Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby mari » Wed May 17, 2023 6:48 am

Chisamba wrote:Change bend, move the hindquarters ( Making sure not to move the legs ) them clearly shift the legs and change. The idea is to make room for the hind leg to come through and not be short or late .

Can you explain this pattern/exercise a bit more? How do you move the hindquarters without moving your legs?
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Wed May 17, 2023 2:07 pm

Vet came back out for RP yesterday afternoon.

I'm grateful to have a vet who listens and respects when I say 'this is not HIS normal'. It's tricky because RP isn't showing classic lameness, but he is definitely uncomfortable, not cantering his normal way and I cannot canter even once around the arena without him swapping behind or getting 4-beat. And while there are some horses who do have a lateral canter naturally, that has not been his normal. She palpated, looking at hime free on the lunge, and on the lunge with side reins (I opted not to ride, but thought she would be able to see the issues with the side reins, which were clearly there). After this she said it did seem like the SI could be the culprit, but it was not a definitive diagnosis. So, we discussed three options:
1. Chiro + adequan
2. Inject the SI
3. Do more diagnostics

She shared that from her own experience she preferred to treat SI issues from chiro and rehab than injecting, but that sometimes there was enough pain and inflammation that an injection was needed to tamp things down before being able to maintain it with other issues. We went ahead and did chiro yesterday, plus I had started adequan last week, so of course will continue. Then we've set up an appointment in two weeks and at that point we will potentially inject or do more chiro.

I have thought this was an SI issue from the beginning. I am not a vet, of course, but even when we addressed hocks and stifles, I really felt the SI was a big factor. So, I am inclined to inject in two weeks and to get him an initial boost so we can then get him strong and working his body in the right way to maintain. But I am happy to wait the two weeks to see how the chiro does or doesn't take and what difference adequan makes as well (it'll be complete by then).

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed May 17, 2023 10:47 pm

mari wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Change bend, move the hindquarters ( Making sure not to move the legs ) them clearly shift the legs and change. The idea is to make room for the hind leg to come through and not be short or late .

Can you explain this pattern/exercise a bit more? How do you move the hindquarters without moving your legs?

You use the leg , you but you keep the place.

Let's say I'm doing a counter canter , so I'm in my left lead going right. Left leg at the girth, right leg behind the girth. Horse bent slightly left. Keep the leg. Keep left leg at girth right leg back, change bend of neck. One more canter stride, move the quarter by pushing left calf but keep the leg at girth (forward) and keep the right leg back. One canter stride, switch legs. (right leg forward left leg back) Change.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby mari » Thu May 18, 2023 8:03 am

Chisamba wrote:
mari wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Change bend, move the hindquarters ( Making sure not to move the legs ) them clearly shift the legs and change. The idea is to make room for the hind leg to come through and not be short or late .

Can you explain this pattern/exercise a bit more? How do you move the hindquarters without moving your legs?

You use the leg , you but you keep the place.

Let's say I'm doing a counter canter , so I'm in my left lead going right. Left leg at the girth, right leg behind the girth. Horse bent slightly left. Keep the leg. Keep left leg at girth right leg back, change bend of neck. One more canter stride, move the quarter by pushing left calf but keep the leg at girth (forward) and keep the right leg back. One canter stride, switch legs. (right leg forward left leg back) Change.

Aaaaaah thanks so much for taking the time to explain. This makes a much clearer picture in my head. I want to try it, but I don't think my horse will move his quarters with my leg at the girth. He will see that as an aide for impulsion.
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu May 18, 2023 12:26 pm

mari wrote:
Chisamba wrote:
mari wrote:
Can you explain this pattern/exercise a bit more? How do you move the hindquarters without moving your legs?

You use the leg , you but you keep the place.

Let's say I'm doing a counter canter , so I'm in my left lead going right. Left leg at the girth, right leg behind the girth. Horse bent slightly left. Keep the leg. Keep left leg at girth right leg back, change bend of neck. One more canter stride, move the quarter by pushing left calf but keep the leg at girth (forward) and keep the right leg back. One canter stride, switch legs. (right leg forward left leg back) Change.

