Please tell me it can stop

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Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tabby » Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:57 pm


I mean really. WTF is the world coming to?? Why is the POTUS defending Nazis and getting away with it? Is it possible that North Korea is the good guy? Why the hell did I type that? WTF is going on and is there anything can be done to change this course or is it too late? My dad fought in WW2 and so did many of my uncles, cousins and other relatives. They didn't all come home. Did they do this for nothing? Did we learn nothing from that era?

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby boots-aregard » Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:12 am

"We" didn't learn, no. We are humans, and apparently incapable of learning from the mistakes of others. We have to blunder ahead and repeat them all ourselves.

Trump can't abandon his base or they won't vote for him, and if THEY don't vote for him, who will? Who will come to his rallies if he calls the bigots out?

Dangerous, dangerous stuff. But I don't believe he is "getting away with it." He may kill us all in the process, but he's not "getting away with it." Doesn't have the brain power for that. He's just a frontman for bigger interests. Some proportion of our American neighbors elected a frontman.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tabby » Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:49 am

That's all you've got to say? He won't get away with it but we'll die so that's just that? Where did this insanity come from????

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Briarwood » Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:30 am

Racism, bigotry, white supremacists, the KKK, and the neo-nazi have been here all along. The election and re-election of Barack Obama,, imho, caused a rise in these groups. This president has empowered them since the announcement of his candidacy and now they feel so empowered they have taken off their white sheets, put on their nazi uniforms and march in the daylight. If I were a young black or hispanic person or an immigrant I would be afraid of what is happening in this country. As a senior white woman I am disheartened, disappointed and disgusted at what is happening. I realize that everyone who voted for this despicable person is not a racist, but all the racists did. That he thinks and acts the way he does is not a surprise. He showed that he had no moral character long before the election, yet many so hated Clinton they either voted for him or did not vote. And the country is now paying for this. That so many of the GOP still stand with him and beside him is something I will never understand. I just hope that something is done to remove him from office before it is too late for the country to recover, as least in part. And that Bannon, Gorka, and Miller are banished from any role of influence. Quite honestly, Stephen Miller scares the crap out of me.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby PaulaO » Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:22 pm

How the hell can we get rid of Trump? I cannot imagine anyone who voted for him defending his remarks last night (except for the KKK and neo-Nazis). It's a sad commentary that David Duke, the former "Grand Wizard" of the KKK thinks Trump is doing a bang-up job and quote "that's why I voted for him." It's also telling that many Republicans are either abandoning him or denouncing his current comments. The man is an embarrassment to the US and to the world. I was in Ireland and Scotland in June and EVERYONE I met said "I'm sorry that he is the president."

The Democratic party better get its act together and revive so they can put up a candidate that can be elected.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tabby » Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:31 pm

Do you really think he'll make it around to another election? I'm pretty sure there will be a war before then, if he's not assassinated, which would probably also cause a war.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby PaulaO » Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:40 pm

The issue with an assassination is that Pence will become president, and if possible, he's even more ignorant, prejudiced, and backwards than Trump. A huge problem is that Trump supporters refuse to acknowledge that Trump said/did anything wrong. They figure it's just a blip. I don't know who can lead the movement to get him out of office though. There is no one brave enough to start impeachment investigations.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Briarwood » Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:53 am

The GOP in Congress do not even have the courage to criticize him by name much less censure him. Impeach?! Doubt it will ever happen in a GOP controlled Congress. I just hope the Mueller investigations turn up something that even the GOP cannot stomach. Conversion-therapy advocate Pence is no prize. And I'd hate to see Paul Ryan be next in line!

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby PaulaO » Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:59 pm

Seems like not everyone in the GOP is backing Trump though. Many have come out against his latest call that "there are good people on both sides" of the Unite the Right gathering. Perhaps there will be enough erosion of the GOP to allow for The Orange One to slide off the edge of the cliff.

I never participate in political discourse but I really feel the need to speak out about this. I'm glad we can do it in a civil manner here.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby khall » Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:33 pm

Yet there are many GOP voters who are still happy with Trump even after this recent fiasco. See it all the time here in red state of Ga. It is all the fake news fault don't you know? Blowing it all out of proportion according to them.

