Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:18 pm

I’m sorry you lost your friend Exvet. We know that as stewards for our animals we will have to make those choices but they certainly take a piece of our hearts with them when they go. The last of our original pack crossed the bridge this year. My good farm dogs are all gone. We do have our pit bull that I found on the road 4 years ago but she will never be a true farm dog allowing free roaming privileges. Her recall is not good when squirrel and rabbit hunting. She’s been known to disappear into the woods so is always leashed or contained when out with me.

Mountaineer yes it’s so hard when we’ve had our horses as long as we usually do. I had Gallie just shy of 26 years. I started her myself and raised 2 foals out of her Rip and Gaila. I’ve questioned myself for the choice I made with her but have been assured by both my farrier and my friend who put her down I did the right thing. I usually do not struggle with these decisions as much as I have this year. Both with Gracie my old farm dog and Gallie I did. I am thankful I do have a wonderful support system in my vets both small and large when making these decisions. In fact the vet who euthanized Gallie rode her for 2 years learning to ride a trotting horse after riding TWH all of her life. Having those connections help for sure.

We’ve all had to make those tough decisions over the years and definitely can understand our friends here on the board facing these sad decisions. As I sit here crying!

That is why for the day of the horse I shared not only present horses but those that I’ve loved and lost over the years. Especially the ones who have led me down the path I’m on now both in the horses I ride and the work I do. The first time I rode with Mark I took Anna to the clinic. I still remember some of the things he taught that were so illuminating in that one lesson never having heard them in the years I had ridden with other trainers. And of course I owned both Joplin’s grand dam and bred her dam Anna and started all 3 myself so those connections run deep. As chisamba has written earlier our horses are our greatest teachers and our dogs show us how to live each day in the moment. I cannot imagine never having animals in my life it’s who I’ve been for over 40 years now.

On another note my ride yesterday on Joplin was spectacular! All of her lateral work just comes so easy to her. She may be short backed but she is one of the most bendy horses I’ve ever ridden. The beauty of my girl is that when I am correct she is there. The canter is coming so nicely!!

I know Exvet does a good bit of cross training and fitness work with her guys. I’m really thinking I need to do more with Joplin now to help her strengthen especially in the canter. Just throwing it out there if others have any thoughts
Last edited by khall on Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:54 pm

While there are definitely many paths to Rome, the fitness and conditioning I'm doing with Brandon appears to be working :) We are now able to complete two full 20-meter circles in both directions at the canter (3 on the left lead truth be told). We still have lots of work to do to make the canter more correct in terms of balance but at least it's pure, not rushing and he's not exhausted afterwards ;)

I get the feeling Joplin is more like Junior. He is finally able to work at the canter for a relatively long set without being winded. Cooler weather has helped along with body clipping and simply gradually increasing the amount we do each ride whether on the trail or in the arena. Jumping has helped a ton too. I tend to work him more regularly over fences on the lunge but we're doing more double fence lines under saddle as well. The really funny thing is I find his relaxation and breathing is better after I jump him as part of our warmup possibly because he's forced to stretch over his back or it just lets him 'let go' as much between the ears as through his whole body.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:57 pm

Exvet, so sorry for your loss. A great old dog that you've had your whole life is always such a hard thing to lose. But like you said it's the greatest gift we can give them.

I also feel blessed to be around this forum. I think everybody is truly a great person on here and I love reading about everyone's journey.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:28 pm

Exvet, I put down our JRT this spring, he was 17 and just gradually failing mentally and physically. Typical of a JRT, he never stopped "living" but one day I looked at him and just knew it was time. So when I went to do the deed, for the first time in his ornery life he let me pick him up without a struggle, laid down on the table and calmly held out his arm for my friend to hold off. Even completely senile, that dog knew and was ready to pass over the Rainbow Bridge. It was amazing! His name, of course, was Jack. :)

I just wanted to say to everyone...I consider you all my friends even though I haven't met most of you. I've been on every iteration of this board since the very beginning (USDF days) and I treasure all the memories I have of you guys' lives, families and critters. A huge thank you to everyone who has kept this place alive.

Still haven't ridden, but Tio is STILL sound :D and I swear I'll get around to riding soon!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:30 pm

I'm so sorry, exvet. I did the same thing last weekend. I think I waited a little too long. My friend came to visit and asked when I was going to put her down. It was so obvious. And then the too many drugs I was giving her really didn't work well that night. Tanga (that was her name) went in the next day.

It's been too many animals for me the last few years. Sept. was horrible with trying to save a heart cat with a urinary blockage, operation, bringing him home, and watching him die anyway. It was less hard with the 20 and 21 year old cats and the 18 year old Beagle because they lived long lives and went in the best possible way, but it still sucks.