Aaaaaah thanks so much for taking the time to explain. This makes a much clearer picture in my head. I want to try it, but I don't think my horse will move his quarters with my leg at the girth. He will see that as an aide for impulsion.

How do you shoulder in in canter? It's basically a shoulder in left while going right but counter bent.

When I do the zig zag half pass flying change sequence I use the same progression of aids.

One two three four five half pass right, change bend. Place the hindquarters SIX Change , one two three four five half pass left 3 6 6 3. If you cannot place the hindquarters after the new bend you do a haunches leading half pass. Even the 4th level half pass you have to be careful to place the quarters one more stride in the direction of the old half pass after you change bend but before you change lead or you lose points for no straightness.

I'm curious how you get him straight in the half pass before the change?

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby mari » Fri May 19, 2023 7:01 am

Chisamba wrote:How do you shoulder in in canter? It's basically a shoulder in left while going right but counter bent.

When I do the zig zag half pass flying change sequence I use the same progression of aids.

One two three four five half pass right, change bend. Place the hindquarters SIX Change , one two three four five half pass left 3 6 6 3. If you cannot place the hindquarters after the new bend you do a haunches leading half pass. Even the 4th level half pass you have to be careful to place the quarters one more stride in the direction of the old half pass after you change bend but before you change lead or you lose points for no straightness.

I'm curious how you get him straight in the half pass before the change?

I don't do half-pass to changes yet, unless completely by accident :lol: We are schooling the changeover of bend in the trot half-pass, and that is only sometimes smooth. My skill level and understanding is quite a bit below yours, which explains my confusion I think.

We can do SI in canter, and even SI left while going right, but for me it's the same as in trot. My leg at the girth asks for impulsion and to stay on the track, my hand position and my own shoulder position asks the shoulders over.
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri May 19, 2023 6:39 pm

Mari, if I may suggest, if you like, practice some leg yield in canter, leg forward at the girth, don't let it slide back, so he can understand lateral to the leg at the girth. I think it will be helpful for everything in the future. Of course I don't want to tell you anything that conflicts with your trainers process.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri May 19, 2023 8:01 pm

One can never be completely happy. Unfortunately Saiph lost a little of her uphill but I was really happy with the crossing over and not completely hating my posture.
Half pass Saiph
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri May 19, 2023 11:26 pm

That looks lovely, Chisamba!

I had a couple pretty decent dressage sessions with A this week, but yesterday I was messing with the Pivo (it works much better with my new phone) and probably distracted/thinking more about producing a good video instead of training. The jump rider has been out of town but will be back in the stirrups tomorrow.

Good jumping lesson on T this morning. I set up a grid of bounce/one stride/one stride/two strides which worked well to get her jumping more emphatically into canter and bouncing through. T seemed pretty proud of herself, and quite enthusiastic, so now the trick is to not have her take over completely. Also, doing some LY in the warmup, I found myself bracing my left leg a little forward in LY left. Once I fixed it, the LY was much better. Hopefully a little lightbulb that will cross over to the rest of our schooling.

Last week I strained my shoulder somehow, so I'm working around that and it is feeling better, and I can do most movements. My plan is to start DRT3 from the beginning next week.

This weekend is the dressage show I was hoping to take A to for my other 1st and 2nd level scores, but that is not to be, so I'm volunteering and will watch and hopefully learn instead. It's going to be in the low 90s, so I'm not too sad about sitting this one out.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat May 20, 2023 12:29 am

Good crossing, Chisamba!

Well, in a moment of madness, I've signed up for a show in mid-June.

It's just around the corner from the barn and pretty much the entire barn is going, which should be entertaining. As long as my trainer can stay under the radar of the facility owner, it should be OK... It's been a long running and painful situation between them for years and years, which has precluded anyone in our barn from showing over there out of respect for our trainer, but she actually suggested it. It does make for an easy and cheap weekend of showing--no stalls, no hotels, and the judges are top notch. The facility itself gives me the creeps, always has done, and I don't love their footing, but you can't have everything and we just need to get out there and do it.

I've signed Justin up to ride on the Friday (crash test dummy) and I'll ride on the Saturday if things go anywhere near according to plan. 3.1 and 3.3.

