LOL! I did play in the dark, but I just shot in shutter priority since I was only shooting my one friend and I wanted to see how smart the camera is in those situations. Something is not quite right with exposure and everything seems a bit overexposed imo. I still haven't really played around with everything though because i can't focus on the small writing with my migraine.
I had a brief reprieve this morning from the pain, so I ran to the state park and snapped some shots. I came upon a turtle laying her eggs right on the trail I was hiking! That was pretty cool.
It's hard for me to get used to shooting with a DX camera again and I keep forgetting about the crop factor, but so far I like it. The shutter only sounds clunky when you have it slowed down, which of course makes The viewfinder is a bit odd too. I had to turn the diopter all the way + to get it to look clear to me and at times the finder itself seems to show chromatic aberration and is at times pixelated. I've had 3 other Nikon DSLRs and I've never noticed that before with any of them.
ETA: One thing I forgot to mention was that there seems to be a bit of shutter bounce with this camera too. I'm pretty decent at handholding and all of these photos were shot handheld, but I did have to tighten my stance a bit because I felt the shutter really shook the camera. I could be wrong, but I noticed that in the bird shots, before I had locked down my stance, I had a bit of softness that were due to camera shake.
I'll post the unedited dark arena photos for you guys to see. They are extremely noisy, but I haven't even looked to see what ISO they were shot at. They are also pretty darn bright, so they could have been shot with a lower ISO and been fine, imo. That's one of the reasons I wanted to let the camera choose things, so I could get an idea of where to start with it.
I was surprised the purple flowers are still out here too, but it's been very wet for us lately, and not as hot as it usually is for this time of year, so maybe that's a factor. We also have a lot of plants blooming twice that do not normally do that.
Here are a few shots that are not low light (low res uploads to Facebook). All were taken with my 70-200 2.8 on the cam:
Here's one in the dark warm up pen:
Some from this morning:
Major crop on this one
Ok, camera chose iso 36000 for this one, shutter 1/800, 2.8. I stuck it in lightroom and didn't really do anything for noise reduction except crank luminance to 20ish. I'll run it through Nik's denoise later and see what i can get.