My husband was saying we should just not have more animals. I told him you can't live like that. The pain comes from the good. I always remember the movie about CS Lewis where he was in love and marrying the poet with terminal cancer and they were talking about this. The better it is when they are alive, the more it hurts when they are gone. Horses really suck. I had to put down my 31 year old Appy and my 14 year old GP mare.

The other dog who we got as a companion to Tanga (who we got as the companion to the Beagle) definitely feels it. He was very good to her and did anything she wanted. My husband took him to the vet, too and let him see when she was gone. he has been a much quieter dog and doesn't want to leave my husband's side.

I'm not always on here, but I like the people on this board. You can keep up with them, and it's not about the constant fighting and talking over on COTH. It's a kinder, gentler place.

On a horse note, I went out to the horses after 10 days away and discovered Quilla has joined the evil ponies in the pasture in ducking through the electric fence to get to the grass outside the pasture. Sigh. they're safe and it doesn't really cause problems, but it's WAY at the top of the hill and a hike. Sigh. I'm going to have to test the fence to see if it is electrified (the barn owner says it's working now) and if it is, try to figure out how to stop this bad behavior. I''m bringing some rope to tie the strands more securely and some plastic bags to tie on the fence to scare them. (Yeah, right. Like that will work.)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:48 pm

Sue B, how interesting......just two years ago we said, the kids and I, goodbye to our 18-year-old JRT, also named Jack. As you said, it was time. He was ready too. D2 was a dog that I acquired through my work in shelter medicine. He was on the e-list after being returned for a 3rd time and he was only one years old by then. The staff and I tried to appeal to the Executive Director to allow us to work with him. He was a fear biter. Well, he declined our request, and I went him to do the deed. He came up and licked me. I went back to the Executive Director and told him he could fire me, but I would not put down the dog. He went home with me that night as a foster. A couple of people did look at adopting him while he was my foster; but their plan was to chain him up in their back yard. That's when I adopted him. He was one of our best dogs in terms of just being a joy to have around; but this former fear biter also went on to 'star' in several of PetSmart's employee training videos for grooming and training. His passing was tough; but my daughter held him, and I administered the pentobarb. He was completely unafraid and relaxed; so, there's no question he went peacefully.

Tanga, I'm very sorry for your loss(es). I can't imagine my life without animals; but, I've had to take a break now and then like when I had 4 dobermans die one after another due to the health problems they had when I adopted them. The doberman rescue I worked for understood completely why I stepped away for a while. I had other dogs though, so it wasn't like a took a complete break from animals. When I lost my first heart horse to laminitis, he was only 17 and I really lost my passion for riding; but, I had a couple of 5 year olds I was training/riding at the time. My plans were to sell both of them prior to the loss of the 17-year-old; but, of the two Monty stepped up to the plate and won me over.........the rest as they say is history. Had he not had the personality and sheer strength of character that finally started to shine through at that time I'm not sure if I would have kept riding/showing. I might have just continued to breed and backed away from the rest. I am one who thinks that animals find you, not the other way around and usually there's a 'higher' reason. Animals have in every way saved me; so, I'm not sure it would be wise for me to take a moratorium not to have another.

On a much brighter note, I just got back from my ride with my coach, the USEF S judge. I last rode with her about 4 weeks ago at the Tucson show. She asked what I had worked on and how it's been going. I told her basically we've been working on getting Junior relaxed and over the back AND working into the right rein at the canter. I also told her that I needed her to be completely honest with me as to whether or not she sees improvement. We decided we'd work on collected and medium canter and some canter on the spot. We also worked on my trot half passes to test our connection as well as if I could keep him over his back throughout the lesson. It was a HUGE WIN. The only time Junior tensed up was the few times I asked for medium trot across the diagonal and that was totally due to his anticipation; but otherwise, he was soft, relaxed and working over his back. She gave me some invaluable insight as to better use of my core to get him on my seat and over his back into soft hands. Junior was a rock star today. We agreed that trotting and canter sets on the trail and jumping has probably helped him the most in regard to his strength and stamina as well as his relaxation. My plan for now is to keep working on keeping him relaxed while we build his strength and engagement and likely not show until April.

I still have Brandon to ride today. I will be happy if Brandon gives me even 50% of what Junior gave today :)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Dec 18, 2021 1:15 am

Thinking of everyone with recent dear animal friend losses. It is just hard---no matter how long we've had the pleasure of their company. Sue, your tale of Jack especially resonates. They truly know! Very sorry to hear that Tanga needed to leave this life. You will miss her, tanga.

Exvet, that's a great update and lesson.

I am vaguely thinking about the next horse (pending resolving work madness so that I have time)---but am grateful for the one I have (and the English Pointer I have, too).

