The Saga of the Kittens
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:34 pm
We have had a very dramatic few weeks over here, and I thought I would share because it involves kittens, and if you know me even a little you know I have ALL the photos so the thread won't even be useless!
We have moved full time out of the big city into the wilds of New Jersey, and it is the best thing EVER and I'm never going back! The sad part of this is that we decided to say goodbye to our cat Pandora, who we had been keeping comfortable for her final 7 months with daily fluids (she had late stage kidney disease). She had gotten to the point where she was starting to need fluids more than once a day, and we didn't want to wait for a crisis or for her to be significantly miserable, and we didn't want to stress her out with the move.
Here is Pandora, she used to come to the house with us on the weekends, and she loved taking little strolls outside to the river and back. She was so stressed out by the car rides by the end that we had to stop bringing her back and forth.
With Pandora gone, we were down to a no pet household which is obviously not acceptable. So we adopted a pair of kittens, sisters, and named them Autumn and Amber. They are the sweetest, purringest, most loving of cats, we can't believe how lucky we are to have them in our life!
However, one night a few weeks ago we went to sleep and everyone was fine, and then my husband woke up a few hours later hearing Amber crying. He found her at the bottom of the stairs, unable to get up. He took her to the emergency room, and she had somehow managed to break her tibia! So now the poor thing is stuck in a cast - thankfully the fibula was fine, which makes for a sort of internal splint, but she is in a cast for 4 weeks. And then the day she got her cast on, I had to rush her back to the vet that night - she wasn't behaving right, and it turns out she had somehow ingested cat litter - we don't use clumping of course but still bad - and it was sitting in her stomach, plus she was dehydrated. We think the combination of having to fast her with the sedation made her loopy enough to decide to eat some litter?
So far she's managed to slip out of the cast twice, the first time only partially and I don't know how she did it, then this morning she got it caught on the crate we are keeping her in (which she HATES - I let her out when I can supervise her because honestly she's quieter that way) and her leg slipped right out - when I saw how atrophied the leg has gotten it was not surprising, she's got nothing left under there! It's like a pencil!
Had another x-ray today, it is healing but she still needs to be splinted for another two weeks or so. Poor baby!
We have moved full time out of the big city into the wilds of New Jersey, and it is the best thing EVER and I'm never going back! The sad part of this is that we decided to say goodbye to our cat Pandora, who we had been keeping comfortable for her final 7 months with daily fluids (she had late stage kidney disease). She had gotten to the point where she was starting to need fluids more than once a day, and we didn't want to wait for a crisis or for her to be significantly miserable, and we didn't want to stress her out with the move.
Here is Pandora, she used to come to the house with us on the weekends, and she loved taking little strolls outside to the river and back. She was so stressed out by the car rides by the end that we had to stop bringing her back and forth.
With Pandora gone, we were down to a no pet household which is obviously not acceptable. So we adopted a pair of kittens, sisters, and named them Autumn and Amber. They are the sweetest, purringest, most loving of cats, we can't believe how lucky we are to have them in our life!
However, one night a few weeks ago we went to sleep and everyone was fine, and then my husband woke up a few hours later hearing Amber crying. He found her at the bottom of the stairs, unable to get up. He took her to the emergency room, and she had somehow managed to break her tibia! So now the poor thing is stuck in a cast - thankfully the fibula was fine, which makes for a sort of internal splint, but she is in a cast for 4 weeks. And then the day she got her cast on, I had to rush her back to the vet that night - she wasn't behaving right, and it turns out she had somehow ingested cat litter - we don't use clumping of course but still bad - and it was sitting in her stomach, plus she was dehydrated. We think the combination of having to fast her with the sedation made her loopy enough to decide to eat some litter?
So far she's managed to slip out of the cast twice, the first time only partially and I don't know how she did it, then this morning she got it caught on the crate we are keeping her in (which she HATES - I let her out when I can supervise her because honestly she's quieter that way) and her leg slipped right out - when I saw how atrophied the leg has gotten it was not surprising, she's got nothing left under there! It's like a pencil!
Had another x-ray today, it is healing but she still needs to be splinted for another two weeks or so. Poor baby!