Why the Hillary hate?

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Why the Hillary hate?

Postby stella » Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:53 pm

It seems that there is so much opposition to her, and I have no idea why.

The 'pubs don't seem to have a viable candidate but hate Hillary. Why?

If it's because you think she's "A LIAR", please back up your position.

For me, I think she's a very good candidate and I love her family values. She worked through the very thing that destroys marriages. Infidelity. Her and Bill seem stronger than ever now.


Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby MaggieMae » Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:04 pm

One could ask the same question, why all the republican candidate hate. It seems to be the trend these days that you ("g" you) can't simply disagree with someone, you (again "g" you) have to hate them with every fiber of your being! :)

I don't hate Hillary. I just don't agree with most of her ideas, opinions, and policies. I don't agree that she has any family values and I personally don't think her and Bill are stronger than ever. They need to appear that way for the sake of politics. I feel like Hillary is fake and manipulative. I feel like she expects everything to go her way all the time and will throw a tantrum if it doesn't. But at the same time, a lot of politicians seem to be that way these days! So mainly it boils down to I don't agree with her views, and I don't think she would be good for this country. I disagree the "pubs don't have a viable candidate. I think several of them, while not perfect (no one is perfect), would be a much better choice than Hillary. The republicans closer match my personal views so of course they are going to be more appealing to me than Hillary.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby clanter » Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:00 pm

stella wrote:For me, I think she's a very good candidate and I love her family values. She worked through the very thing that destroys marriages. Infidelity. Her and Bill seem stronger than ever now.

well I was sort of with you until Family Values was torn under the bus and run over maybe six seven, eight, nine or ten times, I guess you wanted a reaction other wise poor old Buddy wouldn't have been brought up (may he rest in peace)....

Her family values start with George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Ulysses S. Grant but she appears to really like William McKinley, Grover Cleveland, James Madison, Salmon P. Chase and Woodrow Wilson.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Red Barn » Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:38 pm

I'm not a Republican, and never have been a Republican, but I "hate" Hillary because she represents everything I detest about today's Democratic Party:

~ Supposedly opposed Bush on the Iraq invasion, but happily served under Obama's expansion of the illegal drone war.
~ Claims to champion the "middle class" and environmentalism, but supported NAFTA, and is now squirrely on the TPP.
~ Makes occasional, ineffectual noises about regulating banksters, but is the very darling of Wall Street.
~ Is supposedly "Liberal", but apparently has no problem with NSA spying, the repression of the press, and Obama's truly heinous war on whistleblowers.

How is this traitorous jerk any better than Jeb or Mitt? Clearly, she's not, but she's making bank on the pretense of somehow being more "progressive". Pretty puke-worthy, I'd say.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby M&M » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:12 am

Clanter, I don't understand your post. Why the reference to Buddy? And why the presidents and generals and I-don't-know-who-Samuel-Chase-was in reference to her family values?

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby clanter » Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:57 am

Samuel-Chase is on the $100.000 bill, her most favorite family member .... she and her husband are a massing a fortune through any means necessary

Buddy once not needed as a focal point to present to the nation a common folks family, we are one of you, was dispatched.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby musical comedy » Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:51 am

M&M wrote:Clanter, I don't understand your post. Why the reference to Buddy? And why the presidents and generals and I-don't-know-who-Samuel-Chase-was in reference to her family values?

Buddy was a dog. I 'think' Clanter is saying they used to the dog to show their were more like an average, typical family?

https://www.thedodo.com/hilary-clinton- ... 35724.html

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Red Barn » Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:35 pm

Presidents who appear on various denominations of dollar bills?

That's my guess. ;)

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Saddlebum » Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:43 pm

I don't hate H. but have little respect. I can only recall a time when she blatantly lied to gain office during her last attempt to become President but she has lied several times, I just can't specifically recall them. She stated she was under gunfire at a plane landing in a foreign country when video, a few months later, showed her departing from the plane and receiving gifts from young children and going on into the terminal. Complete contradiction, No gun fire anywhere. It was departing from the plane she referred to when under gunfire. She wanted to come across tough.