The only thing that really curls my toes in either of those tests is the extended canter. And if that just doesn't happen, well, oh well... (This is not saying I have total mastery of everything else in the tests, but nothing else actually scares the crap out of me...)

In other news, I managed to canter all the way round the big ring today. This might not sound like much to all you confident people, but it has been a really big mental nerve block for me since getting back to work (see above issue with extended canter.) And we did some really spiffy flying changes across the centerline. I recognize how lucky I am that his changes are so easy and clean, once I get him packaged up and jumping through in the canter--we had a bit of an "Ah-hah" moment about that yesterday, involving the haunches-in feeling. I guess it makes up for his brains occasionally falling out of his head. For once we weren't competing with oblivious landscapers wielding large machinery on the arena perimeter and other such craziness.

It's been a good week.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby mari » Mon May 22, 2023 7:59 am

Chisamba wrote:Mari, if I may suggest, if you like, practice some leg yield in canter, leg forward at the girth, don't let it slide back, so he can understand lateral to the leg at the girth. I think it will be helpful for everything in the future. Of course I don't want to tell you anything that conflicts with your trainers process.

I will give this a go!
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon May 22, 2023 9:26 pm

My instructor came to town for a couple days on short notice, so I had a really helpful lesson on T today. It was focused on getting her softer at the base of her neck and coming through from behind with more cadence, and then keeping that going in and out of canter. It got a little chaotic towards the end as we started to pick at that scab, but then I managed to get her softening and stretching in canter, and then stepping down into a cadenced trot. I have my work to do keeping her on my seat and not running away. She said we're right on the cusp of something pretty extra, so I'm motivated to work to get up to this next rung on the ladder. She'll be back in a few weeks, so hopefully we will be ready for the next step by then.

I had Autumn take a lesson on A. They looked fab together, and I think it was helpful for her to get a better feel of getting A more straight and through. I hopefully got some good video out of it as well.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed May 24, 2023 8:52 pm

Sounds like good progress with T!!

It's been so quiet here.

I'm trying hard to decide if Saiph is ready for the June show.

Flei and Honey are making progress.

Kimba is still on sushi test ( autocorrect you slay me. Stall rest ) no walking yet.

Boring news from chisamba :)

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed May 24, 2023 10:59 pm

Sometimes boring news is good news, Chisamba!

Just chugging along here. Today is our "day off" so I get to do office work :)

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu May 25, 2023 5:20 am

Great ride on T today. She picked up the canter on the first try, which has not happened in a long time. She is starting to produce a bit of "second trot" which is pretty cool. Canter still gets chaotic, but the bend is really improving, and we were able to start touching on HP again.

Tomorrow I'm hauling A out and hoping to get some video. Saturday we're going to go school over at the stable that has a little xc course. Probably no jumping, but should be a good outing.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Thu May 25, 2023 5:23 pm

I had a lovely trip to Iceland...will post a pic but I have to squeeze it down. I had a fantastic guide who actually took me to a friend of her's horse farm.
Unfortunately it was a wicked windy day so I didn't get to see the horses (up close) but it was fun to chat horses with someone.

Unfortunately, I also got COVID :P . Who knows where in the thousands of people I came in contact with. So, I managed one pleasant ride with Kyra on Tuesday now she is off for a few more.

Here is my little buddy Lunda (Loon-dah). That is Icelandic for puffin. It was raining but actually calmed down a little for our ride. The stable supplies all the rain suits. With all my layers, I look a bit like the Pillsbury dough boy.
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri May 26, 2023 2:54 am

I'm glad you had a good time, though I'm sorry you got Covid. There seems to be an awful lot of it around at the moment. I hope you are feeling better.

It seems to rain all the time in Iceland. I have two other friends who have been this year and all their pictures show them bundles up in layers of slickers on horseback :)

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Fri May 26, 2023 4:03 am

Yes, Mountaineer, it was quite rainy. We even had a couple incidences of hail…driven by 20mph winds…ouch. Rainy enough we really couldn’t see the mountains, ice caps and volcanoes which was a bit of a bummer but what can you do with Mother Nature.

