Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

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Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:53 pm

Here we are in July!

So far, riding before work is working out nicely, so I am keeping on keeping on.

Goals for this summer:

Stop babying her so much.
Haul out to ride at least 2x
Start jumping
Solidify right bend and forward response every ride.

Jump once a week.
Keep developing the HP.
More adjustability in the trot and canter.
Haul out to ride at least 2x.

Some type of workout 3x a week.
Feldenkrais sessions at least 5x a week.
Keep working on my vertical balance, timing of aids, use of my pelvis.
Eat healthy 90% of the time.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby blob » Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:02 pm

Also jump once a week
continue working on fitness building things--walking poles, hillwork, trot poles, etc
work on getting a more from behind, fluid, controllable collected canter (work towards cantering that box)
Forward and back in trot and canter
continue trailer work
Go to a show?

continue trot lengthening work
get more suppleness in left lead canter
lunge 1x a week
work on trot shoulder in

also try to work out 3x a week
find time to ride even though we're going back into the office
try not to go insane now that work is going back to the office

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:40 am

I’ve been running hot with activities and just enjoying our time in the saddle together. I can’t believe looking back the past 2 months how much has changed. We went XC schooling and did a mountain trail clinic and a huge long trail ride away from home. No plans on stopping for this section either! (At some point we’ll do dressage…)

Past Goals:
Ride. Full stop. (In actuality get Kora back walk/trot/canter in a harmonious way after the rules and regulations reminder) Check!
Get final story on Lyme results and Vit. E levels Lyme results on solid downward trend and swapping to liquid Vit. E did the trick to get her levels back in line.
At least 5 lessons w/trainer I’m going to give this a half check. We managed 3 lessons only because trainer has been very busy traveling for clinics/shows and such. So 3 lessons with her and 1 lesson with another person for one of our weekly excursions to new places.
Enjoy Memorial day trail ride up in Vermont w/bestie It was cold and raining but AWESOME

Section Goals:
Continue to build fitness under saddle and the positive reaction to the half halt
Work on straightness of left shoulder
Sitting trot fitness for me
At least 4 lessons w/trainer
At least 3 field trips (new places or repeats)

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jul 02, 2021 2:24 am

I almost started a thread on the overnight, but decided to wait to see what you would name it. sweat equity is great.

non linear progression is working well for me. ride 5 times a week and listen to the horses. overall theme, i.prove quality of collected gaits with relaxation.

me: continue noom and development of healthy eating habits.

plan a vacation.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Fri Jul 02, 2021 2:41 am

Ride 5+ days a week*
Run 5+ days a week*
Continue weight lifting program (blech)*
Overcome the lazy right leg (riding)

Don't bounce the rider
More gymnastics
Trailering :roll:
Decent canter transitions
Counter canter

More trail riding

*This is all a challenge because I'm busy working on a large contract ... and when I get busy, I forget to break for things like meals or life (-‸ლ)

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jul 03, 2021 12:58 am

I think my goal for the next two months is to go back to my very basics and learn how to ride this nice horse correctly from the ground up.

I'm coming to realize how different he is to my previous horses. He's not forgiving under saddle--but why would I expect him to be--I'm driving an F-1 racing car vs. a nice family sedan.

My trainer rode him yesterday as I was having some difficulty with the right lead canter depart. She had a lovely, happy ride on him that was a pleasure to watch.

I believe we need to try a "less is more," more low key, quieter ride. I think I've been unwittingly over-aiding him, being busy with my hands and seat, and amping up the anxiety level (probably for both of us.)

He needs to be kept occupied, for sure, or he gets bored and the devil makes work for idle hooves, but it's activity that needs to be skillfully requested not hustled into.

I think we'll both have more fun. And it's not like we are under any pressure. The point of this exercise at the moment is to learn stuff, not go out and win ribbons.

(And the canter lead issue was a classic case of me doing too much--just a simple inside leg forward, don't futz with the hands, and off he goes. Forget about weighting this or squeezing that or bending the other... just keep it simple!)

I'm loving my new Loxley by Bliss saddle, by the way. A very good choice for a horse with a shorter back, and she's flocked it perfectly for us, so we are both comfortable, and my position is just "there," and I don't have to think about it.

And I'd like to lose 3 or 4lbs in the next 2 months, I'm 10lbs down since New Year's, and can finally get back into my nicer breeches, but I'd like to be able to breathe in them too :)

So that's me!!!

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:25 pm

I have a show tomorrow, and my goal is to do better and improve my slumping and dropping my head. I made an invention that I think might make me rich. :) The shoulder's back things don't really work, so I tried something different.

I took a rubber coated wire hanger and twisted the handle down a bit, covered it in fabric and put velcro on the ends. I put it in front of me and attached it to my bra with the velcro so that the wide ends can touch the front of my shoulders and remind me to keep them back when I go forward, and the handle touches my neck if I drop it. I rode in it yesterday, and I think it works! I am going to put it under my shirt tomorrow and show in it. :)

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:50 pm

how did your new wire overbra work Tango?

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:59 pm

Chisamba wrote:how did your new wire overbra work Tango?

