Want to float an idea past you wonderful people
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:07 pm
I'm on the board for our local chapter of the Arizona Dressage Association. I have already decided to sponsor (and become apply for partner show status for our schooling show series - 3 planned for this year) for National Dressage Pony [& Small Horse] Awards. I was one of the original seed sponsors of the group when I was breeding and at the time it was just open to ponies based on measurement and registered pony breeds. I'm going to pay for a champion and reserve champion award for each of our 3 schooling shows (as well as year end awards) for the highest scoring pony and highest scoring small horse. Since our shows are relatively small and usually there isn't any one riding tests above third level other than myself and a friend whose horses are all 17 hands and over my original plan is to just have a pony division (classical and western tests) and a small horse division (classical and western). For now we won't be breaking the awards out by open, amateur, junior. In the future if we get the interest I will likely break it out to awards given to those riding intro - third and then those riding fourth and above. Since my lovely co-board members have put me and one other person in charge of getting volunteers for our shows, I had an idea. Instead of charging a fee to nominate the rider/beast pair, volunteering for a 4 - hour shift at any one of the three shows or 2 clinics we're hosting would be accepted. If you don't want to volunteer then a nominal fee will be decided upon for applicable participants. My hope is obviously to generate more volunteers and help for our chapter. BTW I have a measuring stick and can measure at the shows those who wish to participate and keep their measurements on file for future shows if the beast is over 8. If under eight, measurements could be taken each new show year if the award is popular enough to warrant continuing and helps with attendance and volunteerism. Looking for both feedback and criticism in terms of potential rabbit holes I need to fill or have adequate rebuttal for if we put this officially in place.