FWIW on the short-backed/Iberian/cob horse front: Emi feels really bendy until you realize that she isn't. :D :D :D If I were her yoga teacher, every session would be about bending sideways, not about front/back bends and loading the hind. She's good at loading the hind! I am of the belief that with horses (and others), we spend more time teaching them what is hard for *them*---and then reward with what is easy for them. Yes, in my day job I manage people :-D

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Dec 18, 2021 4:52 am

It is worth the pain of parting. The daily interaction, the breaths we share, the complete absence of judgment on our appearance, the complete joy that greets us when we return, be it the purr, the bark or nicker, it's that living in the moment joy of companionship that makes the pain worse on parting.

This Jan will be the 10th anniversary of that devastating night when I was unable to give Kea, and Kaira and the 14 others in my care that one thing, a good death. That fucking fire robbed us of that. No peaceful last breath. No treats or hugs goodbye. These moments are painful but precious. It sounds sinister, but after first time as a child , when I sat with Red, and listened to his last breath and realized I had to take a breath without him, I have tried to live by a promise of holding my beloved animals and giving them a good death. It is an oxymoron. Pairing good with death, but I think it's an oxymoron we all understand. And as people who love critters with a shorter life span than ourselves, it's one we have all experienced .

I am a huge skeptic and I believe animal communicators are cons, but in those terrifying months after the fire when I contemplated giving up, I had a dream about Kea. I was standing looking at the burned pile of flesh and bones that was my last vision of her when thundering hooves drew my attention. She galloped up. Dramatically, and stood staring at me. It brought to my thoughts all the beauty. The struggles and things we had learned while breathing the same air. I realized that carrying on was an homage to those shared breaths, that she was not in the corpse, she was in the dream and hope for the future. She was in the foundation of every future shared breath. So I kept putting one foot in front of the next and now I have Kimba and Caliburn and Saiph and Deneb and a barn and heart full .

May you all be well blessed. May past loves bring you good memories and future joys. As this year begins to wane, may you have hope. And purrs and barks and nickers and lots of shared breaths.
Last edited by Chisamba on Sat Dec 18, 2021 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Dec 18, 2021 5:20 am

Chisamba, I can imagine nothing more traumatic than what you have been through. And that you have wanted to carry on after that says volumes about how important that connection between us and our animals is to us.

On a more cheerful note... After a gnarly drive through the snow to the barn, I had a really lovely ride this afternoon. I think I'm beginning to get on the same wavelength as Mr P.

My trainer is dealing with a personal issue, so, apparently, I'm on my own for a few days, which is probably fortuitous as it gives me a chance to noodle around and play with some stuff. I think he just needs me to be the one who does the hand holding.

So,I've been doing some reading, and I'm starting to get a clearer idea of what "I" need to do for my own confidence to boost his confidence.

I've just started on Jane Savoie's "That Winning Feeling" which sets my very British teeth on edge, but I have to admit has a lot of kernels of truth in it.

I also finally got round to watching the Olympic freestyles this evening. Some inspiring stuff in there.

Fake it 'til you make it, baby.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:21 pm

My eyes are teary Chisamba, beautifully put. We are so lucky to be a part of these wonderful creatures lives.

Kora is sound and saddle has returned, tree adjustment fits her lovely. We have had a few knock the rust off rides, aka yes the leg aid means canter. Funny how even just ~2 weeks out of the saddle can get us both so out of sync. Had a nice working ride yesterday, just going to the contact and moving the shoulders around.

First 'real' snow of the season this weekend, about 6 inches. I put our collective brave girl pants on and we had a toodle out in the snow, even if the wind was atrocious. Kora was very good, and we didn't stay out there long as I was cognizant that walking in the heavy snow was extra work. It does look pretty, even if she wasn't so much impressed with the state of her paddock.
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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:59 pm

lots of moving thoughts about connection and loss. Hugs to those dealing with losses.

Love the snow pictures, Aleuronx!

i'm looking forward to lighter work the next week or so and therefore more barn/saddle time.

MM had bodywork done this past week (she has a standing monthly appointment) and I've been doing some regular lunging work with her to get us out of our weird cycle and so I can better evaluate what might be going on with her. We are still in a bit of 'working through things' state, but things feel more productive than they did a few weeks ago, thankfully. Today we had a bit of a breakthrough with our in-hand spanish walk work. I think I mentioned on here that I started trying to teach it a couple months back to encourage more shoulder freedom and because I think MM thrives when learning new things. But I was having a bit of a hard time because she was pretty obedient about lifting her foot, but not about bringing it out or high--she would just lift her foot as if you were picking her feet. And truly nothing I tried was getting another reaction. Well, yesterday I was watching a video from Phillip Karl on teaching spanish walk and he mentioned the importance of lifting the horse's head so they had room to lift their shoulder. So, today I tried that and sure enough, I got a much better response. On the right she was lifting her shoulder--not yet pushing the foreleg out for a true jambette type action, but at least the shoulder was moving instead of just a foreleg lift up like before. But on the left, she gave me a proper strike out. Obviously not yet the strength to hold it and definitely room to get higher. But it was great to be able to reward the actual movement that I am aiming for, hurrah! She is a smart learner, so I think now that she knows what I want it will be much easier to build the strength, balance, and confidence in this.