How these people can think Trump is good for our nation is beyond me.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby ejm » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:23 am

The stock market dropped today. If that continues people will start paying attention.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Briarwood » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:33 pm

I doubt that many of the diehard trumpsters are invested in the stock market. jmho.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby PaulaO » Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:32 am

And now Bannon has resigned. The empire is crumbling.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Literiding » Sat Aug 19, 2017 2:31 pm

IMHO, (the standard Internet warning that trolling is about to occur) the problem is there is no integrity in the field of journalism. All news sites editors have allowed the need to garner income producing “clicks” to supersede the need for honesty and truthfulness of the stories on their sites. All the sites I use to rely on I now class as Infoentertainment sites. If you don’t believe me, try browsing the news sites with an ad blocker enabled on your web browser. 80% of the sites that test for the presence of ad blockers are “news” sites and I would guess 95% of the site that block further access if you don’t turn off the ad blocker are news sites. If the profession of journalism has a responsibility to inform, then a “news” site can’t deny access! We seem to have entered a second period of “Yellow Journalism.” What concerns me, is the competition for readers ($$$$) between William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer at the end of the 19th century was a significant cause of the Spanish American War of 1898.

There is an old saw, “Good government keeps most of the people happy most of the time.” Based on the various polling groups, Americans have been generally highly dissatisfied with government and the Federal government in particularly for the last 10 or 12 years. Neither party has been sensitive to that statistic. That Rep. Pelosi retained the House Whip position is a clear individual case that the parties are more responsive to donors with open check books than the general population. Both parties are fully guilty of this. This explanation is a fairly good analysis of the failure to replace or fix the Affordable Care Act. Donors are requiring specific solutions and the politicians are not compromising in order to keep their particular donor happy. This is a highly simplified explanation but I think it provides in 50 words or less explanation of the failure of the Republican Party to deal with a pressing need.

The lack of trust in the profession of journalism and the dissatisfaction with government provides an explanation of why the least qualified man to hold the Presidency in the last 75 years or so was elected and retains significant support. It’s not that he is a good leader or particularly able, but that he is not associated with the disliked political establishment and has the personal wealth to ignore the various Party Bosses. That he has a particularly bad case of “Foot in Mouth” disease provides lots of fodder for his opponents.

The failure of either the conservatives or the progressives to advance an agenda through normal legislative procedures has resulted in individuals, groups and elements of the local and state governments engaging in “Civil Disobedience,” i.e. the disregarding of elements of the U.S. Code of Law. General disregard of law cannot have a good ending! Would seem that the apocryphal Chinese curse is particularly germane now, “May you live in interesting times.” Even more ironic since one of the potential sources of war to end this period of journalism and/or political incompetence is with the Chinese.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Briarwood » Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:33 am

45 has not stopped and never will. He had a more to say about the NFL players peaceful display by kneeling than he had to say about the nazis and white supremacists marching in Charlottesville. And his supporters at his event cheered his hateful comments.

Personally, I hope every NFL player kneels at tomorrow's games when the anthem is played.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:47 am

The root problem is that people will vote Republican against their own interests. Until we have some sort of knowledge (not intelligence) test for voting, we are going to have the elite and ultra-elite classes taking advantage of working class folks. And IQ test would accomplish some of this but the real problem is these people simply can't tell facts from falsehoods. And they are skeptical of intellectuals. Neil deGrasse Tyson claims this is a very dangerous situation and I agree. ... e43a6425fa ... republican

What we are dealing with in this Congress is a bunch of traitors who are putting the GOP ahead of country. They must be voted out.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Briarwood » Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:59 am

Tsavo wrote:
What we are dealing with in this Congress is a bunch of traitors who are putting the GOP ahead of country. They must be voted out.

I totally agree with you. I just hope the DNC gets themselves together enough to put forth viable candidates and a real agenda.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:35 pm

Tsavo wrote:What we are dealing with in this Congress is a bunch of traitors who are putting the GOP ahead of country. They must be voted out.

