How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby boots-aregard » Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:53 pm

CanadianTrotter wrote:
Putting quotation marks around a word that is found in the dictionary and everyday language is just showing emphasis.

That is not how I understand it. As I understand it, emphasis is bolding, underlining or all capping. Putting quotes around a word found in a dictionary generally means "I'm not using that word the way it is commonly used".

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Rhianon » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:07 pm

boots-aregard wrote:
CanadianTrotter wrote:
Putting quotation marks around a word that is found in the dictionary and everyday language is just showing emphasis.

That is not how I understand it. As I understand it, emphasis is bolding, underlining or all capping. Putting quotes around a word found in a dictionary generally means "I'm not using that word the way it is commonly used".

Sorry, can't resist the punctuation and usage side-track! :lol: Quotation marks can be used for ironical meaning, but I doubt an editor would ever suggest using them for emphasis. This Wiki explanation is a good summary of my understanding:

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby CanadianTrotter » Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:01 pm

Rhianon wrote:
boots-aregard wrote:
CanadianTrotter wrote:
Putting quotation marks around a word that is found in the dictionary and everyday language is just showing emphasis.

That is not how I understand it. As I understand it, emphasis is bolding, underlining or all capping. Putting quotes around a word found in a dictionary generally means "I'm not using that word the way it is commonly used".

Sorry, can't resist the punctuation and usage side-track! :lol: Quotation marks can be used for ironical meaning, but I doubt an editor would ever suggest using them for emphasis. This Wiki explanation is a good summary of my understanding:

Lol... I should have explained myself better but was in a rush to get out and finish my yard work in this glorious 21C weather before it got too dark.

I personally put quotation marks around words I want to emphasize since I have been using this IPAd and have found it difficult to highlight anything in order to bold or underline it. I don't cap anything because I have seen people get accused of shouting.. so I put quotation marks around any word I want to emphasize.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby CanadianTrotter » Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:12 pm

Chancellor wrote:CT- I can't even remotely follow your last post nor do I think I want to. This was a debate and ONLY a debate and now I feel like you are trying to turn it into something sinister.

Yes, I know from what IP address you registered. Of course, for all I know, you used a few proxies and maybe I don't really know your IP address.....Maybe you are in fact, sitting right next to me as I type this....but no one (that I know of) is sitting next to me.....maybe you are a ghost next to me...Maybe you are in fact a reincarnated person and you are actually one of my dogs at home. Or maybe you are the cat?

Please don't twist words CT. If you are looking for a sinister motive, it will all be made up in your head as I have no sinister motive. I met a TON of great people through the UDBB and I have the know how to make a bulletin board. I have the time to do so. My motive is to see an internet community continue. That's it. If, eventually, I can sell some advertising on the site, that would be great. This site is not free for me although it is cheaper than when Mark was running the board.

You said...

"Nobody can know who you are in real life from this board(unless they are a moderator of course)"

So I asked you how you would know who anyone is in real life because you are a moderator. You replied , "there are always "breadcrumbs" that a "tech savvy person can follow to figure out who you are".

Does my IP tell you my real name? Does my IP leave breadcrumbs that you as a moderator can follow and eventually find out my real name, address, information, etc... that would tell you who I am in real life?

Absolutely nothing sinister in what I am asking... I am only asking for an explanation to what you said. Your answer made me feel that my private "real life" information isn't safe or private from you as a moderator.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby viscountessleftfield » Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:20 pm

Many photos now have the longitude/latitude attached, so it's not that hard to search backwards with that info and find people.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby lorilu » Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:51 am

I guess I missed something. UDBB is still up? How? Where? "at it's old IP "? huh?

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Code3 » Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:54 am

digihorse wrote:
Lastly: It is NOT about who views the content. It is about who CONTROLS the content. This seems to be the part where people get lost. The IP is posted to be viewed. But even on twitter and facepuke, you can delete content and control access. You have control

Brilliant summation.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby M&M » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:35 am

Does anybody here not know who Quelah is?

What about when posters lost there access on UDBB and had to come back as someone else? Like Aregard/Boots? For awhile people didn't know who Boots was. Ok, we did, because it was listed on the right side underneath her new name. But I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Strangers could have read what Quelah wrote on UDBB. And Digi's opinion aside, from a theoretical POV, I don't get the difference and the big deal about here instead of on UDBB.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby CanadianTrotter » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:18 pm

The difference is that Quelah posted her story on the UDBB herself and she was in control of it.