It's working pretty well! I think it reminds me just enough to not get forward, so I don't resort to leaning forward when I feel I'm losing it, but sit down and use more leg. In the three days I've used it, both girls have been great, and they were super at the show. Like one of the only shows where no one got anxious or tense or had new issues with anything.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:09 am

Goals for me...figure out why I am so weighted to the left. This started since I tweaked my back in February. Even if I physically stand in the stirrups and move my seat to the right, I still feel most of the weight is in my left cheek.

I gave up and went back to my old treeless saddle. I seem to have a better balance point but still have the listing off to the left problem albeit a bit less than in the Prestige. Kyra seems better into the reins, straighter and more through in the Prestige but I was floundering in it. I really need to lose about 20 lbs and it may be better. I suspect part of the problem is not having a great place to sit.

Work with Kyra on honest connection and stepping up to the contact. I do a lot of walk and I don't take up contact unless we are doing a specific exercise and I have let her develop a bit of 'cheating' where she really isn't through and stepping into the contact. There is always just a hint of brace. I have worked on that the last 2 rides and today it seems she finally got it as her back came up and she really started marching into the bridle. I just need to be a bit more assertive in the quality of connection I would like.

It has been HOT :oops: here and no real relief in sight. I try to get out 'early' but that has been about 8:30. The kicker is that is isn't cooling off at night.
75 is about it (average I think is low 60's). I am not going to push it in the heat. She gets the work she gets.

She is getting some body work on Thursday. Last time I long reined her, I noticed she was stepping more to the inside with the right hind than usual. She feels very sound, I think she just has some tightness somewhere. I have been doing leg circles with her hinds before I put her boots on her and she has loosened up a bit.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby mari » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:34 pm

Tanga wrote:I took a rubber coated wire hanger and twisted the handle down a bit, covered it in fabric and put velcro on the ends. I put it in front of me and attached it to my bra with the velcro so that the wide ends can touch the front of my shoulders and remind me to keep them back when I go forward, and the handle touches my neck if I drop it. I rode in it yesterday, and I think it works! I am going to put it under my shirt tomorrow and show in it. :)

I love this :lol: :lol: :lol: Horsewomen are so practical, and I love your update below too.
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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:42 pm

Tanga, hope your show went well. Interesting with the coat hanger, though it sounds like a torture device!

Kyra's Mom wrote:Goals for me...figure out why I am so weighted to the left. This started since I tweaked my back in February. Even if I physically stand in the stirrups and move my seat to the right, I still feel most of the weight is in my left cheek.

I just ordered some Franklin balls - might be worth playing with them a little to see if you can find a different feeling? I need to get your bits back to you too.

Annabelle came up with a swollen right hind yesterday afternoon, but not lame on it (RH is the one that was injured for so long). Went back last night and she was stocked up on both hind legs and although the RH was still bigger, it somehow made me feel slightly better. Put on standing wraps and will head out soon with fingers crossed that she is looking better.

Yeah, the heat. I pre-paid for both girls to get their saddle fit tweaked this month, but not excited about hauling across the valley. Cringing at the FB posts of people riding in jackets at the show this weekend. :shock: I think I have gone to soft to show as it seems the weather has been crap for almost every show this year.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:06 pm

I just got back from my 'mostly month off' in June. I'm not sure I have any specific goals other than to get all 3 boys back in shape and to survive the heat. I also, despite running pretty regularly, need to get myself back in shape. Work is chomping at the bit to get me scheduled for extra surgeries to make up their deficit; so, given that the next two months will be very sweaty and stressful, I'm not going to be unrealistic about riding goals. Hopefully in the fall I can get my head back into the game.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Tue Jul 06, 2021 4:39 pm

Definitely sweating, not sure about the equity.

I don't really have any actual goals involving horses these next 2 months except for getting out there and riding and getting Tio out to new venues/new situations more often.

I did manage to ride every day since Thursday in spite of the heat. I am fortunate in that the horses don't mind working in the heat, just wimpy me. On Monday, I took Tio to my friend's house to paly over her baby cc jumps while she and her daughter rode. While the 4yr old daughter horse (Piper) was foot-perfect, my friend's mare (Max) was completely nuts on the ground and my Tio was completely crazed (like I couldn't ride him even at a walk on a long rein without him stopping and going into bronc mode). To be fair, he was pretty ok initially, while tied to the trailer/getting tacked up, that is until Max took her halter off and came charging up to us screaming. After that, I decided that maybe I should wait to mount up until friend was up, so I wandered around showing Tio the fun obstacles. Friend came out with Max, tried to get on, only to have Max rear up ripping the reins from her hands and running back to her pen. She retrieved her, brought her back to the mounting area, and, happened again! So now daughter hops off Piper, ties her up and helps her mom control Max so she can get on. Thing about Max, once the rider is up, she's good to go, so after a few mild flip-outs, off they went, all is good and I decide it's time to hop on. Instead of climbing on the brick wall jump they normally use for a mounting block, I decided to use the bank jump. I picked the middle level, which is about 18" tall, but Tio immediately hopped up to join me, and so I went to the 30" side. Nope, before I could line him up he had once again hopped up and was standing beside me. So now I know for sure that bank jumps do not bother Tio one bit! :lol: At any rate, I did finally get on (at the brick wall), but simply could not get him to chill and so I hopped back off. When they were done riding, friend clipped a lead rope on T, I mounted up again and we toured the field sans melt downs. So can I consider that a successful day? :P

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Tue Jul 06, 2021 4:51 pm

I forgot to add that later that day, I rode Tio again, did cavalletti and jumped him over a cavelleti at its tallest setting. We also finally had a canter all the way around the arena and a 20m circle, all without making my back sore. He really was a very good boy.

