Beach Rides! How to not die...

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Spotted at X

Beach Rides! How to not die...

Postby Spotted at X » Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:07 pm

So, I'm moving back to FL in Nov and really want to ride on the beach! (Consider it a bucket list item!)

But how do you make sure the waves won't freak your horse out? How do you make sure it's a good experience for both of you?



Re: Beach Rides! How to not die...

Postby Avola » Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:55 pm

Go with a friend who has a steady as a rock horse.
Go on a calm day, when the waves are small and break gently.
On the same note, avoid a windy day.
Stay away from the surf as much as you can the first few times.
Have fun.


Re: Beach Rides! How to not die...

Postby Niki » Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:39 am

As above generally mornings are calmer i find at beaches.

The beach for me/my friends is more a social fun session. We ride bareback/in halters and talk a lot. So there is generally a fair bit of standing around splashing in the water.

So personally my first trip (depending on the horse) i go with the goal of not riding and just hang out on the ground letting the horse absorb it all. Then i encourage them to play in the shallows etc. and build from there. I've found that even my hotter horses this way cope with it all and while my goal is not to get on unless they are calm i can't think of one i haven't vaulted on in the water with in 30 mins of getting there.

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Re: Beach Rides! How to not die...

Postby Code3 » Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:14 pm

My guy went for his first beach ride with two experienced horses. While he did prefer to have one of them between him and the ocean, he was calm and well-behaved. On the way back, he was okay being closest to the ocean. We never went into the water on this first trip.

Spotted at X

Re: Beach Rides! How to not die...

Postby Spotted at X » Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:53 am

Thanks everyone!

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