If people want the story on here, why doesn't someone from here contact her and ask Quelah for her permission?

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:22 pm

AGAIN, IN THEORY, the original posters COULD be in control of it here as well. So, that argument seems weak.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:33 pm

Chancellor wrote:AGAIN, IN THEORY, the original posters COULD be in control of it here as well. So, that argument seems weak.

There was no clear understanding of who had the UDBB TF, where it was being used, and a notice to all UDBB members with enough time to delete the content, should they wish. I was not under the impression that the UDBB TF would be "editable".

And I agree with Digi- it's not about who reads along, it's about who has control.

The fact that mods might be able to track us (though I don't fully understand this) is further confo that I want to go elsewear. Too many grey areas.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ponichiwa » Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:11 pm

The mods-can-figure-out-who-you-are discussion is a red herring with respect to the OP. It doesn't mean that the conversation isn't worth having, but it has nothing to do with hosting UDBB content or respecting IP laws.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:29 pm

Ryeissa wrote:
The fact that mods might be able to track us (though I don't fully understand this) is further confo that I want to go elsewear. Too many grey areas.

Then I suggest staying off the internet.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Dreamer » Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:51 pm

I'm trying very hard to understand what is worrisome to those who want to control their content. Can you give me a real life example of something that you posted on the old UDBB that worries you. Also, did you feel it was safer on the old UDBB for some reason? Is it because you post something and then later change your mind and no longer want it viewable? I am not trying to be snarky but am only trying to understand. I fully understand the examples of artwork or photos created that you don't want copied but for conversations like we have on this and the old UDBB, I don't understand.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:06 pm

Dreamer, I'm in the same boat....trying to understand what the issue is. If it is "just because" that's fine too obviously. But curious about other viewpoints which is why I started this thread.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:20 pm

Dreamer wrote:I'm trying very hard to understand what is worrisome to those who want to control their content. Can you give me a real life example of something that you posted on the old UDBB that worries you. Also, did you feel it was safer on the old UDBB for some reason? Is it because you post something and then later change your mind and no longer want it viewable? I am not trying to be snarky but am only trying to understand. I fully understand the examples of artwork or photos created that you don't want copied but for conversations like we have on this and the old UDBB, I don't understand.

I already answered this-- yes, I have been bullied and don't want any personal info out there to be used as ammo.

I realize that mods don't always communicate how things are being stored/accessed-- such as the "tracking IPS"- what does that mean to me, as a user? Explain how you are going to protect my data, if at all.

It's safer to not have any property to "protect", and I only share personal details with close friends. I have like 15 people on my "share" list on FB, though I have many more friends than that.

I hardly post on FB as far as my life-- if there are questions if THAT is safe with more of a clear "terms and conditions" then how much less would I trust this board?

People here aren't trained in data security or internet stuff (that I know of). I don't think that is always a BAD thing, and I applaud efforts to keep it going... it's just that I don't trust volunteers to be aware of the details. THings are so much more complicated than when I joined UDBB in 07. I know more of the bad side

I just had a huge "WTF" moment when people took the TF-- I didn't realize it was possible to do that--- what else can people do? Not feeling secure with it, that's all.

You choice to post about your affairs, medical issues, sex life, fiances... I'll just read along ;)
Last edited by Ryeissa on Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:33 pm

Actually, I am trained in data security and internet stuff. As is my husband and my partner in this project. But what happened with the training forum can absolutely happen here.
I had some BIG lessons in data security. Specifically wireless network security. It was some scarey stuff. CNBC actually did a story with one of the guys that my husband used to work with.

Sadly this is the strange new world we live in. And now I think I have just committed plagiarism using "strange new world"

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Rhianon » Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:12 pm

I've been reading this discussion with great interest because as a writer my income depends on royalties on books sold. IOW, making sure that people who use my work pay for it.

To me there are two separate issues (a) maintaining control of what you consider private information, and (b) ensuring financial compensation for material you consider your intellectual property. Both of these issues are facing social and legal challenges as a result how we choose to apply new technologies--be it CCTV, GPS monitoring, or online tracking.

In the grand scheme of human cultures, the right to personal privacy is a relatively new idea. In the middle ages, for example, it was considered highly suspicious if the lord dined in private quarters. What was he doing that others couldn't see? And in a village everybody knew everybody's business. When you all sleep in one room, nothing much is private. I'm really interested to see if we'll become a post-privacy culture.

