Speaking of mini-donks, burros, etc.
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:13 pm
What is the difference between a donkey and burro, other than size? Is there a genetic/parent difference, or is a burro a small donkey?
A place for dressage individuals to gather
ejm wrote:Donkeys come in all sizes from miniatures to some pretty good-sized mammoths that stand close to 16 hands.
kande50 wrote:I think they may have them up to about 17 hands now, although why anyone would want a 17 hand donkey I don't know? The tallest ones are often spindly with long backs and legs, and small bodies, so probably can't carry as much as some of the shorter, solid ones.
ejm wrote:
Just guessing, but crossing them with good-bodied warmblood or draft mares to produce sport-bred mules and big draft mules, hoping to overcome the lightness of body and get something big and pretty?