Rudy, when not being a snot, is still (always) a very fun ride and, I think, laying down some very nice 3rd level work. Even his mediums are getting quite solid, and every once in awhile, I mange to get a good fc when I get out of his way. TOH's are becoming walk pirouettes now too.

I also got little Rabbit ridden and I think I've figured out how best to do it. Turns out, If I tack her up as though we're going on a real trail ride (western saddle, halter under bridle, lead rope hooked on saddle) she relaxes and starts to listen instead of overthinking my every move. So I managed to get her to bend to the right (her super stiff side), make large round circles left and right, and trot without either jogging or zooming off. I also rode her down the road a ways, out of sight of the boys, and she did not get upset!

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:12 pm

Sounds like some excitement Sue!

Annabelle has been sound, although she has been pretty stocked up. It comes down with work, so she is not going to have a break while it's over 100 the next few days like I was hoping. I'm amending my goals a bit to remind myself that we need to work on counter canter, and staying round/together in the CC. The left lead canter is still not great, and I think this will help. Otherwise she is doing wonderfully and I had a big grin on my face at the end of our ride this morning.

Tesla got a little naughty when I asked her to *gasp* pick up canter on a big circle instead of down the long side. She finally gave me a couple steps, then did one of her stall outs and started kicking at my leg, which hadn't happened in quite a while. So I am riding her in Annabelle's saddle that has bigger blocks and a little deeper seat for a bit so I can keep my position and kick on a little more when she has these naughty moments. Yesterday I hauled her out and eventually got on her in the indoor and rode a bit, so goal of riding her away from home is complete. Hoping I can get her back over there Thursday night if it's not too crazy hot (forecast keeps changing). This morning I got on without lunging and she was a little sticky at first, but we eventually worked into some nice big forward trot, and then I played a bit with slowing it down while maintaining the energy, which is where I think we need to go to get the canter transitions. Lots and lots of small asks for forward and getting a quick reaction. I also did some walking 10x20m rectangles with her, which was really useful for seeing where she was bulging out her right shoulder. Once we finished the exercise in both directions, she was happy to have the chance to trot off. It was interesting that she did not get sticky in the walk with all of those corners to navigate.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:58 pm

Sweating a lot and not accomplishing much-- mired in Week 3 of pretty much daily rain, and the arena is gumbo, and the air is basically a sauna.

When we actually can work (no indoor, unfortunately), Queso has been much more reliable in the knocking-at-the-door-of-good-2nd-level-work balance. So he's getting stronger and the requests to change his balance are making more sense to him. All good things.

Stuff we're working on this time around:
- Go to a clinic in late July
- Transitions all day: esp between working trot/passage-y trot/medium trot as we develop strength and schwung.
- Hope the rain stops for a week or so (but not forever! I just want some weather moderation)

Stuff I'm working on this time around:
- Journaling exercise and food habits (still as ever trying to lose 10lb)

Stay cool out there, everyone.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:31 pm

Have I mentioned I love my new job? The flexibility to head over to the barn to ride around client calls/meetings to beat the heat or nasty weather has been choice.

Small clip from my most recent lesson, really feeling like we're starting to chip away at the connection and the half-halt. Exercise was a square turn with the haunches, so initiating turn with the inside rein up and the inside leg back to move the haunches out through the turn. Super interesting when I got it 'right' and the feeling versus when I was slow with the leg or the hand or both.


We're off to another arena hire this weekend and contemplating some upcoming clinics. I'm always lost whether it's better to just do more lessons with my trainer or pop in a clinic with someone new every now and then. Thoughts all?

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jul 08, 2021 3:46 am

well it's FISH weather as in Fork it's still Hot. lol. honestly I enjoy the heat, but it's buggy and muggy for the poor horses. fly sheets help the bugs but don't help the heat.

Saiph: we are working on maintaining supple stress free work while elevation gait expression.

Kimba, I have mentioned veggie that she goes from a light pliable elastic contact to a hundred pounds in the reins and running through the half halt. my job as her trainer is to unravel the cause and keep the balance.

Caliburn is in the significant development stage between 1st and 2nd where if it goes wrong you create a ceiling past which it is difficult to progress. So really balancing the canter and elastic connection is the key .

Me: continue to lose fat and gain tone.

on that note, anyone have tips for floppy skin? on humans.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Flight » Thu Jul 08, 2021 11:55 am

Chisamba wrote: on that note, anyone have tips for floppy skin? on humans.

Think you have to get it cut off. My sister lost 60kg after a gastric sleeve procedure and that is what she wants to have done.

I'm still working on my sitting trot and piris with Norsey, and one handed riding with Ding. Pretty sure its what I'll be saying for many many more goal periods. :roll: :D

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Jul 08, 2021 5:08 pm

Aleuronx wrote:Have I mentioned I love my new job? The flexibility to head over to the barn to ride around client calls/meetings to beat the heat or nasty weather has been choice.