My personal approach is to try very hard not to write, say, or post anything I wouldn't want on a billboard outside my house for all the world to see. Even so, something re-used out of context could come back to bite me, or I could regret something said in a fit of pique. :oops: And I do recall adjusting my underwear in the corner of an indoor car park and then noticing the camera pointed right at me ...

As for my intellectual property--my books. In writing a book I take ideas and information from a variety of places and re-package them in a way that is original enough to be considered a unique work. I copyright it to make it plain that I own this work. When it was just a paper book it was all pretty straightforward. You buy a book, you have the right to that single copy. You can read it, loan it, use it line the birdcage. You may not copy it. You may not claim you wrote it.

But things have changed. The first big shift was when photocopiers started showing in libraries. So now in addition to my royalties I get payments from an outfit called Access Copy, which is a fee libraries and universities, etc., pay to authors based on use of their books. It acknowledges that copying will happen regardless of laws, and it is at least some compensation for the author. Now, increasingly, publishers are asking for other online and repackaging rights. For example, to take pieces of my books to put in databases. Is that database a new original work? I dunno. It's complicated, and I don't think we know yet where it is going.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby KathyK » Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:06 pm

Chancellor wrote:Ryeissa,
Actually, I am trained in data security and internet stuff. As is my husband and my partner in this project. But what happened with the training forum can absolutely happen here.
I had some BIG lessons in data security. Specifically wireless network security. It was some scarey stuff. CNBC actually did a story with one of the guys that my husband used to work with.

Sadly this is the strange new world we live in. And now I think I have just committed plagiarism using "strange new world"

Only if you name another pretty bad movie with that title, lol.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby digihorse » Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:31 pm

Snork wrote:
digihorse wrote:I've already, publicly called Chris Vinson on allowing others to steal content from the old UDBB site. Which he continues to allow by keeping the site up at its old IP. He is the first infringer by right of removing the access of the authors to remove their content from that site.

You need to take a good, hard look at the definition of libel digihorse. As a general rule it is a *very* bad idea to publicly claim people have committed illegal acts when that just might not be true.

I am the person whom is infringed. It is upon me to name those who I believe have infringed on my rights and to give them "notice" of same which is effectively a public "Cease and Desist" letter. I have done so in the venues open to do so. First on the UDBB itself, and then here, on Chance's site, where subsequent infringers have stated their intent to use and post to other locations, copyrighted content to which they have no permission to so use.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:43 pm

NO ONE is allowed to post ANYTHING from UDBB here on this site. Have I not made that clear digihorse? Have I not removed anything that HAS been posted here?
If you feel you have been wronged by someone, please take it up with them directly. I would really like all this threatening to stop.
UDBB is gone. You guys got your way. This is a new board and has NO LINK to UDBB.

This is a public cease and desist notice to you Digihorse. Please stop bringing your lawsuit discussions to this board about UDBB. That is between you and someone else and has nothing to do with this board.

Quite honestly, there is another BB that sprung up with similar topics of hosting that content. Why are THEY not the recipient of this vitriol? Why are you singling THIS board out?

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:42 pm

Chancellor wrote:NO ONE is allowed to post ANYTHING from UDBB here on this site. Have I not made that clear digihorse? Have I not removed anything that HAS been posted here?
If you feel you have been wronged by someone, please take it up with them directly. I would really like all this threatening to stop.
UDBB is gone. You guys got your way. This is a new board and has NO LINK to UDBB.

This is a public cease and desist notice to you Digihorse. Please stop bringing your lawsuit discussions to this board about UDBB. That is between you and someone else and has nothing to do with this board.

OP here:

Chancellor wrote:In all this mess with UDBB closing down and the two new boards springing up, I am curious. Do YOU think that if you post something on a public bulletin board like this one or UDBB, that this is still your intellectual property. This topic is not about what the law says so much as YOUR opinions. Anyone can look up what the law says :-)

^^^ hold on a sec there, Chancellor. You posted this original post asking for our opinions. DIgi is commenting on the UDBB SINCE YOU yourself asked about this.... ?? I don't get why you are so angry, don't allow any threads OR START THEM yourself on your new forum.

