Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Tanga » Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:05 pm

Hot4Spots wrote:
Moutaineer wrote:
Marky Mark is Matchy Matchy! Glad you and the Spotted Wonder Boy are able to do a bit more, Hot 4 Spots.

Just so you get the full effect, here's the saddle pad he's wearing. It was a gift from a friend. The joke, of course, is that he has never transported me through time, but has often transported me through space! :lol:

OMG Sandy! I want one! I have a license plate frame that says Bigger on the inside! You need to come over one weekend and we can play horses. I am out of show mode and like to share!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:29 am

Oh yeah! H4S, that's awesome!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Rosie B » Sun Oct 27, 2019 2:51 pm

We had a very good lesson yesterday. This was our 8th lesson with this trainer, averaging one lesson about every three weeks. I'm thrilled with how it's all working out. :)

We also tried a change in each direction and got honest attempts both ways! With big leaps of course but still, he did it. Best of all, he did it first try on the easy side, and on the 4th try on the harder side. So that's all very positive. :)

Some pics for fun!
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby exvet » Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:34 am

We had a very interesting lesson today. I hauled over to a neighboring farm that is basically a private dressage facility. Boy was it beautiful with a full end of mirrors and nice footing. My lesson was basically working on my biomechanics in order to improve Junior's responses to my aids and did it ever work. My first task which I had been asked to do before but with more earnest and consistency since I am doing more sitting trot and that was to sit with more of my weight in the front of my thighs and to feel like I was picking up Junior's back with my seat bones (plug in and lift). It really made Junior Power up. Then I was to keep the front part of my arm pits down and firm/clamped against my side like I could hold something there especially in my upward canter transitions and my medium gaits. That really helped keep Junior from going to his underside of his neck and bracing. Instead he kept coming over through his topline. The other 'change' in my position was riding and feeling like I was wearing a repelling harness and to use my thorax/harness to lift and pull Junior's hind end forward but without caving in my chest or collapsing through my middle. It appears (and the mirrors were so helpful) that the imagery really helped. Junior is really started to take on the shape of a real dressage horse! We'll see if I can use any of this in the show next weekend but I'll just be glad to use it in my home work for the weeks to come. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby blob » Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:07 am

Great to hear about productive and good lessons, Exvet and Rosie!

Rosie--Bliss as always looks lovely. Exciting to hear change work is coming along! You will have to keep us posted on how changes are coming--they have been a sticky spot for me.

Exvet--always useful to hear different ways/analogies for thinking about our position. I almost certainly need to spend time thinking about my arm pits and elbows staying closer to my side.

MM's staples come out tomorrow. I'm excited to get back to work with her. I really would like to use the fall/winter to have a much more reliable and confirmed change. And I think to get there she probably needs some training rides from my instructor and I need to find saddle time on someone who knows their changes. I know I am the one messing her up.

RP has been doing well and I've been getting a decent number of rides on him. He put on weight late in the summer and i"m sure the time off helped chunk him up some and he feels much better between my legs--like there's a real horse there and not a wooden rocking horse. His canter feels a bit wild at the moment, but I think it's partly just pent up energy from all that time off. He's also been having some trouble engaging through the hind end when bending to the left. But I think we will work through that. I introduced the whip to him the other day, just to act as a gentle reminder to engage his inside hind.

Once MM's staples are out I'll go back to having two rideable horses for the first time since end of July!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby exvet » Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:46 am

Good news blob. Looking forward to more riding updates.

I've heard the 'keep your elbows at your sides' directive for literally decades and for some reason, focusing on the armpits seems to work. Having held a jockey card and coming from a hunter/jumper background my elbows have always had a mind of their own LOL.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:27 pm

The only advantage I can find of getting older and less sleek is developing a "ledge" to park my elbows on..

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Hot4Spots » Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:43 pm

Tanga wrote:
Hot4Spots wrote:
Moutaineer wrote:
Marky Mark is Matchy Matchy! Glad you and the Spotted Wonder Boy are able to do a bit more, Hot 4 Spots.

Just so you get the full effect, here's the saddle pad he's wearing. It was a gift from a friend. The joke, of course, is that he has never transported me through time, but has often transported me through space! :lol:

OMG Sandy! I want one! I have a license plate frame that says Bigger on the inside! You need to come over one weekend and we can play horses. I am out of show mode and like to share!