RP and I have been working a lot on transitions. it's interesting, but walk-trot is his trickiest transition. Most of the time he does it well, but every now and then he gets sticky in that transition and will invert and shuffle. Halt to trot, this never happens and walk to canter this never happens. But something about the walk to trot on occasion gets him sticky. I can resolve this by doing a reinback or doing a couple walk-halts before asking again for the trot, which very much tells me it happens when he can't seem to get his hind end under him. I'm hoping the continued transition work and pole work will help strengthen his hind end so that this occasional stickiness gets less and less.

I'm hoping to get the pivo out to the barn this week and actually try to use it. I'd love to get video of RP's w-c-w, which have been feeling very good and also of his canter lengthenings, which feel big, but I have a feeling might not look that way, ha!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:23 am

Wow, so much emotion and hard work and love and trauma and just stuff. I keep checking in but have been sapped energy-wise taking care of Mikey and riding my extra buddy and working and dealing with the changing weather (boy does my body object and throw in a booster shot and ugh) and doing the grandma thing. So yeah...

Mikey needed another 45 days so we are checking him again at the end of December. From what I can see he is sound and we hope we can start bringing him back to work. It was a minor suspensory issue and we want him to be 100% so we are taking it slowly. My main squeeze has been Sylvester, a 14 yo chestnut WB, not sure of the breeding but he is a piece of work. 2nd or 3rd ish level when fit and he is getting back in shape and helping me a lot. I am having lots of fun learning on him. Hubby finally got some pics today. I can lots that I need to work on, but I wanted to show him to you guys. Our lessons have been amazing and he is teaching me all the time.

I'm sorry to hear about your pup exvet, hugs to you. They are so much a part of us.

I'm loving the pictures and videos, Blob-congrats on finals, gorgeous photos. Fergal is adorable and I love your horse lipsmackerpony. And Potters looks like a lot of fun moutaineer. Lots more I've missed, I need to read some more but wanted to stop in and say hi.

I've finally gotten to play with half-pass and we are doing counter-canter, SI and HI, and HI at the canter for Sylvester. And collections. I'm going to have lots of good stuff to take back to Mikey. I'm so lucky to have this guy to work with.
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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:17 pm

blob wrote:

I'm hoping to get the pivo out to the barn this week and actually try to use it. I'd love to get video of RP's w-c-w, which have been feeling very good and also of his canter lengthenings, which feel big, but I have a feeling might not look that way, ha!

I’d like to see the vid! I was thinking it would be useful to have a thread where we posted short vids of movements. Good ones, not so good ones and anywhere in between. It might make for interesting/educational discussion. We could post the same movement as it improves over time. Just a thought….

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:17 pm

Blob, I hope the pivo works! And I hope you will consider posting some video here as it's always lovely to see you ride.

Chantal, fingers crossed for Mikey! But what a lovely horse you are getting to ride! That sounds so fun and what an opportunity. Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures.

Lynx and I cantered our first "cross rails" on Sunday. Technically they were cavaletti sized so not a proper jump. I had a bit of a mid lesson anxiety episode about doing it lol. But we did it, a mini little gymnastic type line. He was so awesome.

I also signed up for a one day clinic with a 3 star eventer at the barn, just pole work though. No real jumping for us for quite awhile. But I thought your pole clinic would be very beneficial. We do something with poles pretty much every week but I thought some fresh eyes and new exercises would be good.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:18 am

I appreciate reading the reflections everyone has shared, and also really enjoy getting to "know" all of you and your horses, and following your journeys. Very sorry to hear of the losses of some treasured animals lately. We lost our last dog in September and he has left quite a large void; some days I still expect him to be here when I come home. :(

On a happier note, it was over 50f here today and the outdoor was useable after I raked out a few chewed up spots. For those asking about GutX, Tesla still seems happier and we had a nice ride today. With Annabelle I haven't noticed a difference so I'll probably take her off it at the end of the month. Tesla's ride on Saturday was a little rough, as she started backing up when I asked her to walk forward on light contact. I just sat there and maintained my rein length and waited it out, and eventually she decided walking forward was probably easier. Today she tried that stunt once, but then we got some nice work, and short circuited a couple patterns that usually end in her stopping. We got some nice trot on contact, and I'm sure canter would have been there if the footing hadn't been a bit iffy. Now of course we have snow in the forecast, so I'll have to decide if I want to bother trying to ride her in the little indoor.