This board and FB is really running hot and cold with the mods. I think it's a hard job, but doing it in this rush fashion has been really inconsistent. People with the unpolular view are suddenly "ruining it for everyone else"...Also being banned form UDBB on FB for the littest things, and allowing Kasette in really upset me. Off topic, but to me they are relevant ideas. (I wasn't banned, but I know people who were, I choose to leave)

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Snork » Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:58 pm

I think you misunderstood what Chance is saying Reyissa. I don't believe Chance has a problem with opposing opinions, and i also don't read her post that people who have opposing opinions are the ones ruining it for everyone. And i think it was the same for UDBB on FB.

It is the constant threats of litigation that Chance doesn't want or need but some posters seem hell bent to bring here.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:09 pm

Sorry I was not clear.
I posted this topic specifically because I was curious about what people considered intellectual property. It is strictly theoretical. Actually, I am trying to learn about an opposing opinion here. I have already stated that I don't consider anything intellectual property that I post on UDBB.

HOWEVER, it feels to me like digihorse is making my theoretical discussion somehow about posting content from the UDBB here. It is not and I have stated it over and over again. I am trying very hard to be very clear that this has nothing to do with that. Perhaps in my trying to be clear, it is coming off as angry. I am not.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ezra » Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:14 pm

Intellectual property is I own anything I create.
If I post it on a bulletin board, then I fully expect it to be read and discussed. I don't expect to see it copied and pasted around the Internet, although it is a risk I take. I wouldn't post anything on a board I intended to use for commercial purposes.

As far as the UDBB issue goes, I have no problem with the board being sold and the content used for the same purpose - another bulletin board. I have no problem with the content being up and available to copy, because it always has been and it's a risk I took knowingly. I would have issues if the content was sold for a different purpose, such as to make a book out of it, because that's not a choice I made.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chisamba » Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:47 pm

It sort of amuses me. People quite favorite passages from training books often. If I bought and read a book, I feel freely able to try the exercise described therein, and share it. I am sure, over the years and decades of riding, there are times that I no longer even remember where I learned a particular exercise.

Should I live in perpetual fear that one day I will be teaching an exercise and some one will jump out of the bushes and hit me with a lawsuit for stealing their exercise....?

At what point does a learned skill, be it an auto mechanic, writing code, doing neurosurgery, or riding a horse become yours?... You learned it from some one, refined it with hello is others, maybe added your own skills...

The same is true of "intellectual property". Your ability to form a word or speak a language is not even yours,

Well anyway, the rest of it is all that weirdly human stuff we get so wound up about.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby digihorse » Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:50 pm

Chancellor wrote:Sorry I was not clear.
I posted this topic specifically because I was curious about what people considered intellectual property. It is strictly theoretical. Actually, I am trying to learn about an opposing opinion here. I have already stated that I don't consider anything intellectual property that I post on UDBB.

HOWEVER, it feels to me like digihorse is making my theoretical discussion somehow about posting content from the UDBB here. It is not and I have stated it over and over again. I am trying very hard to be very clear that this has nothing to do with that. Perhaps in my trying to be clear, it is coming off as angry. I am not.

Sorry Chance. You misunderstand what I posted. I was responding to Snork's threat that I was guilty of Libel. I am not.

I do not believe YOU or DDBB are guilty of infringing. I believe there were members of UDBB who joined DDBB, who posted their intent to do so on this board, and, I understand from others, on Facebook. As I do not have an account on Facebook, nor do I intend to have one, I posted my claim here, to deter them from further action.

No where in my statements have I said that I was in process to sue any one, including you. I have done nothing but state my rights to my IP. There may be others, behind the scenes, who are involved with lawsuits whom are being confused with me. I have no idea as I am not party to that information. Just as I am not party to the goings on on the UDBB Facebook group.

regarding what people consider: What they consider is completely irrelevant to the law. If people did the right thing, and had respect for others, the problems would not exist. Respect for others and their lives and self and property is hard to come by today. It has been thrown under the bus. For me, respecting IP is about respecting the person to whom it belongs. No more complicated than that.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:24 pm

Thank you Digi, for the explanation. We shall consider that closed then.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ezra » Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:55 pm

Chisamba wrote:It sort of amuses me. People quite favorite passages from training books often. If I bought and read a book, I feel freely able to try the exercise described therein, and share it. I am sure, over the years and decades of riding, there are times that I no longer even remember where I learned a particular exercise.

Should I live in perpetual fear that one day I will be teaching an exercise and some one will jump out of the bushes and hit me with a lawsuit for stealing their exercise....?

At what point does a learned skill, be it an auto mechanic, writing code, doing neurosurgery, or riding a horse become yours?... You learned it from some one, refined it with hello is others, maybe added your own skills...

