Spooking has always been an issue for her, and usually its something you can ignore and leg yield her into it.
But lately, she's decided she has an issue with the letter P. She tries to shy away from it EVERY SINGLE TIME we get close. It's right next to a big garage door with windows, and I'd say maybe her reflection is spooking her but its all times of the day, and there are mirrors she is used to so her reflection shouldn't be scaring her. There's nothing outside the doors. We're working on simple changes over the diagonal and half the figure 8's I'm riding are spent just trying to keep her off my right leg and circling.

She ALSO tries to spook at the beginning of the ride at the other garage door at M but stops after a couple times.

She ALSO tries to spook at the mounting block, especially if its a foot or two away from its "normal spot".

She's not truly scared of any of these things and usually after her warmup she's fine, but her issue with P has persisted for over a week. Really it's an evasion tactic, but it's getting old.
She's been running from the trainer in the pasture, and last night she tried it with me. I ended up locking the gate and round penning her right there in the shed lot... in the dark. I couldn't have caught her otherwise.
She had let me walk right up to her, then she saw the halter and spun and ran.

Every. Single. Ride. Since she was 3, she has stopped right outside the arena gate to have her feet picked out. The last two days she's tried to turn around and walk off while I'm still holding her feet.

A couple weeks ago she tried to convince me she was girth sore and pinned her ears and flinched HARD when I touched her girth area. I was all freaked out thinking I needed to change something. The next day? Totally fine.

I left the barn last night literally exhausted after being tested at what felt like every step.
I love my horse, I love my horse, I love my horse....

What do your mares do when they're moody?
Pictured is Phoenix and Supervisor Extraordinaire Mr. Stanley