We finally got some sun on Friday. Definitely the wait 5 minutes and it will change. Of course there were the requisite idiots on Reynisfjara (black sand beach) that were taunting the ocean…and almost losing. The surf was incredible…an angry ocean.

At least for the ride, the rain was just kind of a heavy mist and the wind calmed down so all and all it was a nice little ride past farms with lots of lambs cavorting around. Apparently the waterfall was not nearly as impressive the day before. It varies a lot but the rain insured it was flowing well.

I had a fantastic guide as I said which really enhanced the trip.

I definitely could do without the COVID. It isn’t gone by a long shot :cry: .


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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Fri May 26, 2023 11:04 am

Wow, what an amazing picture! Sounds like a great experience other than the COVID. Hope you are back at 100% soon.

RP's issues continue. Chiro and acupuncture really made no difference and it's clear to me that he is very uncomfortable and unhappy right now. I just want to make him feel better, but I'm not sure how. Last weekend when I was sure I could keep an eye on it, I did 3 days of robaxin just to see if it would make any difference. And while he wasn't totally back to normal, there was some clear improvement I could see. But the month off seemed to make things worse, so I'm still confused

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Fri May 26, 2023 11:53 am

I’m so sorry blob. Have you considered some sort of muscle issue like PSSM? I hope you can get to the bottom of RP’s issues.
Susan sounds like a great trip! Even if the weather did not fully cooperate. Hopefully you are on the mend quickly from Covid.

Here I’m gearing up for another Cedar clinic. Been working Joplin in the band and can feel and see a difference. Anyone else ever use one? Just 10 minutes of it. I both ride her or lunge in it just depends. I’m also getting good stuff in hand up to and including collected canter in hand.

Hauled her and Rip yesterday for vet visit. Rip’s airway looks the best it’s had in awhile and Joplin’s TMJ rads were fine. She’s always clicked in her TMJ while eating and my holistic vet suggested films to make sure no pathology. She loaded beautifully and hauled well.

Has anyone else used a band system before? Curious on your experiences.

Hauled Gaila for 60 day US. Vet thinks it’s a filly!!! Whoop:)

Have a wonderful holiday weekend

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri May 26, 2023 1:08 pm

Blob, khall took the words right out of my mouth. It is becoming more of a standard among the Welsh Cob breeders to test their breeding stock for a variety of inherited issues such as PSSM with good reason.

Susan what a beautiful picture. It sounds like, with the exception of getting covid, it was a bucket list type of experience.

Well I just found out that the recognized show in June has been cancelled due to low entries which just bites. Of course, 'they say' I can enter the summer show in Tucson would be almost a 4 hour haul for me in the summer heat so no bueno. Between the cost for travel, show and the loss of office fees with the cancelled show it doesn't make trying to get Brandon qualified for regionals at first level or for All-Breed Awards worth it, bummer.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri May 26, 2023 3:00 pm

Been a little bit here, there and everywhere without a chance to update.

Kyra's mom what an experience! Sounds fab beyond the covid.

Blob I hope you get RP figured out. Those muscles diseases can be manageable if that's the route you think it's taking.

We hit up another schooling show last weekend to test out a venue we went to last year that includes an indoor for warm-up. Plan was to warm-up in their outdoor arena to see if that went better. The weather thought otherwise and dumped an 1+ overnight which made that warm-up arena a literal lake. I gulped and said well we already drove down here so into the indoor we went and Kora was so brave and good! With 6 other horses warming up to boot! So I think I will add this venue to the season as places to visit.

Which is good because one of the June shows we signed up for just got notified that we're on the waitlist. A bit of a bummer but I send entry in later on as a whim. We'll either get in or not.

Double header to trainers for lessons over this holiday weekend. I'm excited as Kora is just so fun to work right now.

Pic from the previous schooling event, love her using her abs the tank.
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Fri May 26, 2023 7:34 pm

khall wrote:
Has anyone else used a band system before? Curious on your experiences.