Small clip from my most recent lesson, really feeling like we're starting to chip away at the connection and the half-halt. Exercise was a square turn with the haunches, so initiating turn with the inside rein up and the inside leg back to move the haunches out through the turn. Super interesting when I got it 'right' and the feeling versus when I was slow with the leg or the hand or both.


We're off to another arena hire this weekend and contemplating some upcoming clinics. I'm always lost whether it's better to just do more lessons with my trainer or pop in a clinic with someone new every now and then. Thoughts all?

Its a very interesting question. First, nice video!
There was a period in my riding a few years ago where I was really integrating new ideas and needed to have one "input" at a time. Now that I feel that bodywork has integrated I can now take from others besides my regular trainers. I actually have two, but they are very much on the same page. One works on the rider more, one works on the horse. I love love love these lessons and I don't feel I need anything else.

A clinic is fun, but for me I like the psycolology of having a history with one person. It's good to get a check- in though, so some people use shows and/or clinics. The concern I have is to apply things differently than the horse is used to and it brings confusion. I always audit first.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby blob » Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:06 pm

I'll just add that i no longer clinic with anyone I have't audited only because not all clinicians are actually good clinicians even if they're very good riders/trainers or even good instructors when they have time with a team. But being a good clinician is a distinct skill. having said that, I do really think clinics can be very valuable esp when you have a specific goal or challenge--a different perspective can often be a break through.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:14 pm

every one has bias. the advantage of clinicians is you escape your current trainers bias and get a fresh bias.

the other advantages is that is the clinician says something exactly the same as your instructor, for some reason it resonates in triplicate.

sometimes the clinician will give an exercise that is a complete break through for me and my horse. sometimes I learn what I will never ever do again. but I always learn .

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Flight » Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:32 pm

I'm similar to Blob, in that I really want to watch a clinician first to see if I want to ride with them. Sometimes, that's not possible though and you take a chance.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:36 am

I've (I think) signed up for a clinic in a couple of weeks not just for the educational experience, which I think will be fair to middling, but to see how Potters does offsite in a relatively low key and supportive environment.

I just hope it isn't still a bazillion degrees by then.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby mari » Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:38 am

8-) 8-) 8-) I have functional flying changes! Only after years and years of chipping away at them, but now they are there!
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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Flight » Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:30 am

mari wrote:8-) 8-) 8-) I have functional flying changes! Only after years and years of chipping away at them, but now they are there!

Yayyy!! Mine all took ages too, but you just gotta keep going!

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby blob » Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:27 pm

Yay, Mari! Great news. I hope to get to where you are, eventually!

This week has been an absolute slog/wash. I've been sick with some awful stomach bug since Tuesday and every time I think I'm on the up and up, my body tells me otherwise. So, there's been no riding for me and i'm DYING to get the horses back to work. I'm hoping this weekend I can at least drag my body up to the barn to lunge them or something. Work has ALSO been crazy so I'm worried I'm entering a phase of not a tone of riding. But let's see.

Before I got sick, things were going ok riding wise. MM and i have been struggling some with the canter work (usually her stronger gait). But it seems like i can't quite get her outside hind under her and active (she's been kind of dragging it around), esp in the collected canter, but really even in a working canter. I only get that outside hind pushing off well if I go for a full on extended canter, but as soon as I come back from that draaaagggg. She's doing it on both leads and she's not doing it on the lunge. So, i don't think it's something where there's a major physical cause. I jsut need to learn to ride that outside hind better.

AFter lots of hemming and hawing, vet and i have decided to try her on adequan (loading dose yearly). She doesn't do well with shots, which is why we had avoided it earlier. But we've decided to give it a try and so far we are 3 shots in and doing ok! Of course, I haven't ridden since the first shot, so not sure if it's making any difference. But i'll be curious to see. Even if there is no immediate difference, that's ok, it's something i believe in from a preventative standpoint.

RP was doing well. I'm finding that i'm not always able to maintain the quality of connection in the harder work. When it gets harder, he tends to suck back a bit rather than reach forward, which is understandable. But I am working to get the first level work strong enough that he is really giving me the same quality connection he is in the training level work reliably.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:40 pm

Great news Mari! I know how frustrating and sometimes long the journey for consistently correct flying changes can be.

After a very pleasant trail ride on Monday morning, there hasn't been anymore riding due to work and the gawd awful heat. Other than having to take my mother to her doctors' appointments (it was all day yesterday) this afternoon, I'm off of work and have fulfilled my family obligations but I can't ride because the heat is so bad, grrrrrrrr. So instead I think the horses are going to get a few days of 'spa' therapy. Judging by the knots in Ace's tail, it's high time. Praying for a break in the heat (at least overnight) so that I can get back in the saddle.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Jul 11, 2021 10:28 pm

First of all, yes Mari!!

Thanks for all the responses, it's an interesting thing to get another person's opinion who doesn't know your partnership or story. I dipped my toe in the water just doing a lesson with another person yesterday. I figured at the least I'd get another trip to a new place under my belt and I've watched enough older dressage ladies ignore instructors and just bebop around that I could always feign ignorance if it was not a good fit.