The same is true of "intellectual property". Your ability to form a word or speak a language is not even yours,

Well anyway, the rest of it is all that weirdly human stuff we get so wound up about.

Ah, but it's how you put the words together. I volunteered for a major dressage event here, and was checking tickets at the door. I wrote a post describing the experience, and some of the reasons people gave for not having tickets.

"It's in my tack box"
"Good, your tack box can come in, but you can't"
"It's in my truck"
"Your truck can come in, but it can only take one seat"

Someone thought it was funny and it was published in a newsletter. The person knew me on the forum, and through mutual friends. It would have been no effort to contact me and ask permission and give me a writing credit. She chose not to. I object to that.

You learn it, add your own skills and create something of your own. Are you saying that authors and artists are not entitled to payment and recognition for their work?

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby M&M » Sat Nov 07, 2015 4:30 am

Digi, I consider myself to be a good person and a moral person. I'm still trying to figure out why, BEFORE any of these discussions, taking somebody's story from UDBB, let's say for example, the famous truck thread, was disrespectful. Once people said they didn't want that to happen, it then became disrespectful to continue. (And yes, I did get some of the favorite stories and posted them elsewhere, before all this came up. Why did I do it? Because it never occurred to me that it was wrong, legally or morally.)

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby AirsAboveNC » Sat Nov 07, 2015 4:51 am

M&M wrote:Because it never occurred to me that it was wrong, legally or morally.

You didn't try to pass it off as your own, so I'm not sure that it WAS wrong.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby digihorse » Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:57 pm

M&M wrote:Digi, I consider myself to be a good person and a moral person. I'm still trying to figure out why, BEFORE any of these discussions, taking somebody's story from UDBB, let's say for example, the famous truck thread, was disrespectful. Once people said they didn't want that to happen, it then became disrespectful to continue. (And yes, I did get some of the favorite stories and posted them elsewhere, before all this came up. Why did I do it? Because it never occurred to me that it was wrong, legally or morally.)

Thank you for the kindly worded question. Your statement "Because it never occurred to me that it was wrong, legally or morally" is a problem of the internet, and has been for the over 15 years that people have been using it. They forgot all that they were taught (if they were taught) in school about copyright, plagiarism and such. Because you had to physically perform "copy" actions, it stuck with you that you were doing something "wrong".

Enter the Internet. All of a sudden, you could link to things... images you liked, copy words from web sites and posts on forums and NewChats... COOL! Except, that the same laws applied. Some of us have been fighting this the whole time. As an Systems Engineer/Geek, I have to make sure the code that is used/included in a project has the proper licensing/assertions of ownership. Pay the fees that are due for that licensing. Make sure that others in a company I'm responsible for do the same. I was reading a blog post yesterday on I/O for Linux Kernels and the author, quoted something from a forum post. But he did the RIGHT thing and first, asked permission of the author, and then sited the author as the AUTHOR(assertion) and that he had been granted permission to copy the material and post it on his blog. That is the RIGHT way to accomplish the task. Ok...

Now, we understand that the posts/writings are "property" of an individual. Same as lets say flowers in someone's front yard. Would you believe that it was "right" to go and pick those flowers just because they were in view in the front yard, without asking permission to do so? No, you wouldn't. (or I would hope you wouldn't). You would admire them, knock on the door and ask how you might acquire the same and perhaps the home owner would happily say, oh please take some to adorn your table.

Re: the Truck thread. Yes, it is hilarious. But think of this. That thread, taken out of context, to a new location, such as Facebook. where the original author may not even know it exists, but there it is. Somehow, that content, which is more than a little "racey" and is downright porn in a sneaky way finds it way "out" of a supposedly protected area. Now... someone who is a teacher, whose "handle" becomes known, is found to have posted comments on that thread. You do realize that could be grounds for dismissal. So "your" response is .... but they could do that on UDBB too. Yes.... IF, they thought to look on a dressage based horse forum for that information. But, within that were/are anonymous names. Once that information is attached to a "person" on Facebook, its not much for nasty people to go hunting and figure out who the posters are, especially if they want to do damage. And that person may well have nothing to do with horses. Just with the people IRL.

So, taking posts from the old UDBB and posting them to other locations, may have consequences far beyond what "you" may believe possible in your "innocent" act. "You" add danger and an element of risk (of reputation, employment, physical wellbeing) to those authors, that they were never consulted on or asked, whether or not they were willing to undertake. That disrespects those authors and their property, and their self. That action is not "yours" to take.

