After some disruptions with injury (Annabelle) and sickness (Tesla), I am hoping for smooth sailing and a not-swamped/frozen arena for this 2-month period.
My winter goal for her is to solidify all the second level work and do and prepare for starting changes next summer/fall.
- In-hand work/long-lining 1x a week - I'd totally forgotten that I have a self-paced in hand course that I need to take more advantage of.
- Ride in the double 1x a week. Practice my rein-handling skills and keep her a little lighter in the bridle.
- Lots of canter transitions and counter canter. Keeping the RH snappy and develop that jump and straightness.
- Continue using lots of changes of bend SI/CSI/HI/Renvers/HP to supple her spine.
- Don't for get about reinback!
What I'll be able to do with her will depend on the weather, footing, and if the outdoor arena lights get installed. She does not think riding in the small indoor is a reasonable request, though I will be working on that once we get a little more consistency in the work in the outdoor arena.
- General obedience I can't force this one, but work towards fewer arguments each ride.
- A little in-hand work for her too.
- Develop basic lateral work at walk and trot.
- Don't force the canter, but be ready to encourage and accept when it's offered.
- Double lunging 2x a week to make sure she gets some mileage on that difficult right lead.
- Haul out at least 4x
As always, try to get some off-horse workouts and eat properly.
Do the Feldenkrais exercises and keep trying to sort out my tendency to collapse left.
Possibly schedule a session with the local biomechanics expert and see what she might recommend.
Work on timing of the aids and effective half-halts.
Keep my lower leg quiet, especially when riding Tesla.
Tesla has her trace clip and is ready to do this :