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What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:27 pm
by chantal
I have a number of things that remind me of my of my horsey/UDBB friends, mostly from the kringle exchange, but for other reasons as well. I was sitting on my front porch today after a little bit of gardening (truly a little bit) and feeling a bit sorry for myself, but enjoying the weather. And I saw my angel horse. Who had one on the UDBB? Quelah? And I got to thinking about the other things around my house that I have from my friends that make me smile. I have a woman hugging a horse from Wishes, she was my kringle the year we had to put down a wonderful horse I had ridden for 5 1/2 years. I have an angel from Zevida, a Love ornament in the shape of a heart from Scruffy hanging on a light switch by a door, and of course my lilac I planted for Aylah (sp?). I now buy certain lotions and other things because Rockabilly sent me some wonderful treats and my lamb stew is from Merry, what was her board name?
It was cool for me to look around and think about all of these things. And I'm certain there are some I'm missing-I know I have ornaments on my Christmas tree from other members.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:03 pm
by silk
I have a painting of one of my cats, a Kringle gift, I cannot remember who, and it was in the UDBB years, so I have no record any more in PMs.
My favourite scarf and woolen hat that I wear to work in autumn/winter (they are both multi-coloured and go with nearly everything) were Kringle gifts too.
I did get a few Christmas tree ornaments one year, they are safely packed away I think.
Besides that I have a copy of the UDBB cookbook, and a pile of dried ancho chilies in my pantry - thanks Bascar for the inspiration on those, very hard to find here!!!
Then of course I have the friends on facebook, so I get regular reminders of various boardies. Most of the friends I choose to stay in touch with who I have not met in real life are from one horse forum or another.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:33 pm
by chantal
Oh yeah, I have the cookbook too, and various and sundry foods. And FB friends of course. And trips where I visit my UDBB friends (wicky, scruffy), like CA, Boston, and the Adirondacks...
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:03 pm
by Rockabilly
I have all my memories especially of the time Billy was so sick and even after he passed away. I remember with deep gratitude all the support and kindness I received. I also remember how Chantal, who was probably the kindest person on the old UDBB and this one too, supported me through the whole thing and even after she sent me a beautiful piece of art that was a remembrance of Billy.
I especially loved Quelah's story of Freeway. When I knew the board was going away I copied everything important to me.
Good Topic
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:09 pm
by Tarlo Farm
All the above from Rockabilly, and she was the first to extend the welcome to me. Just last week I pulled an old curb chain from a box of stuff to be brought to a tack sale. At my old farm, I really had a curb chain hanging in the mud room that I'd give a shake whenever necessary. Now I have it here too.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:33 pm
by chantal
Aw Rockabilly! You are a soul who oozes kindness, an example that the world could take a few notes from. Kindness begets kindness and it was certainly shared by many. I truly miss the board of old. Horsey souls are bonded in so many ways.
I'm waiting for my lilac to bloom. Oddly, I planted 2 that year, the first for Aylah, and the second because I needed a plant in a specific place. The second one never took. Aylah's however is a beautiful, healthy lilac bush and a sweet remembrance of so much caring and kindness.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:07 pm
by Ryeissa
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:13 pm
by quinta
I have a pony! Bought my mare from exvet (and I never would have looked at a horse on the other side of the country without "knowing" her from the board).
- karen_autumn.jpg (120.13 KiB) Viewed 34066 times
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:26 pm
by Chancellor
I have a coconut that keysfins sent me. She painted one and sent a bunch for Clark to chew on.
I have some beautiful wine glasses from my mwatkins.
Of course, here in the Northeast, we have get together soon frequently.
I have a gorgeous shawl from Valerie ....I'm sure I am forgetting a lot.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:20 pm
by chantal
I still have a love (fear just for Chancellor...) of pitties!!
I squeal (softly) whenever I see one. They are the smiley-est puppies!!!
quinta-I too would buy a horse-um pony, from exvet!! Lovely pic and lucky you!!
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:38 am
by Kitty
I have a very ragged, faded UDBB "United We Ride" t shirt. Beyond wearing, but I still keep it around.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:07 am
by Chancellor
chantal wrote:I still have a love (fear just for Chancellor...) of pitties!!
I squeal (softly) whenever I see one. They are the smiley-est puppies!!!
quinta-I too would buy a horse-um pony, from exvet!! Lovely pic and lucky you!!
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:31 pm
by Tarlo Farm
Chancellor wrote:I have a coconut that keysfins sent me.
I forgot, I have one too! It holds a place of honor on my book shelf.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:10 pm
by awa
Lots of words of wisdom from Smithson LM that I've kept on my computer.