IMO, I believe she will say anything to gain office. That said, I will vote for her if Bernie does not win the primary. Reason, Jeb Bush is unprepared and unable to defend his independent 'character' from his Brothers'. Weak.

The rest of the circus tribe are not even close to Presidential material, IMO.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Chancellor » Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:38 pm

I agree with Saddlebum. I don't have much respect for her. I don't think her family values are "all that". Bill Clinton is a philanderer and I believe the only reason she stayed with him was because you can't be a divorced woman and appear to be strong to this country (in my mind, it would have made her STRONGER if she had divorced him).
In my opinion, she is the epitome of the "used car salesman"

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby WheresMyWhite » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:44 pm

Chancellor :lol:

I keep watching this discussion about Hilary and her family values and her husband and former president and think about the TV show Scandal. Hilary and Melly Grant (I think it is) are spot on twins with philandering husbands and eyes on the presidency.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Chisamba » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:08 pm

currently i am very irritated by her answers to questions. how would you do this... i am a woman. what would you do to that....i am a woman. how does your policy differ from.... i am a woman.

I was rather hoping she would win when she was running against Obama. i thought she was more moderate and stood a better chance of working with others, ( less narcissistic) not only i am i glad she did not, now i am totally over her. I also hoped to see a woman do well, i admit.

Hillary does lie, she does not even do it well. Her statements tend to shift like shifting sand if you hear a statement, and then a week later listen to the next statement, its perplexing how different they are ( unless you listened to the statements in between where the comments shifted a little each time ) the one that comes to mind is how she claimed to be very close to Chris Stevens, now this is , i suppose, a small lie, but this close friend did not have her personal e mail, did not have her phone number, and she had had no direct communication with him the whole time he was in Libya. .. this despite a large number of requests to her for more security ( which she denies seeing) . so either they were not close, and she is lying, or they were close and he asked her for more security which she refused ( and she is lying).

this type of story goes on and on and on and on. the blaming ( on tape) of the video for the benghazi deaths shift shift shift shifting sand.. to the testimony before the committee that she never blamed the video. for goodness sake, she blamed in on the video on newsreel, its there, on tape.

anyway, the question is not does Hillary lie because its too easy to find her lies, but does it matter to you if she lies, and yes, it does to me

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby musical comedy » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:38 pm

Saddlebum wrote:The rest of the circus tribe are not even close to Presidential material, IMO.
This irritates the hell out of me. I'm betting you aren't that knowledgeable about any of them.


Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby xhltsalute » Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:22 am

I don't think her family values are "all that".

Like the Republican party who claims to be the party of "family values"? :lol: ROFLMBO

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Spiritpaws » Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:35 am

I don't hate Hillary, I just think she is part of the problem with government and big money. Of course this includes Jeb, Rubio, Cruz who are all part of the problem. We can't have real reform unless we have election reform. We can't have real reform unless we get control back to the people. We have to set term limits, and stop allowing elected senators and representatives to make a lucrative career out of serving in Washington. The Clintons aren't the only ones who've made a lot of money as elected officials.

Hillary isn't the only liar on the campaign trail...every single politician who is bought and paid for lies. The two real exceptions are Trump and Bernie....but until their campaign finances are truly revealed, we don't know who the men are behind the curtains.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Chancellor » Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:41 am

xhltsalute wrote:
I don't think her family values are "all that".

Like the Republican party who claims to be the party of "family values"? :lol: ROFLMBO

You should know by now that I consider myself to be a real republican.....so SMALL GOVERNMENT and therefore it has nothing to do with the family.
So, all this crap that these guys who are all about resisting gay marriage etc? I don't consider them real Republicans.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Tuffytown » Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:51 pm

And most of them vying for the republican nomination at this time would refer to you as a RINO. If only your kind could take back the party.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Chancellor » Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:00 pm

Yes, unfortunately that is true. However, in order to be a real Republican, one needs to be in favor of small government. Small government that doesn't interfere in the lives of those governed. What two consenting adults do in their bedroom is none of my business. And government shouldn't be defining what marriage is. That is up to religions. However, if two same sex people want to have a civil union which grants them the same rights as two hetero people, they should be allowed to do so. Marriage is a sacrament on the church. If one gets married, then they ALSO have civil union (which is what the government should be mandating).
I really don't know WHEN Republicans started being so freakin religious!