Chisamba I think you said it best, it was a little bit of mixed bag.
Things I liked/learned - the left seat bone being committed and plugged in is super important to helping the quality of the left lead. Kora throws me hard right always so it's not easy but wow the difference.
Things I didn't like - They wanted me way under tempo in the trot, like slow pony trot. Which I get can be useful but several times I was on the cusp of good connection with just a smidge more push from the hind end and they had me slow down instead of build/manage the power. Lesson was also work lite, walk/talk heavy to my liking.

Lesson with trainer on Wednesday as she's coming to our farm to teach a bit which will be interesting to get a 'home' version lesson. On the fence with future clinics/lessons. It's the money well spent portion that gets me. Although I did learn something about my riding/horse so to be determined.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby chantal » Sun Jul 11, 2021 11:45 pm

Whew, it's been a while. Been busy with human kids, though not really kids. But enough about that-we were all set to show the middle of June and guess who needed stitches in his knee. Minor injury and no lameness issues but better to take care of it and let it heal. And then we just got back from a week of vacation (more kid issues) so hoping to get back into things.

A few schooling shows at TL with all present and active riding on my part, meaning no choking
Good canter transitions and keeping him really forward in the canter
Really getting his hind under him
Not overmanaging with my hands.
Sitting up, really sitting up

Doing a real show at some point

Moving to First level this fall

I've gotten to hop on a couple of extra horses which I love and it really shows me where I need to expect more of Mikey as he's not a 4yo any more. Yup...

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:20 pm

Even though I've been pretty quiet rehabbing these last 7 months, I want you all to know how excited I am for the progress on this board and also how I appreciate your perspectives as you learn new horses or adjust to new challenges.

Emi got a very good check-up ultrasound this past week, so our challenge now is "more work!". I have been on the very slow road for her front suspensory recovery, with tons of walking, hacking, and reasonable amounts of trotting. We are doing about 4-5 days of work per week, but it had been only a tiny bit of canter. She is now much, much stronger than a few months ago. I believe if she could have smiled during our canter work in the arena on Sunday she would have.

From this slow journey, I will note that I've really embraced getting her properly through and connected in the walk before moving on to other work. It's less stress on her and it makes the trot and canter work much more correct from the get go. Of course this is after a lot of long rein walk, too. Funny how it takes limitations for us to learn some very basic things!

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:00 pm

pietmontfields...that is so good to hear. All that hard (easier :) ) work has paid off.

Gosh, we are just in hell here. Not as brutal as some places in the west but bad enough. Not the least of which the smoke from the many fires moved in over the weekend. Usually that is an mid-August event. It does seem to finally be cooling down a bit at night...at least into the mid to high 60's. The last two weeks the LOW has been mid 70's and one night it was 80! That just isn't right.

So, I haven't done much although I am working on that connection 'thing' at the walk. It is going well. Saturday I just did a walk day (between the heat and the smoke :P ) and really asked her to be honest. We did a bunch of lateral work but the real test was the halt-->rein back-->walk then rinse, repeat.
That is a bunch of transitions and she stayed right in the sweet spot for most of them. I was very pleased with that little piece. Now to stay consistent on my part and not let her "cheat" just that little bit.

Yesterday, I just lunged and can we say she at least got some exercise :roll: . She was either slow or ripping around like her tail was on fire. I am not sure what lit that fire. I checked her up because I don't allow farting around on the lunge line and from that point on, she was uber sensitive. She would canter 2 strides then was sure I was going to pull her up so she would just throw her quarters out, look at me and stop. It was like she hadn't been lunged much and was just trying to figure it out. Oh well, we all have those days. Like I said, she got exercise :P .

Thursday, she had a spa day. I had Straightforward's body worker come work on her. I had noticed at her last long rein session that she was placing her right hind further under her body than usual...even on a straight line. She felt OK in her work but it was apparent that something was tight. She very much enjoyed the session and she walked off tracking straight. Yesterday, with her lunging session, I did some LY on the circle and she was really crossing over...farther and more fluidly that she had before the body work. I will probably work this into a more regular function as I didn't pay a lot of attention yesterday but I am guessing she will need more regular work to keep that tightness (mostly around her hip flexors and quads--the horsey equivalent).

Happy riding all
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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:11 pm

Tesla was a total star this morning. I've never had a horse that is so squirrely in the shoulders, so I really focused on thinking about keeping my sternum perfectly aligned and centered over her withers, and it really worked a treat. She settled in and even started reaching for the bit. I noticed in the video that I even nonchalantly rode one handed for several strides of trot while chatting with another rider. Don't even remember doing it, but she just trucked right along. This feels like an important puzzle piece in straightening out my alighment, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it works on Annabelle tomorrow as well. Hauled A out to the big indoor arena yesterday and she was quite good. We managed to finish with schooling in two of the outdoor arenas where she can get really spooky. She wanted to spook at the big pile of irrigation pipe down outside the short end of one of the arenas, but I was able to work her out of it and got some decent work down there. Goal next time is to start in one of the outdoor arenas and finish in the indoor.

In the name of science I'm going to try to fit in riding this guy a couple times a week, and hopefully help his owner out as he does not take his right lead. He needs tons more body awareness, shoulder control and focus on the task at hand. Interesting riding such a different type from what I'm used to!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:09 pm

Holy Cow, SF, that's a mighty big fella! What's his story?