I haven't used them, but some vet at my barn sold pretty much everyone on it. They're all eventers and basically don't go on the trail, let alone use the hills to condition, but they think a rubber band around the belly and butt will get the horse on condition. Pshaw. think about it. If you put a belly band around your belly, will you strengthen your belly by holding it in? Not me! And no, none of these horses are in very good shape and they are ALWAYS getting soft tissue injuries and on rehab, unlike mine, which I take on the trail and trot and gallop ever day and they live in a pasture on a hill.

Exvet--Sorry about you show. We're not getting them cancelled yet, but I see a huge drop in entries in general, esp. in a year when champs are up here. I think people are just getting done with showing, the expenses and the politics, like me. I am toughing it out this year, but I don't know after this.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Fri May 26, 2023 10:24 pm

I will talk to the vet about PSSM. He does not seem to show any classic 'tying up' type symptoms. But I know not every horse expresses the same way.

I honestly hope I am wrong, not because it's the worst case scenario, but because he is already on the diet a PSSM horse would have. So, if that is the diagnosis and he is getting worse even with this diet in place, then I'm not sure we have a very good outlook for managing the condition.

The vet sees him again wednesday. We had set the appointment after the last time she was out with the intention of injecting the SI, where he is clearly showing pain. Given that robaxin helped, I'm wondering if it's not actually joint related at all. But I do think it is definitely in the lumbar/SI area. So, maybe the muscle soreness there is secondary to the joint? It's hard to tell....

Aleu--what a great picture!

Khall--do you mean like equicore bands? I have not personally used one, but a friend/boarder at the barn I'm at used one as part of the rehab for her horse. She felt like it made a real difference in ensuring her horse was using his body well as he came back into strength. But I can't say from any real personal experience. It does seem like it is very expensive for something that could be recreated DIY style

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Fri May 26, 2023 10:27 pm

Tanga it’s not really about conditioning but about targeting specific muscles. I don’t even use the band around the haunches but just the ab one. I definitely feel a difference riding her with the ab band for 10 minutes. We are also doing other ground work like ab lifts and tail pulls to address very specific muscles. Quads for one thing.

I do use some hill work footing permitting with Joplin. I have this lovely gradual slope we trot and canter up and trot down as well as do lateral work on it. I trust my vet this is not just a gimmick at all. Especially when I can see it irl and feel it. Of course I also ride and wih. Had a great ride the other day after lunging her for 10 minutes in the ab band.

I did ale chisamba’s advice though! Canter work gets better by cantering more:). Which we have definitely embraced. I do feel we’ve both slipped a bit from our issues me with the pinched nerve which is better and her between the fevers and eye. That’s ok we are heading in a good direction again.

I have no idea on shows not filling. Though I don’t think that’s a huge issue in Georgia.

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby goldhorse » Sat May 27, 2023 12:41 am

Tanga wrote:
khall wrote:
Has anyone else used a band system before? Curious on your experiences.

I haven't used them, but some vet at my barn sold pretty much everyone on it.
Does that vet have the initials MK?
Last edited by goldhorse on Sat May 27, 2023 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Sat May 27, 2023 1:41 am

No. I’m in Georgia. I’ve known her for years. She uses it on her own horse.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sat May 27, 2023 2:18 am

I haven't used one; but, have seen quite a few used them last year and then poof, not really seen a lot. I still subscribe to the archaic ways to build muscle though I did use a polo wrap around Junior's girth to my hands to help make me aware of what my hands were doing (more so than his muscling) if that counts. I have always subscribed to hill work and still do. I won't discount newer methods proven to work but if the old ways are cheaper (just more challenging or take longer) well then this almost 60 year old who is forking over half of every pay check to take care of her mother will simply stick with what worked in the past. The show cancellation may have been better for my responsibilities..................still bummed. I did have a Morgan breeder reach out and offer to let me tag along with them to Morgan Nationals as a result of the cancellation of the Open Dressage show but that would mean I'd not be able to show Junior at the USDF region 5 regional championships. Tough decisions but all first world problems.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat May 27, 2023 3:35 pm

I'm also subscribing to Chisamba's advice on improving the canter. Mostly thats for me, as when I improve my seat and position, he magically improves, too! We had some lovely canter work yesterday in the indoor as it was pouring with rain (solidly forecast to do so for the next 10 days.)