Padded Ponies at Etsy. You can get Dr. Who, Star Trek, the Game of Thrones logos, Harry Potter, Superman, Batman, etc.
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Hot4Spots » Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:54 pm

Moutaineer wrote:The only advantage I can find of getting older and less sleek is developing a "ledge" to park my elbows on..

Well, bottom heavy does help you keep your a$$ in the saddle...… (not speaking from experience, of course. Oh. Wait a minute. Yes I am!! :lol: )

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:52 pm

I'm really enjoying following along with everyone's updates and progress!! Kudos to all even if you are just getting out to the barn. Seems like Sept/Oct has been more of a success for most. Fingers crossed for a mild winter for us northerners and a not too blazing summer for the southern hemi.

Kora is in the midst of a growth spurt, aka her hind legs are too long/tall for her dang self. Backend up in the air doesn't begin to cover it. As it started her trot fell apart for about a week but we soldiered through and now her canter has completely lost the plot.

Took her out for a lesson and yep, trainer confirms the good news/bad news. Good news, it's not a training issue, her hind legs are just too dang long to get underneath. Compounding that issue is that we've strengthened up the hind end enough that there is ALSO too much power behind. So there is a lot of up and down motion rather than forward and under. Just a matter of waiting and light half seat cantering until her front end catches up.

If it catches up before winter. Trainer says fall growth spurt is typically how they stay over the winter. Pray for me...

And because we are ridiculous....
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby blob » Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:15 pm

exvet wrote:
I've heard the 'keep your elbows at your sides' directive for literally decades and for some reason, focusing on the armpits seems to work. Having held a jockey card and coming from a hunter/jumper background my elbows have always had a mind of their own LOL.

With MM I could probably get away with actually putting something under my armpits and seeing if I can keep it there. With RP, if I accidentally dropped whatever I was holding on to, he might have a heart attack. Though, come to think of it, that might be greater incentive to not let anything drop!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Kyra's Mom » Tue Oct 29, 2019 3:37 am

Rosie...Bliss looks fabulous.
Aleuronx... :lol: . Praying for the growth spurt to stabilize and for the front end to catch up SOON.

I have been riding as I can...last week was a bit slow as over the week, there was a lot of arena maintenance going on. Got some new sand for the outdoor last Monday which as it was dumped was of course lumpy. Over the weekend, the owner got another person to help and he did a pretty good job of leveling what was there. They also pulled the sand away from the edges of the indoor and the round pen therefor Kyra got an extra day off. I worked her today and she was pretty good. We are getting an arctic blast though. Brrrr. My hands haven't been that cold since last winter. I got more trot work done and even was able to maintain a decent sitting trot for at least the long side. My core muscles are beginning to feel more competent :) . I got a nice albeit short run (maybe 6 steps) of half-pass each way without losing tempo. I also worked on canter serpentines with a change of lead at each cross of CL. I have got to work on my geometry and her straightness, especially into left lead canter. That is her harder lead and to get it, I tend to lean to the left then she just follows my body weight and cuts the corner. Totally my issue--it is so tempting to "help" her (NOT). I was pleased today that when I focused, I got a nice straight strike off and a straight line until I asked her to turn. I have got to be attentive to this before we try and start flying changes or right to left will certainly be a hot mess.

Weather looks dismal tomorrow. 15-20mph wind with a high of 37F. What the heck :P . I had a new boarder that is from California ask me if this was normal. I said no...but frankly I don't think there is a normal anymore.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Linden » Tue Oct 29, 2019 3:59 am

Rosie B wrote:We had a very good lesson yesterday. This was our 8th lesson with this trainer, averaging one lesson about every three weeks. I'm thrilled with how it's all working out. :)

We also tried a change in each direction and got honest attempts both ways! With big leaps of course but still, he did it. Best of all, he did it first try on the easy side, and on the 4th try on the harder side. So that's all very positive. :)

Some pics for fun!

RosieB you have developed a gorgeous horse over these past years - Bliss' body looks amazing, the muscle mass and connection look incredible. Youve come so far! wow
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Flight » Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:21 am

So many good photos!
Love the blue matchy matchy and Rosie - changes yay!!