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby KathyK » Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:36 pm

Chancellor wrote:And government shouldn't be defining what marriage is. That is up to religions. However, if two same sex people want to have a civil union which grants them the same rights as two hetero people, they should be allowed to do so. Marriage is a sacrament on the church. If one gets married, then they ALSO have civil union (which is what the government should be mandating).

So you're saying that because I wasn't married in a church, I'm not married? I believe you are mistaken.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Chancellor » Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:09 pm

KathyK wrote:
Chancellor wrote:And government shouldn't be defining what marriage is. That is up to religions. However, if two same sex people want to have a civil union which grants them the same rights as two hetero people, they should be allowed to do so. Marriage is a sacrament on the church. If one gets married, then they ALSO have civil union (which is what the government should be mandating).

So you're saying that because I wasn't married in a church, I'm not married? I believe you are mistaken.

No, that is not what I am saying at all. I am saying that I think that is the way it SHOULD be. Marriage is a function of churches....Civil unions are government functions. That is MY OPINION and NOT a STATEMENT OF FACT.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby WheresMyWhite » Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:29 pm

KathyK, maybe take a deep breath and start reading with a more open mind. Not everything is a conspiracy :)

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby M&M » Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:30 pm

xhltsalute wrote:
I don't think her family values are "all that".

Like the Republican party who claims to be the party of "family values"? :lol: ROFLMBO

I agree with both of the above statements.

Clanter, was Buddy actually like, "sent to live on a farm in the country" or sent to a shelter? Asking, not challenging.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Chancellor » Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:33 pm

M&M wrote:
xhltsalute wrote:
I don't think her family values are "all that".

Like the Republican party who claims to be the party of "family values"? :lol: ROFLMBO

I agree with both of the above statements.

Clanter, was Buddy actually like, "sent to live on a farm in the country" or sent to a shelter? Asking, not challenging.

he died. He was hit by a car, wasn't he?

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby KathyK » Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:41 pm

WheresMyWhite wrote:KathyK, maybe take a deep breath and start reading with a more open mind. Not everything is a conspiracy :)

Perhaps if Chancellor had not stated it as though it were fact, but had included the words, "In my opinion," or, "I think this is how it should be," I would have understood that it was not what she believes to be true now. Clarity is writing is important.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby Chancellor » Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:47 pm

KathyK wrote:
WheresMyWhite wrote:KathyK, maybe take a deep breath and start reading with a more open mind. Not everything is a conspiracy :)

Perhaps if Chancellor had not stated it as though it were fact, but had included the words, "In my opinion," or, "I think this is how it should be," I would have understood that it was not what she believes to be true now. Clarity is writing is important.

I said "should be mandating"....not IS mandating. Geesh. I did not state it as fact.

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby WheresMyWhite » Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:09 pm

Chancellor, in my opinion maybe now everything we say/type should be prefaced by 'in my opinion' just for clarity???


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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby heddylamar » Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:22 pm

Wow, we have diverse perspectives. I read everything here as opinion.

Even "facts" that are highlighted with quotes are viewed as opinion unless I fact check for myself.


Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby boots-aregard » Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:23 pm

musical comedy wrote:
Saddlebum wrote:The rest of the circus tribe are not even close to Presidential material, IMO.
This irritates the hell out of me. I'm betting you aren't that knowledgeable about any of them.

I don't know why you'd leap to that conclusion. We've seen 3/4s of them before!

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Re: Why the Hillary hate?

Postby lorilu » Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:57 am

This is a really interesting article with a graph, measuring candidates "truth meter". http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/13/opini ... thers.html

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