I've never seen the Equibands in person so I can't comment on them, but there was a fad in the barn last year of using some kind of band for riders to help with position issues. I can understand the concept but it looked like a good way to get seriously hurt if something went pear-shaped.

Blob. The SI isn't really a bone on bone joint, really a webbing of ligaments and muscles holding the whole thing together. I can tell you from my own experiences both horse and human that yes, Robaxin can make that area ease up quite a bit if its been strained, and the steroid injections certainly help a lot. I hope you can get him sorted out.

Shows filled up around here last year. It will be interesting to see how they fare this year. Tanga, is the VS outbreak in CA putting a damper on things in your area yet?

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Sun May 28, 2023 1:54 am

goldhorse wrote:
Tanga wrote:
khall wrote:
Has anyone else used a band system before? Curious on your experiences.

I haven't used them, but some vet at my barn sold pretty much everyone on it.
Does that vet have the initials MK?

I forgot what his name is. Marty? Everyone at my barn trailers to him somewhere in the valley when their event horses are lame, again. (My use of the trails and the hills is about 90% of the whole barn use. I don't get it.) Apparently he recommends it to everyone, and they all buy it. It doesn't help. I heard some mention about targeting certain stomach muscles, too. It doesn't help.
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Sun May 28, 2023 2:24 am

Well I don’t agree with your assessment of the band that I’m using tanga. I can feel a difference riding Joplin with the band and even after I take it off. My vet may use it differently than the one you know of. I’m on the opposite coast and she’s been through a course on rehabbing horses taught by students of Hilary Clayton. It’s just one piece of puzzle that we are addressing with ground work trying to strengthen her quads and stabilize her core better. I’ve seen a big difference already in the tail pull and the carrot stretches how much more stable she is on her four legs. My vet is looking at certain muscular issues that have not been able to fix with just riding.

I feel I’m in pretty good company considering felicitus von nuumen consul uses these ground exercises as well as the band.

This is not the only work I’m doing with Joplin. I’m still riding and working her in hand and on line. In fact had some awesome collected canter online today after lunging in the band. I did change up how I had the line for canter to facilitate the collection in the canter not sure how much the band contributed since you only trot in it.

Again I’m not using this to train joplin in the movements but to bring awareness to certain muscles I’m hoping to turn on. My vet is pretty dang good at knowing what she’s looking at. Helps she trains this work some as well though not a professional trainer. I guess my proof will be if Joplin’s stifles quit popping from not strong quads

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun May 28, 2023 3:24 am

Nice pic Aleuronx, Kora is looking like quite a hunk!

Good progress with T the last couple days. She is staying more on my aids and developing the canter more easily (it's still not right there though). Next weekend I'm going to a schooling show. Maybe 1-1 and 1-2, need to decide tomorrow.

Went with a few barnmates and A to the local Xc course today. She was a good girl after getting her initial crazies out. We just did the logs and this 2''3"ish jump. A is not a fan of the water. Definitely more destined for the hunter ring I think.
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Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sun May 28, 2023 1:43 pm

Love the pictures. Both Kora and A look great.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun May 28, 2023 2:31 pm

Volunteering as scribe today. Fei and young rider and young horse tests.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun May 28, 2023 4:06 pm

Lovely picture SF. I like Annabelle!

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon May 29, 2023 4:16 am

Well I impulsively signing up to ride with Leslie Morse in September and October. Now I have months to get nervous about it!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon May 29, 2023 9:42 pm

So things I took away from scribing.

Know how to ride a circle or corner. For goodness sake people, know the size and make sure the quarters follow the shoulders. From training le rl to votes, don't level points on the floor.
A shoulder in is not a haunches out. Wow. I'm talking FEI
Scribing is lika free clinic where you at see every ride and every judges comment.


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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Wed May 31, 2023 7:18 pm

Chisamba--I agree. Scribing if you show at all is probably one of the most educational things ever. It can be super frustrating, though, because from one judge to another they can love or hate the exact same thing, and very different views as to what is what. The SI/HI thing can be tricky because what the judge sees as on the CL could be both depending on what they see as the CL.

I find circles, esp., to be a very random score, though. Of course the whole body should make an even line, but most of the time I have no clue what they are assessing. I see the same thing called HI, SI, too much bend, too little bend, too quick, too slow, uneven, steady, and whatever.