I'm trying to move up the levels in working equitation, now where you have to ride it one handed. The level I'm at you can swap between 1 and 2 and I managed to ride most of it all one handed. It is hardest on the tight circles with the flying changes and riding in a curb, I have to be careful with not too strong a contact. I need to figure out what to do with my spare hand! I look silly, but I was trying to keep it away from the reins :D

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Linden » Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:04 am

exvet wrote:We had a very interesting lesson today. I hauled over to a neighboring farm that is basically a private dressage facility. Boy was it beautiful with a full end of mirrors and nice footing. My lesson was basically working on my biomechanics in order to improve Junior's responses to my aids and did it ever work. My first task which I had been asked to do before but with more earnest and consistency since I am doing more sitting trot and that was to sit with more of my weight in the front of my thighs and to feel like I was picking up Junior's back with my seat bones (plug in and lift). It really made Junior Power up. Then I was to keep the front part of my arm pits down and firm/clamped against my side like I could hold something there especially in my upward canter transitions and my medium gaits. That really helped keep Junior from going to his underside of his neck and bracing. Instead he kept coming over through his topline. The other 'change' in my position was riding and feeling like I was wearing a repelling harness and to use my thorax/harness to lift and pull Junior's hind end forward but without caving in my chest or collapsing through my middle. It appears (and the mirrors were so helpful) that the imagery really helped. Junior is really started to take on the shape of a real dressage horse! We'll see if I can use any of this in the show next weekend but I'll just be glad to use it in my home work for the weeks to come. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Did you go up to my old place in North Scottsdale /Rio Verde?
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby exvet » Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:20 pm

Went to Lyssa's place on 156th.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Sue B » Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:02 pm

So, between really crappy weather and ds's school-related activities, I have not ridden in a couple weeks, but I did get their shoes pulled/feet trimmed in preparation for winter. This morning it was snowing sideways, temp at our house was 14F and wind speed 30mph with gusts to 40. I don't know what that translates to in wind chill, but walking the dogs this morning was bloody cold! :lol: I'm glad I remembered to blanket BOTH horses last night (Tio is a blanket shredder) as they both appeared quite comfy this morning. Tonight it is supposed to drop to near zero! Happy Halloween and welcome to winter! 8-)

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Rosie B » Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:06 pm

Thanks very much for your kind words Linden. :) The trainer I'm working with has definitely helped us a great deal. We had all the pieces, we just needed help putting them together. So he's made a ton of progress these past 6 months. :)

Sue B. I am so sorry. That is horrific.

We've been having mostly sunny skies and 50-60 degree weather for the past month with the occasional frost overnight. It's soooo atypical, but I am loving it!!!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Hot4Spots » Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:31 pm

Oh my. With all the devastating fires here in California, I am only being mildly inconvenienced, so it's probably shallow of me to complain, but.. I'm in Contra Costa County, and so far, where I LIVE has not been affected by the PG&E blackouts, but the barn where I board is near Mt. Diablo. While there have been no fires in the area (the only fire, quickly contained, was in Lafayette, a good 10 miles or so away and on the other side of Hwy. 24) the barn is now being subjected to blackouts. I usually don't ride on Mondays, and when I got to the barn to feed last night (just his supplements), there was a notice that the barn would be closed at 6:45 PM, Tuesday through Thursday, due to blackouts. Hoping I can get off early, since I usually don't even get to the barn after work until 6PM. At worst, I suppose I can hand walk him for 30 mins. I don't see myself being able to change my clothes, groom and saddle, ride for any effective amount of time, and cleanup, feed and get out in 45 minutes. Like I say, mildly inconvenient considering what's happening in Sonoma/Napa, etc.
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Hot4Spots » Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:35 pm

Flight wrote:I need to figure out what to do with my spare hand! I look silly, but I was trying to keep it away from the reins :D



Just rest it on your thigh, as western riders who use braided reins with a romel do with the hand holding the romel.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby heddylamar » Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:57 pm

Hot4Spots wrote:
Flight wrote:I need to figure out what to do with my spare hand! I look silly, but I was trying to keep it away from the reins :D

Just rest it on your thigh, as western riders who use braided reins with a romel do with the hand holding the romel.

