A few cheers for this lovely gang of earnest horse people (please forgive me for exclusions---it is memory not a lack of appreciation!!):
-Hope you have a great schooling show, Mountaineer!
-Chiasamba, I always like the softness I see in your nice work. I do hope this is one horse you will get to keep.
-Imperini, it sounds like you and Pal have been doing fabulously! It is a lot to make a positive working relationship with a smart mare.
-SF, your view is mind-blowing and I think Anna is looking very good! Are you really glad you made the move to your new barn?
-DJR, I wish you good weather and many rides, soon! You are getting a "pile" of talented horses to keep in work. Maybe you need a working student/helper?!
-Khall, I await FC and other Rip updates soon.
-And Demi, I hope you are feeling better and soon back at work with the lovely Rocky and that your "student" and Emma are doing well together.
With the high winds we've had lately, I have been extra grateful to have dear Miss Emi as my partner. I board with all of these brave eventers, but they are pretty careful about riding out of the arena on their sparky mounts. I love to get out of the arena--and Emi is so willing to both tour and work--even when it feels like we're cantering into a standstill aka 30 mph winds!!