Horse with no tail?

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Horse with no tail?

Postby boco » Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:05 am

So, I’m going to a rescue on Sunday to meet a horse that sounds great for me, but due to a pasture accident, has no tail. Not like a little draft horse tail nubbin, but no tail whatsoever. Beyond the somewhat disconcerting aesthetics of this, would there be any disadvantages of a tailless horse? I imagine flies would be a problem, but if the tail is an extension of the spine, would it’s absence cause issues?

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Re: Horse with no tail?

Postby Chisamba » Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:51 am

I had a horse who broke his tail very close to the spine and was subsequently unable to swish his tail, he came back sound.

I enjoy taking on acrescue. It's very rewarding, but I would suggest you consult a professional, ie a soundness veterinarian on the specific injury of the horse.

Yes flies must be horrid, and fly sheets will become very soiled I imagine, unless you manufacture a hoop to hold the fabric away from the body a bit.

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