I was just coming here to say that :D

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Oct 29, 2019 8:29 pm

I wondered how you all were doing up in Idaho--I'm snowed and iced in here... 12 degrees out by my barn at the moment. The wind has dropped briefly but it will be back up again this afternoon, so its going to be a minus number overnight and most of tomorrow apparently.

We don't have our snow tires on yet, and having had several reports from shaken neighbors of donutting down the mountain even with chains on, here we will be staying with the fire lit and extra hay for the horses. Laddie will get yet another couple of days off. He's fat and happy and cared for, so it could be worse.

Back up to 50 by Sunday though. Colic weather. Ugh.

RosieB, he does look good! And Ding, what a hunk he is... Aeluronix, nice hat :)

Glad you are not in flames, Hot4. Hearing a lot of horror stories from friends out there. I guess I prefer snow on the whole. But I think this will be our last winter up here.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:39 am

Phew, so much weather drama and scary times for many folks! Hots4, I'm glad for your minor worries. My friends in the Bay (who work north) are very stressed and busy these days. We were going to have a visit out east this weekend, but there is no space/time for that. M., your intense cold is no joke!!! Fingers crossed for all.

Rosie and Bliss look amazing. Flight, love that you are sorting this out! I often have to ride one handed due to arthritis/pain---especially when the weather changes and gets colder. I often hold my right thigh just above the knee with my right hand or put it on my hip (to feel what my hips are doing). My right hand works more poorly than my left. People at my eventing barn laugh when I ride like this---I tell them it is just a basic bull fighting warm up! lol Also, I know they cannot turn their horse off their seat the way I can :-)

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Kelo » Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:20 pm

Flight wrote: I need to figure out what to do with my spare hand! I look silly, but I was trying to keep it away from the reins :D

Well, if you want to draw inspiration from the western performance world, the answer is...basically what you're doing.

We keep our free hand up, almost like you had another rein, because it helps balance your shoulders. Don't just hang your hand, you kinda slump.

Here's a couple videos to see (mind that cow horse riders have romel reins, so they hold the romel with their free hand) -

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Josette » Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:51 pm

Flight - my 2 cents for what it's worth I agree with Kelo about keeping your hand up. I much prefer your hand position as shown. IMO it allows you to keep your shoulders (both) level, back and no twist where one may be ahead or dropped. So I think what you are doing will not interfere with your dressage posture and position. Keep it simple.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Flight » Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:58 am

Thanks H4S/Pied/Kelo/Josette about where to put my hand!! They look a lot more natural than I do LOL! I'll have to keep practising. Yes, keeping it up would help me sit up, but maybe I don't do it so high and try and look more relaxed about it :)

Kelo, I meant to say congrats riding Grand Prix! That's a huge effort. I understand the frustrations of mistakes, since I seem to do them at the lower levels and I imagine they just get harder to get it all right as you go up. Would love to see some of your tests if you video them??

The end of another goals thread. My main goal was keeping on trying with Norsey's changes. I've found the best way for clean L to R change is on a circle in CC, using my (new!) mirrors to check. I wonder if it helps with him being straighter to get the change? I'm not sure but it seems to be working, so I will stick to it for a while until they are 100% this way:

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby blob » Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:32 pm

thanks for sharing the video, Flight. Definitely looks like Norsey is starting to sort through his tricky side. L to R is also the hard side for me and MM, though in my case it's the hard side because of me, not her.

I can't believe these two months are over. I was not very successful with my goals this time around. But I suppose that is understandable given that both horses spent time off for injuries. Thankfully both are back in action now and we'll have a much more productive nov/dec. I am going to try/see if I can take all/most of december off from work (I have a lot of unused vacation days that don't roll over). I will probably try to travel some in that period. But I would also love to have a lot of focused riding time.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Kelo » Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:56 pm

Flight wrote:Kelo, I meant to say congrats riding Grand Prix! That's a huge effort. I understand the frustrations of mistakes, since I seem to do them at the lower levels and I imagine they just get harder to get it all right as you go up. Would love to see some of your tests if you video them??

Thank you. I really am excited, for all that. I probably won't post video, I'm an amateur struggling through this and making plenty of mistakes, and he is not an international quality horse. That being said, we scored what I have been told is a relatively fair 59% on a test where I made a lot of aforementioned mistakes, so I will keep after it. Goal is to show for real next year.

