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I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:28 am
by Shirrine
After all the extra problems I have had I decided this last one was the straw that broke my back.
I have had multiple infections from my mastectomy to the point I had another op to clean out the site. I had a blood clot in my heart on chemo. And the last thing has been osteoporosis on the hormone inhibitor with an acute reaction to the drug to help that. I have also had other side effects that weren't acute but made me miserable.
I am not giving up on the cancer cure, I have done all that but giving up on the current poison which is to help stop it coming back which is a 5 year poisoning.
When I saw my oncologist last week he was not at all surprised by my decision and was very sympethetic. So I will do any tests asked of me and if it does come back I will deal with that then. In the meantime I will heal and get on with my life.
Next step is reconstruction which I hope will go smoother for mae than the last 18 months have gone.
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:40 am
by HaltatG
Best of luck Shirrine. This cancer business is a long haul. I hope the reconstruction goes much smoother than what you've experienced so far. Do you like your surgeon? I hope so.
I told my surgeon before my mastectomy that I couldn't do anymore chemo. I suppose I might feel differently down the road, but right now it seems impossible.
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 1:17 am
by Shirrine
Every one of my medical carers have been fantastic. I have been very lucky they have listened to me and agreed with what I have been saying. I think I come across and a very sensible and strong.
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:26 am
by KathyK
I don't blame you. Stay sensible and strong, always.
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:31 am
by Sunshine2Me
Praying and jingling that your surgery goes well and you have good health going forward!
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 1:56 pm
by PaulaO
A friend had a double mastectomy and opted out of chemo and radiation. Many years later, no sign of disease. Praying for the same for you. Sometimes we just have to say NO MORE!
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:54 pm
by fergusnc
Peace and healing Shirrine. You are a tough one...
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:59 pm
by Josette
Jingles and Speedy healing to put this journey behind you.
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:28 pm
by AirsAboveNC
I have a friend who has done the same. She had the double mastectomy, did chemo for a while, has tried a few other experimentals that have not done much for her.
She is in her mid-30s and has decided to just live her best years now. She joined a skydiving club and goes often. She works PRN as a nurse so that she can take off when she wants and do whatever, whenever. And she's about as happy as she can be.
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 10:25 pm
by Kyra's Mom
I commend you...our bodies, our decision. Sometimes, hard to convince the oncologists but I'm glad yours is on board.
Jingles for a good reconstruction...and getting on with life.
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:37 am
by Tarlo Farm
I applaud you also. We'll follow along on the reconstruction business, which I hope to go much better than past issues!
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:15 am
by Shirrine
I already feel so much better and can make fists which I have not been able to do. Thought it was my imagination but my Dr today told me yes I should already be feeling better. Yay
Noone tells me what to do, they advise but always my decision.
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:28 pm
by Minz
I feel for you, and applaud you for standing up for your quality of life. I recently did the same thing. I have been undergoing treatment for Multiple Myeloma (a blood based bone cancer) since 2010. Up until 6 weeks ago I followed every treatment and recommendation my Dr's made. I was on a treatment for 10 months that had the lovely side effect of nausea, vomiting, and low blood counts. It started slowly, but by the fall I had lost 25lbs, and was blood and platelet transfusion dependent. I had to get IV fluids at home for 4 days a week, and the anti nausea drugs didn't work. Even though it had stopped working, my Dr wanted me to complete one more cycle to give her time to arrange the next treatment. I gave up 2 weeks in. I just couldn't do it anymore. I have started a new chemo that is targeted therapy, meaning it only attacks the Myeloma cells, and doesn't poison the rest of my body. I feel like I have woken up after a lost year. My blood has bounced back to normal levels again, no more transfusions, and best of all... I can eat real food!!! I just can't believe I let it get that bad before I stood up for my quality of life. Unfortunately this drug only lasts for about 7 months, so I will be on to something new within the year, but the one thing I learned is that I don't have to live like that, and I won't do it again.
Good for you, I wish you good health and successful treatments
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:48 pm
by piedmontfields
Shirrine wrote: I think I come across and a very sensible and strong.
I don't doubt it---it is how you come across here! Glad you are making fists and plots for living.
None of us get out of this life alive!
Re: I pulled the plug
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:07 pm
by Sue B
Not to hijack, but...Minz I think of you often and keep you in my prayers. I am so sorry this last year was such a misery and happy that you have found a new drug you can take. I have a veterinary friend who also has been struggling with multiple myeloma. It can be such a nasty disease to live with; I am constantly in awe of you (and my friend.)
Shirrine, I am happy for you that you could make a positive decision about your life and your cancer. it is so hard to regain control when you have been through so much. Cheers! and prayers for a wonderful outcome with your upcoming surgery.