Trimmer Rant

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Trimmer Rant

Postby Tuddy » Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:24 pm

Most trimmers and farriers complain that they never have clients that can keep a routine schedule. I have a trimmer that can't keep a routine schedule. Good thing my horses are self trimming because of all the stomping they have been doing because of the flies, because my trimmer just cancelled - again - for about the 5th time in a row. I knew when she was out last week doing 3 of my 6 animals, I should have had her do Tuddy then as well, because even though we booked for today, I figured she'd cancel.

Aaaaaand she did. :roll:

He's about 8 weeks over due. :x

She wants to rebook for Thursday or Friday, I told her it had to be Thursday because we haul out to our clinic Friday morning. Fingers crossed she holds her Thursday promise or I am going to have the SPCA after me when my fellow clinic participants call them on me when they see the state of Tuddy's feet. :?

Rant over. Thanks for listening. Carry on.


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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby kande50 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:41 pm

Get a good pair of nippers and start practicing, because it isn't rocket science, and you can always continue to have a pro come and check your work. But if the horses are self trimming anyway, and you're facilitating their self trimming by taking the extra wall off, then when your trimmer cancels it won't matter because you'll have it covered.

One of the big advantages to doing most of it yourself is that you can wait until it's wet and the hooves are soft and save yourself a *lot* of sweat. Just be sure to get good quality nippers, because I'm guessing that your guys probably grow some serious hoof wall.

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby silk » Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:16 pm

Get a new trimmer.
This one either doesn't want you as a client, doesn't want your horses, is incapable of scheduling (or, staying on schedule, because someone says "while you're here, can you just...")...regardless, get yourself a new trimmer. This one isn't doing you any favours.

FWIW, I keep all clients with multiple animals on the same schedule, unless there is an emergency or non-routine reason to visit. I don't see the point (although maybe there is one that I'm not thinking of) of doing half of one client's animals in one visit, another in another, then the others in yet another visit. Although surely in those visits, Tuddy could have been fit in within the last 8 weeks... which makes me think the trimmer doesn't like your horse, for whatever reason (I'm not saying anything against him, it could be as simple as trimmer doesn't like big heavy horses, or he leans, or he doesn't behave, or something minor and seemingly inconsequential that nevertheless means trimmer doesn't want to trim him).

My, that turned into a rant, apologies!

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:23 am

FYI, I have fired trimmers for not showing up one day as scheduled. I am not in a metropolis of trimmers, either. YMMV. Good luck.

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby heddylamar » Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:13 am

I too have fired farriers (and vets, doctors, clients ... name a working relation, and it's likely I've kicked them to the curb) who don't honor appointments.

I've been spoiled for the past 10+ years by a farrier who shows up on time and on schedule (and who does a fantastic job with all of my barefoot beasts). My barn owner uses another guy who's also always on schedule, reliable, and does a good barefoot trim, so I've got his name and number filed away in case Tom tries to sever his thumb again :(

Ask around for recomendations at the clinic, check with your vet and the feed store too, and find a new farrier.

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby Tuddy » Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:27 pm

Thanks for the listening eyes everyone. I try not to get worked up about the cancelled appointments because I haven't really been using the horses much. If I was riding more consistently, I would be a lot more worried. For me, I just feel that my good nature gets taken advantage by her some times. She is very good at what she does, but she also is a barn owner, trainer and coach as well. And, I've heard rumors her health isn't what it used to be. I have suggested to her that I would like her to show me the basics as kande50 has suggested, but she is very territorial of her work and is quite hesitant to show me.

I actually do have another farrier lined up when my trimmer decides to call it quits.

Like I said, I am more ranting about the very short notice cancellations (like 2 hours before the appointment) because of.... "I was running a fever all weekend, and it is getting better, but I think I should still take it easy today". It's stuff like that that really grinds my gears. I felt like saying, if you knew you weren't feeling well, a simple text the day before giving me a heads up of a potential cancellation would have been appreciated.

I think I am just too nice of a person some days and it gets to me.

Thanks again everyone - today is a new day and I hope you all have a great one!

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby StraightForward » Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:58 pm

Tuddy wrote: I have suggested to her that I would like her to show me the basics as kande50 has suggested, but she is very territorial of her work and is quite hesitant to show me.

Then I would find someone who will, or just start doing a little on your own. Rasping straight down around the edges of the wall will go a long ways towards keeping flares under control between trims, then a light rasp on the heels to keep them from running forward, and if you can, pop off extra bar. This would make her job way easier when she does get there. I hate trimming horses that have gone more than 4 weeks. Mine get done every 2, and since they never have a ton to trim, it's very easy and there's less chance of anything getting out of whack. People at my barn are having issues with a flaky shoer now, and it makes me so glad that I took up trimming my own. It's so nice to be able to address chipped wall and things right away instead of having to wait for someone to come fix it for me.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby kande50 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:39 pm

Tuddy wrote: have suggested to her that I would like her to show me the basics as kande50 has suggested, but she is very territorial of her work and is quite hesitant to show me.

That's unusual, because I've met a lot of farriers and trimmers over the years and have yet to meet one who hasn't been happy to talk about what they do. I think it's because they get tired, so are relieved when customers can take care of some of it when they get busy.

Around here, the best time to ask for help getting started is in the winter when they're not as busy, although most of them do consults, and most are also willing to demonstrate what they're doing while they're doing it.

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby kande50 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:47 pm

Tuddy wrote:
I think I am just too nice of a person some days and it gets to me.

You can be nice when you tell her that you're getting someone else out to trim your horses. :-)

I have to admit that I find it a little odd that she's both territorial, and irresponsible about getting the job done. I could understand it if she took great pride in her work and didn't want someone else to mess it up, but obviously, that's not the case.

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby Tuddy » Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:49 pm

Well, today is the rescheduled appointment - I'll have to wait and see what happens lol!

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby redsoxluvr » Fri Aug 17, 2018 3:32 am

Did she show? Or are you off googling Pete Ramey videos on trimming?

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby Jan & PJ » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:01 am

I totally understand your pain. It is what got me started trimming my horses on my own. I too encourage you to learn. It is very empowering. It is also very hard work and you will have a new appreciation for what trimmers go through. Just some observations from your post. You have six animals that need to be trimmed yet you schedule for 2 or 3 at a time bringing your trimmer out for multiple trips? The horse that is now 8 weeks overdue was 7 weeks overdue when the trimmer was out the week before? Why didn't you schedule him for a trim while she was there? Trimmers aren't getting paid while they are on the road traveling. That is actually lost income.

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:25 am

redsoxluvr wrote:Did she show? Or are you off googling Pete Ramey videos on trimming?


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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:32 am

Jan & PJ wrote:Trimmers aren't getting paid while they are on the road traveling. That is actually lost income.

And yet many farriers and trimmers set up their schedules so they spend considerable time driving to appts rather than underneath horses. I understand why they do that, but it is their choice, not their customers'.

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Re: Trimmer Rant

Postby Tuddy » Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:41 pm

redsoxluvr wrote:Did she show? Or are you off googling Pete Ramey videos on trimming?

Haha! Yes, she showed up... but only trimmed Tuddy because she knew I needed him done before today, so my mini donkeys got pushed again...

And yes, I have googled Pete lol!

I have more to this story, and want to expand on some stuff people have said...but right now I have to run... loading Tuddy and Yonka and getting them to the clinic barn!

Thanks everyone! Chat soon!!!

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