowpony, bless his 24 year old heart, was a spicy dang mcnugget once he got in the ring (he was so quiet in practice....and warmup....and then....)
He practically ran off with me in the lope circles, and then he was throwing lead changes in EVERYWHERE. Important note: The pattern did not call for a single, solitary lead change anywhere in it.
I almost gave up and let him do 2 tempis across the diagonal just because I already knew I was done for scoring wise, I laughed so hard at him. He's such a firecracker. I don't know if he was just enjoying being back on stage or if he was trying to tell me he wants to stay retired.
As far as dressage, the yella fella is doing GREAT getting the hang of leg yields at the canter, we were really struggling with it a few weeks ago and it's getting easier for him. I've also been doing a lot of serpentines and changing bend and moving him around, adding in counter canter.
Trying to decide if I should go to a Jeremy Steinburg clinic -- it's about 5 hours drive for me (about as close as it gets in my world). Wondering if it would be worth it expense and effort wise for the yellow horse who is basically training level. I'm almost leaning toward waiting another year, but then again maybe it would help? There's another clinic being advertised strictly for stock horses this fall, and I really want to take him to that.