Ryeissa wrote:]No, its the opposite. I had no true impulsion, I had rushing. they feel very different to me. If you think of them both as excess energy then yes, you are right. Impulsion is a positive push, but rushing to me is mismanaged high energy. I had to remove that completely for a time.
I don't think of impulsion as excess energy, but just as energy. The rushing part would be a separate issue that would most likely have something to do with anxiety.
The purpose of the lesson of the leg is simply to teach a horse to move in response to the leg, and is often way more about "go forward now" than anything else.
For example- walk one step. halt. Walk two steps, halt. I needed the front legs to march more UP AND DOWN not waaaaaaaaaaay out in front. Adding leg to a horse in this situation created a really behind the bit/deep contact and tight back. Once we created a "wait" and balance so the horse stayed over his balance point I could add proper thrust to this system and he stays on the bit, elevated and back up.
Yes, that makes sense, and is why I've become convinced that a horse who is btv can't collect, but can only stiffen his back and lift his legs more, because if his poll isn't the highest point of his neck then he just simply cannot use his back and hind end the way he would have to if he was going to be able to lift his withers/shoulders/chest.
this is why adding leg at the wrong time creates more problems.
Agree that if the horse doesn't understand what the leg means and it just makes him more nervous and rushy then he either needs to be desensitized to the leg (which some do by keeping it on), or be taught what the leg means.
It depends on the horse, mine is a curler and rushes with a lot of energy. We could never achieve any iota of collection or half halts and this is why I slammed into the second level wall. I had nothing to work with. Its still coming slowly but definitely a lot more fun to ride, and he is showing better muscling. I still have a lot to work on, of course.
Yeah, who doesn't? But at least working on it is fun, and it becomes even more fun as they continue to catch on to what we want.