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Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:08 pm
by kande50
Any suggestions for a western saddle style that might fit this horse?

The more I try saddles on him the more I'm thinking that I'm going to have to add shims to fill in that dip just behind his shoulder, because otherwise the front of the tree is going to sit on top of his shoulder blade and then the saddle's going to bridge across that dip?

Or, if the front of the tree sits behind the shoulder blade then it's going to tip down into that dip and not only make the saddle super downhill, but the front of the tree would dig into his shoulder blade? So the only solution I can think of is to fill in that dip?

Lucky back (800x600).jpg
Lucky back (800x600).jpg (133.47 KiB) Viewed 10667 times
Lucky back 1 (800x600).jpg
Lucky back 1 (800x600).jpg (170.13 KiB) Viewed 10667 times
Lucky back 3 (800x600).jpg
Lucky back 3 (800x600).jpg (133.68 KiB) Viewed 10667 times

Video of him moving:

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:57 am
by StraightForward
I don't have any experience with them, but you might look into the Black Rhino saddles. They have more varieties of trees than most western saddles. However, it looks like he might become a wide load with more topline development, so a FQHB tree with what they call a built-up pad might work to fill in behind the withers for now.

My new mare is kind of similar - fairly wide, flat back, but tent-shaped with a prominent wither currently. I didn't see how it fit, but her previous owner was riding her in a Crates reining saddle that I am guessing was FQHB judging from the shape of her primary reining horse.

And have you posted details about this new horse?

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:21 pm
by Canyon
Specialized Saddles has a 3-D fitting system that might be worth investigating. I’ve never tried any of their saddles but have seen a rep’s demo at a clinic.

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:52 pm
by kande50
StraightForward wrote:I don't have any experience with them, but you might look into the Black Rhino saddles. They have more varieties of trees than most western saddles. However, it looks like he might become a wide load with more topline development, so a FQHB tree with what they call a built-up pad might work to fill in behind the withers for now.

I have a feeling that he may not put on much muscle around his withers because of the way he moves? His neck comes up out of his withers nicely and he marches along with his head and neck in a good position, but he seems to be detached at the withers. So he walks out and is smooth gaited, but he's a very flat mover. I have seen him lift his front end out in pasture, but he was ridden in a curb and seems to be pretty grounded (forehand heavy) under saddle.

My new mare is kind of similar - fairly wide, flat back, but tent-shaped with a prominent wither currently. I didn't see how it fit, but her previous owner was riding her in a Crates reining saddle that I am guessing was FQHB judging from the shape of her primary reining horse.

I was planning to look at Crates saddles for some reason. Maybe because I had it back in the dim recesses of my mind that they fit a lot of odd backs?

And have you posted details about this new horse?

18 years old, maybe 14.3 but that's mostly wither, and likely never done anything other than trail ride. At first I thought he was probably QH but now I'm thinking maybe a non-gaiting gaited horse, just judging from how lateral his walk gets before he trots. Fox trotter maybe?

He's a very cute horse. A neighbor had him but wasn't using him, and the horse hadn't been out of the pasture for at least 4 years so he decided to sell him. He was great at the barn where he'd lived for 10 years, but turned into a screaming idiot here and it hasn't decreased much in the month he's been here. He and Sting both seem to have reverted to stallions and they're both claiming one of the mares. I never thought I'd see this, but Sting is doing way better than the screaming idiot. :-)

But other than the screaming he's a bit head shy (as I found out when he bashed me in the face), and a bit spooky/jumpy, but we're hopeful that he'll work out because it's not easy to find a good trail horse for a 65 year old husband who would really prefer something nice and quiet that just follows along.

So now to peruse Black Rhinos and Specialized Saddles, which sound really interesting and might even fit my mule, too!

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:33 am
by jaybird660
I'd love to see a photo from behind the tail as well but you might consider saddles that have more depth in the front half of the panel such as a drop, skid row or K panel and full front gussets. Those will give support for the tree width so that the saddle doesn't dive down into the base of the withers.

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:59 pm
by angela9823
How are is feet and teeth? The muscling on his shoulder area (some tension shown) and you stating he is moving a bit lateral in the walk makes me wonder if he's got some pain on the front end. He doesn't have a Fox Trotter look but maybe a Rocky Mountain? Either way, I'd still think he looks to possibly have some issues going on up front somewhere. Even head shyness could be related to teeth. Of course, I could be way off base here but might be worth the investigation.

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:17 pm
by Srhorselady
There are gaited, ambling, single footing quarter horses, although you don't see a lot of them now. They were more common in the 1940s and 50s. He doesn't look like the Missouri Fox Trotters a friend used to breed and train.

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:33 pm
by kande50
jaybird660 wrote:I'd love to see a photo from behind the tail as well but you might consider saddles that have more depth in the front half of the panel such as a drop, skid row or K panel and full front gussets. Those will give support for the tree width so that the saddle doesn't dive down into the base of the withers.

Thanks. I didn't have a lot of luck getting good pix today (it was dark and he didn't like the flash), but this one doesn't look too distorted.
Lucky back top 4.JPG
Lucky back top 4.JPG (81.24 KiB) Viewed 10579 times

Lucky back top 3.JPG
Lucky back top 3.JPG (100.67 KiB) Viewed 10579 times
Lucky back top 2.JPG
Lucky back top 2.JPG (82.35 KiB) Viewed 10579 times

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:35 pm
by kande50
Two more:
Lucky back top (1).JPG
Lucky back top (1).JPG (125.23 KiB) Viewed 10579 times

Re: Saddle suggestions for new horse--pix

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:57 pm
by kande50
angela9823 wrote:Kande,
How are is feet and teeth? The muscling on his shoulder area (some tension shown) and you stating he is moving a bit lateral in the walk makes me wonder if he's got some pain on the front end. He doesn't have a Fox Trotter look but maybe a Rocky Mountain? Either way, I'd still think he looks to possibly have some issues going on up front somewhere. Even head shyness could be related to teeth. Of course, I could be way off base here but might be worth the investigation.

I'll have him vetted here soon, but his teeth look good and he appears to be sound from what I can tell. Not a mark on him anywhere except for his head, and that's from wearing a nylon halter for 10 years. He did just have 4 years off, although it sounds like he did long (but not necessarily frequent) trail rides for 6 years before that, and it shows, because he obviously knows what he's doing out on trail.

His feet are pretty good. They'll need to develop more because I can tell that he can feel the stones on the gravel roads, but he can wear boots if he needs them.