Or do you feel the "traitors" are being labeled as such because their goals and objectives in Congress don't agree with yours?

It also scares me that you would support a "knowledge" test which must be passed prior to voting. How is that not elitist? How would that not color the results of elections given that someone must make up the questions determining "knowledge". I suspect someone could come up with a test you couldn't pass...

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:37 pm

Briarwood wrote:I totally agree with you. I just hope the DNC gets themselves together enough to put forth viable candidates and a real agenda.

A "real" agenda :lol:

The current POTUS had a "real" agenda that got him elected... look at the agenda now... why would I think any other candidate would be any more successful in making up an agenda worthy of electing and then sticking to it???

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:53 pm

WheresMyWhite wrote:
Tsavo wrote:What we are dealing with in this Congress is a bunch of traitors who are putting the GOP ahead of country. They must be voted out.

Or do you feel the "traitors" are being labeled as such because their goals and objectives in Congress don't agree with yours?

It also scares me that you would support a "knowledge" test which must be passed prior to voting. How is that not elitist? How would that not color the results of elections given that someone must make up the questions determining "knowledge". I suspect someone could come up with a test you couldn't pass...

Traitors like McConnell and Ryan don't protect people and try to take away their healthcare. They are death masters.

Traitors like Chaffetz waste time scheduling an investigation in why an NPS mailbox was labeled "Bears Ears" ~24 hours before it became a thing while Russian was stealing our election which Chaffetz ignored. Cravenness is now measured in units of "Chaffetzes". Ryan and McConnell get high scores.

We have been through a cyber invasion by a foreign power that probably changed the election results and few Republicans seem to want to investigate or prevent it happening in the future. How do you argue against a prima facie case for treason?

We have had a SCOTUS seat stolen and a theocrat seated. This guy had a decision unanimously if I recall overturned by the SCOTUS in real time DURING his nomination hearing. He is a horror of a human being. I wish there was a hell for McConnell to go to.

It is impossible to argue these are not treasonous acts where people are putting party ahead of country and the American people.

I believe you are a woman. Women voting Republican (i.e., for theocracy) is a wish to be a slave.
Last edited by Tsavo on Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Briarwood » Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:40 am

WMW: And I supposed you support 45's use of his position to make money off us taxpayers. And that he will not release his tax returns since they probably will prove all the lies he has told about his net worth, his charitable donations, and who he owes big bucks to. And do you believe that he really is capable of uniting the country despite his comments after Charlottesville, his failure to denounce the white supremacists, and his inability to recognize what freedom of speech means? Or, for that matter, that he really wants to unite the country. So far I see his agenda to be that of putting more money in his and his family's pockets at our expense. At what rally has he ever explained any details on healthcare or tax reform? Does he even know what is in the proposed healthcare bill? He just uses those rallies as opportunities to call people names, make more divisive statements and enjoy the cheers from his loyal supporters.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:18 pm

It is very easy to show that the GOP in Congress are traitors... there is enough now to impeach Trump yet they won't do it. Case CLOSED.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:08 pm

Where is that emoticon? emoji? beating one's head against one's desk...?

I'll bite... 45? WTF is that? I assume POTUS but have no idea where the reference came from...

Tsavo, who ever, ever said I voted Republican??? I never, ever have voted straight party lines nor will I ever. I vote for the candidate, that IMO, is the best for the job.

Fascinating how the Constitution is being "misinterpreted"...

Section 3 from the United States Constitution defines treason and its punishment.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Can you please clarify for my obviously incorrect interpretation, since it is supposed to be so easy to show, that the GOP in Congress are traitors.

What crimes has POTUS allegedly been accused of? Help me out here. I don't know; other than the crime of doing things you don't agree with...

FWIW, impeachment is analogous to an indictment in a regular court proceeding so even if POTUS (any POTUS) were to be impeached, they'd still be POTUS.