Honestly, I'm still frustrated about the other day. We've done a lot of work improving the connection and made good strides, and Saturday in practice he was like butter....I was so excited to show it....but it felt like we reverted back half a year on Sunday. A lot of tenseness, especially in the canter work. But his piaffe/passage was actually quite good in this test (a big improvement from this spring, which was my first try of the test), and we nailed the pirouettes like a boss. So it wasn't all a loss! Just not what I was hoping for. So one of our new tasks in lessons is to work out a "warmup for shows" plan. :roll: :lol:

Anyway, we'll keep trying at it and hoping for the best.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby StraightForward » Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:15 pm

StraightForward wrote:I'm so very over August, it is already September in my mind. :lol:

I have simple goals this 2-month period:

Annabelle - consistent, successful rehab. September is slated to be a month of tack-walking, then in October we will venture a little bit of trotting.

Tesla - Continue ground work, take at least 3 field trips, get on when ground person is able-bodied again.

Self - Continue 2x a week strength training and low-carb whole foods diet. Start running 2x a week as the weather cools, with a goal of 3x, for 10 miles per week by November. Audit at least 2 clinics (first is Melonie Kessler this weekend).

Well, I was doing so well in September. I audited Melonie Kessler and Carrie Harnden clinics, and was able to apply some of their exercises and instruction to good effect riding Kyra.

I stopped riding Kyra at the end of September. Just after that I got hit with the most persistent cold in memory (lots of other people have been getting it here), and it was an energy suck for the entire month of October. Just getting to work, doing Annabelle's rehab, and some minor work with Tesla was all I could manage.

So we did do a few sessions of trailer loading with T, but the only off-property excursions were two attempts to get her in the pool at the rehab facility when I brought Annabelle over for her MagnaWave sessions.

Annabelle is up to 12 minutes of trotting under saddle now and all is well with her leg. She is getting a little more rideable, so we are working on getting a little more quality to the trot, bending, etc. instead of just trying to survive each ride.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Hot4Spots » Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:13 pm

StraightForward wrote:
StraightForward wrote:Annabelle is up to 12 minutes of trotting under saddle now and all is well with her leg. She is getting a little more rideable, so we are working on getting a little more quality to the trot, bending, etc. instead of just trying to survive each ride.

:lol: This is my entire equestrian life these days - trying to survive. We're still restricted to straight lines, so I can do shoulder-in in ONE direction (the direction in which the injured hind leg moves in the same track as when he's straight) and that's it. Trot down the long side, walk around the corner, trot down the other side, repeat ad nauseaum. I throw in an occasional diagonal. He's bored. I'm bored. He uses the deer and wild turkey's as an excuse to act up. Sigh. I have to admit, he's been pretty amiable of late with only the occasional blow up, and none of the blow ups (usually a semi-rear/buck and a half a canter circle to get him back under control) seem to have harmed his leg. I'm waiting for word from the vet as to whether I might start doing the short ends of the arena and the occasional 20 m. circle/serpentine. It would help so much, but I don't want him to regress. It's never going to be completely "better," but being able to bend and collect him a little more sure would help make our rides more interesting (and controlled).

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Flight » Fri Nov 01, 2019 8:58 pm

Kelo wrote:Thank you. I really am excited, for all that. I probably won't post video, I'm an amateur struggling through this and making plenty of mistakes, and he is not an international quality horse. That being said, we scored what I have been told is a relatively fair 59% on a test where I made a lot of aforementioned mistakes, so I will keep after it. Goal is to show for real next year.

No worries, I understand that about posting vids. I'm exactly the same - struggling amateur on a 'normal' horse so I get excited when i see others making it to GP. That is a good score, especially with errors. I'm only PSG but I think my best scores are only ever going to be mid 60s.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Linden » Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:07 am

My goals/progress for this month are to be discharged from the hospital finally and to find a new suite to move into. I am feeling SO much better than I have felt in the past few months and am really hoping to continue on this track. Coal Harbour returns home from Riverlands in 12 weeks and I am hoping to be in my new place,and working part time by the time he gets back. I have to say how much ECT helps me - I feel like a new person after only a few treatments. I don't know wxactly how it works or why but man, I wouldn't be around without it.
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:25 am

My goals were somewhat derailed by Laddie smacking his Right front leg on something early on in the period and coming in with a scary-looking leg. Whilst he's been quite sound on it, I've still taken things a bit easy. It's ended up still being a bit funky-looking, but cold and hard and exhibiting no pain response, so we have now hit the "just don't look at it and freak out" stage...