Annabelle and I were going through a little rough patch as well, but seem to be getting through it as of the last couple rides. I've been riding her a little deeper and making sure she really stays soft in the back, focusing on maintaining flexion and testing by riding SF on the quarterline, since I noticed that when I would turn early onto the longside, she would immediately turn herself into a pretzel anticipating some sort of lateral movement. I'm hoping I can get some video soon to compare to the one I took Jan. first. Might need to wrestle with the Pivo again to make that happen.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:35 am

Chisamba I remember hearing of your barn fire after it happened on the other forum. How friggen heartbreaking and really how amazing to be able to pick up and get going again after that. I can't really even begin to imagine...

Aleuronx - love snow pics. Just when it starts getting too hot here I love seeing all the northern hemisphere winter pics.
Chantal - looking good!

Demi - good idea of a video thread.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:54 pm

SF and Kyra's mom...I "hate" you guys :lol: Yesterday it was 15 in the morning and got clear up to 40 with a breeze blowing. This morning it was a balmy 12 at our house but no breeze (yet) so it feels warmer. My horses are VERY fuzzy and happily munching down their alfalfa. Me, I'm being a wimp and not riding but I THINK about it every day! ;)

Demi, I love your video thread idea.

Flight, next time I go out to ride I'll take a little of your summer warmth with me. 8-)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:49 am

Sorry Sue. It was relatively nice again today. Mid 40's.

That said...the 50 degree day and today's temp's were not enough to clear the arena of the snow, remaining ice...or water. It is a little colder up in the foothills where my barn is. I did get in a ride today anyway. 98% at the walk and the other 2% a couple slow trot circles each direction. Despite the soupy arena I do try to keep her occupied and not just moseying along. It is supposed to rain/snow by Friday then get colder again so I had to throw in a ride while I could get it.

Prior to today, we have been doing a bunch of ground work. With having routinely worked arenas, even when they are frozen and or wet, they are level and usable for walk work. It helps that she is barefoot so that the snow hasn't been balling up in her feet. We have been doing bunches of walking. I wasn't anticipating that she would be spending so much stall time but on the other hand, I understand. The runs are just too wet right now. So, I try to get out as often as I can and at least walk her. It has been pretty fun. I start out with her on the lunge line to get her limbered up and gauge her attitude which is usually good...as usual ;) . Then, I have been putting on long lines and doing some work on the lines. I have FINALLY gotten so we can do LY zig-zags on the long lines. Boy, has that taken a while. She has shown me from the beginning, she has no problem going side ways. So, when I have asked her to change directions...no dice. Once she decided which direction she was yielding that was it. Slowly, over the last year, I have broken it down a bit more. Asking her to yield then halt and settle then walk on and ask for the change of direction. So, our triumph this week was accomplishing actual LY zig-zags. I haven't figured out half-pass in the long reins yet. I get her started but she pretzels her way out of the correct bend. I am sure operator error. I will have to hit up my videos and books to review the mechanics of half-pass in long reins. In the meantime, I am happy with the LY zig-zags. Also have been doing SI and when the footing allows, some little bits of half-steps. Yesterday, she gave me really good effort and she was definitely getting some lowering of the haunches. I even walked her around the grounds in the long lines. Of course our SW work. Blob, it took Kyra a long time to figure out the up and out part. She still isn't doing a true Jambette but I am not sure she can. Her leg just doesn't straighten that way.
I finally had to change from a touch to a word...lift. Now I just use the whip and flick it up in the air on the side I want her to lift. I don't touch her...unless she doesn't give me the effort I want then I touch her knee to encourage more height. Kyra is pretty tight in the shoulders too and definitely needs to lift her head. Our wall at the moment is convincing her she can walk forward while lifting.

Overall, except for the stall time, I have enjoyed having her at the new barn. It is a really friendly group of people (mixed disciplines). The good footing is really nice to have and come spring, I will get out on the trails. Kyra's next door stall neighbor's owner does a lot of trail riding and she will take us out and show us the ropes. The only down side is getting used to writing the check :cry: . I added turnout...definitely a necessity...and apparently she pees a lot (she does) and is using extra shavings. Again, OK. I fully realize those shavings aren't free and I don't wanting her standing on wet mats. She has been at the budget barn for a long time but it is nice to be able to go up and just get her out and ride rather than do all the work then run out of time to ride.