Frankly, I don't care about Trump's or anyone else's tax returns. Never said I voted for him so, as per usual, putting "words" in my mouth I never said.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:45 pm

WheresMyWhite wrote:Tsavo, who ever, ever said I voted Republican??? I never, ever have voted straight party lines nor will I ever. I vote for the candidate, that IMO, is the best for the job.

Okay while you are voting for the "best" candidate, would you say you voted Republican at least 95% of the time? :)

Fascinating how the Constitution is being "misinterpreted"...

Section 3 from the United States Constitution defines treason and its punishment.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Can you please clarify for my obviously incorrect interpretation, since it is supposed to be so easy to show, that the GOP in Congress are traitors.

What crimes has POTUS allegedly been accused of? Help me out here. I don't know; other than the crime of doing things you don't agree with... ... ump-663393

FWIW, impeachment is analogous to an indictment in a regular court proceeding so even if POTUS (any POTUS) were to be impeached, they'd still be POTUS.

Yes I meant impeachment plus conviction. Just impeachment accomplishes nothing so I assume people read it as impeachment plus conviction.

Frankly, I don't care about Trump's or anyone else's tax returns. Never said I voted for him so, as per usual, putting "words" in my mouth I never said.

You should care about his tax returns because they likely would shed light on his treason and emoluments. See first point about how often you vote GOP.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:15 am

Tsavo wrote:Okay while you are voting for the "best" candidate, would you say you voted Republican at least 95% of the time? :)

Actually, although none of your business really, no. In reality, less than 50% of the time... see what happens when you assume?

Tsavo wrote::// ... ump-663393

So the best you can do is quote someone else? Not capable of independent thought and expression? Pretty much when I am quoting it is for definition or clarification and in conjunction with my own words :) I was curious why *you* think congress is guilty of treason in your own words, not parroting "news" sources...

Tsavo wrote:I meant impeachment plus conviction. Just impeachment accomplishes nothing so I assume people read it as impeachment plus conviction.

There is that pesky 'assume' again :D

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:26 am

WheresMyWhite wrote:So the best you can do is quote someone else? Not capable of independent thought and expression? Pretty much when I am quoting it is for definition or clarification and in conjunction with my own words :) I was curious why *you* think congress is guilty of treason in your own words, not parroting "news" sources...

Are you kidding? I associate myself with these remarks. How's that? There is no need for independent expression when one is quoting an expert. Hello?

People have areas of expertise. Mine is not impeachment law and jurisprudence. I have to defer to experts. You should also.

Trump is obviously unfit. You know it and I know it. Every day that goes by when the Congress could impeach/convict and they don't is another day of traitorous activity. They are clearly putting party ahead of country. They are craven. You know it and I know it. The GOP leaders get many Chaffetzes for a score.

Let's not play games. Rational people don't play games about serious matters.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby boots-aregard » Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:28 pm

"It" may all stop when we end up in a thermonuclear war with Korea....

After all, borrowing from Bush's playbook, starting a war may be 45's "best" chance to get reelected.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:47 am

Tsavo wrote:Are you kidding? I associate myself with these remarks. How's that? There is no need for independent expression when one is quoting an expert. Hello?

People have areas of expertise. Mine is not impeachment law and jurisprudence. I have to defer to experts. You should also.

Just out of curiosity, what, in your eyes, makes someone an expert? Someone who voices an opinion you agree with?

Personally, I don't choose to 'defer to experts' just because they open their mouth; most of the time, I don't really know what constitutes "expert" :) . I never claimed to be an expert in much of anything, much less impeachment law and jurisprudence. If anything, I quoted references (yes, Wiki is not always the most accurate source) and asked how you arrived at your opinion. You appear to have arrived at your opinion by referencing people you agree with :) I've never really said if I thought POTUS should be impeached or was guilty of treason or unfit to serve.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Sat Sep 30, 2017 2:16 am

WheresMyWhite wrote:Just out of curiosity, what, in your eyes, makes someone an expert? Someone who voices an opinion you agree with?

Of course not. Let's not play games. Can we stick to the topic without these side shows? Only evidence and facts matter. If we can't agree on that then there is no point in conversing.

