demi wrote:Sorry I strayed from the thread topic of leg yield on a circle. But it is necessary to ride a near perfect 20 m circle before you start the leg yield.
Agree that accurate lines matter in this exercise, because if the circle is off then the count is off. I also found that if we bulge out or cut off a quarter that messes up the count, and any slowing down or speeding up will wreck it.
A couple days ago, when I tried to start at C instead of A I found that I couldn't get an even count on the first circle. Part of the problem was that he wanted to head toward the gate, but then later I realized that the hay mow stuck out into the ring an extra 6 feet at C, and I was using E and B to lay out my circle, so I was making an oval. I wouldn't have thought that a measly 6 feet would have mattered, but I guess it did because my stride count came out a lot more even when I fixed that.
My counts on the circles in this clip probably aren't accurate, but the camera perspective is wonky too, because it's set up in the corner instead of the center.
That, and I can see that I didn't get close enough to the wall on one side, and did more than 3 strides of leg yield, so will work on fixing that next time, too.