Directions I printed out from TSandM on how to treat a cold (So sad she died in a scuba accident).
A little ceramic pony in my kitchen from one of my Kringles (I'm so bad at names).
The UDBB cookbook CD that I helped edit, with lots of direction from bascar.
Words of encouragement from Wicky and scruffy and Rockabilly.
Updates on the dog, Lucky, that Cyd found and adopted. She told me about the closing of UDBB and how to get here.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:03 pm
by Don Giovanni
This is fun! Aside from wonderful memerges, I have several really cool Christmas ornaments, my favourite mug which was a Kindle gift from Heather (excaliber/Hez), two gorgeous pieces if art feom Om, and the most awesome UDBB cookbook. But most of all, highly prized and especially treasured are the printout of our journey through John' stroke and it's aftermath and the birthday cards that were sent to Matthew when he was afraid his daddy wouldn't be able to leave the hospital to go to his birthday party. I came across those again yesterday and had a good cry. No one could understand the support I felt from friends from all around the world, none of whom I've ever met, who helped me through one of the worst times of my life and extended theory kindness and generosity to a scared little boy. My mom had a French expression that loosely translated as "they are earning their place in Heaven". Whenever I think of the UDBB support I got I can hear her say (stupid autocorrect won't let me write in French) get the picture.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:27 pm
by Sunny Santa Cruz
I have some wonderful horsey figurines from a Kringle exchange that are on display in my China cabinet. 3 wonderful mini stuffed antique horses with fringe for mane and tails that SmithsonLM sent me. An Ultimate Dressage pin. And many wonderful friends.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:44 pm
by goneriding
Oh my.
I have an album with a cover painting of my gelding who I lost a few years later, from sacrealtormls. I have some scraps of fabric from a quilt outsiderein and I sewed for nwivy after her accident,with patches from UDBB members.
I have even more in my heart. The gentle but unyielding advice that so often came from SmithsonLM.
The absolute outpouring of support that carried me through when I learned my first husband had an affair.
The kick in the pants from xanthoria that firmed my spine and honestly held my second marriage together during a very very low time (is xan still here? god I owe her one).
The jingles and tears that came my way when I lost my gelding to an injury after a months long effort to heal him.
I can't not snicker when I hear someone talk about a "truck." No matter what they say, it's hilarious after the truck thread.
I was a newbie dressage rider when I found the board. I found an incredible and generous depth of knowledge there, and so much more.
I hope it's not lame to say it but the UDBB had a greater impact on my life than only a handful of other things during that time. And still does. It shaped the person I have become and the life I lead in so many ways.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:22 pm
by Chisamba
I think I have too many to mention, I too have a couple of framed paintings from OM, and a painting from a Kringle, who i am sad to admit i cannot recall her name.
I have saddles, saddle pads, bits of tack, halters, lead ropes, brushes, hoof picks, a grooming caddy, things that I use thankfully every day, that were mailed to me in envelopes and boxes of all kinds after the fire.
I saved the fire thread, i went back and read it once, and sobbed who whole way through at all the kindness and thoughtfulness that was in there. I am afraid to read it again, because I know i will cry, but I keep it.
I have Beccot, who used to be Dresseurs Sneakers. I rode her for a few years and retired her, but she did not like retirement so she is an occasional lesson horse now. she used to think lessons were beneath her dignity, now she realizes they are easier than real work, so she spends her time invaluable teaching introductions into lateral work, half halt to the core, and such.
I have lots of good advice, and some bad,
i have the term jingles, included in my vocabulary,
I have goals, inspiration, laughter and tears.
However, I do feel that the heart of the old UDBB lives on in the DDBB.
nice thread to read.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:20 pm
by angela9823
Very fun!
Lots of knowledge (does that count?) from just absorbing what others discuss
A lovely painting of my daughter and horse from OM as well as a beautiful metal dressage horse on my barn.
The UDBB cookbook of course.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:14 pm
by goneriding
I so regret not getting the UDBB cookbook!
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:48 pm
by Rockabilly
I bet someone could get you one, even me. I just looked on my computer and the cookbook is my documents. Could it be e-mailed to you?
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:28 am
by chantal
Oh my gosh, I completely forgot. Not around my house, but om introduced me to my current instructor. When I was riding om's horses after her brokeback mountin' episode, I took some lessons with her. That was all she wrote! We are still going strong.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:59 am
by Chisamba
I also regret not getting the cook CD. I would be willing to buy one
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:24 pm
by Valerie
I have my favorite coffee mug from a kringle gift that I am currently drinking out of, and use every morning! And the cookbook is on CD somewhere (I don't actually cook). And so much good advice and jingles and memories. I can't look at my lilac every spring without thinking of Ayla.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:44 pm
by Paints
I also have the CD! It was so much fun helping - I helped edit the horse treats
I miss the old BB! TOB does not have the same soul. I must come here more often - it feels like home.