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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:11 pm

Sue B wrote:SF and Kyra's mom...I "hate" you guys :lol:

Well hate no more. It looks like next week we'll have daytime highs in the teens, and we usually get an inversion with that. At least I'll be able to justify the arsenal of heavyweight blankets I keep on hand. :lol:

Non-riding victory: I trimmed feet last night and Tesla was so cooperative. She even put the fronts forward on the Hoof Jack and let me rasp the edges without pawing or bashing me with her head. Her manners with her feet were atrocious when I got her, and it's only taken three years to get to this point. It used to take multiple sessions to get her feet trimmed. Maybe three years under saddle and she'll be good there too. :lol:
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:36 pm

Yay! SF and Kyra's Mom! KM, writing that check every month is hard, seeing your mare so content is not, and makes it worth every penny. :D SF, Tio was the same way initially, the funniest being when he got his first set of shoes on the front. When I walked him off, he kept trying to look under his hooves to see what was there! It was hilarious to watch his contortions. Anyway, I have no doubt that soon you will be hittin' the show with Tesla and cleaning up! :D

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:33 pm

Maia and I were making great progress, and now she's getting an unexpected vacation.

I started dry coughing Monday afternoon, which could have just been my normal seasonal allergies, until I popped a fever late Monday night. Cancelled our flights, hotels, etc for meeting up with my mom over Christmas, and went to urgent care: positive. #yay

We're quarantining until at least 1/1, although possibly longer if DH tests positive too.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:31 pm

heddylamar wrote:Maia and I were making great progress, and now she's getting an unexpected vacation.

I started dry coughing Monday afternoon, which could have just been my normal seasonal allergies, until I popped a fever late Monday night. Cancelled our flights, hotels, etc for meeting up with my mom over Christmas, and went to urgent care: positive. #yay

We're quarantining until at least 1/1, although possibly longer if DH tests positive too.

Oh no! Stay careful and safe. I'm glad you aren't going anywhere.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:58 pm

heddylamar wrote:Maia and I were making great progress, and now she's getting an unexpected vacation.

I started dry coughing Monday afternoon, which could have just been my normal seasonal allergies, until I popped a fever late Monday night. Cancelled our flights, hotels, etc for meeting up with my mom over Christmas, and went to urgent care: positive. #yay

We're quarantining until at least 1/1, although possibly longer if DH tests positive too.

Wishing you healing!!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Thu Dec 23, 2021 1:40 am

You’re in my thoughts and prayers, Heddy.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Anne » Thu Dec 23, 2021 3:25 am

Oh no Heddy, take care and get well soon.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Dec 23, 2021 5:22 am

Get well Heddylamar!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:27 am

My BFF is a ER doctor. We had a text chat while we were both finishing shift and she mentioned a couple of babies she saw that were covid positive. I thought about it. Imagine being a mother of kids too young to protect. So I decided to cancel my holiday barn party. Here I was thinking I was being considerate, but no, apparently I am living in fear. I guess that comment must have provoked me because it's still irritating me. Lol.

But hey I wear a helmet when I ride so maybe I do live in fear.

Getting back to riding, I got a few steps of what seemed like nice piaffe on Saiph, and 3 clean planned changes on the diagonal in the indoor. Yay

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:24 pm

Dang Heddy, I hope you're better soon and DH tests negative. :( Chisamba, it seems with Omicron, there are too many breakthrough infections and mild enough cases that people don't know they have it so not taking precautions.

Yesterday the stars aligned to allow me to get a year-end video on Annabelle with the SoloShot. I compared it to our January 1 video, and she is looking much stronger, and more through in the T/C and W/C transitions. The footing was kind of wet and uneven yesterday, so it was not our best ride, but overall I'm seeing the progress over the year. I went with my gut feeling not to ride Tesla, and lunged instead. She was quite a wild child. Maybe I'm living in fear too, Chisamba, but I'm still in one piece this morning, so...
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Dec 23, 2021 9:50 pm

Chisamba, that would irritate me, too. Especially as I suspect your concern is at least as much for your charges at your "other" job as it is for yourself, and presumably said person knows that you work with vulnerable people. Gagh...

Heddy, I hope it only deals you a glancing blow. You've had quite enough doctor time for one year!

I rode this morning, and it was good. We are starting to see more "through" at the canter. Trainer says that will take us a couple of months to get a handle on, but she's happy with the progress. (There was a moment during a snow-slide-induced spook this morning, hanging in mid-air with rather more of me off the saddle and over to one side than was entirely comfortable, where I was thinking about what a terrible time this would be to end up in hospital, so I guess I live in fear, too.)

We are hunkering down for a big, very long, snowstorm. which will hamper my ability to get to the barn for several days, and trainer's beloved MIL died a couple of days ago, so she has family and funeral arrangements and some quiet contemplation and mourning to do, so Potters will get a few days Christmas break, unless she decides to slip over early on Christmas morning and ride him for a bit of peace and solace (he's one of her favorites.)

Looks like we are getting new barn owners--a known quantity, and quite exciting for all of us! Care and facilities will improve, trainers will stay the same, so A Good Thing, as Martha Stewart would say...