Personally, I don't choose to 'defer to experts' just because they open their mouth; most of the time, I don't really know what constitutes "expert" :) . I never claimed to be an expert in much of anything, much less impeachment law and jurisprudence. If anything, I quoted references (yes, Wiki is not always the most accurate source) and asked how you arrived at your opinion. You appear to have arrived at your opinion by referencing people you agree with :) I've never really said if I thought POTUS should be impeached or was guilty of treason or unfit to serve.

I arrive at opinions about matters I am not trained in by finding people who know what the hell they are talking about. Then I reference what they are saying.

Your feelings and vibes and my feelings and vibes are unlettered in this area. Therefore it isn't worth talking about.

By the way, you are the first person who I think I met who views being asked how they voted as a highly personal question that is possibly even rude to ask.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:45 pm

Tsavo wrote:By the way, you are the first person who I think I met who views being asked how they voted as a highly personal question that is possibly even rude to ask.

FWIW, most people I know do not ask how others vote :)

And yes, it is personal. If I choose to share, fine. Not anyone else's place to ask. For me, rates right up there with the busybodies who ask why I am in a wheelchair... complete strangers included. :shock: The one woman that I told was none of her business was very offended I didn't share :roll:

Since it doesn't appear that any "discussion" will be taking place here, I'll bow out, much, I am sure, to most of your satisfactions.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:57 pm

Speaking for myself, the only reason I would be reluctant to say how I voted was if I was ashamed.

I openly admit I voted twice for Perot which in hindsight, was not wise. But I admit I did it. That's about the worst I can say about by voting history.

People who voted Trump are getting less and less likely to admit it although some are throwing themselves on their sword to their great credit.

I am at a loss to think of a reason why you think being asked about voting is personal.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sat Sep 30, 2017 6:54 pm

Tsavo wrote:I am at a loss to think of a reason why you think being asked about voting is personal.

I'm at a loss why you think how I voted is any of *your* business... it isn't. Why do I need a reason? I can't recall ever being asked how I voted by someone else. If I've shared that information, it was voluntarily my choice and not at the request of someone else.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tarlo Farm » Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:05 pm

THE single most important year ahead of us is 2018. The House and/or Senate must change. Impeachment is not the answer; the Senate could choose to look the other way no matter what information the hearings uncovered.
Someone earlier referred to Pence as "ignorant". I'm afraid he's anything BUT ignorant. He might be everything else, and vile in his own way, but I'm afraid he's very capable and knowledgable of government ways. I also believe he would be so vile the GOP believes he'd definitely be a one-term president. Drumpf is/was a wildcard to them and their base.
Now the wildcard is too wild, even for them. As I write this, the tax plan is stalled due to the pending one trillion dollars it would add to the debt, and Drumpf is being quoted as saying a shut-down would be "good for me." Oh, and Tillerson is being shamed out of his job.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tarlo Farm » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:06 pm

Annnnnnnd we're back on the precipice of a shutdown. But Tillerson still has his job. But Bannon is declaring executive privilege (???) and has now at least three subpoenas directed at him and his documents. Oh, and I believe Hawaii's ballistic missile fiasco was an issue of a hacking into the system.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:09 pm

Just out of curiosity, can you cite any reputable sources that would validate it was a hack vs a mistake by a state employee?

Having asked that, you are certainly free to believe as you wish :)

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tarlo Farm » Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:53 pm

No, I can't. That's why I said "I believe". I also believe the fact Japan had a similar "mistake" a day later, albeit, one that only lasted four minutes instead of almost 40, lends credence to my suspicions. But absolutely, this is just a gut instinct.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Saddlebum » Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:48 pm

I'd like to jump in here as an aside and hope no one objects. I, as often as I can, ask people how they voted. There have been a few who were hesitant and it has gone both ways, hesitant if they voted for Trump and hesitant if they voted for Clinton. Their hesitation was because they too thought it was personal. But, everyone has always told me.