And ALWAYS get the ""easy" points and work on them. Esp. up the levels, there are a lot of little points in flying changes, transitions, and halts.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed May 31, 2023 10:21 pm

I decided based on scribing that I am not psg ready so I entered fourth level because I really need the ride experience with Saiph and judges opinions will help me toward PSG I HOPE ( As tanga says often the judges differ dramatically)
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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed May 31, 2023 11:00 pm

It's been awhile - I'm still catching up on all the post I've missed. I can see there has been lots of shows, clinics, lessons, trips and horse injuries (as usual.)

I can't tell you all how nice it is to read about everything going on with your horses. It always inspires me and I always learn or st least think.

Life blindsided me. I was in the middle of bringing lynx back into work after his two months hanging out. I found out that my sweet and hard working husband had developed a pain pill addiction 3 years ago that I completely missed. I was completely blindsided and things are pretty hard. We are now about 3 months out from there and I'm just now feeling like I can go out to the barn and actually mess with my horse. For a while I couldn't even look or read about anything horse-related. I honestly wasn't sure if I would be able to keep him or not. I had no idea what was going to happen.

I'm happy to report that my husband is doing well in his recovery. Taking it one step at a time. I'm cautious but hopeful.

Lynx has been hanging out. We're going to slowly start bringing them back to work again. Man I hope someday we can just keep going without so many breaks! Unfortunately we have been having unusual weather here and it's been very wet. So it's high in feet are chipping and probably cannot even get a shoe on them at this point. So I'm hoping we can get those back together and then that doesn't hamper progress even more.

Anyways I don't know if I'll post nearly as often but I'll try to get back here and read and root everyone on.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed May 31, 2023 11:37 pm

I have an equicore band by the way, to actually add to the discussion. I haven't used it a ton because I had just started it back in February and then Lynx got 3 more months off instead.

There is actual research on it and not funded by just the company. I will see if I can find the link. That being said, I don't think it would be a miracle worker and I don't think it should be used in place of proper conditioning. More just kind of help you along.

Both the Dressage trainer and eventer use them on certain horses but definitely not all. I know the Dressage trainer has a pretty old horse with Cushing's, he's not in work, but she hand walks him in it or lunges and he looks sooooo much better in his top line than when he arrived. Although I can't for sure say that that's the band.

The Eventer uses it on her top eventer and I know they win everything. She does use hills and rides and the field too though.

Anyways I will report back in a few months if I actually get off the ground here.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:54 am

I'm so sorry life is being so difficult, LSP. I hope your husband continues on his road to recovery, and that you get some much-needed horse time. I miss hearing about your journey with Lynx.

Yesterday Potters came in with a fat fetlock with a hole in it. I don't know how they manage to do these things... He was sound at the walk, and trot to the left, but trotting to the right was obviously a bit sore, so we cut things short. I cleaned it up and doctored it and it looks way better today and isn't sore to the touch, so we will have to see how he feels under saddle tomorrow. If it's not one thing...

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:01 am

20230531_185033.jpg (60.95 KiB) Viewed 45172 times

A bit of Potters eye candy :)

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:12 am

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... via%3Dihub

Not sure if that link helps but here is one of the studies that saw. I do think it seems most effective in a rehab type situation which is why I have it lol! Sometimes I need the most bang for my buck and a short amount of time that seems like a good way to do it.

Thank you Mountaineer. Life sure has a way of shaking things up and surprising us that's for sure. I tend to persevere and I know I will get through this. My husband is a pretty strong person too and he really wanted help which is good.

I appreciate the Potter's eye candy! I always love seeing photos and videos of everyone's horses. :) I hope the fetlock wound is nothing. That's always nerve-wracking when it's near a joint! But sounds good that he was okay today and definitely not worse. Fingers crossed for him.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:10 am

Potters has muscled up beautifully!

Lsp so sorry to hear about the pain med addiction. I don't really know what is involved in supporting some one to get over that, but sending jingles.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:01 pm

LSP sorry to hear about your family struggles and glad to hear from you regardless. I was literally thinking of you and Lynx this week and was going to ping a message. I do hope you get back to some pony time and that is therapeutic to you.