Sorry for the long one. There is a difference between IP rights, and what is public versus private that people confuse... an awful lot in this new brave world of Social Media. The two are not the same and never will be. And lastly, this is about taking that content and posting it somewhere other than where the original author had put it.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Wicky » Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:25 pm

Thank you Digi for another very well worded explanation of the issues. Reminds me of when I posted a link to an exercise on KM's web page and got blasted here for recommending an exercise that someone would have to pay for. :roll:

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Sat Nov 07, 2015 9:54 pm

Of course, digihorse's long explanation does not completely explain why posting anything from UDBB to DDBB is such an issue either. AGAIN, in theory.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Wicky » Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:40 pm

Well, in theory, let's see if I understand the law. The default regarding posting on the internet, in the law, is that unless the terms of use include a release, the intellectual property remains with the poster. Moving it to another place, an action which the original site terms did not include, which moves it out of the control of the poster, is not legal. Ignorance of the law is not a defense - if you didn't know that using your radar detector in a neighboring state was illegal, do you get a pass on the ticket?

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby CanadianTrotter » Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:07 am

Chancellor wrote:Of course, digihorse's long explanation does not completely explain why posting anything from UDBB to DDBB is such an issue either. AGAIN, in theory.

You keep saying, "In theory".

There is nothing "theoretical" about this issue... there is only reality.

Also, I reaf your sticky about no content from the UDBB to be posted here. You mentioned, "As is often the case. A few people ruin it for all".

There are more than "just a few" people on here that believe in and want protection of their intellectual property.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ezra » Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:16 am

The information was posted on a bulletin board. It's there under the posters name, and available to anyone who wants to see it.
The original poster still controls that post - they can edit or remove it at any time.
What changes, if the hosting platform changes and the information comes over here?
The original poster loses that control.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Code3 » Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:39 am

CanadianTrotter wrote:
Chancellor wrote:Of course, digihorse's long explanation does not completely explain why posting anything from UDBB to DDBB is such an issue either. AGAIN, in theory.

You keep saying, "In theory".

There is nothing "theoretical" about this issue... there is only reality.

Also, I reaf your sticky about no content from the UDBB to be posted here. You mentioned, "As is often the case. A few people ruin it for all".

There are more than "just a few" people on here that believe in and want protection of their intellectual property.

I'm getting the definite impression those of us who feel this way are not welcome here.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:47 am

Ezra wrote:The information was posted on a bulletin board. It's there under the posters name, and available to anyone who wants to see it.
The original poster still controls that post - they can edit or remove it at any time.
What changes, if the hosting platform changes and the information comes over here?
The original poster loses that control.

Yes, exactly.
I would not have been so concerned if the person taking the training forum would have brought it up ON UDBB itself prior to the shut down to notify of being transferred, with the explicit permission of he owner. And the ability to remove posts of those who wanted to op out.
This vague suggestion after the fact made me feel weird.
Copyright, property, permission are all important to me.
Im no expert on what is legal, I just didn't go for this. Which us funny because I found the training forum so helpful and valuable. I applaud the effort but not the manner in which things were communicated.
I'd be ok with a private copy of the forum, like a google doc, but was told that was not possible.

So who has it anyway?

I feel that those who are concerned are the minority.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:50 am

Chancellor wrote:Of course, digihorse's long explanation does not completely explain why posting anything from UDBB to DDBB is such an issue either. AGAIN, in theory.

Of course it explains it, not sure why the misunderstanding...?
Its not just her theory. Matches what I read, but no expert.
Mods should be impartial and stay out of these threads, jmho.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby M&M » Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:18 am

Canadian Trotter, it is in theory, because nothing from there will be posted here - or if it is, the mods will delete it. Nothing from there will be accepted here. Therefore, this is a theoretical discussion - or is intended to be. For the sake of argument, assume that there were no illegalities. Those who find it disturbing are not only citing the legalities as why they find it distressing. The reasons aside from the legalities are what I, and I believe Chancellor, are interested in discussing.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby M&M » Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:38 am

And also, just to clarify, I would never have posted any of the UDBB threads anywhere except places where membership is limited to UDBB members, or here, which I still consider to be virtually a continuation of UDBB.

Yes, people who were never on UDBB can join here, but they could have joined UDBB also. Nor would I if Chris Vinson hadn't posted whatever it was he said - something like "save what you want before UDBB goes away."

