Talk me down... so frustrated, barn help deal imploded
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:35 pm
I'm stewing right now. I have a 14 acre farm with full horse facilities that I just use for my two. People look at me like they heard me wrong, look around slowly, and then stare at me harder to see whether I am joking or nuts lol. But I don't want to take care of any more horses, or the many things they do to the property.
We have a mobile home and a barn apartment we rent out. The mobile home rental does not come with any land, we maintain the surroundings and the tenants are expected to keep themselves to the interior and just enjoy the privacy and quiet. It's small and it's for one or two adults only. I explain that up front. But people who rent it want chickens, and a garden, and a dog, etc etc. They look around and ask if they can keep a horse here (no, I don't want any more horses here). EVERYONE wants something different... their family of six will be fiiiinnnne, their dog is little and it's a therapy dog, etc. Because it's on our personal property I can and do choose who lives there, and I don't allow children or pets. It's right next to both the driveway and the arena, and I don't want either one running around.
Anyway... I have had a young woman living in our barn apartment to help with chores. I really like and trust her, and it's been a great benefit to be able to get away. I let her bring her horse because that was what made the deal work for her. Now she's getting married and she and fiance want to rent the mobile home, which is vacant at the moment. I explained the no children policy when we first talked about it, about 4 months ago. He has a 2yo and an 8yo with autism. He said he had one every other weekend and one every weekend. I decided to allow that because I value my helper (and I explained clearly, I thought, that I was allowing weekend visits and that the kids would not leave the yard and had to have an adult with them at every moment).
Then helper's sister asked if she could rent the barn apartment when sis gets married, and also do chores, and also bring horse. She's also reliable and knowledgeable and it would provide backup when I'm gone so I agreed. This was all set to happen mid October.
Well, I'm chatting with sis #2 and she tells me how she's going to help by watching the 8yo in the morning until he gets on the bus. Whoa, that doesn't sound like weekend parenting. So I texted my helper and said, hey, it's been a while since we talked, let's go over the lease before move in day to be sure it's what you expected. I wrote in that occupants were the two adults, and the two children were part time occupants 2 days per week. Sure enough, they had decided that the 8yo would live with them full time, but had not discussed it with me.
I am not going to do that. I like kids, but a family of 3-4 is not the right fit for this tiny house with it's tiny septic system right next to my horse facilities. So now they are 3 weeks from getting married and their expected move in day and it has all gone to pot, and here I am feeling like the bad guy, for doing Exactly. What. I. Said. I. Would. Do. in the first place
If sis #1 doesn't stay here in the mobile home, I'm also not sure sis #2 is a good fit for barn apartment/horse care person, because her work schedule conflicts with barn chores. They were going to share chores in a way that covered it between them. I use the barn apartment for either live in horse help, or a place to stay when I hire someone by the day, so if she can't do horse care I need the apartment for someone who can. So now I have to go back to her and say hey, we need to talk about whether this is going to work after all.
These two young ladies had a whole plan in their minds for their lives on MY farm, they just neglected to ask ME.
Anyway, that's my vent. I don't want to burn bridges, I like these girls, but I need to move on to a new plan. And you know, I just really don't want to be dealing with any of it.
We have a mobile home and a barn apartment we rent out. The mobile home rental does not come with any land, we maintain the surroundings and the tenants are expected to keep themselves to the interior and just enjoy the privacy and quiet. It's small and it's for one or two adults only. I explain that up front. But people who rent it want chickens, and a garden, and a dog, etc etc. They look around and ask if they can keep a horse here (no, I don't want any more horses here). EVERYONE wants something different... their family of six will be fiiiinnnne, their dog is little and it's a therapy dog, etc. Because it's on our personal property I can and do choose who lives there, and I don't allow children or pets. It's right next to both the driveway and the arena, and I don't want either one running around.
Anyway... I have had a young woman living in our barn apartment to help with chores. I really like and trust her, and it's been a great benefit to be able to get away. I let her bring her horse because that was what made the deal work for her. Now she's getting married and she and fiance want to rent the mobile home, which is vacant at the moment. I explained the no children policy when we first talked about it, about 4 months ago. He has a 2yo and an 8yo with autism. He said he had one every other weekend and one every weekend. I decided to allow that because I value my helper (and I explained clearly, I thought, that I was allowing weekend visits and that the kids would not leave the yard and had to have an adult with them at every moment).
Then helper's sister asked if she could rent the barn apartment when sis gets married, and also do chores, and also bring horse. She's also reliable and knowledgeable and it would provide backup when I'm gone so I agreed. This was all set to happen mid October.
Well, I'm chatting with sis #2 and she tells me how she's going to help by watching the 8yo in the morning until he gets on the bus. Whoa, that doesn't sound like weekend parenting. So I texted my helper and said, hey, it's been a while since we talked, let's go over the lease before move in day to be sure it's what you expected. I wrote in that occupants were the two adults, and the two children were part time occupants 2 days per week. Sure enough, they had decided that the 8yo would live with them full time, but had not discussed it with me.
I am not going to do that. I like kids, but a family of 3-4 is not the right fit for this tiny house with it's tiny septic system right next to my horse facilities. So now they are 3 weeks from getting married and their expected move in day and it has all gone to pot, and here I am feeling like the bad guy, for doing Exactly. What. I. Said. I. Would. Do. in the first place

If sis #1 doesn't stay here in the mobile home, I'm also not sure sis #2 is a good fit for barn apartment/horse care person, because her work schedule conflicts with barn chores. They were going to share chores in a way that covered it between them. I use the barn apartment for either live in horse help, or a place to stay when I hire someone by the day, so if she can't do horse care I need the apartment for someone who can. So now I have to go back to her and say hey, we need to talk about whether this is going to work after all.
These two young ladies had a whole plan in their minds for their lives on MY farm, they just neglected to ask ME.
Anyway, that's my vent. I don't want to burn bridges, I like these girls, but I need to move on to a new plan. And you know, I just really don't want to be dealing with any of it.