Aw, Chisamba...some days are tougher...hope some sleep helps. It seems lately has been hard on the pets. I lost my best cat late last month. She had some respiratory compromise (asthma vs cancer?) She just didn't respond to treatment and was spending way too much effort and energy moving air. She wasn't young but I wasn't ready for her to be gone either
Kyra seems to be on the mend though. The snot is disappearing but she is still doing some dry coughing. She never had a fever so I call it a horsie cold. I took her out today on the lunge and managed a couple trot circles each way through the sloppy snow and that got her coughing. So yep, still just some walking. We have had a bunch of snow...very cold then warmer and more snow and now warmer still so 6 inches of slop. Kyra is stocking up a lot...between the virus, standing so much and...kicking at the gelding next door and walloping the nice 3 inch steel pipe fence
(they had access to their runs for a couple days while it was cold) . Walking takes most of it down (what places you can find that are walk-able). It was warm today and supposed to be warm tomorrow (by winter standards) then it is supposed to get back into the teens at night. That is going to leave lots of nice ice.
Ugh...winter. Goal...back to riding as soon as conditions allow. She should be over her 'cold' by then
One thing that has been a little mystifying to me is that Kyra is shedding vigorously. I was like
. The days had barely started getting longer then it struck me...they leave the lights on in the barn during business hours which is at least 12hrs/day. Maybe she won't still look like a yak in May this year.
Still trying to kick myself into some weight loss. I am just not able to do much exercise right now with my sore hip (Dr appt late Jan). I need to ditch a lot of the carbs which is hard but I have to do it. In addition to losing a bunch of the carbs, I am going to do intermittent fasting. Finding that 16:8 should work most days. I think that will help too. I did it quite a while ago but it worked. I did 2 days fast, 5 days eating but am going to try the 16hrs fast, 8 hrs eating this time. I would get pretty cranky on those 2 days. Today was pretty easy so I hope that will be sustainable.
Happy riding for those that can.