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Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 9:55 pm
by HafDressage
My boy likes to scratch his fanny from time to time (not his tail, more just general backside of rump area) and usually using a little mtg helps prevent this. BUT, I hate MTG. It stinks, it leaves a residue, and it turns his coat and tail dark.

So, what other products have you guys found work well for various itchy situations?

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:04 pm
by martha sc
not what you asked, but have you checked that he doesn't need his sheath cleaned, or have bites or ticks on the 'nether regions' ?

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:50 am
by HafDressage
Hi Martha - Yes, those are common suspects, but not the culprit in his case. I clean his sheath super regularly and groom him 5 days a week. Every once in awhile he just decides to rub fanny. I also put a ton of diaper rash cream all over the underside of his dock and inbetween his hind legs every time I groom him. He gets swamp fanny and so that will make him rub sometimes. The diaper rash cream does a pretty good job of keeping that under control.

Does anybody use anything other than MTG?

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:58 am
by awa
Calm Coat topical

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:15 am
by Dapple Field
Listerine was suggested by my vet.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:25 pm
by Canyon
Feeding flax might help his itches. If nothing else, flax will probably make his coat shine more.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:40 pm
by Melody
I had no luck with MTG and yes it stinks. Also tried calm coat on a horse once on her tail area and it scalded her. One thing I use to use that worked was scalpicin for people designed for itching. My Shire use to rub her butt and her mane every spring. She never could grow a mane. Put her on this: ... mbles.html really for her hooves but a nice side affect, no more rubbing tail or mane. I had heard from somewhere that hoof supplements can help. She finally has a mane now.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:59 pm
by Quelah
I think MTG is just mineral oil and sulphur isn't it? With some liquid smoke added ;)

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:00 pm
by Quelah
To answer your question though, IME, nothing kills itch better than Panalog ointment, it's got a pretty strong dose of steroid to it.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:21 am
by Chisamba
I second flax, only I use there oil, excellent for skin itches, and and immune boost.

I am so sceptical about supplements and nutrition fakasueticals...fake nutriceuticals, but flax really really helped a very itchy highly allergic gelding live a few extra years of happy life.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 4:00 am
by Quelah
Chisamba wrote:I second flax, only I use there oil, excellent for skin itches, and and immune boost.

I am so sceptical about supplements and nutrition fakasueticals...fake nutriceuticals, but flax really really helped a very itchy highly allergic gelding live a few extra years of happy life.

I love flax oil too, but i use it on the inside not applied topically. I'm not sure which way you meant ;) I agree on the skepticism as well. That said, Freeway had a real tendency towards gooby eyes (he wore a flymask 24/7 about 9 months of the year BUT as long as he got daily flax oil, it wasn't really an issue. Run out, and in a week he'd be a bit of a mess. Allergies and the flax oil magically helped? I don't know, but it worked, so I always (and still do) feed it.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 4:21 pm
by Chisamba
Quelah wrote:
Chisamba wrote:I second flax, only I use there oil, excellent for skin itches, and and immune boost.

I am so sceptical about supplements and nutrition fakasueticals...fake nutriceuticals, but flax really really helped a very itchy highly allergic gelding live a few extra years of happy life.

I love flax oil too, but i use it on the inside not applied topically. I'm not sure which way you meant ;) I agree on the skepticism as well. That said, Freeway had a real tendency towards gooby eyes (he wore a flymask 24/7 about 9 months of the year BUT as long as he got daily flax oil, it wasn't really an issue. Run out, and in a week he'd be a bit of a mess. Allergies and the flax oil magically helped? I don't know, but it worked, so I always (and still do) feed it.

Yes, i was not clear, internally as a nutritional supplement is how i use it

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 6:42 pm
by Code3
I feed flax and/or chia, but have one horse with sweet itch who needs extra help. I've used Kill Itch by Carr and Day and Martin and love that stuff. It's expensive but you don't have to use it very often once you get the itchies under control. It saved my horse's mane and tail last year. I went through two bottles total, about $80.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 9:05 pm
by Sunshine2Me
Another flax supporter here. My gelding gets the goopy eyes from allergies as mentioned above, and the flax does wonders for him. I would never have believed it had I not tried it.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 7:54 pm
by Rocking the Sandbox
MTG has come out with a scented alternative to combat this common complaint

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 2:24 am
by tempi20017
I love MTG for scratches, but be careful if you are showing. Horses will come up positive on a drug test, especially with the scented version. I don't know for what positive but my daughter's trainer strongly recommends she not use it.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 3:47 pm
by Cymraes
Does flax help with sweet itch? Do you feed it whole or ground?

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:49 am
by Saddlebum
I know flax needs to be ground up and fed fresh to maintain it's benefits. I've just started feeding it to my horse and donkey.

How much does everyone feed at a time and how many times a day?

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 4:46 pm
by Fatcat
Saddlebum wrote:I know flax needs to be ground up and fed fresh to maintain it's benefits. I've just started feeding it to my horse and donkey.

How much does everyone feed at a time and how many times a day?

I feed HorseTech's stabilized ground flaxseed product, Nutraflax. It won't go rancid, and has a balanced Ca:P ratio. I feed a half cup a day. You can feed more, but mine are on weight control diets.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 10:31 pm
by Code3
I feed the same brand as fatcat, HorseTech. I feed 1/2 cup twice daily. You can also buy whole flax and grind it in a coffee grinder right before you feed it.

Re: Alternatives to MTG?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 1:51 am
by Saddlebum
Here is a good article I found about Flax Seed and the benefits to horses, whether to grind or not to grind...

http://www.understanding-horse-nutritio ... -seed.html