Having said that, we have managed to mobilize the weaker right hind quite efficiently, and his right lead canter is so much more even and straighter than it was two months ago. I do think a key part of that was having his hocks injected--it's allowed him to move so much more correctly and develop much more strength and muscle through his back and hind end.

Piedmont, you were asking me about the exercises we were working on for straightness in the canter.

The one we are finding most effective is using the renvers. Start off in the walk or trot, work on shoulder in to renvers to shoulder in, rinse and repeat around the ring. Get that cooking along nicely, making sure you are using your legs and seat to make the change of bend, not your hands.

Then, take that feeling to the canter--you can't renvers in canter, but you can get the same "feel" with your legs and body, which will allow you to control the placement of the hind end quite precisely. You can take this down the long-side quarterline or you can do it on a circle--moving in and out on the circle, making sure you aren't relying on your hands.

So having played with this yesterday it dawned on me that the other benefit of this exercise on the circle is that it teaches you to use your legs and seat independently and in sequence, which, along with the straightening benefits, sets you up nicely for having the coordination to put together changes in the fullness of time.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby StraightForward » Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:11 am

Hot4Spots wrote:
StraightForward wrote:
StraightForward wrote:Annabelle is up to 12 minutes of trotting under saddle now and all is well with her leg. She is getting a little more rideable, so we are working on getting a little more quality to the trot, bending, etc. instead of just trying to survive each ride.

:lol: This is my entire equestrian life these days - trying to survive.

Sigh. She damn near tossed me out of the tack today. She can seem really calm, and then one noise and she plants her feet and starts pronking. Glad for the thigh rolls on my saddle! The other boarders probably think I'm overly dramatic because I'm adamant that I can't share the indoor, and no, we can't ride in the outdoor.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby Flight » Sat Nov 02, 2019 8:34 am

Linden wrote:My goals/progress for this month are to be discharged from the hospital finally and to find a new suite to move into. I am feeling SO much better than I have felt in the past few months and am really hoping to continue on this track. Coal Harbour returns home from Riverlands in 12 weeks and I am hoping to be in my new place,and working part time by the time he gets back. I have to say how much ECT helps me - I feel like a new person after only a few treatments. I don't know wxactly how it works or why but man, I wouldn't be around without it.

My partner's father's treatment for his bipolar involves ECT and it had kept him well for a long time now. Glad you are feeling better :)

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Nov 03, 2019 12:24 am

Moutaineer wrote:Piedmont, you were asking me about the exercises we were working on for straightness in the canter.
The one we are finding most effective is using the renvers. can't renvers in canter, but you can get the same "feel" with your legs and body, which will allow you to control the placement of the hind end quite precisely. You can take this down the long-side quarterline or you can do it on a circle--moving in and out on the circle, making sure you aren't relying on your hands. .

Thanks for sharing. I find the "renvers feeling" in canter to be huge for straightness and power and I do use it both on long sides and circles. You described how it works in a really helpful way, as I have been grappling with that (I know it works, but haven't quite known why). It feels like a bit of a "narrowing" exercise to me, so that all of the canter parts stay stacked up and ready for weight.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby demi » Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:34 am

piedmontfields wrote:
Moutaineer wrote:Piedmont, you were asking me about the exercises we were working on for straightness in the canter.
The one we are finding most effective is using the renvers. can't renvers in canter, but you can get the same "feel" with your legs and body, which will allow you to control the placement of the hind end quite precisely. You can take this down the long-side quarterline or you can do it on a circle--moving in and out on the circle, making sure you aren't relying on your hands. .

Thanks for sharing. I find the "renvers feeling" in canter to be huge for straightness and power and I do use it both on long sides and circles. You described how it works in a really helpful way, as I have been grappling with that (I know it works, but haven't quite known why). It feels like a bit of a "narrowing" exercise to me, so that all of the canter parts stay stacked up and ready for weight.

