Interesting Article: Rider Seating Styles and Horse Movement

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Interesting Article: Rider Seating Styles and Horse Movement

Postby StraightForward » Sat Apr 07, 2018 2:59 pm

Rising trot induced systematic changes in movement symmetry of the horses. The most prominent effect was decreased pelvic rise that occurred as the rider was actively rising up in the stirrups, thus creating a downward momentum counteracting the horse’s push off. This mimics a push off type lameness in the hindlimb that is in stance when the rider sits down in the saddle during the rising trot.

On the circle, the asymmetries induced by rising trot on the correct diagonal counteracted the circle induced asymmetries, rendering the horse more symmetrical. This finding offers an explanation to the equestrian tradition of rising on the ‘correct diagonal’ likely making the underlying more symmetrical movement of the horse more comfortable for the rider. ... e-movement
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Re: Interesting Article: Rider Seating Styles and Horse Movement

Postby Chisamba » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:31 am

They did go on to admit that horses showing assymetry in a straight line in hand (imho almost every horse ever) were improved by rising trot and circles.

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