I rode Th, F, S but not Sunday cuz my head hurt too much (I think the smoke is triggering some migraine activity). Tio, on Friday, came up with a scraped/punctured inner right forearm that was sore, warm and swollen so he got out of being ridden that day, but that meant I spent more time riding Rabbit. I can now ride her down to the RR tracks and a little ways beyond before she starts getting anxious and I have yet to find anything she is afraid of! She clearly had never crossed RR tracks before but after some careful study, she calmly crossed and on the way back didn't give them a second thought. The pile of lawn/weeding bags placed next to my arena caused Rudy to spin and snort, but Rabbit barely glanced at them. Funny horses. Anyway, Tio's leg was still kinda ugly looking Saturday, so I just walked him over flat ground for about a mile, no real work but he enjoyed getting out at least. Rudy, of course, put the most work in, although I don't recall any particular thing we're working on. I will say that I do BOTH t-c-t and w-c-w transitions in the same training sessions to keep him more honest to seat and hands, and I do not accept anything less than a 7 transition (straight, clear, on the bit). I am also working on really letting my hips swing in the trot so that he can power up those mediums.

Pray/jingle for rain and cooler weather for those of us out west please.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby khall » Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:52 pm

https://www.instagram.com/p/CRPg5QLpNqU ... =copy_link

This picture says it all! Last clinic with Cedar who snapped this picture of us during a ride.

SueB I’ll gladly send you some of our rain! Gosh we are having an incredibly wet summer this year. Good thing I got most of my years supply of hay up already. Who the hell knows when we can cut again as much rain as we are having.

So definitely have sweat equity going with our extremely humid when not pouring rain. Trying to have a WE lesson days this weekend. Have not had much luck getting horses worked more than a couple of times this past week. It’s either so hot and humid I just walk or wih or having a deluge. Tried to work this afternoon and had to beat feet back to the barn because of a storm.

But when I do work it’s all about the canter with Joplin. We do have some losing of the plot occasionally in the trot but nothing horrid our canter especially right lead we’ve got work to do. Gaila is doing well when I can get on her.

SF that’s a different ride for sure! So much feather!! Glad Tesla is doing well and good point on your upper body stability. Very good point.

Piedmont glad Emi had a good check up

Sounds like good reports from all

Stay cool! For all of us sweltering in the summer weather

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jul 12, 2021 10:29 pm

Khall, glad you had another good clinic. I can't see the photo without an Insta account it seems. WE lessons would be fun!

SueB - this guy doesn't really have a big backstory. I think he is six, and his owner bought him as a yearling or two year old. He is green, she just kind of toodles around on him so he isn't really accustomed to focusing and working. Doesn't know where his feet are as you can probably imagine! Rabbit sounds like a smart one; hope Tio continues to heal up!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:10 am

poor Kimba is having a nasty bug reaction. she is sensitive and has a boett, but it's been very wet and the bugs are so bad. anyway she got bit or stung just below the end of the boett and huge hives and swelling and I really feel so bad for her.

someone may want to buy Caliburn so I have to think about that.

my focus this week seems to have evolved into riding away from the rail and keeping the shoulder / hind quarter alignment.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:51 pm

Small vent....Because of 4H obligations, I had to ride in the early evening when it was still 97 out. Sweat was dripping off my face before I even got on, but at least the gnats and flies were laying low waiting for temps to drop. Both Tio and Rudy (didn't have time for Rabbit) were wonderful to ride, in part, because I rode really well; my chest was up and open, my hips swinging, my abs strong. If you saw me, your only comment would've been is that early on, my hands were a bit "noisy" on Rudy, but he quickly reminded me to "shh". I probably only worked each horse about 30 minutes due to heat and time constraints (doesn't include warmup/warmdown walks) and then hosed them off, turned them out, changed clothes and rushed off to my meeting feeling GREAT. My vent is that, last night, I got maybe 4hrs of sleep, roughly 45 minutes to 1.5hrs at a time. My stoopid back was causing crazy pain in my legs, hips and lower abdomen. I kept having to get up and walk around the house doing gentle stretches. This morning I did not walk the dogs per usual because it was a struggle just to walk to my mom's house and take care of her cat, let alone trying to walk up and down steeper hills and over uneven ground. So frustrating. Otoh, now that I've had a nap, i can say that I am eternally grateful for those awesome rides and I look forward to eventually not having to pay so much for them. :P

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:54 pm

Another f'n week of rain. A flock of ducks has moved into my backyard, which is currently approaching pond-status. RIP my riding acumen. My kingdom for an indoor!

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Flight » Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:05 pm

I took Norsey to a clinic on the weekend. This is one of our regular clinic we go to. As I've talked about before, I have a huge problem trying to do sitting trot on Norsey. His new saddle has helped and I was working so much on me trying to go with the bounce, my hips, back blah blah. People say it's about the horses back, and I've tried more forward, less forward, rounder etc. Still rough as guts.

This instructor said he needs to be quicker in the hindlegs and push more straight and under his body to catch me in the sitting trot. She said he doesn't really drop his back, but the movement of his back is very 'uuup/doown uuup/down'. So, with quicker and more active hindlegs, the sitting trot is more like 'up/up/up/up'.