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Dec 24, 2021 1:33 am

I'm going to chime in as well Heddy and hope that your infection isn't severe. We've had almost everyone at our workplace contract covid with the exception of the doctors. So far all cases in our hospital have not been severe. I do realize that not all have been so lucky. Be careful and take care of yourself.

I rode both boys yesterday and today. I feel like we're making gradual progress with both. Brandon's canter is really coming along and though he's let me know he's not keen with the concept, he is grasping the idea of inside leg to outside hand even at the canter. Junior and I have been really working hard on the 'spring' concept - basically working a lot on transitions within the gaits and making them all a lot more clear. I've also been pleased with his progress at the half passes. He's becoming easier to ride and direct through the canter half-pass in both directions. Hoping to be able to ride as much as possible through the holidays; but we're supposed to be getting more rain tonight and possibly tomorrow night. Hope everyone has a great holiday season. I think we all deserve it this year in particular :)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Fri Dec 24, 2021 3:25 pm

I’m still thinking about a video thread but not quite there yet. I have a clip of down centerline halt at X and was working on the “sequel” (haha) yesterday but it went so poorly that I considered giving up dressage and going back to trail riding… maybe this afternoon, after a glass of Baileys, I’ll try again.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Sat Dec 25, 2021 7:46 pm

Thinking of you Heddy.

I love the idea of a video thread, demi. I don't know how to cut up my videos, but I would love to do a compilation of pirouettes and try to figure out why I get anything less than a 7! If anyone knows how to pull short clips, let me know. I think it would be very educational to just post one movement and get feedback. But is there any way to get responses under each video instead of in the whole thread?

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:21 pm


Thursday and Friday I experimented with holding my hands a little higher. This pic is with higher hands on Fri and I’ll post the one from Thu with lower hands.

I was going to do this by vid, but it’s more obvious with stills…

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:26 pm


This pic is from Thursday when I was holding my hands at the height I normally do. I think her shoulder freedom is much better when i hold my hands higher like the pic on Friday. I thought about it because of one of Blob’s recent posts on Spanish Walk and reach.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:28 pm

I’ll still try to get some clips for a video thread, or anyone else is welcome to start the thread!!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:51 pm

Tanga, I edit videos on my ipad. I take the vid by Pivo (pivo is easier than Soloshot!) download it to my ipad, open it in photos, edit it and save as a clip. Then I upload the clip to YouTube and post the link on here.

Photos are more complicated for me because i havent found a convenient app for making the file size smaller. They all seem to complicated :shock: anyway, to post a photo with reasonable quality I have to get the screenshot from the vid, then post it on Facebook, then open it in Facebook, then save the image, then open DDBB full editor and select the [img][img] thing and past the pic between the two.

For me, the biggest thing is practice. I need to do it several times or I forget how to do it and then have to struggle through the whole process each time.

And….a nice feature of youtube is clicking the gear thingy in the top left and then slowing the playback speed to watch in slo motion.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Sat Dec 25, 2021 10:10 pm

Tanga, I use iphone/mac and pivo. I can trim the pivo video on the iphone just in photos (go edit and slide the side of the vids in to the spot you want, and save) or on Imovie on the mac. Android etc should have a similar function? Pivo itself has a trim function (pivo+ app). Can message you more if you need.

Demi, I think I like the pic with your hands lower. It could be just the moment you've taken the stillshot but there's more brace in the underneck and possibly a bit of a head tilt in the first pic. So yes higher lift with that forearm, but possibly by using those underneck muscles to get it? I notice it because it's something I'm going through with my little friesian cross at the moment, for so long he has been pulling up through the neck and I need more topline development instead. So my instructor has been helping me see really specifically what's going on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Dec 25, 2021 10:51 pm

Flight, I’ve been very aware of head tilt lately and it happens when she is leaning on the bit. In the higher hands pic she isnt leaning. I know this from how she feels in my hands but also in the higher hands pic there is a little slack in the reins so she doesn’t have anything to tilt against. It it SO much easier to prevent her leaning on the bit when I hold my hands higher. She may look like she’s bracing underneath but I think it’s because she isnt used to the higher hand yet and she hasn’t found that it is more comfortable to let her head come to the vertical. I think I just need to give it more time with the higher hand. I will watch her muscling to see if she starts to develop a lower neck muscle. She sure doesn’t have it now.

Also, Rocky is built downhill. 14.2 in front and 14.3 behind. That makes it hard for her to do downward transitions without running into her forehand. With my reins lifted, it seems to give her more room in front and the downward transitions are much easier. I’ll try to get some vid clips of downward trans with higher hands vs. lower hands. Tedious work these vids!