Love seeing Potters in all his glory!

I had a great doubleheader of lessons over the holiday weekend. We talked summer show schedule as trainer has 'a plan' to upset the apple cart with flying changes. Very exciting stuff. Overall she was pleased with our warmup and we worked on my nightmare, the walk. Exercise was medium walk, on the contact, picking up her hind legs with the front of my hip flexors and putting down the front legs out in front of us. Essentially riding and owning every stride to eliminate some of side to side movement and have the shoulders come up and out straight in front, not letting the walk get too big at the same time. I AM SO SORE! It was the most crazy hard work at the slowest pace but wow the trot after we got it, suspension and lift.

So that's our homework for the next 3-4 months. Trainer said don't to drill in the arena but also take it out to the field to allow some mental flexibility and relaxation but Kora handled the work quite well in the lesson.

Finished last (hopefully) chemo with mom, had some blips to get there but all she needs to do now is ride the side effects and get to the PET scan next week. Fingers crossed and jingles that the scan is clean and we can focus on silly things like regrowing hair and funny short haircuts.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:43 pm

Chisamba, yeah it's a whole thing I had to learn about that I wish on noone. Two days after I found out about the addiction he was in rehab for 30 days. Such a whirlwind. He seems like he really want to be clean, knows my boundaries are firm so here is hoping.

Hopefully we set up a little. This is an abnormal. We are going to have to regrade all the paddocks in July. Too much mud and it's time.

Aleuronx, sweet of you to think of us! I definitely missed reading and posting here. I'm glad my mind has finally allowed me to come back a bit. I'm crossing all my fingers and sending good vibes for your mom.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:52 pm

LSP, I am so sorry to hear this. I am glad that you are getting to a place where you are feeling like you can take a breath and that things look to be moving in the right direction.

Potters looks lovely. Great to hear everyone else's updates too.

The vet was back out on Wednesday to look at RP's SI. We decided that he seemed uncomfortable enough in the region that it was worth injecting. But the ultrasound she was using to guide the injections showed substantial calcification in the muscle on the right side. She said calcification like that meant it was an old injury and that given that it looked like it must have been significant trauma and not something I didn't notice. So, likely something before I got him. With this new information, there are still a lot of unknowns...is there still SI joint inflammation? If so, is it coincidental or is it because of the calcification? If the calcification is the cause, will steroid relief and careful targeted strengthening be enough? Will shockwave be effective? Will this limit his ability to sit/collect? I suspect the next several months will answer these questions, but for now we take it one step at a time.

Unfortunately, it does not sound like a very promising prognosis for a career as a dressage horse.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:25 am

Bummer, Blob. Fingers crossed you can get some resolution.

Huge storm as I was getting on Potters today. I had seen it coming so had already retired to the indoor arena, but the rain hammering on the roof was absolutely deafening. Potters held it rather tensely together for 15 minutes or so, then the thunder started and I called it good and went and ate birthday cake.

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Re: Springing into May and June - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:45 pm

Lsp I’m so sorry you are dealing with such a difficult family problem. Jingles your DH can stay clean for him and your family. Appreciate the article and it pretty much says what I’m seeing about increase ab in using the band. I’m sure pole/caveletti would help as well. Though we’ve done caveletti pretty much weekly but probably should do more. Joplin does not have an injury but is weak in her quads and needs more sit and lift. Im sure if I did Exvet’s trail riding regime it would definitely help as well. Right now I’m not even field riding because the grass is too deep. Im afraid of it asking too much of Joplin

Aleuronx yeah for end of chemo for your mom!! Jingles the pet scan is clear and whoop about Kora!! Fun!

Blob I’m so sorry to hear about RP. I know of a talented palimino pony needing a new zip code. Little Chex likes collection and even thinks piaffe. He’s just not working out for my boarder. Fun guy to ride though!

Mountaineer Potters is looking very hunky

Chisamba jingles for a good show!

I’m feeling like Joplin and I are getting our mojo back. Nice rides on my girl. Eager for clinic next weekend. Will get some video!

Happy summer all!!

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