It rattled Norsey a little, to get those quicker hindlegs, without increasing his stride length, but with help of the instructor encouraging, we got there and it made such a difference! Still a while off getting it for medium/ext trot, but definitely down a very helpful path now.

Chisamba - would you sell Caliburn?? It's great that you've got him going so nicely. Might mean you are comfortable that he will be ok with another owner?

Sorry that it's so hot for everyone up in the northern hemisphere. It's been quite cold here! Well, normal winter really but I"m a bit of a cold frog. Living in thermals and basically just change what's over the top :lol:

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:34 am

Sue B, I think the middle of the night muscle pains are caused by dehydration/overheating. I have had that a couple of times this summer, and one of my barn buddies was talking about it too the other day. I'll be very glad indeed when this heat breaks.

We are just plugging away here getting to know each other. Trainer has been showing the past couple of weeks and is on vacation this week, so we are just pootling around working on contact and forward. Right lead canter depart is still wierdly hit and miss, I know it's me, as Margo got on him and got it no problem and he's been fine on the lunge. so I have to work out what the heck I'm doing that provokes a Spanish walk or a passage... left lead is mighty fine.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:24 pm

Flight wrote:This instructor said he needs to be quicker in the hindlegs and push more straight and under his body to catch me in the sitting trot. She said he doesn't really drop his back, but the movement of his back is very 'uuup/doown uuup/down'. So, with quicker and more active hindlegs, the sitting trot is more like 'up/up/up/up'.

That's a great reminder! I agree that when you have that up/up/up/up feeling, the sitting is very different. Sounds like an awesome clinic.

Because we now have canter back in our lives, I will comment on things that are going well and things that we seem to have forgotten. Apparently, all that careful walk work has paid off because it is super easy now to pick up a decent canter from halt, walk or trot. Very prompt and clear transitions. Clearly this was about my seat and our alignment. For M., I will note that Emi has to be quite straight on her weaker/prone to over-bending direction, and quite bent (shoulder-fore towards shoulder-in) on her stiffer/stronger lead. I have always managed this to some degree, but given that she is not very strong in canter now, I have to pay particular attention to it.

Also, we are struggling to remember how to transition from canter to trot. I've a few too many accidental canter-halts! lol She is a mare who is sensitive but also needs kind deliberate aids so that she does not panic to obey. Apparently, I forgot about that in the past 8 months!! Each ride is a little better, but she is not quite at the point of believing just my seat, so I find I'm being more obvious with my leg position change, too (my normal c-t aid is to just align and weight my sit bones). That said, the canter-walks are quite nice.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:17 am

Flight, I " rescued" Caliburn as a resale project, but kind of feel in love with him so never put him up for sale. I might seek him if it really seemed like a good fit. OTOH I am considering being Kimba, which if I did, I would prefer to keep Caliburn. but I change my mind constantly.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:16 pm

I was supposed to have a jumping lesson on Annabelle this morning, but had to cut it short before we really got started because she kept coughing. Just so dry and dusty. Usually she manages to clear it out in the warmup, but not today. Since I had extra time we put the jump grid down to ground poles and I squeezed in a ride on Tesla. She offered a nice canter after the last pole, but I only managed to get it once. After that I guess the jig was up and she was not going to fall for that again. I need to start riding her in the jump saddle a bit and maybe try putting up a small X rail at the end of the grid to get her to lift her self up a bit more. Someone over on CotH mentioned combing the reins, which I learned a while back and used on Kyra a lot, but then forgot about. I decided to try using it on Tesla today and it seemed to help give her confidence about going into the contact. On her stiff side I experimented a little with just combing the inside rein, and that seemed to be a nice soft way of encouraging her to go into that hollow left rein a little bit. After that we played with a little bit of LY, TOF and SF in the walk, which seemed to jazz her up a bit. It's interesting that walking patterns and walk lateral work seems to energize her. She is doing just tons better, the only big missing piece now is cantering!

Also rode the big Shire this morning, this time in my own saddle. He has ADD and seems like he relaxes a bit once I really insist that he keeps paying attention to me. He is oddly heavy and noodley at the same time and tends to get an S-curve in his neck. Next ride I'll wear spurs and start working on his turn on the forehand more. Now he sort of moves off the right leg, but falls over his right shoulder in the process, so it's kind of counter productive.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:46 pm

PF: Your current struggle with c-t is why I do both w-c-w and t-c-t with Rudy. I noticed a year or two ago that as his w-c-w improved, his t-c-t declined, especially the downward transition. I think that, in some ways, it is harder to do a really clean, forward c-collected trot transition than to do a c-w. Someone smarter than I could probably come up with a biomechanical reason, but in my mind, it is easier for some horses to "cheat the system" and drop slightly onto the forehand when going into the walk. All i know, is that I noticed Rudy was very quick to duck just behind the bit and drop his shoulder, even in the transitions done on the serpentine like in 2nd level test 2. Perhaps that's why they throw in that c-t transition in some of the 2nd level tests.

Chisamba, nice to have the option of selling one of your horses, but hard to decide if it's even what you want. I think that's how my friend has suddenly managed to accumulate 5 really nice horses, none of whom are doing the level of eventing she wishes to compete at, each for different reasons. (Well one is a yearling so she doesn't count). If she could just toss them in a blender, drain off the stuff she didn't want, keep the stuff she does want, she could have a couple amazing mounts. :lol: I'm pretty sure that's how I wound up with 5 horses for awhile, lol.