Last edited by demi on Sat Dec 25, 2021 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Dec 25, 2021 10:53 pm

The second pic shows neck muscling. I have some that show upper (bolster) muscle better but I have to find them

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Sat Dec 25, 2021 11:50 pm

Yes, not an easy shape to work with, looks like a big difference in her posture when you ride her :) I like the open gullet though. You know your horse best, I know mine can tilt without pushing against the bit, especially Norsey!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Dec 25, 2021 11:55 pm

The gullet is more open in the higher hands pic, right?

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Anne » Sun Dec 26, 2021 3:55 am

Demi, for image re-sizing I use a program called 'RIOT' (Radical Image Optimization Tool) - you install it on your computer (doesn't have a phone version, I think). There's a blurb and a download link here : https://riot.en.softonic.com/

I like both your postures (you and Rocky) in your first pic (higher hands), but as flight says, the stride phase is just slightly different in the 2 photos. I'm all for experimentation though, for those of us that work (mostly) alone, it is good (but sometimes difficult) to try something and observe/analyse the results.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:37 pm

To resize my photos I use an app called " resize photo" it's super easy.

Flights observation was helpful and spot on.

Lifting the hand is something i do so I know it can be done to a fault. A high hand can free the shoulder but at a cost.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Dec 26, 2021 4:17 pm

I hope everyone is having a great Holiday. Demi, I'm not sure about the hand placement, but Rocky looks good! It's good to experiment sometimes.

I've been having a tough week, we think my grandmother is going to pass away soon. It's actually a blessing for her I think at this point, but still an emotional time. I took care of her for 7 years.

I finally got to the barn on Christmas Eve and did just a walk only ride. I thought I'd be on for 20 minutes but ended up riding for about 35/40 minutes. Who said walk only work was boring?! Nope, I found plenty to work on.

Today I have a pole lesson with the Eventer. Time to get back in a routine.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:53 pm

Once I get a chance to play with/figure out my pivo, I will definitely join/start a video thread.

Demi--thanks for sharing the pictures, definitely interesting to look at. One thing that I noticed is that while i think your position looks great with the higher hands. It does look like Rocky is not really coming into contact. It's possible it's just from the moment the picture was taken, but you can see slack in the rein. Of course, that doesn't mean you need to lower your hands. I just mean that to get the real benefit of the higher hand, you might need to also get Rocky used to moving forward into that differet contact.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Sun Dec 26, 2021 11:09 pm

demi wrote:The gullet is more open in the higher hands pic, right?

It's nice in both :)

You want to activate that trapezius muscle just in front of the wither and under the saddle. Lifting hands and then getting a bit more stretch forwards and slightly downwards to help with that but not closing the gullet. Get the arc on the neck. But you are doing a great job with a tricky conformation.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:32 am

Hey everyone, thanks for the responses on the pictures! I really appreciate the ideas and the the different perspectives. I can see the possible problems with the raised hands that Flight, Chisamba snd others point out, and I will certainly be aware. But as also pointed out, the mare is a tricky conformation and at this point, I am willing to risk the bracing of the under neck to get her more off the forehand. There are surely other ways of accomplishing the same goal, but I don’t have the experience, skill, or talent to manage them. Honestly, I never thought I’d get her off the forehand as much as she is. But still, I think she can be even more balanced to the rear which will make the next levels enjoyable…I only want to continue if both Rocky and I are enjoying the process. So far, so good.

I finally got two video clips for comparison a new thread. They are from the vids I got the screen shots from. Not as good as I’d like, but Rocky had the last two days off and tomorrow is trail day so no more vids till at least Tuesday.

Anne, I checked out the Riot app but I don’t have a windows computer any more (my 6 yr old surface book overheated and literally came apart at the seams). I also checked outChisamba’s suggestion , Resizephoto which will work on my ipad but haven’t tried it yet. It’s kind of complicated playing around with the pics and vids but I really find it worth the effort.

Blob, the slack in the rein isn’t just a moment in time. The slack happened intermittently throughout that ride. I do think you’re right that she has to learn to move forward into that new contact. She doesn’t trust it completely yet but it feels so much more comfortable for me that I think it must be more comfortable for her, too. If that is actually the case, then once she realizes it, she will start to trust that she can move into it.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:47 am

, you get a horse off the forehand by lowering the hips. The base of the neck is only engaged when the underside is not braced. Lifting the neck incorrectly puts the horse more on the forehand.

Don't worry. I will not try and convince you.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Mon Dec 27, 2021 4:15 am

This ^^

And i'm only just now, after years of riding.. starting to understand how to get this :roll:

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:57 pm

Chisamba wrote:, you get a horse off the forehand by lowering the hips. The base of the neck is only engaged when the underside is not braced. Lifting the neck incorrectly puts the horse more on the forehand.

Don't worry. I will not try and convince you.

I understand the concept as much as I can from my limited experience, Chisamba. I don’t dispute it! And don’t worry. I’m not worried that you’ll try to convince me. ;)

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