At the time, I was asking because it was mentioned in a passage on changing bend in Dressage Principles Base on Biomechanics.
I didn't realize that there is a long description of SS at the end of that book.
So anyway, riding with minimal pressure in the stirrups, the idea is to push down just a little with the toe to put the grounded foot just a little more into the ground, much like pushing the gas pedal on a car. It can be combined with other HH aids, or used lightly on its own. I only have a very green horse to experiment on, but I'm finding that it's a really nice, subtle aid to help her, especially with lateral balance, without disturbing the forward motion. It's helping me with improving the timing of my aids because if I SS at the wrong moment, I can tell, but being so subtle, there isn't really any harm done, and then I get the improved balance once I time it correctly. It seems to also keep the rider's hip angle open, and highlights how subtle effective aids can/should be, which is a nice bonus.
So I was curious if anyone else knows of this aid and uses it, or has been using it for a long time? Thomas Ritter is the only one I've ever heard/read mentioning it, but it seems so valuable and like it should be more widely used. Perhaps the pros use it unconsciously and keep the secret away from us?