I have many beautiful Christmas ornaments from around the US and Africa.
Great memories of Sparkleby deciding she would trust a bunch of strangers who equally trusted her to stay in their homes when she visited Canada from Ireland! We had a really fun visit and met other UDBBers in the process.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:05 pm
by Kathy Johnson
Friends, friends I still see often on email or other boards. All of you.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:07 pm
by silk
I have two copies of the cookbook, and would be more than happy to pass one on, or try to work out how to email/share the file. From memory it was quite large but happy to check this when home next weekend and see if I can make it work.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:00 pm
by FlyingLily
I have horsey Christmas stockings from Pawsplus, and many other things from her that year. And also an ornament of the great Rachel Alexandra, from...our track riding friend, can't recall her name...And crocheted ornaments in the shape of snowflakes from, was it Jetsmom? And so much more. Plus, I bought things UDBB folks recommended. Vogel boots, Bobby's bridles, kitchen and food items. It could be expensive to hang out there! FlyingLily
(moved this post over from the FB page)
I treasured SmithsonLM's answer to a question I posted about horse camping meals and snacks.
She wrote a detailed how-to for getting dry wood in the desert (wade into the middle of a dead something or other), building a fire, and cooking meat. Then sitting under the stars, all meat-replete. I had been thinking more of boxed mac-n-cheese. She was the genuine article.
ETA: I found the post in the SmithsonLM compilation:
You probably don't need to pack charcoal briquets. All over the American West there's a low growing clump of bushes called "scrub oak". It's the habit of this shrub to grow out from the center. So you wade into a patch of scrub oak and there's plenty of dead bushes near the center. They don't have to be very big sticks because scrub oak burns at a perfect "charcoal" temperature. As it burns, it flavors the meat slightly with a delicious subtle oak-ey, smokey flavor. I suppose on the East coast, where so many oaks grow naturally, a camper could scout around picking up twigs and chips under the live trees.
There's something very satisfying about making a good camp WITHOUT a lot of stuff from Walmart. And it sure encourages you to do this more often. Mmm, those lovely summer nights camping out with horses.
Saddlebag suppers. Yum. If you freeze the steaks ice hard, wrap them in the Sunday
newspaper, they'll stay frozen even without ice for hours. You wrap in newspaper so you
can burn it in your campfire and not have to tote it out. Of course this is only good the
FIRST night out on the trail. Another day into the wilderness and you're talkin' freeze dried.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:46 pm
by Keysfins
Tarlo Farm wrote:Chancellor wrote:I have a coconut that keysfins sent me.
I forgot, I have one too! It holds a place of honor on my book shelf.
Oh, I remember sending those!
Tarlo, I remember meeting you in the Keys and it seemed like we'd been friends for years. And I guess we had.
I have some lovely pieces of dressage pottery from Kringlers: a cookie jar and a small cup that holds pens on my desk.
I still have the gorgeous beaded collar that Lisa sent me for Skyla when she was but a pup.
I SO wish I had thought to save messages and threads before the old board went away. I have many great memories, and felt lots of support through some hard times.
I still keep a curb chain in a cup holder in my barn vehicle.
I have Aylah's lilac still in my garden, just outside the patio gate. It is just now showing a bit of green. It has stayed small, but mighty.
I sadly lost all my holiday ornaments, they did not survive the move from the Keys. Many years of marine mammal treasures and horse treasures gone.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:24 pm
by Tarlo Farm
I'm headed your way March of 2018 if you're in CO then.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:35 pm
by Keysfins
Tarlo Farm wrote:I'm headed your way March of 2018 if you're in CO then.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:06 pm
by LeoApp
I have wonderful memories of staying at Chancellor's and going to a UDBB get together. While there, I met Scruffy and Thursday Next, and mwatikns, Val, and several other UDBB members whose handles I don't remember! That was a fun time and I wish I lived closer.
I didn't usually take part in the gift exchanges because I have a big family and it was overwhelming enough just with them. But the friends I have made and everyone's stories of happiness and loss are still with me.
Rockabilly helped me get through the devastating loss of my Apollo, who I still can't think or talk about without tears immediately stinging my eyes.
Pawsplus's advice on how to keep a clawed cat from scratching your furniture was invaluable. My first cat was decalwed. Second one was not. I got the expensive scratching posts, both vertical and horizontal ones, placed them in strategic spots, and voila - second kitty is 6 years old now and never scratches the furniture, ever!