The reason I ask is to find out how those who voted for Trump justify their vote. So I follow it up with, why did you vote for him. This elicits a conversation. Although, I make it a point to never make them feel bad about their vote -- we are all entitled no matter what. Just fulfilling my courisity.

Some of the reasons have been mind blowing. Because Clinton did not divorce Bill when the Lewinski problem surfaced and she found out about it. Me: Is that a reason to vote for a person running for the highest office in the land???? Some of our best and favorite Presidents were highly immoral. But no matter, is that a justifiable reason for ones' vote? Another one: Because he was not a politician. Again, is THAT a reason to vote for a person running for the highest office in the land????? Me: 'Those' people run for Township positions, not President of the U.S.A. ??????????


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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:57 pm

FWIW, I consider how I voted my business and would choose to not share here or anywhere else how I voted and if/when you asked, I'd have told you the same thing.

You say that you don't intend to make people feel bad about how they voted; doesn't it, even if just a little, do that when you ask them to justify their choice? It would feel, to me anyway, that I'm being called on the carpet for my choice.

Yes, I vote. No, it's my business, not yours. :)

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Saddlebum » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:59 pm

I don't ask them to justify anything. I simply ask them why and end it there. The only time asking has created a conversation was when the person said they voted for Clinton. Then, ha, a conversation is started. If they say they voted for Trump, sometimes they continue on venting but I don't go any further.

Respecting the person's right to vote for whomever is enough.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Hot4Spots » Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:15 pm

Re" Treason: We are basically in a cyberwar with Russion and others, so.......

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Angfreda » Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:58 pm

WheresMyWhite wrote:FWIW, I consider how I voted my business and would choose to not share here or anywhere else how I voted and if/when you asked, I'd have told you the same thing.

You say that you don't intend to make people feel bad about how they voted; doesn't it, even if just a little, do that when you ask them to justify their choice? It would feel, to me anyway, that I'm being called on the carpet for my choice.

Yes, I vote. No, it's my business, not yours. :)

My bold

Asking you to explain or support the choice you made, or simply what choice you actually did make.... is not the same as asking you to justify it.
Not to me at least.
If you feel strongly enough about the positives of your candidate then even if the person is asking you to justify that vote, it should be pretty easy to support with details about their positions that you approved of, no?
Or not. And that's your choice too. If you voted for a candidate cause you like his hair color, well, that's your option too.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:06 pm

Trump voters realize they should be ashamed. Or they should know.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Saddlebum » Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:34 am

I agree with Angfreda about giving the reason 'why' vs 'justify it' are two different expections.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby WheresMyWhite » Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:28 pm

Why on earth are we resurrecting a post I made almost 10 months ago?

No, I'm still not discussing my politics with you :)

From Oxford Dictionary on 'justification'

The action of showing something to be right or reasonable.


Good reason for something that exists or has been done.

Seems to me that my stating 'why' would be my personal view of 'right' or 'reasonable' or 'good reason'. Just because you don't agree doesn't make me wrong.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Koolkat » Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:45 pm

I would assume that this is about "judgement". . . or lack thereof.

And perhaps from the side, "defensiveness". . . or lack thereof.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Tsavo » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:07 pm

It is easy to show that working class Reublicans vote against their own economic interests. In some cases they know this and are willing to do it for their "sacred" values which conduce to forcing their religious views on rational people.

So they have reasons that make sense to them but it doesn't excuse the theocracy because they wouldn't want some other religion foisted on them. They are hypocrites. And hypocrisy is wrong according to everyone.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Angfreda » Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:35 pm

I hope they get to the bottom of this bomber bologna quickly.
What an ugly mess.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby khall » Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:56 pm

No surprise middle aged white male tRump supporter.

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Canyon » Fri Oct 26, 2018 7:38 pm

SO glad the US agencies were able to track the apparent bomber down so quickly!

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Re: Please tell me it can stop

Postby Angfreda » Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:54 pm

khall wrote:No surprise middle aged white male tRump supporter.

Which one?

Political Opponent Bomber?
Anti-Semitic Murderer?
White Supremicist Grocery Store Executioner?

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