This bit of discussion is very pertinent for me right now.

For a couple of months my trainer had me working on renvers at walk and trot when tracking left, both on straight lines and 20-15M circles. When tracking right, she had me doing shoulder-in. Then recently she had me doing renvers tracking both left and right, but less of a renvers and more of a “feeling of renvers” when tracking right (because Rocky needed less contact on the left rein). This has really helped in straightening the horse and also helping me to feel how the aides work together and separately. Mountaineer’s description resonated with me when she said “...on the circle teaches you to use your legs and seat independently and in sequence...”.

When we started doing a lot of canter, I had a hard time getting “just the feel of renvers”. I was doing too much renvers and Rocky got confused because I would ask for canter and of course, she couldn’t. It took a week practicing at home to get it sorted out enough to get the canter back. I am still pretty crude at it! But I can see the light!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby demi » Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:40 am

Interesting Piedmont, that it feels a bit like a “narrowing exercise” to you. For me, I right away thought if felt like My horse was “shortening”. By that, I mean it feels like her hind legs are more under her and in a “ready position”. When I think about it, though, I can see it as a narrowing exercise, too.

Edited to add: I think the biggest thing about these exercises is that they’ve helped me to see (feel) when I have the horse balanced on the outside rein. At first, I didn’t realize when she was actually balanced on the outside rein, but when the trainer would say “yes! That’s it”, I could connect the concept with the wonderful feeling, and I started putting it together. As I mentioned, it’s still mostly really crude, but that good feeling keeps my wanting to get it consistently...

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:38 pm

Demi, I think we are describing the same feeling! I do feel like both hinds are more underneath when I think renvers in canter. Emi can have a rougue right hind on the left lead canter, so paying attention to this feeling really helped with that challenge. I was playing today with the feeling on circles and serpentines and was very pleased with the left lead canter quality---that has been quite the process for us! For us, I think a lot of it is about keeping the hinds closer towards mid-line without any rogue escapes.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby demi » Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:38 pm

Piedmont, I think think you’re right that we probably are describing the same feeling, especially as far as it’s a lot about keeping the hinds closer towards mid-line.

I am finding that keeping the hinds closer to the midline is a fine line and complex balance!! Getting the “feeling of renvers” definitely helps me in controlling placement of the hindquarters, but it requires a lot of focus. Slightly too much of the “renvers feeling” in the hindlegs, and the horse can’t canter, AND slightly to much “renvers feeling” in the front end and the inside rein suddenly become the outside rein!! Then I start getting my inside and outside reins mixed up and I feel like an umbrella in the wind.

I’m actually enjoying the process of working it out. My lessons are often overwhelming, but then I go home and sort though it and I am kinda awed at how neat it all is!

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby chantal » Wed Nov 13, 2019 12:49 am

Flight, cool pics, looking good. I would love to get to the point where I could ride one-handed. I'm impressed.

Rosie B., Bliss is looking great!

I haven't gone back too far, I will now.

We are sorting out the canter finally and getting our act together on the right lead. And working to maintain it now. His big boy trot is coming along and if I keep the contact and tempo, he will keep the trot.

We went to a hunter pace on Sunday with a friend and had a blast. Continuing with our cross-training. He was really up to begin with, but we did just fine. And played with a few baby jumps in the field after we were done with our flat course. Pics for fun.
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Hey Mikey, look...
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"I got this Mom, now put your stirrups up, you look like a dressage rider"
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Gooooood boy!
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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby exvet » Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:59 pm

Oh what fun Chantal! and looking good. My daughter and I use to do a hunter pace every Halloween but the last couple of years either one or the other was without a mount. I do miss it because they are a blast and I think the horses generally think so too.

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Re: Cool down and keep going! September/October Goals and Progress.

Postby chantal » Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:55 am

exvet wrote:Oh what fun Chantal! and looking good. My daughter and I use to do a hunter pace every Halloween but the last couple of years either one or the other was without a mount. I do miss it because they are a blast and I think the horses generally think so too.

They are so much fun! And I do think the horses enjoy them. And thank you. :D We do one in the spring and fall with the hunt club his trainer rides with. I also foxchase with them on a borrow Irish draught mare. So much fun!

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