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 6:38 am
by zevida
chantal wrote: I have an angel from Zevida
I remember the angel! That's awesome you still have it.
I have a beautiful painting of my cats that I treasure. It was a Simone who gave it to me and I always mix up if it was her real name or screen name. It was painted I think by another UDBBer but I don't remember for sure or who.
I also have this great wooden bowl that is a horse carved out of a single piece of wood. It was a UDBBer who was very active for a long time, a young woman from the Midwest or plains and I think her family makes the bowls.
I've received many other things I'm sure I'm just forgetting!
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:57 am
by chantal
Zevida-I'm drinking coffee and waking up, but will take a picture of it... yes, I love it! I remember you putting thought into it and it makes me smile when I look at it. It's in my dining room, I'm looking at it right now. The horse sculpture Wishes sent me the year Scottie was put down is right next to me along with a candle Rockabilly sent me. I treasure these things. Connections...
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:33 am
by redsoxluvr
I have a couple of leadropes that I got from EmmaB in one of our many Kringle exchanges.
emmalou1 has given me some invaluable advice for my rescue doggies.
I have an ungodly amount of tack that I have bought from UDBBers - mostly KrazyTBMare and BeauChevalRouge.
I have a painting of my lovely Deuxdle and a beautiful custom tartan saddle pad from Sabella.
I have a lovely snaffle bridle that Keysfins gifted me after I made her lovely pup a custom collar.
More importantly, I have friends in real life that I met from the UDBB.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:49 am
by zevida
zevida wrote:I also have this great wooden bowl that is a horse carved out of a single piece of wood. It was a UDBBer who was very active for a long time, a young woman from the Midwest or plains and I think her family makes the bowls.
I remembered who!! It was SarMonet (Moinet?).
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:02 pm
by Xanthoria
I have a horse brush with a "General Mayhem" brass name plate on it and I can't remember who Kringled it to me but the Decrepit OTTB (whose name is General Mayhem) is still clinging to life like a roach on a pizza box and loves that brush too!
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:40 am
by Rockabilly
Xanthoria wrote: clinging to life like a roach on a pizza box
OMG That's hysterical! I will have to remember that one.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:24 am
by boots-aregard
Don Giovanni wrote: But most of all, highly prized and especially treasured are the printout of our journey through John' stroke and it's aftermath and the birthday cards that were sent to Matthew when he was afraid his daddy wouldn't be able to leave the hospital to go to his birthday party. ... No one could understand the support I felt from friends from all around the world, none of whom I've ever met, who helped me through one of the worst times of my life and extended theory kindness and generosity to a scared little boy.
I could. When reading the question, I immediately thought of all of you who held my hand when my daughter was lost in Japan's earthquake, and then, voila, a result of all your jingles I am convinced, she was found again.
I have printed out that whole thread, too. It's gotta be 90 pages long.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:53 pm
by Snork
zevida wrote:zevida wrote:I also have this great wooden bowl that is a horse carved out of a single piece of wood. It was a UDBBer who was very active for a long time, a young woman from the Midwest or plains and I think her family makes the bowls.
I remembered who!! It was SarMonet (Moinet?).
I think Sar is not riding anymore, but she is a dog trainer and just moved to Southeast, either NC or TN. Funny how life intersects - I was looking to buy a better quality weave poles for my bulldog who is struggling with weaves and her video was posted on the manufacturer's FB page. She has an unusual name so i recognized her.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:18 pm
by Chancellor
Have you tried the wires for the weave poles? It really helped Sherman.
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:06 pm
by Sunshine2Me
Does anyone keep in touch with TamaraInTN? I think of her often and wonder how she is doing. I remember her being a very STRONG woman!
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:59 pm
by silk
I wore my favourite winter hat today. So warm, so soft <3
Re: What do you have around your house from the old BB?
Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:56 am
by exvet
I have a few pieces of tack including a brow band redsoxluvr made for my daughter's pony and some good memories. Tamara in TN is doing just fine, just fine. With our breeding program(s) retired, most of the horses have been dispersed though there are a couple left who will be going to brighter pastures in short order. Her kids are growing up, getting married and such. She is just as strong as she ever was, quick-witted and always there with a shoulder or an ear, whichever and as much as needed for a friend in need. We don't keep in touch as often as we once did but i heard from her just a month or so ago. She's pretty active on Facebook as well. Tamara and I crossed paths long before she joined the UDBB; but, I have to admit even though we'd pick up the phone to shoot the breeze or hatch our next plan and continue to check in with each other, I do miss her posts.