Which classes should I enter for champs?

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Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Tanga » Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:23 am

I know I need to make decisions for myself, but I need some feedback! So, I hope ya'll want to do that.

I am all qualified. Quinn for PSG, I-1 and I-1 freestyle for CDS and USDF. Quilla for I-2, GP, and GP freestyle for CDS and USDF.

If they set classes just right I can get all of those in. They didn't. It's scheduled so that each horse has one day with three classes, and I can only do two--you can only ride two FEI classes a day.

Consideratons. Freestyles are open, so depending on who's there, I'm against Hilda Gurney, Charlotte Jorst and various other internatonal riders. But, the freestyle classes are smaller, so more chance of placing. We're just starting GP, which tends to be a much larger class than I-2. PSG classes had over 40 rides in them last time. I-1 tends to also have lot, but maybe little less. Quinn has generally been getting higher scores in I-1 than PSG, and Quilla in GP, but who knows. CDS classes are money classes and you can get enough back to pay off some fees if you place in first 4-5, thus tend to be larger classes than USDF. Also, a lot of people don't qualify for USDF because they don't pay the fees and the score requirements are higher.

They will each end up with two days with just one class and two days with two. They're quite fit and last time we did mostly two classes a day and th felt pretty good right through Sunday, so not worried about them being tired. I am going in a day early to get them in big ring earlier, which was the biggest problem last time. Both of them didn't do the be the first two days in there because of looking. By Sunday they were fab.

I need to decide which classes to choose for Quilla--GP CDS HOY AA, I-2 USDF AA. or USDF GP freestyle. I'm thinking GP CDS AA since I probably have a chance. And then probably USDF I-2 AA as no one enters. I hate to miss a freestyle, though!

And for Quinn, I need to choose--I-1 CDS AA, I-1 freestyle CDS, and PSG USDF AA. I don't know. The I-1 CDS class will probably be huge.

Ugh! I need to enter tomorrow or the next day to save $30 on office fees, which I kind of really need!

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Flight » Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:40 am

I guess it depends on what you want to achieve? Placings or more experience/training doing your freestyles???

Either way, look forward to vids :P

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Tanga » Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:18 pm

Flight wrote:I guess it depends on what you want to achieve? Placings or more experience/training doing your freestyles???

Either way, look forward to vids :P

Ah! You're supposed to tell me what do! :D I'll figure it out. I don't know how many vids I'll get. My friend is supposed to come here from Germany to come with me, but she is worried about her horses not getting turned out enough. There are no auditors, so it will be a quieter show. I'm sure I'll be able to give my phone to a few people and get some.

I guess I'm trying to figure out where we can be best. I LOVE doing freestyles, but sometimes that's where I get most lax and throw things away. I know I don't have the experience at GP to get as good of a ride as other people, but if I can get Quilla to be as steady here as at home, I'd be super happy. And I think I have figured how to keep the ones clean. I for sure want to do I-2 as it feels like such an easy test for her.

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:40 am

Hmmm... well, Championships isn't about doing the practice, its about reaping the rewards of the previous practice! So, enter the classes you stand the best chance of excelling in and have a good time :)

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Tanga » Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:57 pm

Moutaineer wrote:Hmmm... well, Championships isn't about doing the practice, its about reaping the rewards of the previous practice! So, enter the classes you stand the best chance of excelling in and have a good time :)

Love your thinking! :D I checked with the secretary and it is possible they will change some days, so I entered them all and said drop the USDF GP freestyle and PSG USDF AA if need be. I saved $70 by entering early. The bill for two horses, stall and tack stall was $2600! Of course, that is n including hotel and everything else. "Luckily" we haven't been on any vacation for two years, so this is it.

And my friend from German has been waffling, but I think she will come! Moral support and someone to video wlll be great

I hope the fires back off. :( Show last weekend was the first time we've h smoke problems and it's been getting worse all week. I've got my HEPA filters going and the horses are on time off. The champs are in an iffy area--not the best or the worst, but the foothills can be pretty bad.

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Aug 20, 2021 5:44 pm

Good luck and keep us posted!

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby exvet » Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:27 pm

The best of luck and definitely let us know how it goes.

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Aug 21, 2021 1:56 am

How exciting!!! Let us know how it goes and enjoy!!

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Anne » Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:04 am

When is the show? Best of luck, and enjoy it with your 2 lovely mares!

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Re: Which classes should I enter for champs?

Postby Tanga » Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:48 pm

Thank you all. I will post videos if I can get them because I have help. The first show day is the 23rd of Sept., but I am going in on the 21st to make sure Quinn in particular is comfortable in the big ring and doesn't get all stiff for two days looking at things like she did last time.

I just hope, hope the fires don't start up. There was one near there a few days back and the AQI got to about 400 near there. It's been semi bad here a week, enough to give me headaches even though I have the HEPA on nonstop, but it's supposed to be getting better by tomorrow.

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