SF: Tio struggled with the canter until his 7th year and then it "suddenly" came together rather nicely. Since I unfortunately got badly hurt, it was a solid 2 years of not cantering while mental and physical state recovered, but lots of lateral work and transitions in walk and trot. This past year when I finally started cantering him regularly again, not only had I not lost ground, but I discovered a very nice left lead canter and, lately, solid offers of walk-canter. cantering coming off a jump is one of the ways I regained some of my confidence, btw.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:40 pm

Sounds like despite the weather some of you are really hitting some decent milestones. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's updates.

We finally are into monsoon season with a wee bit of a break in the extreme heat (though now we're dealing with muggy, steamy heat). I had three lovely rides this morning in the rain (light showers). I posted a bit about where Brandon's at in the young horse forum. Suffice it to say that it's a work in progress but I can see the light.

I've decided to take a different tact with Junior after his 'vacation'. My nemesis has been the contact into the right rein. We've fixed our issues at walk and trot but continued to have challenges at the canter which of course shows up in the counter canter, collected canter and changes. My instructor, if you remember, wanted me to simply go for the gold and ride him in a 'come to Jesus' way, very, very forward demanding that he move into a 'very there' right rein and insisting that he not back off when I would take more of a feel on it. This was simply getting too frustrating because physically I'm not able to do that with my upper right body (I can put the pedal to the medal with my seat all day long but not with the desired results). So I went back to work on Junior deciding that we were going to focus on our collected canter through the use of the half-pass and cantering squares. With both exercises I am concentrating on getting and keeping the proper bend and taking, in more of a pulsing way, the outside rein with greater feel while I slow him and hold him on my seat and then with equal emphasis get him to go forward and reach into the bridle using more seat and leg but not giving up the right hand. I'm getting a much more 'up' and lifted carriage. It seems to be working. I have an easier time keeping him in counter canter and using both reins equally making sure the base of his neck is soft. I also am getting better flying changes in both directions. I haven't had a lesson in over a month. I think I'll keep working at home through July and see if I can pick up a lesson in August in order to check in to see if I'm on the right path. My hope is to show third level in recognized competition this fall.

On another note, I started both Ace and Junior on the new Purina ration balancer that doesn't have soy and along with it put them on a metabolic supplement about 3-4 weeks ago. They're both still a 'fit fat' but looking much better in terms of their overall health - far fewer of the 'hard' fatty deposits in their ever-so cresty neck being of mustang (definitely some draft) and welsh cob (need I say more) heritage/genetics.

The reining trainer next door as subleased his two barns to two 'other' trainers. It's been quite interesting watching the happenings over there - my horses have been equally intrigued. All I can say is that I'm sooooooooooooo glad I have my place and can manage my horses in the way that I do. It's not getting any easier getting up at 4 every morning in order to get them taken care of and get to work on time; but, all I have to do is glance over the fence or look out my window as I am now and realize that it's still worth it.

Happy riding all.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Jul 18, 2021 12:41 am

Exvet, that's an interesting update. Indeed. working on one's own and managing one's own is a special pleasure and reward--although also a lot of work.

Sue, thanks for the transition thoughts. "Somehow" this problem has gone away and we are much more normal now....although normal is more like a 1st level horse, due to overall weakness. Still, c-t-c-t-c- is a great exercise for us, as it really releases Emi's back and solidifies forward with balance. I am sobered in this process of rehab by the strength that better carriage takes! And I'm so grateful that she is feeling well and energetic.

p.s. Also really grateful that while Emi is full of it, she is kind and does not toss me off!!!

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Jul 18, 2021 8:26 pm

Exvet I agree with you whole heartily. It's not about forcing an issue but about gymnastizing the horse in way that makes them strong, supple and able to carry the work. Sometimes that means being 'unconventional' in your approach to build that up.

This very much carries into the lesson I had with my trainer when she came to our home facility this week. Kora's canter has improved/changed already in the ~10 days since she last saw us. The left hind is our weak point at the moment and struggles to carry weight and manage the power. So to Exvet's story did we sit on it and insist that she bare the weight? Nope, we came at it from the side in the exercise of shoulder out for the right lead and straight left lead while weighting the left stirrup but almost standing on my feet in the canter that way.

We will take this 'physical therapy' to heart and likely in another week or so be having to do something completely different. But it feels great to be progressing. And equally good to have trainer eyes on Kora at home in non-winter. Even though Kora was quite good that day trainer agreed she's completely different than when we travel to her place etc. It will be interesting to get her 3am pondering on it at some point.

Piedmontfields I'm so happy to hear this for you! (and not getting tossed off, touch wood) It's funny to me how the rehab process is double edged sword in the sense that sometimes when they are less strong they can be easier to correct but harder to maintain then when in full work. An interesting conundrum.

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Re: Sweat equity: July-August goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 18, 2021 9:38 pm

Kimba is one of those difficult horses. no not difficult as in naughty, difficult in that she never says no. she throws her whole being into everything, and by gosh I wish sometimes she would just relax and puzzle it out with me. But she is an excellent learning experience for me.
I have to really think about how to get her to relax and patiently
add strength first.

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