I am starting to understand the issue. Digi, it feels to me like it isn't plagiarism, because I'm not claiming any of this work as my own. I definitely get the part about not being able to control the info. And I get that there are, in general, more losses to authors and artists than in previous times, because of the internet and the ease of sharing information. In other words, if I went back to my 6th grade teacher, who was the first to talk to us about plagiarism, she might have a thing or two to say.

When I owned my restaurant, I made mixed CDs to play, but I also paid for a subscription - a commercial subscription - to Sirius, in order to cover me for royalties. I mention that simply to illustrate than if it looks to me like stealing from an artist, I don't do it, even if it's easy to pull it off.

This didn't look like it to me, and honestly, it would be easier for me to understand the others' point of view if people could stick to discussing it theoretically.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:28 pm

Code3 wrote:
CanadianTrotter wrote:
Chancellor wrote:Of course, digihorse's long explanation does not completely explain why posting anything from UDBB to DDBB is such an issue either. AGAIN, in theory.

You keep saying, "In theory".

There is nothing "theoretical" about this issue... there is only reality.

Also, I reaf your sticky about no content from the UDBB to be posted here. You mentioned, "As is often the case. A few people ruin it for all".

There are more than "just a few" people on here that believe in and want protection of their intellectual property.

I'm getting the definite impression those of us who feel this way are not welcome here.

Code3, no. Those who feel differently are more than welcome here. I really don't have a problem with that. My statement about a few ruining it for all has to do with possible litigation going on. And how that possible litigation could ruin the whole BB format.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby clanter » Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:50 pm

let me throw a wrench into this mess, since a poster's name isn't trademarked how do we know a poster from one board to another is the same person ?.... surely it is not because the name is same as that isn't a guarantee... the name used belongs to who ever registered it first with that board even if it was used by some one else on a prior board

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:24 pm

That is also a good point clanter!

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby clanter » Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:40 pm

Chancellor wrote:That is also a good point clanter!

now which clanter is that ? :lol:

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:54 pm

clanter wrote:let me throw a wrench into this mess, since a poster's name isn't trademarked how do we know a poster from one board to another is the same person ?.... surely it is not because the name is same as that isn't a guarantee... the name used belongs to who ever registered it first with that board even if it was used by some one else on a prior board

Good point.

Also on COTH for example you can have more than 1 username, which gets really confusing when "houseguests" show up, people make alters to hide identity, etc. (I understand a sensitive topic might need an alter)

One rather train-wrecky thread had a Pony Owner who wasn't really the owner pretend to be someone she wasn't.... many of us caught on, but it was a weird thread.

People make up profiles on FB too, but you can sort out quickly who isn't real.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Code3 » Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:20 pm

Chance, as far as I remember you and I have never butted heads so this isn't personal. But when you write: "In case it isn't crystal clear, please do not post any content from UDBB to DDBB. This is a completely separate board.
There are too many people threatening litigation if content from UDBB is posted here.

Even if we don't agree with it, it can't be done. Sorry guys. I wish we could too.

By all means, please PM me if you have any questions regarding this rule. As is often the case, a few people ruin it for all.

DDBB is a completely separate entity with no ties to the former UDBB. As such, we would like to remain separate from any pending or future litigation regarding the former UDBB." it feels pretty unwelcoming.

Some of the people accused of threatening litigation have denied it. They have said they are just pointing out the issue. Now maybe you know something I don't. Still not wise to put such things on an internet bulletin board. Nowhere in your sticky do you acknowledge there is an issue, you just blame the people bringing up the issue. To me it feels as if those pointing out the cliff are getting blamed for the existence of the cliff. And posts like the sticky tell us all we could be the future subject of a sticky saying we are part of the few who ruin it for all. That is not a welcoming statement. Not to mention 6c getting banned.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Chancellor » Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:33 pm

Code3- thank you for your heartfelt answer. I do appreciate the time and effort you have put into writing this.

I am not the one being sued. Others are. But it could set a precedent for others. The people suing others (again, not me) are the ones who could ruin it for all.
I will revise my statement on that sticky.
Actually, if you really want to know, this thread HAS changed my mind. I don't think it would be fair to host content from the UDBB here anymore. Clanter's statement was actually the final straw that changed my opinion.

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Re: How do YOU define Intellectual Property?

Postby Code3 » Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:47 pm

Chancellor, thank you for your gracious reply. I truly appreciate it.

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