Chisamba wrote:Tanga, I'd be happy to help, although Jersey is chock a block full of fancy trainers and the more down to earth variety. But having said that there is a huge divide , everyone south of hwy 80 seem to have stupid money. And everyone north of 80 sometimes has to choose between eating Ramen for a week and paying the vet bill.
I'm in the Ramen category but located near the MacMansions and high tourist shore area. It is so true depending on NJ location as where we are it is an extremely densely populated with very few farms unless you drive west. There is certainly $$$$$$ spent by many who pursue equestrian sports and their yearly trek to FL show season in winter.
Many closer farms near us have very limited stalls and turnout - jamming multiple horses on a small property with only half day turnout. IMO the worse situation is when there are bad winter storms (heavy rains and extreme winds chills) and no available stalls - so horses left out. Thank goodness, I no longer board here as I sadly see how much open space and farms are gone forever.